The Try Outs Ch. 03


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The scheming vixen turned her face back to his once more. She started to meet his eager thrusts with sharp, backward hunches of her own. The slap of her ass smacking into his groin began to reverberate through the tiny room. She could tell she wouldn't have to wait much longer for another load from him and it was going to be a good one.

"Have you got something for me baby?...Umm?...Something hot and wet? It sure feels like you do...." she purred as David's frantic thrusting threatened to lift her right off the floor.

"Ummm! ...You know what's gonna' happen if you keep ..Ohh!...fuckin' me like that don't you? You're gonna' ...Godd!...make a big gooey mess inside me! You know that don't you? ...Unn Hnn!...Is that what you want?..." she murmured in a honeyed purr, gripping her cell phone tight and planting that hand on the mirror to brace herself against David's furiously plundering shaft.

"You want your momma' to...Unn!.. see that lover? What's she gonna' think?... You ... Unn!...shooting a big load of sticky come inside...Ohh!... some strange woman old enough to be your...Unn!... mother?..." Amanda taunted, knowing from the way that David was banging her that nothing was going to stop him now.

"What's going on there? Is there someone there with you? Who are you talking too?..." the distant voice of Mrs. Winslow asked faintly.

"Oh sorry Barbara. I got...Unn!...distracted there for a minute. Here...Umm!'s this?...Ahhh!..." Amanda asked, groaning gutturally as she leaned forward and flipped on the overhead lights on the big mirror.

Suddenly the bathroom was bathed in light. David couldn't stop himself from looking down at the computer on the counter. With the blond stretched out in front of him, the camera now showed a very clear image. There he was, his eyes wide and his hands behind his back, hunching eagerly into the swell of Amanda's raised butt. She was smiling at his reflection in the mirror, her pendulous breasts swinging wildly from her chest as David pummeled her from behind.

He had no idea what to say to his mother and had no where to hide. He blinked wildly trying to form some words to say. But she wasn't here. She was a thousand miles away. She wasn't real. What was real was Amanda's clinging pussy writhing around his pistoning cock.

"David!?.. What are you...Well I can see what you're...but who is that woman?...Surely she isn't the mother of that girl who you...But you never...well I didn't think ...I mean it isn't what you said you were going away for...Mrs. Banes...He's just a...well really... Haven't you got any decency!?..." Mrs. Winslow stammered, staring in disbelief at the lewd scene that was being displayed on her camera phone.

At that moment Amanda released her tenacious grip on David's balls. He wasn't going anywhere until he came inside her. And to encourage him to do just that she placed her hand low in her crotch. She turned her fingers over, claw like, to rake the bulging vein on the underside of his shaft with her nails every time David pulled out.

"Mwahhh!...Whattt?...Oh Goddd!...What are you...?...Ahhh!..." he whimpered as a fiery tingle suddenly burned through his cock. It took him a few moments to figure out that Amanda was using her nails on the taut barrel of his shaft. He couldn't deal with his mother through all this and focused his eyes on the mirror in front of him and the reflection there of the blond's wildly shuddering breasts.

"Nahhh!...." he cried, driving himself deep into her seething hole to avoid her scraping fingers. He stopped his frantic hunching and just hunched up into her, straining for the release that he knew was coming. Amanda knew it too. She straightened up a little to settle herself even more heavily on his penetrating shaft.

At the same time she propped her phone up against her purse on the counter, making sure it still clearly pictured David fucking her.

"Now Barbara honey...ohh!... you shouldn't fret so! When Jenna told me what a stud ...Umm...your boy here is, I just figured I should just take a little test ride to see for myself. ..Umm Hmm...And of course he wasn't too hard to convince. Turns out...ahh!... he's a sucker for big tits..." she said turning her head and giving David a sly wink. At the same time she grabbed her swaying globes in her hands and pressed them together. Her ample flesh overflowed her splayed fingers in every direction.

