Trinity Ch. 03


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"How deep is the water?" Alec asked. He leaned over to get a closer look.

"I think it's only about twelve feet deep, so that's not too bad. It's still dangerous though for anyone out here wandering around. It's a good thing we have those fences up to keep people out." Joshua teased.

"I think as a member of the security team I have every right to know every inch of the island, Mr. Finnegan." Alec couldn't keep the heat out his voice.

"I know that, Alec, I was only teasing you. Settle down, okay?" Joshua gave Alec another lazy grin.

"Sorry about that. I'm very serious about my job." Alec's eyes searched the heavens again out of habit.

"That's a good quality to have, Alec. Please though, call me Joshua." His eyes followed Alec's gaze into the night sky. "What are you looking for?" Joshua asked, his eyes still gazing at the stars.

"It's…" Alec paused. Should he share such personal information with this man? He barely even knew Joshua. It had taken him years before he would even share the secret of their start with Joey. There was that name again. "It was my parents' star. They were away on business a lot when I was younger, so we picked out a star to look at and this way no matter where any of us where at, we could look at the star and be together."

"Was?" Joshua gently asked. Alec could hear the concern in the man's voice.

"They passed away a few years ago." Alec smiled at their memory. "They were amazing people and really touched everyone that came into their lives. When I was little I was afraid of the dark, so they hung a wind chime on my bedroom balcony to ward off evil spirits and…I'm sorry, Joshua, I don't know why I started rambling." Alec's voice trailed off. He hadn't meant to just start rambling about his parents. My God, what was this man doing to him? Alec felt a deep blush spread across his face and neck and he looked away from Joshua in embarrassment.

"Hey," Joshua said as he stepped closer to Alec. Joshua reached out to turn Alec's face back to him. Alec's eyes met Joshua's, but the man didn't move his hand from Alec's face. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you blush like that?"

Alec didn't have any time to respond because Joshua stepped even closer to him. Joshua leaned over and captured Alec's lips in with his own. It was a kiss of pure need and passion. Any thought in Alec's head was suddenly gone as his head, and the rest of his body, exploded in pleasure. His breath caught in his throat and he felt dizzy. Alec reached out and grabbed onto Joshua to keep his balance. Joshua responded by deepening the kiss and pulling Alec's body up against his own.

Certain things are remembered for a lifetime and a first kiss is one of them. That kiss by the waterfall was the first kiss the Alec ever experienced in his entire life, and he was fortunate to have his first kiss be so earth shattering. He couldn't stop the small moan the rumbled in the back of his throat as he felt Joshua's tongue slip into his mouth. Alec quickly regained his senses and realized what was happening. As much as he wanted this to continue, there was no way that he could allow that. Alec stepped back from Joshua breaking the kiss; his hand reached up to feel his now swollen lips.

"What…what was that?" Alec managed to gasp. Joshua's breathing was ragged and Alec couldn't describe the look on the man's face. The only thing he could tell was that it resembled confusion, but why would Joshua be confused?

"That…" Joshua paused and took a deep breath. "Had to be the most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my entire life." He took a step towards Alec.

"Wait a minute." Alec said as he stepped back away from Joshua. He didn't have a chance to say anything else because he had reached the edge of the water. Without even realizing how close he was to the edge Alec stepped backwards and fell into the water.

"ALEC!" Joshua called out as his eyes scanned the water's surface. A thousand different things ran though Joshua's mind. He hadn't meant to kiss Alec, but sweet Jesus was he glad he did. Never in his entire life had he ever experienced a connection like that with someone so instantly. A few moments passed and Alec had still not broke back through the water. Joshua kicked off his shoes and dove into the water.

Joshua's body sliced through the water easily and he quickly looked around for Alec. He stayed under until his lungs practically burned from the lack of oxygen. Joshua quickly surfaced again and took a huge much needed breath of air. He was about to dive back underwater when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his body. Joshua jerked around to find Alec bobbing in the water next to him.

"Where the fuck did you go?" Joshua demanded. Fire and emotion exploded in the man's voice. "I was waiting for you to surface again and freaked out when I didn't see you."

"I surfaced on the other side of the pool, Joshua. I was trying to get my bearings when I heard you call, but I didn't have a chance to respond before you dove in. I swam over here as quickly as I could." Alec replied with a hint of fear in his voice. He couldn't believe how upset Joshua was getting. "This entire situation is your fault to begin with!"

