The Human Condition Ch. 05


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"Do you like the symphony?" He asked.

No, was the word that immediately came to mind, although truthfully I had no experience to base that opinion on. Like most young American males; my musical taste ran the gamut of rock to heavy metal.

"Yes, though I don't know much about it." Hey, if the guy had asked me if I liked watching pigs being slaughtered, I'd have agreed, if it meant seeing him again.

"Great, I have tickets to the D.S.O. for a special matinee tomorrow. We'll go and have dinner afterwards."

"Sounds terrific." I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about.

"I'll pick you up at 1," he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "See you then."

I nodded, my cock immediately hard from the soft touch of his lips. It didn't even occur to me until after he'd disappeared, that he hadn't bothered to ask for my address.

The next morning, I rose from my bed as nervous as a virgin on prom day. I shaved carefully then showered stroking myself into a climax that almost made a bulls-eye on the target I'd painted on the shower wall. The night before I'd hit it thinking of Cam's hot skin and hard muscles. I washed carefully, preparing for whatever was on the menu for after dinner.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. Joe was sitting at my table drinking the coffee he'd apparently helped himself to from my machine.

"Hey," he said slurping at his cup.

"Hey yourself."

"Hot date?" He pointed to my bed where I had laid out most of my wardrobe.

"Er, something like that."

I wasn't sure if I should keep my budding romance with Cam a secret for now. The man obviously had been trying to keep his sexual preferences under wraps. It wasn't my job to challenge that.

"With Cam?"

So much for secrets. I stared at Joe in surprise. Except for his occasional forays into reading my mind, he had never been very perceptive.

"Come on Mike," he answered my unspoken question. "It was obvious. The guy never took his eyes off you."

I couldn't help it. I started to grin.

Joe rolled his eyes. "Oh shit, you're gone," he shook his head and stared at his coffee.

"He's great, isn't he?"

The question was rhetorical. There was no denying how terrific Cam Montgomery was.

I walked over to the bed and looked at my pathetic collection of ties. Joe was silent. I glanced back at him. He was still staring into his coffee cup. An uneasy feeling settled into the pit of my stomach.

"Joe, you liked Cam didn't you?" This time I meant to have an answer.

"Yeah, he was okay."

Uh oh, his voice was flat and he still wasn't meeting my eyes. I sat across from him at the table.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Are you sure?"

I flinched, as he unconsciously repeated my words from the night before.

"I mean he's so much older, successful. It doesn't sound like the start of a very equal relationship."

"Gee dad," I said, feeling a little bit better now that I realized Joe was just being an over concerned friend. "I'm a big boy now. I think I'm ready for the big leagues."

"Think you're ready for 'The Show'?" Joe relaxed and looked up at me.

"Yep, batter up," I stood, as Joe groaned.

I walked over to the bed and picked up a shirt and tie and held them up and looked at the mirror. I threw them back into a pile on the bed and tried again.

"What do you think?" I turned to Joe.

"That I'm not Mr. Blackwell, asshole. Pick out your own fuck me clothes," he walked over to the sink and put his cup down. "I gotta get going." He walked to the door.

"Hey Mike."

"Mmmm?" I was still engrossed in my wardrobe selection, so I missed the serious tone in his voice.

"Be careful," he said softly. "This guy really is a player. I don't want you to carried away here."

My head shot up and I studied the concerned look in his face. I appreciated the sentiment, but dammit it wasn't really any of his business.

"I think that's my decision to make, don't you?" I was careful to keep the hint of anger I was feeling out of my voice.

"Yeah, you're right," Joe backed down. "Later." And he was gone.

I'd like to say, that I thought about Joe's reaction after he left. Even now, I wonder how things would have turned out if I'd just taken the time to make him explain himself. But Hell, I was in testosterone heaven. The only thing I could think about was one o'clock was taking a fucking long time to get here.

I dressed, thought about it, undressed, beat off again, showered, redressed. I was twenty one, the age of almost unlimited orgasms, if Cam wanted to play later I'd be ready, but at least this way I wouldn't embarrass myself by sprouting wood the minute I saw him.

I was still done primping a good forty minutes before Cam was supposed to arrive. I pretended to read and went quietly stir crazy. It was 1:10. I'd finally accepted he wasn't going to show, when I heard a knock at my door.