She straightened up even more and turned her pelvis until David's swollen cock was nudging her womb. Holding that position she started rocking her hips up and down scrubbing the underside of his cock crown with her hard edged cervix.

"Nahhhh!...Ahhh!...Oh Godd!..." David groaned when she did that, his testicles knotting up with excruciating tension. His thighs began to tremble and he twisted up into Amanda's clinging pussy with all his might.

"Umm Hmm!...He's gonna' come!...I can feel it!...Oh yeahh!...Wait 'til you see this... Ahh!... Barbara!...You're not going to believe it!..." Amanda cooed, biting her lip as she continued to ride David's spearing cock. She leaned a little to the side so the camera could capture his shuddering torso and the ecstatic effort on his face.

She clenched herself on him so that her uterus closed around his knob in a tight squeeze. And all the time she continued to swing her hips up and down, up and down working him over like a two dollar whore.

"Momma' wants to see you come baby!...Come on! ...Do it!...Let her see you come!..." Amanda urged lewdly.

And that was all the obscene encouragement that David could stand.

"Phwahhh!...Ahhh!..." he cried, arching his back and lifting Amanda off her feet as a blazing bolt of come jetted up his length and into her greasy vagina. There was a hesitation before the next surge but then the semen started to spurt from David's balls in a pounding stream.

"Nahhh!...Unnn!...Unnn!..." the young man moaned, bucking and twisting behind the smiling blond like he had a car battery attached to his balls.

Amanda's eyes went wide as the feverish flow of sperm erupted inside her.

"Unnn!...Ohhh!...Ohhh!... Barbara!...He's coming soo much!...Ohh!...I can feel it!... Every time he squirts!...Oh yess!....Like That!...Unn Hnn!...Right inside my womb!... Ummm!... Unn!...He's gonna'... make... me...come!...Yeahh!..." Amanda enthused as the heat and pressure of all that pent up sperm pumping into her made her own loins clench up in excitement.

And then she too began to quiver and shake as a series of wracking spasms swept through her loins.

"Ahhh!...Nahhh!...Ahhh!..." David gasped as his balls continued to convulse and the deluge of come he was spewing began to back up and trickle out of Amanda's pulsing vagina.

"That's it!...Unn Hnn!...Don't stop!...Give it to me!...I want it all!...Oh Barbara!...You've really got to see this!..." Amanda moaned, fumbling for the phone as she muscled David back away from the counter. But the quivering young man was too caught up in his own devastating orgasm to pay much attention to anything else that was going on. He lay half supine across Amanda's back, his cock twitching and spraying angrily inside her. And now a stabbing ache was starting to lance through his loins with every continued spasm of his poor overused testicles.

"Here!...Can you see now?..." Amanda asked, shoving the phone between her legs.

She had moved back far enough so that the union of her pussy and David's cock was clearly pictured on the screen. Her cunt was stretched into a gaping 'O' around David's scarlet shaft. Both her swollen labia and his erection were still visibly throbbing as a viscous stream of goo seeped out of her and trickled in creamy trails over his balls.

Amanda tilted the phone so that their genitals were still on display but so was her smiling face.

"He comes like a racehorse!... Ahh!...I'll swear he does!...Neither of my exes ever stretched me as much as this guy...Unn Godd!..Can you see what he's doin' to me Barbara?.... Damn but I'm gonna' be sore for a week I'll bet!..." Amanda purred, snapping her pelvis sideways to give David's throbbing tool and especially vicious little twist.

"Nahhh!...Amanda!...Easy!..." he gasped in response.

"Davey!...Are you alright?...Tell me this isn't happening honey!...I don't believe this!...I don't know what you've done to my son I want to speak to someone else ...There must be someone else there..."

"Now Barbara...Like I said before...You shouldn't be frettin' so!...Davey's in good hands here. He's havin' a good time aren't you darlin'?..." Amanda said, waiting patiently for the rush of sperm inside her to begin to abate. When it did somewhat, she lifted one leg and nimbly dismounted the young man's now lazily twitching tool.

