The Human Condition Ch. 10


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"Mike?" The sound of my name on Joe's lips made my heart lurch in my chest.


"I think this is a good idea."

"What's that?" I mumbled.

"Uh," he searched for the words. "You know... us not rushing things."


"I mean... it's not like we don't have time now," he continued, though I wasn't sure if he was still talking to himself or to me. "And we've waited this long..."

"Absolutely right," I said, mentally willing my erection to deflate.

"It shows maturity, a real grasp of our knowing what's important."


"Oh for fuck's sake!" Joe whipped the covers back and straddled me. "To hell with maturity!" He smashed his mouth down on mine.

Okay, he had a point. Not that I was thinking that right then, mind you. I was too busy trying to suck his tongue down my throat to worry much about anything else. I snaked my arms around Joe's back and pulled him down until he rested on me - although, 'resting' wasn't exactly an accurate description of what either of us was doing.

Joe squirmed on top of me like he couldn't get close enough. This was just fine with me and I helped him along by moving my hands down to his ass and grabbing it, shoving his groin into mine. He gasped and raised his head to look at me.

"Wait a minute," he panted. "There's something I want to do."

He lifted his hips up. But before I could protest, I felt his hand slid down my belly and without missing a beat he shoved it right under that waistband of my boxers and squeezed tenderly.

"You like?"

"Oh, God - yeah," I sighed, as he clasped my shaft and began to stroke.

"Good, cause there's more," he let go and with both hands tugged at my shorts.

I, of course, was most helpful as I was just as anxious as he was to get rid of the only clothes that separated us. As soon as he was done stripping me, he peeled off his own jockeys and then he sat back on his heels.

"Turn on the light," he ordered in a husky voice.

I reached behind me to my nightstand, and after almost knocking it over, found the switch and twisted. The light pooled in a yellow circle over half of the bed. I was only interested in one spot that it illuminated however.

I'd heard other men describe someone as having a beautiful cock. I'd even been told that about myself a time or two, but I could never understand that term. Sexy, hot, powerful, erotic... those were the adjectives that had always come to my mind when I'd looked at another guy's dick, but never beautiful. Now, for the first time I knew what those other guys were talking about.

Joe had a beautiful cock. Only a shade or two darker than the rest of him, his cock was straight, smooth, and cut, and capped by a perfectly bell-shaped knob. He was probably close to my size, and his balls were good-sized and covered with soft golden blonde down.

Joe made no noise as I studied him. For a minute I was so absorbed in looking that I almost forgot that he was aware of my scrutiny. His cock had remained hard, though, and as I watched, a drop of precum bubbled up from the tip and dropped off to make a small pool on his belly. He sucked in his breath at the touch and I transferred my gaze to his face. His cheeks were flushed, but he looked me straight in the eye.

"Okay?" He whispered.

"Oh, yeah," I answered softly. "Perfect."

Joe had been doing his own inventory and now he returned to it. I knew what he saw and I watched his face for a reaction. He finally noticed and flushed like a kid who'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do, then he grinned.

"You're bigger than me."

I shrugged. "Maybe a little longer, but I think you're thicker."

Joe was back to staring at my cock. "We can get out the measuring tape later," he murmured. Then he dove down and took my whole tool in his mouth, and promptly gagged.

I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back. "Easy there, stud," I laughed.

"Jesus Christ!" He sputtered. "How the fuck does anybody ever do that?"

"Practice and determination," I hauled up until he was face to face again, then I kissed him. "But hey, I appreciate the effort."

"It didn't seem so complicated when I was on the receiving end," Joe smiled wryly. "I want this - God knows it's all I've been thinking about for weeks," he continued. "But it's been a long time since I've felt this stupid about sex."

I shook my head. "You're doing fine." I kissed him lightly on the mouth and felt his lips quiver. "The rest we'll just figure out as we go along." He was tensing up and I worried that maybe it would have been better to wait.

His next words made think I was right. "But what if we can't?" he moaned. "Oh God, what if I'm too uptight? I don't know now if I'm gonna be able to do this!"

Joe started to draw away again, but I held him in place. Whatever should have been was in the past, and there was no going back now. If he needed a little seducing, then fine - I'd do that. But there was no way I was going to let him stop at this point. It would just make things that much more awkward later.

