The Swanmaiden


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His heart rate slowed as they settled into the cushion.

Their naked bodies pressed together, his weight settling upon her.

She spread her legs, his cock rubbing between her labia, which were slick with excitement.

"I want you to make love to me," Amelie whispered in Mitchell's ear.

"Do you . . . um . . . condom?"

"You don't need one," she replied. "I have a . . . um, birth control, and we made sure you were free of any kind of disease last night."


"It's magic, Mitchell," Amelie placed one of his hands on her ample breast, which washed away further resistance, and not because of any magical spell. "Trust me."

"I trust you, Amelie," he pulled back to look into her eyes. "I don't know why, but I do."

"Then make love to me." Her hands brushed up and down his back.

Mitchell leaned in and kissed her. Deep and passionately. He didn't seem to be in any hurry. Their teeth knocked together a couple of times until they found their comfort with one another.

He explored her body with his hands. Featherlight touches sent chills throughout her body.

She nibbled on his ears and kissed his neck.

"Is this what you want?" he rubbed the head of his cock against her clit, then pressed it down, just before entering her.

"Yes," Amelie moaned.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered.

"I want you to make love to me." She arched her back and pushed her hips forward, trying to take him inside her.

Her body tensed as he pressed his cock into the slick opening of her pussy. There was a little bit of resistance at first, but her slickness gave way and he filled her up.

Once he was all the way inside her, they lay together for a long moment, their bodies as close as they could possibly be.

"I love having you inside me," she cooed in his ear. Amelie rotated her hips, rubbing her clit against his pelvic bone.

Mitchell's hands caressed her body. His lips made their way across her cheek to her ear and then down her neck.

After a false start or two, they fell into a steady rhythm.

"You are so beautiful," he moaned.

Amelie reached around and cupped his rear end, pulling him as far inside her as he would go.

His body was so warm against hers.

She felt a tingle from her head to her toes. It was not magical.

Her fingernails dug into his back when his cock brushed her insides just the right way.

"Cum inside me," she gasped. His pace, which had started as slow and regular became faster. More desperate.

Mitchell started to quiver. He clenched his teeth, trying to hold back as much as he could.

He thrust as hard as he could into her and held it.

Amelie could feel her pussy flooding with his warmth. She wrapped her arms around him as he collapsed on top of her.

The weight on top of her was comforting, in an odd way. Amelie traced circles with her fingertips on his shoulder blades and down his back.

"Don't ever leave me," she said quietly, even though she was pretty sure Mitchell was not conscious in that moment. "Stay with me for the rest of our days."

When he finally stirred after a minute or so, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought her legs up so her feet were hooked behind his knees.

She fell asleep with her lover inside her.

When she awoke, Mitchell was laying on his back next to her under the soft flickering glow of the torches in the Sanctum. His cock was limp in her grasp.

Stroking him gently, he began to harden.

With a flash of inspiration, she leaned down and took him in her mouth. Gently massaging the head with her lips and tongue, she felt him growing.

Her head bobbed up and down as his cock unconsciously swelled with excitement.

Mitchell's body shifted in his sleep at her oral ministrations, but he did not rouse from his slumber.

Amelie spent several minutes bringing his cock to its fullest with her mouth and her gentle touch.

Trying not to wake him, she pressed her body against him. He smiled blissfully, surely having a most contented dream. Taking him inside her once again, she levitated them—still joined—off the floor, dismissed the quilt and feathers with a subtle motion of her hand, and flew silently back towards the apartment.

Petra rolled her eyes when they passed her in the kitchen. Amelie stuck her tongue out and winked.

They settled in the big bed in the apartment. A little while later, she awoke to Mitchell kissing softly between her breasts.

Her nipples hardened between her lips. She cried out when he bit them gently. First the left.

Then the right.

He traced his way down her body and not long afterward made her scream in ecstasy.

The sun was setting when they finally left the bed to get dinner.


Mitchell sat at the side of the pool, his feet dangling into the water watching Amelie float by.

Neither was dressed, the magic of the rooftop garden warding off the morning chill and keeping them safe from prying eyes.

Despite his best efforts, his gaze lingered on her round, prominent breasts which floated above the surface of the water, her nipples crinkled up in little points. And at the sweet, neatly trimmed V between her legs.

He was becoming more and more accustomed to Amelie's casual nudity. She had already told him the other swans had different standards of modesty than most Americans, owing to their non-human origins and the free body culture they brought with them from Central Europe a century before.

