The Rings Ch. 02


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"But it wasn't all a lie. Karin promised you a party and I think it's time we got the party going, don't you big boy?" Danni teased as she dropped her little hand into Vance's lap and ringed the base of his cock with her thumb and forefinger. Gently she began to stroke him, watching him eagerly for his response.

"Don't forget about me baby!..." Nadia purred as she reached in from her side and cupped her little fingers around Vance's balls and gave them an encouraging squeeze.

"Oh shit!..." Vance gasped as his prick began to respond with an eager stiffening. But that rush of blood into his wickedly bowed cock turned the mild distress of a moment ago into a much more intense ache.

"Wait!...Don't!...Easy Danni!...God!...That really does hurt!..." he gasped, squirming in discomfort as he was unable to control his normal sexual response to the girls' cruel fondling. But Nadia and Danni were only just starting on him.

"Oh it's not us you have to worry about lover. It's Karin. She can be such a slut when she wants to be. Karin why don't you show him that little trick of yours..." Danni said with an encouraging nod to her friend.

Karin smiled and then advanced a little closer to the trio sprawled out on the floor in front of the couch. With her eyes fixed on Vance's she reached behind her for the zipper of her dress and lowered it. Then she reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up and over her head. As the material came free she shook her head to straighten her hair, then dropped the dress on the floor behind her. She stood there regally in front of them in nothing but her high boots and some very flimsy black underwear.

Her panties were of the sheerest material Vance had ever seen. Every hair on her pudenda, every fold of her puffy labia was clearly visible through the miniscule triangle that barely covered her mons.

The bra was a little more substantial as it would have to be to support those voluptuous mounds of hers. But Vance didn't have long to make a style assessment as Karin reached up and stretched both satiny cups down and under her boobs. She pulled her shoulders back so that those creamy orbs thrust out arrogantly above the bunched fabric that was stretched taut beneath them.

Then she reached up and lifted one of those pendulous breasts up to her mouth. Slowly her lips parted around her crimson nipple and then parted further as she greedily started suckling the end of her tit. After a moment of this she released her avid lip lock with a juicy smack but still she held her glistening breast out in front of her. Only now that breast was adorned with an incredibly swollen nipple. That engorged bud was jutting out at least an inch from her swollen aureole and was as fat around as a baby's finger. Vance had never seen anything so tantalizing in all his life. He would have given anything at that moment to be able to have that nipple and that breast in his mouth.

But that thought flitted through his mind for only the briefest nano-second. What was really pre-occupying him then was the agony that was ripping through his groin. Now the blood was pounding fiercely at the base of his cock. The way his shaft was bent so cruelly had made his knob swell up over the PVC elbow like a plum tomato. And that little tube was imbedded so deeply in his taut flesh that it was squeezing him with vice like ferocity. Danni seemed completely oblivious to his anguish as she rhythmically stroked the ring of her encircling thumb and forefinger up and down the lower portion of his dick.

"Nahhh!...Nooo!...Don't...Ahhhh!...Danni!...Please!...." Vance wailed, squirming like his ass was on fire. This time there were real tears, not pretend, starting to leak from the corner of his eyes.

"Nadia. Do you have that ball gag I asked you to bring? We don't want to disturb the neighbors." Danni said.

Nadia reached back onto the couch and into her purse with her free hand. She pulled out a ball gag and dangled it in front of Vance's swaying head.

"Here it is..." the smiling young girl said holding up the bizarre device. It was a bright red rubber ball with two leather straps to hold it in place.

Nadia took the ends of the straps in both hands, pulled the ball up against Vance's mouth and went to tie it into place behind his head. But Vance pursed his lips tight like a child and muttered..."Unn Unn!...Unn unn!...Nohh!.."

"Oh for God sake!..." Danni said, reaching up with her free hand and pinching Vance's nose closed between her thumb and forefinger. She waited for a few moments until his breathing through his pursed lips became more labored. Then she released the base of his cock and slapped his balls sharply with the palm of her hand.

There was an audible 'SMACK!' from the apex of Vance's groin, a distinct whooshing gasp as his mouth popped open in a strangled cry and a delighted.."There!" from Nadia as she snapped the ball gag into place and fastened it swiftly at the back of his head.

