The Showgirl and the Engineer Pt. 08


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Jessa backed away from the front of the Sheik and arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward him. Her hands started traveling up her stomach sliding teasingly beneath the veil. She began caressing up her flat belly, eventually cupping her breasts and presenting them to the Sheik through the veil. Having her hands underneath the veil presenting her breasts was very erotic and very arousing. With her fingers she began to caress her nipples and pinched them with her finger and thumb. As she teased herself, her head fell back presenting her neck with her mouth falling open in a long sensual moan.

She moved one hand from beneath the veil, released it, but quickly grabbed it before it fell completely off. She cupped her breasts and slowly let the fabric slide off revealing her dazzling breasts in all their glory. They were magnificent. However, sliding the fabric across her nipples threatened to push Jessa over the edge. The Sheik thought she was displaying herself as she stood topless with her back bent and breasts thrusting upwards. Jessa was really pushing her orgasm back by force of will, as every muscle in her stomach, hips and pussy fought her cum.

Jessa's whole body was trembling with her barely controlled passion ruling her body. She pushed her wobbly legs forward, and tried to strut or shimmy around the room, but her legs threatened to give out as the sensations started to break through her resolve. She knew she didn't have much time, so she placed herself in front of the Sheik and released the seventh veil. As the veil started to release she grabbed it and pulled it through her legs as a last tease.

The last tease was her undoing. As the veil caressed her pussy lips, her body exploded with every nerve and muscle screaming in release. She fell to the floor, her body arched in a massive cum. She lay prostrate in front of the Sheik with her figure quivering and shaking. Her body was bowed backwards with her head touching the floor. Her breasts strained for the ceiling with her mouth open in a breathless silence scream.

The crowd stood in a screaming ovation that went on for several minutes. Then the crowd realized this was not completely over and started to quiet down. Jessa's mind was lost in the foggy lust of her orgasm, but the crowd's applause penetrated her subconscious.

The Sheik ordered, "Bind her to the table."

With her body still controlled by orgasm, Jessa felt her wrists and ankles being grabbed by the guards. Her mind tried to understand what was going on, but both her mind and body were still controlled by her passionate release. She still didn't understand what was going on as she felt her trembling body being lifted into the air by the four guards.

Joe had been through all the preparation with Jessa and she never said anything about this scene. When he looked into her eyes as the guards descended on her, he saw panic and confusion. Obviously she didn't know anything about this scene either. She began screaming as the four guards each grabbed a limb and carried her to the table near the Sheik. Her arms and legs were bound to the four corners the table as she was still trying to recover from her massive orgasm. Joe saw that her body was still shaking and twitching but her eyes were scared and unfocused.

Joe's mind went quickly back to all the snuff films and he knew he was about to see Jessa publicly raped. Joe left his seat and ran as fast as he could to get backstage. A guard blocked him but he used his engineering ID to get past him and backstage. He glanced back through the stage curtains and saw the Sheik dive between Jessa's legs. Joe saw the Sheik start ravishing her still pulsing pussy with his mouth. He knew the very public rape of his Jessa wasn't far behind.

The audience obviously thought all of this was part of the show and they were all sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happened. Joe knew if he just strode out onto the stage there would be hell to pay, so he quickly donned some of the Arab attire hanging behind the curtains. As he was frantically grabbing clothes, a thought fluttered through his mind. This is the price you pay for living in a place where laws protecting people are just a suggestion.

Joe found some swords. Some were fake, plastic swords that would leave a red stripe of fake blood whenever someone was slashed by it. There was also a real metal sword that he stuck in his belt just in case. Joe turned towards stage trying to figure out how he was going to protect her when suddenly Jessa screamed, "MASTER SAVE ME, PLEASE SAVE ME!"

Jessa's heart rending scream ripped right through him and he knew she wasn't acting. She truly feared for her life and her life with Joe. However, her scream was the perfect, the ideal cue. It was probably a heartbeat later that Joe jumped onto the stage. He shouted, "I'm here to reclaim my property!"

Joe used the fake sword to draw lines of red across two of the guards. The guards were confused at first but quickly realized this was a part of the show that they knew nothing about. They fell to the floor simulating death as the other two guards charged into Joe. He dispatched them the same way with his fake sword. Joe was feeling rather emboldened as the guards followed his lead and quickly turned to face the Sheik.

The Sheik was still between Jessa's legs, but he had stopped licking her pussy and was now kneeling between her legs with his cock poised over her. His unvoiced threat was obvious: "She is now my property. Come near me and I rape her as is my right." Joe pulled the real sword from his belt and swung it next to the Sheik's cock.

In a harsh menacing voice Joe said, "If you want to keep that attached, back away." The Sheik felt the cold steel and with Joe's menacing tone figured he wasn't acting, and he was right.

The Sheik backed away, but stayed in character as he grabbed a sword and came at Joe. Joe assumed this would be a staged sword fight and the Sheik's sword would be a fake. However, the minute Joe felt the Sheik's steel sword bite into his plastic he knew this was a real sword fight.

Joe immediately threw down the fake sword and confronted the Sheik with his real sword. The audience could hear the ring of steel as their swords clashed against each other. Joe saw the look in the Sheik's eyes and saw fear with the clash of steel building. Joe pressed his attack and pushed the Sheik backwards, but the Sheik fought back with the desperation of a man trapped.

The Sheik obviously had some sort of training and fought through Joe's defenses, giving him a decent nick on his thigh. In doing so he left his guard open and Joe took advantage, slashing his wrist. He dropped the sword. Joe redirected his sword against the Sheik's chest as he shouted, "Yield!"

The Sheik grabbed his wrist and ran off the stage, leaving Joe and Jessa on the stage. Joe turned to Jessa and using the real sword cut the ropes that bound her wrists and ankles. Jessa's eyes that had been moments before filled with desperate and fear were now wide open with love and admiration. Joe dropped the sword and scooped up Jessa into his arms.

She was shaking uncontrollably and he couldn't tell whether it was the remnants of her orgasm or the fear that had gripped her a few seconds before. The minute he had her in his arms Joe felt Jessa calm a bit, but her eyes were still wide and mouth hung open with disbelief.

Joe saw her eyes start to fill with tears and she whispered, "Oh, Master, you saved me!"

Joe wanted to try to get the audience behind them, so as he was holding her tightly in his arms he turned to the crowd and said. "You're safe now my slave. Let's go home."

Joe began walking towards the edge to the stage while the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. The audience had assumed the entire last few minutes were part of the show. Now they were giving Jessa and him a standing ovation. Joe stopped, turned and gave a slight bow. Then he set Jessa on her feet and told her to take a bow.

Jessa stood nakedly on display for all to see. Her legs were still shaky from her orgasm and fear as she took her bow. As she stood she looked at Joe and gave him a look that totally melted his heart. Her eyes were wide with awe and love over what Joe had just done. Her eyes couldn't believe what he had done and they were filled completely with unwavering and all-consuming love. She turned back and gave the audience a brilliant smile, giving additional bows. Then she turned into his embrace, put her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

Joe scooped her back into his arms and together they took a bow before they left the theater. Several of the entertainment managers were waiting in the wings and started to say something, but Joe gave them a glare that would melt steel. They quickly backed away, letting them pass. Joe knew there would be a lot of fallout from this, but he didn't care. Jessa was the only thing that was really important to him. She had been in danger and he would have done it again. Still, hell was coming on a fast horse, he had crossed the conglomerate that owned the entertainment complex and he knew there would be a price to pay.

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