Still, he marveled at her beauty and couldn't help but be puzzled at her interest in him.

Their Sunday morning passed lazily. There was enough food for them in the kitchen.

On any other weekend, he may have gone in to the office or logged into his company's network remotely, but in that moment, work was the furthest thing from his mind.

"I have something for you," Amelie said to him as they snuggled up on the lounger by the pool. She gave him a quick kiss and ducked back inside the office complex.

When she returned, she held her feathered cloak in her arms. Amelie drew Mitchell to his feet.

To his surprise, she draped the cloak over his shoulders. It hung down almost to the floor on him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I am giving you my feathers, Mitchell Morales," she took a deep breath before stepping back to look him over. "I am giving you my heart."

"This is very sudden, Amelie," his brow creased in bewilderment. "We've only known each other for what . . . a week?"

"Something like that," she giggled nervously.

"Are you sure?"

"My love," she put her arms around him and leaned in for a kiss. "I can't explain it. But I know . . . I know we are meant to be together."

"What does this mean?" his eyes deflected down at the feathers around his shoulders.

"Our kind mates for life. It means I am yours. And you are mine. I guess this is my way of asking you to marry me," she smiled sheepishly. "Everything I have is yours. I will be your pen. You will be my cob. We will raise a flock of cygnets together. I will show you how the magic of this world works. You will protect me and our family."

"What do . . . I mean . . . I live in a broom closet apartment and have a shit-ton of student loan debt," his brain was obviously not working on the same wavelength as hers.

"Money is one thing you will never have to worry about," she reassured him. "Do you love me?"

"I . . . I think so."

"Then the rest will work out."

His resistance faded when she smiled and batted her eyes. She couldn't use her magic to take him has her mate; that would ruin any chance they might have to start a family. But she didn't need to.

He was just as smitten as she.

Plucking one of the feathers from the coat, she poked her finger, drawing a drop of blood. Taking his hand, she did the same to him.

Both tingled from head to toe when they touched, their blood mixing together, both given freely.

She lifted them into the air, their bodies intertwined. Floating back to the Sanctum, they made love to consummate their union.

That night, they fell asleep nestled together, Mitchell snuggled up to her breast, her wings enveloping him in a protective embrace. Her neck was intertwined around his shoulders, resting her beak on his chest

Content and unworried.


For what seemed to be a simple transaction, there was a lot of paperwork.

Lawyers and notaries were involved, too.

It didn't help that other people kept stopping by. Amelie frowned at all of them, even going so far as to snap at several pushy men who seemed like they were trying to encroach on Mitchell's account or stopping by to flirt with her.

She was having none of any such nonsense, so she made one of them vomit all over the carpet in the hallway. After that, everyone who didn't have any actual business with them stayed away.

Mitchell looked on nervously from his spot in the eye of the storm.

But when it was over, she had signed over a five million dollar cashier's check from the estate of her grandmother Gertrude to open a long-term investment account with Campbell, Jenkins & Burke.

"That should take care of your monthly goal," Amelie smiled once everyone had left.

He only fidgeted nervously.

"Walk with me," she stood suddenly. "Show me off to your co-workers."

To Mitchell's surprise, she slipped her hand into his arm, and they set out to take a tour of his office.

Her affection was restrained but approached the limits of what was appropriate in a public setting for him to display with a client. Amelie didn't care. He was hers, and she wanted everyone there to know it.

The senior partners were quick to compliment him, much to the consternation of some of the other analysts and those who were in immediate competition with Mitch for promotions and bonuses.

She made sure to wear her most elegant clothes; the fitted dress had a high collar which perfectly displayed her ample bosom and round hips. Her hair was pulled back into a tight braid and the makeup highlighted her cheekbones and exotic European beauty.

"You need to take me to a celebratory lunch," she told him as they passed Brandon's office. Her voice was loud enough to carry down the hallway.

"Of course, Miss Weiss," Mitchell replied, steeling a glance at his rival, who was stewing quietly.

They left arm in arm, which was sure to fuel the office gossip mill. While sleeping with clients was generally frowned upon, the sheer dollar amount of Amelie's investment silenced any whispers of impropriety, especially since she intimated more than once that her sister had received a similar inheritance from their grandmother and was looking to invest it as well.

"Where can I take you for lunch?" Mitchell pressed the button for the elevator.