It was Cam. He was wearing a blue blazer, tan chinos and a striped tie. It was the ultimate preppy look, and an outfit I'd seen him in many times, at work. He looked at me and burst out laughing.

Unconsciously, I had chosen basically the same clothes. I flushed, as I realized I'd done something so juvenile.

"Hey, imitation is the purest form of flattery," he said, pushing me away from the door and entering. "But, I think we're a little early into this to start dressing like twins; don't you agree?"

He walked over to my closet where I'd just rehung everything I'd been thinking of wearing. He flipped through some hangers.

"Here," he pulled my only other sport coat out; a camel cashmere I'd gotten at a second hand shop. "Wear this, and where is that green crew neck you have? I like that color on you."

I took off my blazer and he grabbed another tie. I put it on along with the sweater that I got from a dresser drawer. I topped it off with the sport coat.

Cam stood back and eyed my appreciatively. "Much better."

We left and headed into Detroit. The D.S.O., I found out, was the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. We made our way to Symphony Hall; the show we went to was for charity and we had a box all to ourselves. I lived through it, just. It was some modern composer, no melody and lots of weird humming.

We didn't speak on our way to a little restaurant in Greek Town. When we got there, Cam grabbed my hand and stopped me at the door.

"So, what'd you think?" He said softly.

"Great, it was just great."

He looked at me, smiled and tilted his head.

I gave up and grinned back. "It really sucked Cam."

"It did, didn't it?"

We both started to laugh.

Then Cam leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I'll have to think of something to make it up to you."

"I have a list," I shot back.

We laughed again, and Cam led me into the restaurant. Inside it was dark and quiet; we found a little table tucked into a private corner. Cam seemed to want to know everything about me and I had no will to refuse him. I told him about my home, family, how I'd felt when I first realized I was gay.

I asked him questions too; but he shook his head. "Tonight is for your story. There will be others to tell you mine."

After a spectacular meal, full of things I'd never heard of, we walked. It had rained at some point, while we were eating; the streets were wet, the air sharp with the aroma of lamb and wet car exhaust.

We visited a place with a belly dancer and she embarrassed the shit out of me, when she gave me a lap dance. Cam laughed till tears rolled down his face. We ate baklava from an all night bakery and dripped honey down our chins. He shoved me into a dark alley and licked my face clean, then smiled and refused to let me return the favor.

It was after 1 AM when we finally turned into my driveway. We'd spent 12 hours together. It felt like 12 minutes. I asked him up, but he said no. I was frustrated, and I let it show.

"Let's take our time Mike," he said gently, and stroked the side of my face with his long fingers. "Let me court you."

"I'm a sure thing," I responded bluntly and he laughed.

"I guessed that," he said dryly. "But I want to take our time here. We'll dance Mike, I promise you. Just not yet."

He gave me a light, closed mouth kiss that only made me ache for more. I grumbled, which made him laugh again.

"When do you work again?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning and Wednesday evening."

"Hmmm, I have a deposition tomorrow in Jackson; it'll probably take all day," he noticed the disappointment on my face.
"But Wednesday, well... I may have to work late that night."

It was all the encouragement he was going to give me. I got out of the car and walked up the stairs to my apartment; then I watched until his headlights faded into the darkness. Once again, my hand reached down to my cock.

I made it through Monday and Tuesday and eventually, Wednesday arrived. Cam, good to his word worked late. He stopped by and casually asked me if I wanted to grab a sandwich. Of course I did. We went to Zimmerman's and ate corned beef. Again, I found myself frustrated when, he finished and said goodbye without once touching me.

Thursday was better. We caught a flick at the local art house. We shared buttered popcorn, and he held my hand in the dark. His leg pressed against mine, and his breath was warm on my cheek, when he'd whisper an aside about the lousy directing in the movie. When we stood, he noticed the lump in my crotch and it delighted him. But, once again, he let me go home by myself.

Friday he called and asked me if I'd made any plans for Sunday. When I said no, he told me he was getting ready to put up his boat for the winter but wanted one more sail, if the weather permitted. I had never been on any of the big lakes, I told him.

"It's fun, you'll like it," he assured me.

We talked for a few more minutes, then he had to go. I looked around my apartment. Sunday seemed a long way off; and I had nothing planned between then and now.