"Let me see if I can convince you," I murmured softly. "Maybe I just need to refresh your memory."

I gently ran my fingertips up and down his upper arms. Joe shivered and I kissed him gently then pulled back and studied his face.


He nodded.

I pivoted our bodies and gently pushed him back until he sat down on the bed. "Tell me if I go too fast," I told him.

I knelt in front of him and studied his body. God, he was beautiful! It was all I could do to keep from grabbing him. But I'm a quick learner, and I wasn't about to push him into being any more uncomfortable than he already was. Instead, I contented myself with just lightly stroking his chest, tracing the line of muscle that lay just below his skin. Almost by accident I ran a fingertip over a nipple. Joe sucked in his breath at the touch.

That seemed promising so I slid my hand to his chest hair and pulled on it lightly and he arched his back and closed his eyes. Encouraged I moved my fingers to a small taut nipple and tugged on it. He yelped and I watched as his cock throbbed.

"Ah, you're one of those guys?" I said playfully.


"Your tits are hardwired to your cock," and to prove my point, I rubbed it again only to have the satisfaction of seeing the nub swell and redden.

"No! I mean, yes... God, I don't know - I've never..." He gave up and arched his back and moaned quietly.

I smiled down at his startled eyes. "Good. It gives me something to work with."

I followed up my words with a hand to his other nipple and gently tweaked it. Joe just groaned and thrashed some more. It was too good an opportunity to pass up, so I leaned in and gently tugged on the first nub with my teeth.

"Shit! Don't stop!" He hissed.

Not a problem. I licked and sucked and bit until I could tell my boy was just about out of his mind. But even though I could have been happy doing just that all night, I was on a mission, and I wasn't going to be sidetracked.

I rose up to my knees and crawled into the center of the bed and held out my hand. Joe shook his head as if he was trying to get it back on straight. Then, slowly, he realized if he wanted any more, he was going to have to come to me.

He sat up and grinned. "You can be a real hard-ass, can't you?"

"Oh, you have no idea." Then I grabbed his arms and roughly pulled him to me.

I found the small of his back and pressed our chests together. I sprawled over him pushing him back into the pillows and kissed him hard. He made a little moan in the back of his throat as I sucked the breath out of his lungs then blew it back. I repeated the breathing trick until both of us were starved for oxygen. We broke our kiss only because it was that or pass out.

"Convinced?" I could only manage the one word.

"Need... a little... more... data." He gasped.

"Damn scientists! So analytical," I muttered as I searched for, and found, his earlobe and bit it gently.

"Oh God, that's incredible!" His groin ground into my hip; I could feel his cock hard and pulsing against me.

"Hmmm, another hot point to file away." I raised my head and met his eyes.

Still panting, we stared at each other. I could see all his questions, all his doubts, but I could see need, too. I lowered my head and sucked his soft lobe back into my mouth with gentle lips.

Joe groaned and pulled me tighter to him. Slowly, I moved my hand from around his back to his hip. Then I pulled back and watched his face as I brought it further, dragging my fingers through his pubic hair, pulling ever-so-slightly until his hips squirmed. Joe's eyes widened as he felt me reach his shaft.

I watched a muscle by his mouth twitch in an involuntary response to my touch and I encouraged it by wrapping my fingers around his rock-hard flesh and giving it a light squeeze. He shuddered and his eyes widened, but still we didn't break our gaze. Then I started to stroke... up and down, up and down... and I saw his eyes dull as lust finally grabbed him.

I didn't want to make him cum with my hand. It wouldn't have been new; he'd already done that before with a guy, half a lifetime ago. I wanted to mark him, imprint him; start us out with a first for Joe.

I took my hand off his cock and was gratified when his hips followed it, trying to get me to return to his center of pleasure. I pushed him further into the pool of light from the lamp. Bright light wasn't strictly necessary for our pleasure, but again, I wanted to push him, to make sure he knew that he was with me: Mike, a man.

I sat back on my heels and let him take another good look at my cock. He said nothing, but when I held out my hand, he took it and pulled me down until I sprawled on top of him. I shifted my hips and for the first time our cocks touched.