"Do you want me? Right now?" she asked seductively.

"Yes," he breathed.

Amelie leaned over to whisper in his hear, fully aware that there were people from his office watching them from beyond the reception desk. She kissed him on the cheek. "Then claim me."

His look of surprise was replaced by one of desperation. He pressed the "up" call button for the elevator.

The reception area at Reinerschwan was unattended; they did very little business that involved people unexpectedly coming through the front doors. The wards warned them of any visitors anyway, and the magical defenses would stave off any unwanted intruders if they were threatened.

Charlotte gave her conspiratorial wink as they passed through.

Amelie's office had a giant floor to ceiling window along the outside wall. There was a sturdy hardwood desk for her computer monitors. On one side was a table with four chairs around it, along with a small couch against the back wall.

As soon as they were through the door, she began tugging at his clothes.

When her hands fumbled with his belt, Mitch pulled them away. Grasping her by the wrists, he manoeuvered her up against the wall, pinning her arms above her head.

His kiss was aggressive and hungry. Amelie surrendered to her lover, tilting her head back as he bit and nibbled along the underside of her exposed throat.

Mitch cupped her breasts roughly over her dress. He fumbled with the buttons using only one hand.


"Are you wet for me?" he asked.

"I'm always wet for you," she replied desperately.

"Show me," Mitchell demanded. He released one of her wrists.

Amelie reached down and drew the hem of her dress up. Her fingers snaked inside her panties. She was soaked.

The pad of her index finger brushed her clit. Amelie shuddered.

Her fingers were slick from her swollen sex. She presented them for Mitchell.

Suckling on her hungrily, Mitch nibbled at the pads of her fingers before lifting both wrists in his firm grasp again.

"Take what's yours," Amelie hissed. She pulled against him, not enough to really escape, but enough to make him press her harder upon the wall.

As he fumbled with the zipper on the back of her dress, Amelie whispered in his ear. "Do it."

He tugged at her dress until she bit his earlobe. His feral side took over.

With a grunt, he tore at her dress. The fabric ripped and buttons popped off. His clumsiness was offset by his desire.

She wasn't wearing a bra. Amelie let out a surprised yelp when he cupped her breast and squeezed hard.

Kicking her heels off, she let the shredded remains of her dress fall to the floor.

Mitchell struggled to unbuckle his belt with one hand, so Amelie decided to help him out. With the wave of her hand, his clothes vanished off his body and re-appeared in a heap by the door.

He wedged a knee between her legs. His hardening cock pressed against her.

After a blind poke or two, the tumescent head found the steaming entrance to her sex.

Amelie thrust her chest forward into her lover's grasp. They kissed hungrily.

With one swift motion, Mitchell filled her up. He held himself inside her.

For just a moment, his tender side took over. Releasing her wrists and breast, he framed her face in his hands.

Their lips met. Amelie wrapped her arms around Mitch and held him close.

His hands traced a line down her body and under her rear end. She lifted her legs and tucked them around his waist.

Holding his cock inside her, Mitch carried her over to the desk, where he set her down. They kissed passionately for moments on end.

He began to thrust into her, over and over.

Amelie relished the feel of her lover inside her. She cried out every time he struck bottom.

Her nails dug into his shoulder. Their tongues dueled.

The hunger returned to Mitchell's touch. He pulled Amelie to her feet and spun her around.

She braced herself against the heavy oak desk when he kicked her legs apart. His cock pressed into her labia.

Amelie arched her back so her ass stuck up. Mitchell grasped her the shoulder and thrust into her with one hard motion.

"Oh, fuck!" she gasped.

He only grunted in reply.

"Fuck that pussy," she moaned as Mitchell built a steady rhythm. "Take it!"

The room was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against her rear end and the pungent smell of sex.

Her pendulous breasts rippled against the desk.

A tingling started in her toes. She pushed back against him every time he jackhammered into her.

"I'm going to cum!" Mitchell's voice was strained.

"Cum for me! Cum all over me!"

He pushed into her as far as he could go and held himself in place.

Amelie felt her sex fill with warmth. She gave him a squeeze with her vaginal muscles, as if to milk every drop out of him.

Lifting herself up, Mitch wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts tenderly.

He kissed her on the back of the neck.

She turned her head and their lips met.

"I love you, Amelie," he whispered.

She savoured the closeness and intimacy of his touch. "And I love you."