Danni conscientiously went back to work on the exposed portion of Vance's cock with her encircling fingers and Nadia went back to plying his balls with her provocative little fingers.

Vance's eyes were swimming with tears now as the agony radiated from his cruelly distorted tool. But still he couldn't tear his eyes away from Karin's obscene breast play. By now the tall blonde had sucked both nipples into quivering hardness and she was teasing herself by strumming them back and forth with her extended fingers. Sometimes she stopped and stretched one of those engorged nubs rudely away from her breast, moaning through slitted eyes with her own excitement when she did that.

"Ummmf!...Ummmff!...Mwahhhh!...Unnn!..." Vance moaned gutturally as the pain and excitement vied for supremacy at the center of his aching loins.

Danni was well aware of how painful her little cock cage was for Vance but she felt he had earned it. She was completely at ease with what she was doing. And then she saw that the pre-come was starting to ooze from his gaping pee slit and she knew he was getting close. She speeded up her lurid masturbation as she smiled at her friend...

"You really can be such a slut can't you Karin? Now why don't you come over here and get ready to do that thing we talked about. I think he's getting close."

Karin saw the clear goo trickling down the PVC tube clenched around Vance's cock and knew Danni was right.

She edged closer to the young man staring up at her with feverish eyes and sat down in front of him. She scooched ahead between his legs until she was sitting on the spreader bar with her ass. Her legs were bent at the knees and she draped her left leg over his right one so that she was straddling it. Then she sort of semi reclined on her elbows, reached around and resumed fondling her gleaming breasts with both hands.

Vance's eyes stared at the enticing display to the apex of Karin's loins. He could clearly see through her sheer panties that her crimson labia were swollen and dripping with her own juices.

This lewd sight send another excruciating lance of pain and excitement darting through his groin.

"Nahhh!...Ahhh!...Unnnn!..." he gasped, helplessly bucking his loins up into Danni's tirelessly pumping fingers.

Danni looked up at Karin and said..."He's almost there. Now remember what we said. Do it just like that."

"So you don't want me to hurt him?" Karin asked. Wanting to be sure she understood what Danni was saying.

Danni turned her smiling face to Vance as she answered her friend..." Oh we want you to hurt him! Just don't ....damage him!" she said thoughtfully.

And although Vance wasn't thinking clearly at that point as the tension in his loins was becoming unbearable, he did notice when Nadia removed her hand from his balls. Karin stretched her right leg out if front of her, not all the way but just far enough so that the gritty sole of her stacked heel was resting against the underside of his nuts.

But then Vance's world began to implode as his balls gave a mighty lurch and the come surged forth in a fiery orgasm. But because of the excruciating bend in his cock, his urethera was dramatically restricted. Instead of bursting out in vigorous spurts, the semen could only stream out of the end of his cock in sluggish little oozings. And that was creating an agonizing pressure in his loins as his balls furiously generated more output than his distorted cock could release.

"Ahhh!...Nahhh!...Unghhh!..." Vance cried in a howl that would have indeed brought the neighbors running if it hadn't been for the ball gag. And if it wasn't for Karin sitting on the spreader bar between his legs he probably would have been doing horizontal cartwheels around the room as his genitals screamed in pain. As it was it took all of Nadia's strength to keep him pinned against the couch as his orgasm raged through his shuddering loins.

All three girls exchanged knowing smiles as they watched Vance's frantic bucking and writhing. Danni jacked his cock with short hard strokes in a way that she knew would have him coming in body wrenching spasms. And even so, at the first sign that the agonizing pressure might be easing off just the slightest, she raised her eyes to Karin and nodded her head.

"Now!..." she purred

Karin's upper thigh twitched hard as she kicked her stacked heel into Vance's balls, driving them up into his bony pelvis and making his head snap back on his shoulders.

Vance's eyes went wide in amazement and distress. A lightning bolt of agony lanced through his groin as Karin deliberately twisted her heel up into his balls.

"Phwahhhh!...." the helpless young man cried in a keening wail, literally bouncing on his ass as Karin punished his vulnerable testicles. Beads of sweat were dotting his forehead and his shoulders strained against the strap restraining them as he struggled to escape. But the girls had him effectively bound.

Karin smiled at his frantic response as she jammed his nuts brutally up into his groin. She continued to do it for a long moment longer before she slowly relaxed her punishing leg.