Joe arched his back and twisted his head, his eyes screwed tightly shut, then both of us froze as we fought the desperate need to shoot, which the electric contact had instantaneously created in us. I felt his heart pounding in his chest and I realized it matched mine, beat for beat. A long minute later I moved my head and found his lips already open, already inviting me in.

That kiss went on forever and still it was over too soon. But my full weight on Joe finally got the better of him and he struggled under me until he finally got his hands on my shoulders and pushed gently. I let go of his mouth with a gasp and looked at him.

"I'm sorry," he panted, "I can't breathe."

"Sorry," I said, rising up on my elbows. "Let's see if I can't find a way to solve the problem."

I moved farther up off his chest and bent my head down and nuzzled his neck. Joe sighed and his arms wrapped around my neck. I licked and teased my way down to his collarbone and then looked up at him.


"Oh God, yes!" He groaned and then yelped as I took a nipple in my mouth and bit down gently.

Joe slid his arms down my back and stroked me gently. I shivered under his touch, but I wasn't concerned about getting off myself. My whole being was concentrated on Joe's body and Joe's pleasure. I could feel his erection pressing into me, the heat of it searing me. His precum flowed out of him, leaving a sticky trail on my belly as I slid further down on his sweating chest, leaving his nipples to dig my tongue in his navel. It tickled him and he laughed and then groaned as my tongue finally found the tip of his cock.

His taste was salty and sweet and instantly addicting. I lapped it up like a thirsty dog. Joe said nothing, but his breath was coming in short gasps now, and I knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer. My hand slipped to his sack and rubbed gently as I took his entire length into my mouth, feeling that familiar bump as the glans hit the back of my throat. His hands came down to my head. He didn't hold me, though, but only gently stroked my hair.

"Mike," he whispered hoarsely, "please... you've got to stop. I'm gonna cum."

I lifted off him with a wet pop and looked up at him and grinned, then I took him back in my mouth. I ran my tongue over the underside of his shaft and tasted the hard sweetness of him and I felt my own balls rise as the reality hit me: This was Joe I was making love to!

I moaned deep in my throat and he answered with a gasp. His hips were thrusting uncontrollably now, forcing his cock deep into my mouth. I loved it and pushed down, trying to take every bit of him inside me. I was lost now; there was nothing in my world except the feel of Joe... the smell of him... the slick, salty wetness of his skin.

"Mike..." Joe cried out and froze as his first shot landed on my tongue.

His cream tasted like heaven, but I don't think I was really a good judge at that moment. All I knew was that after four long years, I was finally making love with the man I'd always wanted. He filled me up and yet I needed more. I don't know how many shots he gave me; you don't count when you're feeling the way I was. All I knew - all I could think about - was that I wanted to live in that moment forever.

But of course, that wasn't going to happen. After a few seconds, I could feel him softening in my mouth. I'm always extremely sensitive after I climax, so I'm hyper-aware of doing anything that might destroy the pleasure that had just gone before. I opened my mouth to reluctantly let Joe's cock free.

"No," he whispered fiercely.

I raised my eyes and looked at him startled. He was propped on his elbow watching me. His face was flushed and his eyes glittered, but he shook his head when he saw the question in my eyes.

"Please... don't let go - not yet."

Since this went right along with my fondest wishes, I had no trouble complying. Gently, I suckled his cock. In a way, this was almost more satisfying than the heated passion we'd just experienced. Cautiously, I licked at his tender skin, cleaning him while I searched his face for discomfort.

There wasn't any. Joe watched for a moment, then with a sigh, leaned back and closed his eyes. I wondered if he was actually drifting off to sleep. But a few moments later, I felt strong arms pulling me up until I was at face level with my new lover. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him.

"That was... amazing," he said, drawing a long sigh of contentment. "If I hadn't already loved you, that might've done the trick."

Automatically, he leaned down to where my head rested on his shoulder and searched out my mouth. I opened my lips under his and watched, trying to gauge his reaction, as he tasted his own cum.

I broke the kiss and smiled. "What do you think?"

He considered the question for a moment and I could see he was running his tongue around the inside of his mouth. After a few seconds he grinned back at me.

"You know, I'm not completely innocent. I have tasted myself before."