Except for the Tuesday poker game, I hadn't spoken to any of my friends all week, not even Joe. Now he and the rest of the team were in Urbana for a game against the Illini. They wouldn't get home until Sunday morning, at the earliest.

Another group of friends, including Kevin and Saul, had gone down to West Virginia to do some rafting on the Gaulley River's big fall water releases. I'd gone the year before, and had been planning to repeat, but I'd canceled at the last minute, sure that Cam and I would be spending the weekend together.

It wasn't that I usually minded being alone. I liked downtime. But I was disappointed that my fantasies about Cam were not going to happen, and it made being by myself seem almost unbearable. I tried to study, then I tried to read, finally I flopped down in front of the boob tube with a 40 ouncer of beer and had myself a pity party.

I woke up in exactly the same spot, early the next morning. I was disgusted with myself. I was acting like some lovesick idiot. The problem was I told myself I'd been spoiled. In almost all my other relationships I had called the shots. It was, I was finding out fast, not as much fun to be on the receiving end.

But I was determined to stop acting like some silly adolescent.
I got up and fixed myself a big breakfast. Then I showered, shaved, and got ready to tell Cam that I was through being his plaything. Relationships are give and take; it was his turn to do some giving.

There was a knock at my door while I was still in the bathroom dressing. I thought it was probably Lucy. She'd gotten in the habit of dropping by every so often for tea and sarcasm. I'd left the door unlocked when I'd gone out to get my paper, so I just yelled for her to come in.

I zipped my jeans, threw my shirt over one shoulder and walked out of the john expecting to see her, but she wasn't there. Instead, I could see a tall shape through the old glass in the door's window. I went over and jerked it open. I froze.

Cam stood there in a skimpy pair of running shorts and a torn sweatshirt with cut sleeves. On his feet, were the rattiest pair of running shoes I'd ever seen. His socks and legs were splashed with mud. Sweat had pooled at base of his neck and chest and turned the red shirt black. He looked wonderful.


"What are you doing here?"

"This," he grabbed me by the shoulders and swung me around until my back hit the wall. His mouth came down on mine hard, and I gasped, giving his tongue the opening it needed.

Dimly, I heard the door slam as his foot kicked it shut. Then he moved in closer with his body until every inch of our fronts were touching. I couldn't breath. I didn't care. My arms went around him and gripped with all the pent up lust I had stored up in that frustrating week. He pushed his cock into mine and they both stood up to make the other's acquaintance. We ground into each other, mixing pain with unbelievable pleasure. Abruptly, he raised his head and gasped in air.

"Christ, that was worth the wait!" He said between gasps.

I said nothing. I was too busy, trying to taste every inch of skin on his neck. He obliged me by tilting his head, but he continued to talk.

"I was running, trying to get you out of my head and then I suddenly thought; why the hell am I postponing the inevitable? I want you Mike. Right now."

I didn't have to be told twice. I knelt in front of him and grabbed the waistband of his pants. They were tight, and I struggled until it finally sunk into my sex-crazed brain that they had a drawstring. I pulled it and they slid down with a push. The jockstrap he wore followed easily. Then I had a good look.

It was huge. Okay, before we get carried away here, I don't mean John Holmes huge, Cam was a lawyer, not a porn king. But it was the biggest I'd ever seen. I was no slouch in the size department either, being in proportion, so to speak, with the rest of my body, but Cam had me beat both in width and length.

I'd never been a size queen. It's not the tool, it's what you do with it, had always been my motto. But now I found myself fascinated. I smelled his crotch. The odor was sharp and slightly sour with the smell of sweat. My mouth watered in anticipation. I had no idea how I was ever going to fit that monster between my lips, but I was determined to make it happen.

I placed my hands on his tensed thighs and studied the problem. Tentatively, I stuck out my tongue and licked up a stream of his nectar. It was not the best I'd ever tasted; but it would do. His cock flexed at my touch; a long string of the viscous precum followed me, when I sat back. I slurped it in like a string of spaghetti and found my lips were touching his head when I was through.

Since I was already there, I opened my mouth and invited him in.

"Oh God." Cam whispered.

He moaned, and I forced my mouth open wider and shoved another couple inches in, right up to my gag reflex. I took a deep breath and looked up at Cam's face. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open as he gasped for air.