When she did that Vance stopped his panicked writhing. His shoulders slumped as he concentrated on simply trying to breathe. It was as if all the wind had been knocked out of him and he was focusing his energy on just maintaining consciousness.

And that was when Danni went back to work on his still rigid cock. She was really curious to see if she could 'jump-start' his aborted orgasm. She knew that he was in shock just then. But she also knew that he had a powerful sex drive and she wondered if she could get him to come again despite his aching genitals.

"Nadia! Rub that little spot under his knob with your thumb! Karin! Tell him you didn't mean it!..." Danni instructed as she resumed a firm masturbation of the root of Vance's shaft, slow up strokes and short, hard strokes down.

Nadia did what Danni told her, using Vance's come to lubricate her deftly cruising thumb.

Karin gracefully rose to her feet and stood on the cross bar tethering his legs together. With her legs slightly parted she put her hands on her hips and bent forward at the waist. She turned her shoulders back and forth so that her pendulous breasts swung erotically from her chest.

"I'm sorry baby! I guess I just got a little excited! But I'll make it up to you! You'll see!..." Karin purred in a voice that was dripping with promise.

Vance seemed totally oblivious as he sat there slumped with his eyes unfocused. His balls were already swollen up half again beyond their normal size but they were more numb and throbbing than actually painful at that moment.

And then he seemed to notice that Nadia and Danni were determinedly manipulating his cock once more. His eyes flashed from theirs to Karin's and he realized that they were all watching him expectantly.

Danni was the first to feel it. A little helpless hunching of his loins up into her hand in time with her persuasive fondling. Her smile grew broader at that. She knew she had him.

"Don't stop!..." she instructed Nadia as she persisted in jacking Vance off with a steady hand.

Nadia continued to polish the end of Vance's prick with her little thumb, now sweeping it around and around the entire circumference of his shiny dome.

"Nahhh!..Unnn!...Ahhhh!..." Vance started to groan gutturally as that other tension started to build once more in his abused groin.

And then, without any warning, his ball lurched once more and the come began to burn through his gaping pee slit under Nadia's coaxing thumb.

"Oh yeah!..." Danni enthused.

"Wahhhh!...Aghhhh!...Naaaa!...." Vance cried through the ball gag as an excruciating combination of pleasure and pain tore through his loins. It was harder to choose which was more painful, the agonizing throb of his grossly distorted cock or the anguished convulsing of his bruised testicles.

In any case there was nothing he could do about it as his body trembled and shook and his greasy come pulsed once more from his tortured loins.

Danni watched Vance's tormented squirming with quiet satisfaction. She jerked him with practiced skill to keep him coming. And as soon as she felt that tension begin to ease again she glanced up at Karin and said..."O.K.! Do him again!..."

Vance wondered what she meant by that. But as he glanced up into Karin's smiling eyes he was in time to see her leather clad leg flashing forward just before her square toed boot connected squarely with his balls.

"Mmmfff!..." he yelped, his eyes growing big as saucers as the pain exploded once more in his groin. His head started to swim as a swirling mist obscured his vision. He was vaguely aware that Danni was still pumping him but his balls were suddenly so traumatized that they ceased to function. He turned his eyes back to Karin in a silent plea. The statuesque blonde was smiling down on him. Even as her face began to go out of focus he saw her pucker her lips at him in a mocking little kiss as she drew her leg back and unleashed another casual kick at his groin.

The ball crunching contact that followed made that flash bulb pop thing happen again in his head as Vance lost consciousness. He simply slumped back against the couch with a defeated hiss like an inflated doll that had just had all the air let out of him.

The girls stared at his recumbent form with amusement for a moment. Then Danni gave one of his shoulders a push and he toppled over awkwardly onto his side. It was only when Karin stepped off the spreader bar tying his legs together that he was able to fall over completely, one leg raised off the floor at a 45 degree angle.

"Well it looks like he's done for now. Why don't we get something to drink and see what's on TV..." Danni said.

The two other girls nodded their heads. Nadia and Danni got up and threw Karin a light sweater. Then they all went into the bathroom to see what was on ice in the bathroom sink. As an afterthought Nadia brought a plastic bag full of cubes back to the living room and sort of blanketed Vance's distended testicles with them.