I pretended to be disappointed. "Well, then, we're just going to have to think up another new experience for you tonight."

He raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm, what did you have in mind?"

"I thought," I said carefully, "that maybe I'd let you make that decision."

"Okay." He sounded thoughtful, but not, thank God, as nervous as he'd been ten minutes ago. He looked my body up and down, as if studying it. "I know what I'd like to do. I'm just not sure I'm really qualified to give the job the, uh... proper attention it deserves."

I laughed lazily even as my heart pounded in anticipation. "Don't worry about that. There're extra points for enthusiasm."

"Then maybe this might just turn out okay," he murmured before pressing his mouth to mine again.

Now it was my turn to lie on my back. And this time, Joe didn't attempt to take everything in one big gulp. Instead, he seemed to think it would be best to drive me crazy with his slowness.

It worked.

At first, he tasted every inch of skin from my hairline to my toes. Except, for those oh so important inches that strained to get his attention at every opportunity. When he was done with that, he proceeded to really make me insane by demanding I turn over so he could finish off the job. The fact that in the meantime I was on the verge of exploding didn't seem to bother him a bit.

It wasn't until I was moaning like a five-dollar whore that he finally took pity on me and had me roll over again. And even then he didn't try to put his mouth on my favorite body part. It was a good thing I was past the point of speech, or he might have heard a few things that would have shocked even his jaded ears.

"Spread your legs," he finally commanded.

This seemed like a really good sign, so I decided to do him one better and not only spread my legs, but lifted them until my knees rested on my chest. I'm always nothing if not accommodating, and if Joe wanted a clear shot, I was sure as shit going to give it to him.

He raised his eyebrows and the bastard had the nerve to laugh. "Jesus, Mike! I didn't know you were this easy."

I just growled at him and I think he realized that his life was going to be in grave danger if he didn't make his move. The next thing I knew, I felt a hand on the base of my shaft and a hot, wet mouth enveloping the rest of it. I moaned and it was all I could do to hold still and not thrust hard enough to poke a hole through the back of his head.

"Mmmmm," he hummed sending quakes of lust through my body and then he popped his mouth off of me and grinned. "Now, I think I'm getting the hang of this." Then he slurped at my corona with his tongue and watched as I writhed.

I'd like to tell you that Joe was absolutely perfect in everything he did, but... well, this is real life we're talking about, and things just don't go that way the first time for anything - especially sex. He couldn't get more than the first few inches of my dick into his mouth without choking, and I know he scraped me with his teeth more than once. But none of that mattered. It was still the best goddamned blowjob I'd ever had, bar none. Because I found out that night that skill has nothing on need, and I needed Joe more than I had ever needed anything else in my life.

At one point, I managed to prop myself up on my elbows and we made eye contact. He was serious now, his whole being concentrating on giving me the pleasure that was as important to him as his own. I understood that. It was exactly the same feeling I'd had just a brief time before. As I felt a familiar warm wave begin to rush out from my groin, and my balls tightened and my cock swelled, I groaned out loud and struggled to keep watching, to see his face as the first blast hit the back of his tongue. His eyes widened momentarily, and then darkened with an emotion that sent a warmth to my heart that had nothing to do with my orgasm, even as stupendous as that was. And then I was lost, carried away in a moment of lust and love and the thought that this was only the beginning.

Joe had collapsed. His head rested on my hip, his mouth still inches from my now soft, but sated cock. I wanted to pull him up to me, to feel his lips on mine, but my body was still in that state of bliss that wouldn't allow it to even think of moving, wrapped in a wave of pleasure that seemed to vibrate and envelop the entire room.

We lay there silent for a few moments. I couldn't tell you whether it was five minutes or an hour, but eventually, I felt him stir. I looked down to see his eyes were open and watching me. He smiled.

"Hi," I said in a thick voice I barely recognized. "How ya doing?"

He stretched lazily and then crawled up carefully until he was lying full out on top of me. He kissed me and now it was my turn to taste my seed on his tongue. It was an experience I wanted to experience again and again for the rest of my life.

"I think the question should be," he said when he finally broke the kiss, "how are you doing?"

"I love you," I said simply.

"Then I was... okay?"