Timber Pack Chronicles Ch. 01


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Parker bit his lip to keep from crying out in pain as he grabbed at his eye and tried to pull air into his lungs. With his good eye, he saw a pair of muscular, hairy legs leap in front of him. He looked up, and oh god, he was faced with Colton's perfect ass. The big teen grabbed the ball laying at Parker's feet and with a loud roar, he launched the ball. It whistled as it soared through the air, slamming into Seth's face. Hard. The slap echoed throughout the gym as Seth clutched his nose and went down with a whimpering cry.

Colton quickly turned and pulled Parker up off the ground. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Parker still had his right eye covered as he stared at Colton in complete shock. He pulled his hand away and blinked several times. The side of his face throbbed with the pain of the ball's impact. His vision was blurry out of his right eye and he felt an uncomfortable pressure on top of his eyeball. "I think my contact shifted. But I'm okay."

Parker realized that Jed and Trey had surrounded him, facing out and away from him and Colton. The three huge jocks had boxed him in, keeping him safe from any further hits.

Coach blew his whistle. "Parker Montgomery! You're out. Get off the court."

Parker cupped his hand back over his eye in case his contact lens decided to pop out. He stepped back from Colton, turned and ran off the floor and went into the locker room to fix it.

Parker looked in the mirror and used his finger to lift his eye lid while another maneuvered the lens back into place. He blinked a few times to settle and re-wet the lens. He turned his head to the side to examine the source of the throbbing on his face. The side of his face had a large red mark where the ball had smacked him, but otherwise he was unhurt. Parker splashed some cold water onto his face to reduce some of the stinging, then left the locker room.

While he returned to the gym, he couldn't help but think about Colton. It was like he had jumped in to not only protect him, but to avenge him. Not only that, but his best friends had moved in like they were guarding him. What the hell was up with that? He didn't think the guy knew him from Adam, but maybe he was wrong.

Oh god, what if Colton liked him?!

Yeah, right. You wish. He was just stopping a bully, because that's the kind of guy he is.

Parker felt someone move behind him and he tensed.

"You say anything to anyone about you know what, and I'll kill you."

The whispered words from behind him sent a chill down his spine, making Parker shudder.

He let his eyes flick to the side for just a second as he watched Seth slip from behind him and walk towards his friends. TJ had his muscular arms folded across his chest as he sneered at Parker.

Stupid meat-head.

Parker swallowed nervously and looked back to the floor. He took the opportunity to watch Colton in his element. The muscular teen easily cleaned up the court, ending up the victor when he deflected Trey's ball with one of his own, before hitting him out.

As he strutted off the court, it was like he barely broke a sweat playing the game. Parker watched Colton shoot Seth a smug grin. Seth's face turned red and he balled his fists. He was pissed.

Parker couldn't help but feel some satisfaction. Seth was a bully and an asshole. He deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. He used to be the big man on campus. The big muscle-bound jock ran the school and made everyone's lives miserable. That was before Colton transferred in last year. Parker didn't witness it, but he had heard from others that there was a huge fight and Colton kicked Seth's ass, knocking Seth down a rung on the popularity ladder.

After the fastest shower in history, Parker kept his eyes downcast in the locker room, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to himself. He quickly pulled off his towel and pulled up his boxer briefs and started to get dressed.

When he heard Colton's loud laughter, he couldn't help but look up. He was walking with Trey, coming out of the showers. He had his towel rolled around his neck, holding each end in his hands. He didn't care that his body was on display. In fact, he seemed to be showing it off, unintentional or not. But god almighty, if Parker looked like that, he'd walk around naked, too.

Colton had stopped and leaned against the wall while Trey animatedly told him a story. Parker didn't hear a single word Trey said, he was too focused on Colton.

Colton had curly black hair all over his square pecs. The hair formed a wide T-shape, trailing down to his belly button, where it flared out into the ridges of his six -- no, eight -- pack ab muscles. From there, it led down to his groin. A huge uncircumcised penis hung from an overgrown bush of hair. Even flaccid, it was a most impressive side of beef. Parker didn't need to look around the room to know that Colton had the biggest dick in the school.

Of course he did. Colton was the biggest and best at everything. He was only eighteen years old, but he had the body of a fully grown man. A powerful, muscular man.

On Colton's right bicep, he had a large tattoo, a large tribal pattern that formed a circle. As Parker stared at the ink, he noticed a pattern inside the circle. It was the shape of a wolf's head in profile. Their school mascot was a Timberwolf, but Colton's tattoo didn't really look like the Timberwolves logo. It was something else.

When he looked up at Colton's face, he found that the man was staring back at him. His dark brown eyes pierced straight into Parker's soul. It was like he could see every perverted thought in Parker's head.

Parker lowered his eyes and dropped his chin to his chest, where his heart was trying to pound itself through his breast bone. He grabbed his things from his locker and fled.


A week later was game day, the first home game of the season.

After Parker got dressed in his mascot uniform, he walked out of the locker room with the wolf head in his hands and joined the gathered cheerleaders. Everyone's energy was nervous, but excited at the same time.