Vance just lay there, periodically twitching and whimpering as if he was still getting his balls busted in his dreams.

Steven was practically a basket case when he went into Mrs. Blain's class on Monday. He and Lindsey had caught Mrs. Blain and Mr. Gerard, the vice principle, making out in his office after the dance on Friday. And then Mrs. Blain in turn had discovered her two students spying on them. Lindsey had had Steven's cock out and was giving him a hand job at the time. Afterwards Steven realized that that had probably been a really bad idea. So which way was the shit going to fly?

Steven had no idea. He imagined that Mrs. Blain might have turned in her resignation in disgrace or alternatively might have him suspended for an invasion of her privacy and/or indecent behavior. And there were a hundred other possibilities that had occurred to him, many of which involved him losing the opportunity to go on to college because he had let Lindsey jack him off in front of his favorite teacher.

The one outcome that he hadn't considered was that nothing at all would happen after the events of Friday night. Mrs. Blain was there on Monday of course, looking as glamorous as ever. And she was no more or less approachable in her class than she had been throughout the rest of the year. She didn't dart any withering glances his way or fail to ask him an occasional question. In a short while Steven let out a great sigh of relief as the possibility dawned on him that everybody was going to pretend that nothing had happened in the vice principle's office after the dance. And that was perfectly alright with him.

He was happy to fall back into the role of worshipful geek which is what he was. About mid week he approached Lindsey to ask about what happened after he left on Friday night. He found her response very strange. She looked at him like the cat who ate the canary and just said that she didn't no what he was talking about. When he pressed her further all she said was that as far as she was concerned nothing unusual had happened on Friday night. That and if he knew what was good for him he better not say anything to anyone either.

This wasn't like the brash and careless Lindsey that he knew and Steven was considerably puzzled by her behavior.

Which was probably part of the reason why, when Mrs. Blain kept him behind after class on Thursday, he was more than a little anxious.

After all the other students had filed out, Mrs. Blain came back to Steven's desk and stood over him.

"Steven. I've been thinking we should have a little talk about what happened last week."

"Ahhh...Well...We could...I guess, but it isn't...I mean...I wouldn't...I mean really I didn't..." Steven stammered awkwardly.

"Actually Steven, I didn't think it would be appropriate to have a discussion here since there is a 'personal' element to the matter. Why don't you come over to my house on Saturday...around 4:00..." Mrs. Blain said as she scribbled her address on the corner of his copy book...'E.B. 85 Somerset Street Sat. 4:00' .

For some reason the suggestion that he go to Mrs. Blain's house made Steven really nervous.

"Ummm...Well...I don't know Mrs. Blain. Wouldn't it be better if we met at your office or the canteen or somewhere..." he asked hopefully.

Mrs. Blain looked at him like he was sorely vexing her.

"Don't be silly Steven. The walls have ears around here, you know that..." Mrs. Blain said glancing towards the door.

When Steven looked that way he saw Lindsey stopped in the doorway watching them. But when Mrs. Blain and Steven both looked at her she quickly turned and walked away down the hall.

"Besides, my husband will be there. You'll be perfectly safe. So Saturday at 4:00? You know where it is?"

Steven couldn't think of any other way to avoid the visit so he said..."Sure. That's fine. I'll be there."

"Good. I'll look forward to it..." Mrs. Blain said with sparkling eyes. She reached out with one hand and briefly touched the side of Steven's face. Then she turned on her heel to go back to her desk. Steven knew he had been dismissed. But the feel of her warm palm against his cheek stayed with him as he left the classroom.

On Saturday, Steven was parking in the driveway of Mrs. Blain's suburban home at 3:55. With butterflies in his stomach he walked up and rang the bell then waited.

After what seemed like ages the door opened. Mr. Blain, presumably, was tall, fit, dark haired and looked to be a few years younger than Mrs. Blain. He was wearing dirty jeans and a work worn T-shirt that said 'UNC - Go Tar Heels!'

"Hi! You must be Steven! I'm Tom. Evie told me you were coming by. Come on in. We're in the kitchen. It's through there..." Tom said, standing aside and pointing down the hall.

"Nice to meet you. I hope this isn't too inconvenient..." Steven said as he headed towards the kitchen.