Three Amigos at the Purple Oyster


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There was a flurry of bills from the front tables. The waitresses also passed by those tables just in case anyone wanted to use plastic.

Master Raynard and Mistress Black waited until the pile of copulating cats reached orgasm and then began using their whips to drive the cats off stage. As they were leaving, Barney came on stage applauding loudly.

"In case you didn't notice," he said looking out at the crowd, "there was one empty stool during that act. If you have ever thought of some permanent pet play just give Mistress Black or Master Raynard a growl later when they come out into the club."

He then looked backstage, nodded, and continued, "And now the act that everyone has been talking about. You have all gotten to see The Three Amigos dance." He laughed slightly and continued, "Some of you have even gotten to smack one of their delightful asses as they walked among the tables picking up tips. Many of you were a little confused about the Bull of Pain which they advertised. Well, now is your chance to see what that Bull of Pain was all about.

Music with a deep, pounding beat began blaring through the speakers above the stage as a huge statue of a bull slowly rolled on stage. The glossy black fiberglass shell of the bull's body gleamed in the spotlights. The head was low, almost at the ground and had a ferocious look to it. The bulging eyes with veins of red showing starkly in them were especially ferocious as they seemed to glare out at the crowd. The back end was raised high with the rear legs tilted forward as though the bull was getting ready to charge.

On the back end of the bull, in stark contrast to the gleaming black fiberglass, was Dave. His naked, white, heavily oiled skin also gleamed in the spotlights. His feet seemed to be perched on small indentations in the bull's rear legs and were held in place by black straps which seemed to disappear into the bull's fiberglass shell. His arms were stretched out tightly over the bulls back. His hands seemed to be holding onto some sort of handle with his wrists held firmly in place by black straps similar to those holding his feet.

The rest of his body was pulled tight over the back end of the bull as if he were fucking it in the ass. But if you looked carefully, you could see that Dave's entire prick and balls were held tight within an opening right where the bull's asshole should be. Actually you didn't have to look all that carefully to see that because the stagehands were slowly rotating the platform on which the bull stood giving everyone a very good view of the bull's... and Dave's... ass. With the way Dave's arms were stretched out and the way his legs were bound to the bull, his ass was fully on display with the cheeks spread and his asshole quivering as the bull slowly turned.

Jake walked out onto the stage. He was dressed in his Three Amigos costume with his sombrero pushed to the back of his head.

"I am going to warm Dave up a little," he said with a big smile. "Then maybe you can join in the fun."

The bull had now stopped with its... and Dave's... ass facing the crowd. Jake stepped up onto the platform and began spanking Dave's asscheeks. The spanks were evenly spaced. Each one was exactly the same distance apart. But the force of the spanks was increasing. The crowd was starting to clap or pound on the table with each slap. Dave was starting to moan slightly.

Jake suddenly stopped and turned to face the crowd. "Would any of you like to light the fire a little brighter in Dave's ass?"

There was a thundering cry of "Yes!" from the crowd.

Jake sailed his sombrero into the backstage area like it was a Frisbee. Then he said, "Who's willing to tip one hundred for the privilege?" He looked out at the audience with his eyebrows raised and his eyes wide open.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I didn't think so. I wouldn't pay that much just to give Dave ten spanks either." He paused and asked, "What about seventy-five?"

Again there was silence.


More silence.

"Fifty and after the hand spanks you can do ten with a leather paddle?"

Four hands shot up into the air.

"Oh dear," said Jake. "I don't know if Dave can take that many." He paused as if thinking deeply and said, "Don't worry. Come on up on stage and we will figure something out."

As they got to the stage, he said a little more softly, "The delightful little waitress will take your tips."

Three of the people were male, one was female... a really large female.

"What are your names?" Jake asked. Then he smiled and said, "It doesn't have to be your real name, I just need something to call you while you are up here on stage."

"Call me Sam," one of the men said somewhat gruffly. "Frank," one of the others said. The third man turned a deep red and said softly, "Call me Tiger."

"Ah," Jake said, "This is part of a full fantasy night, isn't it."

Tiger turned a deeper red and remained silent.

"What about you? Jake asked the large woman.

"My slaves call me Mistress," she said strongly.

"And what do your friends call you?" Jake replied.

"Mistress Mary," the woman replied curtly.