"Let's go," Kim called out. She turned back to Parker. "Oh, and Parker? Don't fuck it up."

Parker turned to Shell and rolled his eyes. "Or what?" he whispered. "She'll make me lip sync for my life?"

Shell laughed out loud. "Boy, you are stupid."

"Let's do this," Parker said with a grin. He took a deep breath and put the wolf head on.

'Timo the Timberwolf' ran onto the field, jumping and pumping his fist, bringing the crowd to their feet.


As soon as Parker rounded the corner into the locker room, he pulled the wolf head off. They had just won the first game of the season. Parker was so freaking hot and so damned exhausted, he wasn't sure if he would make it through the rest of the season.

"Shit," he mumbled. "Oh my god." He pulled off his furry gloves and wiped the sweat off his forehead and ran a hand through his soaked hair.

"Good job, Parker." Jed slapped Parker on the back as he passed him into the locker room, making the smaller boy stumble.

"Thanks," Parker called after him. Jed pulled his helmet off and flashed Parker a quick smile. Jed looked good with his new mohawk. Before the game, the entire team shaved the stubble on their heads into mohawks. It made them even more intimidating than they already were.

Parker made his way to his locker in the back corner. He tossed the furry wolf-paw shaped gloves into his bag and sat down on the bench with the head. He took his time getting undressed. He tugged the pawed feet off and then pulled the over-sized blue and white football jersey off the costume and over his head. Once the jersey was off, he could get to the zipper that ran down the front. He unzipped and let the over-sized furry suit fall to the floor. He folded it up and set it on the bench. The Timo Timberwolf suit was a bit large on his 5'6", 140 pound frame, but he had enough room to move easily. He picked up the jersey with "TIMO" and the number "00" across the back and folded it up neatly.

He had to admit to himself that the crowd did seem to like what he was doing. But then everyone was pumped because they wasted the other team 40 to 7. It was a heck of a way to start the season.

He wished his parents were able to make the game. He kept looking for them, but they didn't show up. Too busy, he assumed.

Parker slipped out of his sweat-soaked t-shirt and boxer briefs and grabbed a towel. He glanced around and was glad to see that the locker room was starting to empty out.

He stepped into the shower and as he turned on the faucets, Jed walked in and took one of the shower heads down the wall.

The jock mumbled, "hey, buddy," and seemed to go out of his way to not look at Parker.

Being the only two in the shower, Parker couldn't help but sneak a peek at the bigger man. The first thing Parker noticed was that Jed had a tattoo on his right bicep, the exact same one in the exact same spot as Colton. The second thing he noticed was that Jed was really hairy. Like furry beast hairy, covering his hard muscles. He was built like one of those power lifters he sometimes watched on ESPN's 'World's Strongest Man' when no one else was home. And thirdly, Jed was hung like a donkey.

Parker looked down at his body. Okay, so he wasn't anything to write home about, but he was in good shape. Gymnastics and swimming kept his body toned. He had defined chest muscles and a flat stomach. His dick looked a little on the smaller side when it was soft; he was a grower, so it was all good when it was hard. At least he hoped so.

It seemed natural that being the only other out gay guy at school, that Jed would maybe take an interest in him. It wasn't that Parker was really interested in dating Jed but still. It kind of stung his ego. Parker shrugged to himself.

Oh well.

Parker set about the task at hand and quickly washed the sweat off his body. Finishing up, he grabbed his towel and pulled it around his waist and held it closed with his fist. As he turned the corner, he smacked right into Colton.

A very naked Colton.

Colton stood there with his towel in his hand, hanging at his side, not even bothering to cover himself.

When Parker smacked into his chest, Colton's arm came around his waist. "Whoa. Careful, pup."

The heat of Colton's solid body was like a furnace and that heat went straight to Parker's groin. Parker drew in a sharp breath as his dick started to rise. He squirmed out of Colton's arm and raced to his locker. He opened the locker and leaned forward against the door, breathing in shallow pants. His dick was so hard it ached. He could still taste Colton's sweaty chest hair on his lips and feel the heat of his hand on his hip. He gripped the towel around his waist tightly and closed his eyes, willing for his dick to go down before anyone saw him.

A warm breath tickled the back of Parker's neck, causing his entire body to tense up. The hairs on his neck raised and his body started to tremble. Colton was so close, he could once again feel that intense heat rolling off his much bigger body.

"Don't run from me, Parker," Colton whispered in his ear, his voice husky and growly. "I'll always catch you. And when I catch you, I'm gonna punish that hot little ass of yours."

Parker let out a stifled moan as his knees buckled. He felt his dick pulsing underneath the towel. He clutched at his locker to steady himself as the intense climax racked his body.

Shame slammed into Parker as he realized that he had just come all over himself in the boy's locker room. He looked around and let out a sigh of relief to find that he was alone.

He grabbed his towel and wiped the floor, then shoved it into the bottom of his bag. He got dressed so fast he probably set a world's record. He grabbed his stuff and ran, wanting to get away from the scene of the crime.