"How the hell is it my fault, Alec?" Joshua asked angrily. "You were there one who fell into the water to begin with."

"That was after the first kiss thing you started!" Alec nearly shouted back.

"So you freaked out?" Joshua asked as they continued to tread water. "It was just a kiss, Alec."

"Maybe for you." Alec muttered and headed back towards dry land. He had only swum a few paces when Joshua moved up beside him.

"What do you mean 'maybe for you', Alec?" Joshua asked. By that time they had reached water's edge and Alec was ready to take off. Joshua reached out and stopped him. Alec mumbled something unintelligible. "Damn it, what did you say?"

"I said it was the first time I've ever gotten kissed. OKAY?!" Alec yelled back.

Joshua's face betrayed his shock at Alec's words. Could it even be possible that a man as gorgeous and attractive as Alec could have never been kissed before? Alec looked away from Joshua for the second time that night in embarrassment.

"Are you serious?" Joshua asked Alec. Alec didn't look back at him, but slowly nodded his head, almost shamefully. "I'm sorry, Alec, I shouldn't have kissed you like that."

"Why is that?" Alec quietly asked.

"The way I kissed you was too forceful, too possessive." Joshua responded. "A first kiss shouldn't be like that. It should have been like this."

As soon as the words left Joshua's mouth he leaned into Alec for the second time. His lips carefully and gently brushed over Alec's. Alec responded quicker this time to Joshua's touch. His arms reached out and snaked around Joshua's waist, pulling the man up against him. The water brushed up against their legs at knee level. Alec's mouth opened up to Joshua invitingly and Joshua responded by slowly sliding his tongue in.

Alec thought the first kiss was enough to blow him away, but this kiss went even far beyond that. That first kiss ignited every nerve ending in his body, but this kiss was so different. It made his body feel like it was on fire, but this time he could feel sensations snake down into his heart. A thought quickly flashed through Alec's mind. Could it be possible that Vanessa was right? Was there such a thing as love at first sight?

Alec wasn't able to contemplate any further thoughts as he felt Joshua's hands slide down his back and cup his firm ass. Alec's back arched and he pushed himself up against Joshua's wet body. Their firm, taut chest muscles rubbed against each other and it turned Alec on even more. Alec was a little afraid of where things might have been going, but for once his life he didn't care. He was ready for practically anything. Alec made the decision before he stepped foot on the island to go with the flow. Besides the fact that Joshua was so damn hot and Alec didn't think he could stop himself.

Alec's hands slid under Joshua's shirt and over his firm, muscled abs. Joshua's hands stroked Alec's face and ran back through his hair. Alec allowed his hands to run even further up Joshua's body until his hands brushed over Joshua's nipples. He arched at the touch and Alec continued his exploration. Joshua's tongue seemed to delve even further in Alec's mouth, and he didn't stop the moan that rumbled his throat. Joshua broke the kiss, his gaze burning into Alec's.

"Who are you?" Joshua huskily asked, his voice dropping in timber. He didn't wait for Alec's answer and pulled them back into deeper waters.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked as the water rose almost to his chin. He didn't know why he was even still there with Joshua, but his heart kept telling him it was the right thing to do.

"I've never met anyone like you before in my life. You're so innocent, untouched." Joshua quietly replied. A piece of wet hair was stuck to Alec's cheek and Joshua reached out and brushed it off. His hand remained in place, gently stroking Alec's face. His words, a reminder of Alec's inexperience, caused another blush from Alec. "I don't mean it like that, Alec. It doesn't matter to me how much experience you have. What I meant was that you seem so…what's the word I'm looking for? Pure?"

"You're making me sound like a nun." Alec murmured as Joshua continued to stroke his cheek.

"More like an angel." Joshua's voice was a husky whisper.

He captured Alec's mouth again with his own. Alec pushed his body up against Joshua and wrapped his arms around him. It was Joshua's turn to groan from the intense feelings that wreaked havoc through his body. Joshua was glad that he needed some time to think and ended up at the waterfall that night. Otherwise he would have never had those moments with Alec.

Alec couldn't stop the desire and hunger that was rising in his body. In fact he had no urge to stop it, but to let the fire inside burn and consume him completely. He reached out and began to peal the shirt off of Joshua's wet, hard body. Joshua had no complaints and lifted his arms to help. Alec removed the shirt, but was unsure where to put it. They were still standing neck deep in the cool, refreshing water. Joshua solved the problem by taking the shirt and laying it across his shoulders.