"OK," Jake said. "This is what we are going to do, we will start with Frank and Sam..." He pointed to the two men. "... and then we will figure out something for Tiger and Mistress Mary." When they both glared at him he said quickly, "Trust me, it will be everything you wanted and more."

He then positioned Sam behind Dave on the platform. "Ten with your hand anywhere you can reach," Dave said loudly.

Sam's first swat was an open handed swat to the right asscheek. It made a great deal of noise when the palm of his hand struck.

The man smiled and stroked Dave's ass with his left hand. Then he turned to Jake and said, "I love the way a man's asshole clenches up when you smack his ass."

Sam then began to smack alternately with each hand. He was standing so that his face was basically even with Dave's asshole and he seemed to be keeping his eyes glued to the winking rosebud as he delivered smack after smack.

When Sam finished, he stepped off the platform and Frank took his place. Frank was more interested in watching Dave's face as he smacked his asscheeks, so he stood slightly to the side. All ten swats were delivered to the left side of Dave's ass. Each resounding "Smack!" was followed by an equally loud yelp from Dave.

When Frank had finished, Jake said loudly "For this next part, you are going to stand one on each side of poor Dave and swing with these." He handed each of them a long leather paddle about a half-meter in length and very flexible.

The two men stood on either side of Dave swinging the paddles to get their arms used to the length and flex. Then Frank nodded to Sam and swung his paddle hard into Dave's ass.

Dave had been more or less silent up to this point, but the loud, "Smack!" of the leather striking ass flesh was followed by a loud cry-- almost a scream-- from Dave. Nineteen more yelping screams followed as the two men methodically turned Dave's ass a bright shade of red interspersed with a little purple.

Thank you very much, Jake said as motioned with his had for the two men to leave the stage. "Can we stay up here to watch the finish?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Jake said thoughtfully, "that might be against club rules since you are no longer actually a part of the act."

The petite little naked waitress suddenly appeared on stage and shook the big plastic tip jar at the two men. They both laughed and pulled out a twenty each. Jake cocked his head at them and they added another twenty.

"Just stand over there out of the way," Jake said. Then he smiled at Sam and said, "Don't worry, Sam, you'll be able to see his asshole from there." Sam smiled back happily in response.

"Now for you two," Jake said walking over to Tiger and Mistress Mary. "I think you will definitely enjoy a little hand to flesh action on such a red ass."

Both of them nodded in response. Then Mistress Mary said somewhat huffily, "And after that?"

Jake laughed a deep, almost evil, laugh. Then he said, "I got Dave into this, so I will help him get through it. I promise you that there will be a naked ass for you to give ten swats with the paddle when we get to that point... if your friends out there help you out."

Mistress Mary looked suddenly angry and almost shouted, "What?"

"What I mean," Jake said, trying to calm things down, "is that if there is a green rain on this stage while you are hand spanking Dave's ass, then I will climb up there myself and present my bare ass for your paddles."

He turned to the crowd and said in an almost sarcastic way, "Of course, I may need something to distract me while my ass is being pounded so I might just pound a little ass myself." He then raised and lowered his eyebrows like a melodrama villain as the crowd laughed.

"OK," Jake said, "You two get ready to spank." Turning to the crowd, he said, "And you all get ready to make it rain."

Mistress Mary went first. As she approached Dave she held her hand just above the surface of his right asscheek.

"Warm," she said, "I can feel the heat."

Then she gave that red asscheek a smart slap with her open hand. She followed that with nine more. No two smacks were the same distance apart or the same intensity. She also varied how she struck, sometimes she hit only with the fingers or a flat hand, other times she struck very hard with her hand slightly cupped. Mistress Mary knew how to spank.

After her last spank, she returned where Jake had been standing while Tiger went up to spank. Tiger seemed to be almost out of breath as he slowly stroked Dave's red, naked ass. Then he took a deep breath and slapped Dave's left asscheek. It wasn't particularly hard, but it wasn't a love pat either and the "Smack!" was loud enough to fill the room. He then gave Dave nine more identical smacks evenly spaced.

By the time Tiger was finished, he was deeply flushed and breathing very slowly. It was obvious to many in the club that Tiger was imagining himself in Dave's place all the while he was spanking. His spanks were what a painslut sub would want, not necessarily what a Master or Mistress would deliver. When he returned to stand next to Mistress Mary, there was an obvious tent forming in his trousers.

