Under A Raven's Eye


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Utterly stupefied by what she saw and felt, Gina stroked Ethan's cock with careful enthusiasm. She loved the feel, the weight, the texture of it. Even his musky scent turned her on. Her other hand joined in, and she was soon pumping up and down with a two-handed grip.

Ethan squirmed. "You've done this before," he observed, eyes heavy, jaw slack.

Gina shook her head, attention riveted to the stiff penis she stroked. "First time doing this," she whispered heatedly. "Does it feel good?"

He laughed. "You have no idea."

Gina grinned, then let her eyes dart up to his face. "Feels that good, huh?"

He could only nod.

She grinned, slowed her strokes. "Then I wonder how good this'll feel," she said, leaning in, keeping her eyes on Ethan's, as she slipped out her tongue and licked slowly, seductively, around the straining head of his cock. She tasted the clear, sticky fluid that had seeped from his slit, and decided the flavor wasn't at all bad.

"Oh, God," Ethan groaned, almost falling back. But he did not want to miss a moment of whatever may transpire next.

Gina grinned wickedly, swirling her tongue all around the head of Ethan's cock, masturbating him toward her mouth. She puckered her pink lips and rubbed the head against it, even sucked it into her mouth now and then. Ethan bucked when she did that, involuntarily trying to push more of his dick into her mouth.

But Gina kept up the tease, giving him just a little here and there. She had already decided what she was going to do for him, and wanted it to be a surprise.

Her hands pumped up and down steadily, squeezing and kneading. She was good at reading Ethan's expression for cues, adeptly discovering what worked for him and what didn't. She kept one of her thumbs massaging just beneath the head of his cock at all times, while the rest of her fingers caressed and massaged firmly. She quickly realized that no matter how firmly she squeezed the shaft, it was never too much.

Finally, his body began to tense. His breathing became ragged. He gave Gina a pleading look. "Gina!" he grunted, punching his hips up off the rock.

"Yeah?" she responded heatedly, face glowing.

"Gonna . . . I-I'm gonna . . . oh, fuck!" He suddenly spasmed, every muscle in his body contracting. He nearly doubled over as his cock flared and stiffened and throbbed in Gina's hands. And just at the peak of his orgasm, as he was about to erupt, he watched as the girl cupped her mouth over the head of his glistening penis, the tip of her tongue barely touching it.

He growled like a feral beast as he came. The first thick salvo of milky fluid burst from the tip of his cock to disappear inside Gina's mouth. She flinched slightly, brow furrowing, and reflexively closed her lips. Subsequent spurts of thick semen splashed against her lips, her chin, across her cheeks.

Gina giggled and gasped, pumping up and down to get it all out. More of the bittersweet fluid shot into her mouth; the rest flowed down over her fingers as she continued stroking and milking Ethan's cock. Her lover squirmed, face contorted as if in pain. He jerked this way and that, tossing his head about. He finally had to slap a hand over hers to stop the torture.

"Oh, shit . . . ." he mumbled, falling back. His head smacked against the damp ground behind him. He heaved several deep breaths, as if he had just swum to the surface of the ocean from some impossible depth.

Gina grinned at her accomplishment. Gingerly, she took her hands from Ethan's slowly-softening penis, looking at the gooey tendrils of fluid stretched between her fingers. The flavor and aroma of his cum filled her senses. She had swallowed some of it, and considered the aftertaste. It wasn't bad, she decided. She licked and sucked her lips, then eased back into the stream to wash off her hands and face.

Languidly, Ethan managed to sit up. He both looked and felt drunk. He grinned crookedly upon Gina as she wiped away streaks and smears of white fluid from her face. "Th-that, uh . . ." he began, struggling to compose his thoughts.

She looked up, smiling proudly. "You okay?"

He laughed. "Best, uh, orgasm I, uh, ever fucking had," he declared.

Gina beamed. "Seriously?"

He rolled forward, elbows upon his knees. Clarity seemed to return - somewhat - as the blood rushed down from his head. He gave Gina a supremely impressed look. "You're amazing."

She passed a hand down over her face, wiping the water away, then came up between his legs, beneath his face. "Guess you could say I was inspired," she whispered sexily, craning her neck as she offered her lips.

They kissed softly, then with more and more passion. Now it was Gina's turn to whimper.

"Your turn," Ethan whispered meaningfully.