"Follow me, Alec. I have something to show you." Joshua said and started to swim towards the waterfall.

Alec swam behind Joshua as thoughts of what could happen went through his head. His heart was beating so hard Alec thought it was going to burst right out of his chest. Everything was so new and fresh to him. His mind was telling him that it was simply a fling and nothing more, but his heart was telling him something completely different. Alec couldn't help being drawn to Joshua and he felt something stir deep within his soul. Vanessa's face drifted through his mind with the words 'I told you so'.

He pushed the image and words out of his head as he saw Joshua go into the waterfall itself. Where the hell was he going? A bit of fear had begun to build in Alec's stomach, but he quickly pushed it away. He followed Joshua's lead and swam into the falling water. The force of the water was greater than Alec thought it would be and he was afraid he was going to sucked underwater. Suddenly, he felt something grab his hand and pull him forward.

Alec broke through the wall of water to find Joshua hanging onto his hand. There was a ledge and what looked like a small cave hidden right behind the waterfall. Joshua helped pull Alec from the water and the sound of the falls surrounded them. The moonlight reflected off of the wall of water and gave the space some illumination.

"This place is absolutely amazing." Alec breathed out. He turned towards Joshua to find that the man had discarded his wet shirt. Alec's eyes took in the beauty that was before him. Joshua's chest was as well built as his own, and his eyes took in the peaks and valleys of the man's muscles. His breath caught in his throat. "You're…you're beautiful."

Joshua flushed slightly at Alec's words and it caused Alec's passion to grow. Was it is possible Joshua wasn't as tough as he seemed? Alec smiled shyly and pulled his own shirt over his head and allowed it to fall to the ground. Joshua walked over to him and began to feel his body.

Their lips met again in a soft, gentle kiss. Alec pulled Joshua up against him and could feel the man's arousal. His body trembled at the intimate contact and he thought for sure he was going to lose it. Joshua stepped back ending the kiss and pulled his sandals off of his feet. Alec followed suit and removed his own socks and shoes. His hands reached down to unbutton his shorts, but Joshua's hands stopped him.

"Why don't you let me have the honors, Alec?" Joshua's voice still made Alec's knees feel like rubber. He couldn't find his voice to respond and simply nodded. Joshua smiled at him and lowered to his knees. "I've been imagining this since the moment I saw you."

He gently undid the button on Alec's shorts and slowly pulled the zipper down. Joshua paused for a moment because he hands were shaking a bit. Why did this man have such a hold over him? Joshua's hands reached up and began to pull the shorts down, which was more difficult since the water made it stick to Alec's skin. Finally the shorts fell to the ground leaving Alec standing in a pair of white, now practically transparent, boxer briefs. Alec's arousal was very evident and Joshua's eyes widened slightly. Alec definitely had a very ample package.

His hands gently ran over Alec's stiffness causing him to shudder and moan. It turned Joshua on even more knowing that he was the first man to touch Alec that way. His eyes locked with Alec's as he leaned forwarded and rubbed his cheek over the man's hard shaft. Alec's hands reached out and his fingers laced themselves through Joshua's hair pulling the man closer.

Joshua slowly moved his head up and captured the head of Alec's cock in his mouth through the wet fabric. He gently sucked and chewed at the thickness and groaned. Joshua could taste Alec's arousal and knew how turned on he was. His hands ran up Alec's thick, hard thighs and began to massage the man's bubble shaped ass.

Alec's body felt like it was jolted with electricity the minute Joshua's mouth made contact with his body. He had imagined what sex would feel like a thousand times before, but he hadn't even been close. Feeling and watching the things Joshua was doing was making him go crazy. He almost felt relief as Joshua began to pull down his underwear.

As soon as Alec's cock was free from it's wet prison it slapped up against his rock hard stomach. Joshua never took his eyes off of it as he finished taking Alec's underwear off. He leaned forward and captured one of Alec's long hanging balls into his hungry mouth. Joshua's tongue swabbed at the smooth orb as his lips sucked on it. Alec's body shuddered and Joshua had to help keep Alec standing.

"Maybe you should lie down. I don't want you to get hurt, baby." Joshua said and guided Alec onto the ground.