All the while that Tiger and Mistress Mary were spanking, bills were fluttering onto the stage. After the little naked waitress had scurried around and picked everything up, Jake stepped back out on stage totally naked and heavily oiled. He looked at the bills on the floor and said loudly, "Well it looks like we did have a green rain, so I guess I am going to have to keep my end of the bargain."

He looked over to the two men standing to one side and said, "Hey Sam, would you like to grease that asshole up for me?"

Sam suddenly stood up very straight and said, "Uh... sure."

The little naked waitress ran up and handed Sam a tube of lube and he hurried up to squirt a goodly amount between Dave's asscheeks.

"OK Tiger and Mistress Mary," Jake said as he started to climb the back of the bull on small indentations that had not been obvious before he began his climb, "once I get up here and... uh... in place you can start when you think it is right. But make sure you let me get in place and it is ten swats each... ONLY ten swats each.

Jake had quickly clambered up over Dave and after a moment to center his prick on Dave's asshole, he leaned forward and grabbed two small handles that also hadn't been apparent before. Then he looked down at Mistress Mary and nodded his head.

"Get over here, Tiger," Mistress Mary growled and Tiger swiftly jumped to her side. "You get over there on that side. I'll start first and you'd better make each stroke exactly like mine or I'm taking you home with me and teaching you how a proper whupping is done."

The crowd laughed slightly at Tiger's sudden intake of breath. He looked up into Mistress Mary's eyes and then quickly looked down at the floor and walked over to the other side of the bull.

"Paddle ready," Mistress Mary barked looking sternly at Tiger. She raised her paddle and moved it back and forth quickly causing the long leather portion to wiggle just above Jake's ass. Then she delivered her first swat.

The loud "Thwack!" echoed through the room concealing Jake's grunt of pain... or was it passion?

Tiger's "Thwack" was nowhere near as loud as Mistress Mary's had been. The crowd could plainly hear Jake's grunt and then a low moan.

Mistress Mary glared at Tiger and then delivered another blow. This time, the loud "Thwack!" was followed by a definite yelp from Jake which was then followed by a low moan that was not a groan of pain. Jake was getting off either from the spanking or from the movement the blows caused forcing his prick in and out of Dave's ass.

Again Tiger's "Thwack" was much softer than Mistress Mary's had been.

The "Thwack!" yelp, groan, "Thwack" continued in an almost regular rhythm. Then on the nineteenth blow-- Mistress Mary's tenth swat-- Jake lifted his upper body up off of Dave's back and tensed up his ass so that his asscheeks were clenched tightly together.

On Tiger's tenth swat-- the twentieth blow-- Jake groaned loudly and lay back down over Dave.

Barney came back out on stage and took the paddles from Mistress Mary and Tiger. As they were stepping off stage, Mistress Mary said loudly to Tiger, "You are DEFINITELY coming home with me!"

The audience laughed loudly as a wet spot suddenly appeared on the front of Tiger's pants.

Barney announced loudly, "That's it for tonight. The after hours club will remain open for a little while so you all can talk and finish your soft drinks and snacks, but you all have to be out of here by three. Remember the Purple Oyster After Hours Club will be back tomorrow night. And tomorrow night we will have seven special acts including The Three Amigos and their fabulous Bull of Pain ."

Backstage, The Three Amigos were getting off of the Bull of Pain. Jake, who was not really restrained in any way, slid down to the floor and walked to the front of the bull. He reached under the head and released a hidden latch so that he could lift the entire head upward onto the back of the bull.

John slowly slid out. He had been lying on his back inside the bull. If you looked into the opening, you could see Dave's prick and balls hanging down right where John's head would have been. Together John and Jake removed the restraints which kept Dave firmly on the bull's ass.

"Time to go home and put some healing ointment on those flaming asses," John said as he walked back into the dressing room.

A few minutes later, as the three were walking out through the bar, one of the regulars who was still at a table, hanging around asked him, "Hey Jake, why to you guys call yourself The Three Amigos when there is always only two of you on stage for your big act."

The man continued, "And you both got your ass beaten. Who actually lost your little tips contest."

Jake smiled down and him and said, "That's a professional secret. Every act has to have some professional secrets, doesn't it? Let's just say that the secret is in the bull itself."

John was laughing as they walked out to their car.

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