At the words, a jolt of electricity shot through her body. Her hair stood on end. Sparks shot out of her fingertips. Her computer monitors shorted out.

A wave of force shot out from their coupled forms. Everything on her desk was thrown to the floor. The lights blinked out for several seconds. The glass table across the room shattered.

The walls shook. The window cracked.

Mitchell's eyes widened in surprise.

Amelie giggled. She nudged him back so his cock slipped out of her. She turned and pulled him to her, leaning against the desk for support.

He nuzzled up to her, planting a line of soft kisses down her neck. "What was that?"

"Those were the magic words," she replied with a smile. "Literally."

Effortlessly, she lifted them into the air. They kissed tenderly again.

They were interrupted when someone flung the door open.

"What the hell?" Charlotte barged in. Her hands crackled with power. Her eyes glowed bright gold.

If she was embarrassed at finding them in a compromising post-coital position, she didn't show it. Her expression was one of alarm rather than annoyance or titillation.

"It happened," Amelie seemed to be glowing, both literally and figuratively. "The Pact is consecrated."

Charlotte's defensive posture softened. The radiance around her eyes and hands faded.

"What happened?" Mitchell asked, confused. While he was surprised by Charlotte's intrusion, he did not feel exposed or immodest as he might have felt prior to meeting Amelie.

"Congratulations! I guess we need to start planning a wedding," Charlotte beamed. In the hallway, the other swans gathered curiously and seemed to be giddy at the news. "Try not to blow out the power next time."

She closed the door, leaving Amelie and Mitchell floating a few feet off the floor.

"You claimed me, my dear," she said gently. "By proclaiming your love for me, our union is consecrated. You fully made me yours. And you are mine."

"I will love you until the end of my days," he rested his head against her breast. Amelie ran her hands through his hair.

"And I will love you until the end of mine."


Six months later . . .

"Mr. Morales, your wife is here to see you."

Amelie waited by the reception desk at Campbell, Jenkins & Burke as she did on some days at lunch time. The receptionist was new; apparently her predecessor was having an affair with one of the junior partners and they were both dismissed.

A moment later, Mitchell came out to greet her. The staff at Campbell, Jenkins & Burke was accustomed to her presence and she could have simply walked back to her husband's new window office, but she never did.

They exchanged their customary quick—but formal—hug which was appropriate for an office setting.

"I'll be ready to go in just a minute."

The usual heads turned as he took her hand and led her back to his office. Some envious. Some jealous. Some amused.

"The neckline on your dresses keeps getting lower," he observed with a wink. "And your hemline keeps getting higher."

"Is that a complaint?" Amelie straightened up and pushed her chest out just a little more in full view of Mitchell's co-workers who typically ogled her surreptitiously.

"Not at all, my love," he smiled mischievously. It only took a moment for him to finish up an email and line some files up on his desk. "I love it when you show off for me."

"All I want is for everyone to know that I'm yours. Besides, you like it when I'm about to burst out of my top." His smile made her heart melt. She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm and led him up to her office for their regular lunch date. His touch made her body tingle from head to toe. "And now I believe you have some husbandly duties to take care of."

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LovesDancingLovesDancing6 months ago

I feel a little like Mitchell must have, amazed by the beautiful story you have gifted me with.

texquilltexquillalmost 4 years ago

An enchanting and fun (and well-crafted) story. It certainly merits 5 stars!

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 4 years ago
At first I didn't know

where this was going, and your technique to build suspense had me going for a moment. I just kept reading and the direction the story was going suddenly materialized. lol

Interesting take and story, one not unlike some elements from two authors here I read, one Glaze72 and Jay... This reminds me quite a bit of Glaze72's style although yours is your own. That aside, I enjoyed the suspense you built up at the front and then, how you made Amelie chase after Morales. I really liked that he was the clueless but gentlemanly guy that just kind of gets caught up in it all. I'm glad this was far more human than "non-human," although it possesses that element. Liked Mitch being drawn out and Amelie being assertive while allowing him to grow into his role.

I don't imagine you are thinking of furthering this tale, but I for one would love to read more.

p.d. What a shame this wasn't written in 2019 or Amelie would have easily qualified as a very credible, realistic, charming and oh-so-sexy nominee for the Sexiest Female.

Well written and thought out! 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Well...That was simply gorgeous!

More please!

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 4 years ago
That was wonderful

Thank you. I hope you and yours are well.

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