My tongue traced the big vein that ran down the side of his shaft. His head banged against the wall and he started to rock it back and forth, back and forth, as his balls began to rise up to the base of his shaft. He was whimpering now, far along on a journey that could end in only one way.

My own cock was stone, but I couldn't be bothered with it. I was only concerned about the man in front of me; his pleasure was mine. I took another breath and bore down on the tool that already filled my mouth to capacity. Then I swallowed. And swallowed again.

Cam exploded. A wave of cum crashed into my mouth; I thought I'd drown in it. His hips bucked and his cock jammed deeper into my throat. I struggled to breath and finally had to back off. Jizz spilled out of my mouth and down his twitching pole. Without warning, my own orgasm hit. I convulsed once, twice; my knees gave out, and I collapsed.

I was in his arms. He was kneeling, pulling me to him. He cradled me gently, murmuring into my ear hypnotically. I tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Cam stroked me soothingly.

"Mike, buddy. Are you still with me here?"

I tried to speak again, this time with more success. "Did I just die? I mean, when do I have to go towards the light?"

"I think we both just did that, Mike."

Cam laughed and massaged my back and talked nonsense that I didn't try to understand except, for the tone, which was warm and soothing. We lay there for a long time until finally, my breathing grew normal. Eventually, I was able to command my body to make simple movements and I raised my head to look at him.

"Do you think you can get up now?" He asked me.

I nodded yes and we proceeded to untangle ourselves from each other. Cam made it to his feet first. He was still wearing the sweatshirt and his shoes and socks. I grinned at his new look. His cock hung soft and harmless below the hem of the shirt, and bore no resemblance to the monster I'd just taken in my mouth.

I looked up at Cam's face smiling down at me. He held his hand out and I took it, pushing myself up with his help. He pulled me to him and hugged me; then stepped back still holding me and looked down.

"Looks like you need another shower." He said softly.

I dropped my head and saw the big wet patch on my jeans where my cum had soaked through. I flushed.

"You have no idea how sexy it is to me, that you came just from blowing me," he assured me.

His hand reached down and caressed my damp jeans. As I watched, he took that same hand and moved it to his mouth, sucking the moisture he found there.

"Mmmm, finger licking good," he looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

For some reason, we both found this hysterically funny. We laughed until we were both out of breath, then we proceeded to strip each other and headed for the bathroom.

Cam groaned at the small tin shower, but we both managed to squeeze into it. He saw the target on the wall and grinned.

"Shit," he said shaking his head. "I'd almost forgotten how it feels to be as young as you are."

I wasn't sure if that was envy or a put down, but I decided to go with the first. "I guess it must be a bitch, to be an old man like you."

"Old man, huh?" He rubbed his filling cock up against me. "We'll just have to see about that."

He kissed me, but then he insisted we stop and clean ourselves up before we got down to anything more serious again. He took a great deal of time soaping me up, and was insistent on washing every cranny even making me spread my legs while he knelt and slid his fingers through my crack.

I shivered and slid my feet apart further, but when he suddenly pushed a finger up my hole, I involuntarily tensed.

He misread my reaction. "Not used to that I see." He said withdrawing his hand from my ass.

"Uh, no, not really." That wasn't quite true, but it wasn't far off.

I still had never taken up cock up my ass, and the longer I'd waited the more nervous I'd become about doing the deed. But something told me the day of reckoning was almost upon me. At least, it was if I planned on having any future with Cam.
The finger play had just enforced my suspicion that my days as a virgin were probably numbered, and I be lying if I said that didn't freak me out a little. Cam stood up and pulled me around to hug me.

"That's okay," he whispered. "That's a problem that's easily rectified, and a lot of fun fixing."

"Maybe later," I said noncommittally. "But now I get to explore you."

I washed him as thoroughly as he had done me. The only difference was, when it came my time to check out his pucker, he shook his head.

"Sorry," he said as he gently led my hand away from the Promised Land. That's an outie not an innie."

I looked at him surprised. "You mean you're strictly a top?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

I didn't know what to say. I mean, that was usually my line. I was pretty sure I was okay with being fucked occasionally. At least, I thought I would be, once I actually got the courage to try it the first time. But the idea of being Cam's bottom boy was something else again.