The feeling of his livid cock exiting Amanda's pussy sent a tingling shock through his groin.

" Oh God!...Don't take it out!...Not yet!...Please!..." he gasped, panting like a steam engine as he strained upwards from his toes to try and thrust himself back into Amanda's glistening vagina.

But the blond merely smiled at his futile squirming and held her leg suspended in front of her camera for a moment. She clenched her interior muscles, forcing the cascade of come that had pooled inside her to rain down into David's crotch. His still erect cock became covered in the creamy goo as it dribbled over his shaft and balls to ultimately splatter wetly on the floor below.

At that point another voice said..."Is this a private party or can anyone join in?..."

David didn't think it sounded like his mother or Amanda. And then he looked at the computer screen and saw a dark haired woman standing in a doorway, one hand raised against the frame and smiling broadly. His first thought was that the computer must have somehow got switched over to a porn link.

The woman was a gorgeous dark haired beauty who was wearing nothing but white nylons and high heels. Her succulent pink breasts were bare and jutting out arrogantly from her broad chest.

David heard Amanda say..."Well look at you, showin' off those big old titties again! Ain't you got no shame?"

The dark haired woman responded..."Well if I had known we were going formal, I would have worn my pearls."

And then David realized it was Luisa. He looked to the bathroom door and there she was, posing like the Penthouse Pet of the Month.

He was utterly amazed at the sight of Luisa staring into his eyes, twisting her shoulders so that her pendulous boobs swung back and forth enticingly. Almost as amazed as he was to feel his cock lurch fully erect once more. But along with that shock of arousal, his stomach gave a nauseous little heave. Even with the Viagra and all his youthful stamina his loins were getting more than a little overworked.

"Looks like we got company Barbara. That's my friend Luisa. I can't wait to introduce her to Davey Wavey. I better get off the phone now. But it was nice talkin' to you..." Amanda said turning the phone back to the mirror to give David's mom one last view of her son.

"Wait!... Was that woman naked too? ...Davey...What exactly is going on there?...Tell me where you are right now!..."

Ma!...Look!...I'm fine!...It's not what you think O.K.?...I'll explain it all to you later!... Really!...I love you..." David stammered awkwardly, his eyes turned down because he was unable to look his mother in the eye.

'His mother?...You're so bad!..." Luisa mouthed wide eyed at Amanda.

Amanda winked at her friend then said into her camera..."Oh he's more than fine Barbara! He's fantastic! That's why I called my friend over. I think it's gonna' take two of us to take care of this young man of yours. And she looks like she's pretty hot to get in on some of this so I better get goin'. You all take care now!"

And with that she hung up on David's mother and turned to Luisa.

"What kept you?..."

Luisa never took her eyes off David as she started edging towards him while talking to Amanda.

"Well there were these two young pilots who wanted me to fly down to Monterrey with them."

David was mesmerized by the way all of Luisa's voluptuous curves jiggled and swayed as she stepped across the hard tiles of the bathroom floor in her towering heels and stopped in front of him.

"It took me awhile to decide what I wanted to do. Besides it looks like you two started without me anyway."

Then, moving one hand up to caress the side of David's face she said..."Why look at you! All trussed up like a Christmas Turkey! Aren't you cute!"

There was something not right here, on so many levels. But what was striking David just then was Luisa's words. She didn't sound anything like she had back in his hotel room the morning before.

"I...I thought you were Spanish. You said...I mean...I thought...but your accent it's... it's... you sound just like normal..." he said falteringly.

"Only half Spanish darlin'!..." Luisa purred, reaching down into David's groin with her free hand.

"The other half is all West Texas cowgirl!..." she said, slowly raking her nails across David's balls and up the full length of his erection.

David groaned and snapped forward at the waist in excitement when she did that.

Then Luisa turned her attention back to Amanda. She turned from David and stepped in front of the smiling blond.