He hadn't imagined it. It had happened. Colton's body was practically on top of him, he was standing so close. Colton had whispered dirty things into his ear. And Colton apparently had the power to make him come without so much as a touch.


"You with me?"

"Huh?" Parker looked over at Shell.

She glanced over at him from behind the steering wheel. "Where'd you go?"

"Just thinking." About Colton.

"You did great tonight. I'm proud of you, boo."


"When you did our dance routine with us at half-time, I thought people were gonna lose their shit."

Parker laughed. "It seemed like they liked it."

"Trust me, they loved it. You had the whole stadium on their feet. I don't know how you managed to shake your booty in that wolf costume, but you did. Boy, you were dropping it like it was hot." Shell laughed loudly as she remembered some of Parker's moves.

"Oh god, that's so embarrassing," Parker groaned as he sunk lower into the seat. "At least most of the people in the stands didn't know it was me in the costume."

"We were all talking about it in the locker room. Even that bitter old hag Kim Reynolds had to admit that you were good."

"Well, since she hates me, I guess that's something."

"Trust me, being the mascot is gonna get you laid."

Parker rolled his eyes. "If you say so."

"So, a group of us are going to the lake tonight to celebrate. You coming?"

"No, that's okay. I'm really kinda tired."

Not to mention, he was totally freaked out by what happened in the locker room.

Shell sighed. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe next time."


The black wolf sat in the woods behind the house. He was restless again, just like every other night. He went for a run and ended up here. Just like every night.

He looked up at the dark window where his mate was now asleep. The sight of him in orgasm, the sharp smell of his semen, would forever be emblazoned in his memory.

Very soon he would have him.

Another couple of months. Then he could rightfully claim the boy as his. The rule was stupid anyway. Why should he have to wait? He wanted what he wanted and he wanted it now.

When the wolf's eyes started to droop, he gave one last look up at Parker's window, then turned and raced through the woods. He emerged several miles away in the backyard of his own house.

He scooped his clothes up from the back porch and went inside the house.

By the time he got cleaned up and crawled into bed, his cock was achingly hard.

Fuck, he needed Parker like he needed his next breath. He would wait until the time was right, even though the wait was killing him.

In the meantime, he would need to keep his distance, because if he got too close, he'd likely pick Parker up, throw him on the ground and fuck the ever-loving shit out of his hot little virgin ass.

He closed his eyes and remembered Parker's compact body, the way he felt against him, the way he smelled.

Colton gripped his heavy cock. He pumped his hand up and down, his loose foreskin making the movement smooth and fluid. He was so turned on, he wasn't going to last. Normally, he'd let his fantasies run wild and edge himself to make it last as long as he could. But after the events in the locker room, he just needed to come.

He pumped faster, letting the memory of Parker's scent play across his mind. He closed his eyes and imagined that it was Parker's hand on him. Or his mouth. Or, fuck, that sexy little ass.

He stroked faster, increasing the pressure of his fist. With a groan, he bucked his hips up into his fist and let loose, spurting ropey ribbons of hot come all over his chest and abs.

He brought his hand up to his mouth and swiped his tongue across his finger. He swallowed it down, tasting the salty, slightly bitter juice. Not too bad. He had never tasted another guy's load before, so he didn't have a comparison. His mind drifted back to Parker. God, he hoped that Parker liked the taste of his come... Because if Colton got his way, the boy was going to be swallowing a lot of it.

He laid there for a while, slowly recovering from his orgasm. But his cock was still rock hard. It wasn't satisfied with his hand anymore.

With a sigh, he rubbed the thick semen into his skin, then turned over and fell asleep. Erotic dreams of his boy filled the rest of his night.

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DickbrokemyheartDickbrokemyheartover 1 year ago

So well written, wish you kept posting stories on literotica.

Kabba118Kabba118almost 4 years ago

Whew! I am late to the party but I sure am glad I started reading this one! I'm already invested and can't wait to read more! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I was good looking and smart so not that popular but a football play that was very popular guy wanted me and we had to keep it on the downlow. It was great sex. I understand this story. I was at least shocked that some popular guy would want me because looks in High School takes a back seat to being popular and part of the in crowd.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
loved it so much

Lets just say that I loved it so much that when I saw it as a book on amazon I had to buy it to support it. I bought the squeal to this story as well. I'll be keeping an eye out for any other books. ;)

Spadger2Spadger2over 6 years ago
Secret Love

Have read a number of your stories (some more than once), Rob. The relationship between Parker and Colton has not fully developed yet, but it seems as though Colton is the loving, protective "bear" and Parker the sort of "nerd" as in many of your stories.

It's also nice that Parker has a good female friend in Michelle to balance things out a bit. No doubt I shall get round to reading the developing relationship between the Colton and Parker as things develop.

I really look forward to a fully loving relationship between the two main protaganists, as in stories like "Mac the Mechanic", "Bobby and the Cop" etc.

As for Seth (and his creepy pals), one wonders why there has to be such arseholes in the world?

Looking forward to further developments. Patrick (Spadger2)

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