Alec was about to question Joshua about calling him baby, but just as he opened his mouth Joshua engulfed the head of his cock. The intense heat and wetness stopped anything from coming out of Alec's mouth except a deep groan. Joshua's tongue swirled around the fat head as a few inches disappeared into his mouth. Alec's toes curled in pleasure and he was barely able to stop himself from coming. His back arched and forced another few inches into Joshua's eager mouth.

Joshua reached up and gently massaged Alec's low hanging sac. He took a deep breath through his nose and swallowed the rest of Alec's cock. His nose buried itself into slight bush of hair Alec had above his penis. Joshua never touched himself the entire time, which was odd for him. He usually had to keep himself aroused, but with Alec everything was different. He had to stop himself from jumping Alec in the Journey attraction earlier that night.

"Oh fuck, Joshua." Alec murmured. His entire body shook from the new, exciting feelings that raced through him. "I want to see you."

The sound of Alec's voice sent shivers down Joshua's spine. He really didn't want to stop what he was doing, but he wasn't going to let Alec down. Joshua slowly let go of Alec's cock and stood up. He took his time unbuttoning his shorts and pulling them down. Alec's gaze was like fire on his skin because Joshua could practically feel the heat from it.

Joshua stood before Alec completely naked, the waterfall cascading down behind him. It felt like a dream to Alec; everything was so surreal. Joshua moved towards Alec as he sat up. Alec's eyes focused on Joshua's impressive manhood. He wasn't as big as Alec, but Joshua was definitely a bit thicker. Alec tentatively reached out and wrapped his hand around Joshua's shaft. It amazed Alec that it felt so hard and warm, but it still felt soft and pliant at the same time.

It almost felt like he was holding his own dick in his hand but yet he wasn't. Alec slightly tightened his grip and stroked Joshua's cock. A bead of fluid appeared at the mushroom head and Alec expertly maneuvered his thumb to rub in the liquid. Alec might not have any sexual experience with someone else, but he certainly knew how to properly stroke a hot, hard cock.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Joshua quietly asked. Alec's hand was like pure magic on his erection and he could feel his balls churning with need.

"I've never done it with anyone else, Joshua, but I definitely know how to stroke a gorgeous dick like this." Alec shyly grinned.

Joshua's eyes closed from the pleasure that throbbed through his body. Alec took advantage of this and leaned forwarded and cautiously licked at the head of Joshua's dick. He wasn't sure exactly what it would taste like, but whatever it was turned Alec on even more. He quickly moved closer and slid his mouth over part of the cock in his hand.

Joshua didn't think the pleasure could get any better, but feeling Alec's virgin mouth wrap around him practically sent him into orbit. His hands reflexively reached out and grabbed the sides of Alec's head. He had to stop himself from vigorously fucking the hot mouth in front of him. Joshua had to remember that this was Alec's first time and he didn't want to ruin this moment for the man.

Alec was so turned on he got completely lost in the new feelings he was experiencing. His hands reached out and began to massage and pull on Joshua's hot, smooth ass. Alec could sense the man was holding back, and he didn't want that to happen. He wanted Joshua to let go completely; he wasn't afraid of him. At Alec's urging Joshua began to slowly fuck Alec's mouth allowing him to get used to the feeling. It only took a few moments before Joshua was thrusting into Alec's mouth until his pubic hair was pressing against the man's nose.

Alec took to sex like a duck to water. It was like someone flipped an invisible switch somewhere deep inside of him. His body reacted and moved almost automatically. Who said all those hours of surfing for porn on the Internet wouldn't pay off at some point? Alec mimicked Joshua's previous movement by reaching up and massaging the man's heavy balls. An animal-like groan erupted from Joshua's mouth and Alec felt the man tense. Suddenly, Joshua pulled his cock out of Alec's mouth and lifted him to his feet.

"You are fucking incredible." Joshua growled and claimed Alec's mouth passionately. Their tongues battled for dominance as Joshua reached up and began to pinch and pull on Alec's nipples. Alec's body jerked from the intense pleasure that shot through his chest. Joshua felt Alec's reaction and ended the kiss. His head leaned down and captured one of Alec's hard nipples in his mouth. Alec soon found out that his nipples were directly attached to his cock. Every time Joshua's tongue slid over one of his nipples his cock would throb and twitch.