"And you missy. You look a little 'Rode Hard and Put Away Wet' yourself. Has this young man here been abusing you?"

"Oh yes Luisa. He's been using and abusing me something terrible...." Amanda purred.

"Is that right? Let me see!..."

And with that Luisa reached into Amanda's crotch, turned her hand over and sharply twisted two extended fingers deep up into the blond's sodden pussy.

Amanda never flinched as Luisa's fingers prodded deep inside her. Her eyes only fluttered a little and her lips parted in a silent intake of breath.

"Why you little tramp! You're as soaked as a sack of wet mice aren't you...?" Luisa purred.

The two women stood there motionless for a moment, staring into each other's eyes. Then Amanda suddenly moved her face forward and pressed her lips hotly to Luisa's. Her hands came up and gripped the dark haired woman's shoulders as she pressed herself eagerly against her.

David had never seen anything as erotic as this in his life. The two curvaceous women, both in heels, the blonde in black nylons and the raven haired beauty in white, locked in a heated embrace. He couldn't take his eyes off of their twisting lips or their creamy breasts pancaking together and bulging out between them as they writhed in against each other.

He was hardly aware of the fact that his cock was twitching upright at his loins again as he let out an audible, drawn out groan.

Amanda and Luisa continued their lustful grind for a moment longer. Then finally they had to come up for air, both of them panting with their own arousal. They turned their eyes to David while still clinging tightly to each other.

"So you want to play too, is that it'?..." Amanda asked her girlfriend, although her eyes were focused on David.

"You know I love to play!..." Luisa purred, yanking her fingers out of Amanda's juicy snatch and making her groan in the process.

"Can David play too? ..." she asked.

"Oh he can play alright! I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss it!..." Amanda enthused, turning to Luisa with sparkling eyes and drawing her tongue slowly over the dark haired woman's chin and across the corner of her mouth.

Then she freed herself from their wanton embrace. She rummaged on the bathroom counter for a minute until she came up with a small pair of scissors. She walked around David and deftly snipped the Ty-Wrap that was binding his wrists.

The young man gratefully relaxed his shoulders and shook his arms loosely at his sides.

"Now why don't you take a quick shower and then come and join us lover. We'll be right next door getting ready for you..." Amanda murmured, reaching down and giving David's upright tool a twisting squeeze.

"Unnn!..." David whimpered without saying anything in response.

Amanda went back to Luisa. The two women wrapped an arm around each others waist and turned to leave the bathroom.

David stared transfixed at four perfect, gum drop shaped butt cheeks twisting and jiggling in unison as the women strutted out on their high heels. They stopped at the door and looked over their shoulders at David ogling them. Amanda gave him a broad wink and Luisa blew him an exaggerated kiss as she swung the door closed behind her.

He could briefly hear her saying..."So I'm dying to know what you two have been doing?..."

And Amanda was replying..."Well first I had him eat me out! My God Luisa! That boy sure can eat pussy! And then I cornered him in the bathroom just as he was gonna' take a leak and I..." before the door closed and he couldn't hear any more.

'What have I gotten myself into?...' he thought in bewilderment as he stumbled over to the shower and turned it on.

to be concluded...maybe...probably

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Superb storytelling continues in this third chapter of what is a gripping and powerful drama. Beautifully written, with well-defined characters that really come alive to the reader, the plot in this chapter moves at a steady pace, building towards a truly compelling conclusion. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great stuff

One of the best writers on this site, hands down!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
The Best Writer

You are one of the top three writers on this site in my opinion. Your stories are always so hot, descriptive, and just generally excellent.

Really wish you would write more often!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Truly excellent as always, please continue writing !

poortoypoortoyover 13 years ago

"Nahhhh!...Ahhh!...don´t leave us hanging in the air ....

We want to know what that Luisa has in store for him!

And Amanda hasn´t used her heels, yet.

Greeting us with a

"to be concluded...maybe...probably" is pure denial!

Please next chapter ... asap!

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