The brunette's only response was a hopeful look as she nibbled her lip.

He pushed back off the rock and pulled her with him, then turned the sexy girl about and eased her down. She responded willingly to all of his voiceless directions, and was soon laying back, hands planted on the ground behind the rock to steady herself, lean legs lifted and spread wide. Her flushed and ready pussy was totally and uncompromisingly displayed to Ethan in all its glory.

He ran his hands back and forth along her inner thighs, admiring the way Gina's pussy splayed open for him like a blossoming orchid. He planted soft, teasing kisses upon her slippery lips, gaining a taste of her fresh, ripe essence.

His eyes wandered to hers, as his mouth was poised over Gina's sex. "Beautiful," he whispered, before covering her pussy with his mouth and licking deep between her sleek inner folds.

Gina gasped and trembled with passion, tossing her head back even as she pushed her hips out, grinding against Ethan's mouth. He sucked, licked, and lapped, moaning at the flavor of her, the feel of her fleshy lips gliding around his tongue. He laved from her tight pink anus to the top of her hooded clit over and over again, all the while feeling the trembling rumbles of orgasmic need as they coursed through Gina's thighs.

His tongue dipped into the well of her pussy, finding a thick, sweet, musky essence, and he pushed in as deep as his tongue could go. Gina gasped and squirmed, pushing back against him. He could just feel the contractions of her inner muscles around the tip of his tongue.

But then he would slip up suddenly and fasten his lips around her clitoris, sucking it deeply, using his tongue to push the hood back to get to the sensitive pearl. Gina cried out in passion when he did that, bucking and clamoring and begging for release.

Release finally came. Unlike Ethan, Gina found no voice to tell her lover she was about to climax, not that she needed to. She ripped her hands from the ground behind her and slapped them to the back of Ethan's head. Her legs kicked and trembled in the air. Her face became a mask of contorted bliss when she came. Ethan moaned and held on, sucking fiercely upon Gina's clit, letting her grind against his mouth all throughout the seemingly endless throes of her orgasm.

She clutched him close, panting feverishly, until the tumultuous tides of pleasure ebbed away. She slid down off the rock, wrapping her arms around Ethan, seeking his mouth with her own. They kissed torridly, affectionately. She tasted her own flavor upon his lips and tongue.

Passion ebbed, replaced by primordial closeness neither of them had ever experienced before. They held one another close, as the lazy, trickling stream bubbled.

Gina finally pulled back with the most incredibly satisfied smile she had ever worn, and gazed upon Ethan's equally halcyon face. They breathed in and out, stroking, touching, petting, sharing kisses and meaningful looks for which no words would ever do justice.

Finally, Ethan spoke. "Wanna come up to my tent?" he asked.

She nodded with a broad smile. "Wanna make love to me?" she asked in kind.

He matched her grin. "Oh, God, yes," he replied.

They uncurled themselves, then washed up quickly in the trickling waters of the stream. Gina sought out her shorts, and, out of habit, dug out the slim smart phone still tucked in one of the pockets. She frowned as she looked at the screen, before an expression of true alarm crossed her face.

"Oh, shit."

"What?" asked Ethan.

Gina tapped on the screen, consternation becoming more and more evident with each passing moment. "My mom's looking for me," she warbled. "They came back from their hike and I wasn't there."

Ethan stared at her, feeling his shoulders slump. "You gotta go back," he said dejectedly.

"No shit," she sputtered. "'Cause if they find me like this, I'm seriously toast." Her fingers danced across the phone's screen. Finally, she looked up, giving her lover a profoundly apologetic look.

"It's okay," he said, averting his eyes. "If you gotta go, you gotta go, right?"

She slapped the phone against her thigh. "I'll come back," she said. "I mean it."

Ethan nodded, but he was obviously not putting much stock in his lover's words.

But Gina suddenly pressed herself to him, staring fiercely into his eyes. "I mean it," she repeated.

He settled his hands to her shoulders. "I hope so," Ethan said softly.

* * * *

The fierce dichotomy of the situation all but ripped him apart as Ethan trudged his way back to the clearing. On the one hand was the thought that what he had enjoyed with Gina was simply a prelude to something even more amazing, more satisfying, and perhaps - perhaps - more real than anything he had ever known with a woman before.

And then there was the cynical devil on his shoulder telling him Gina had gotten what she wanted, had her fun, and was never going to come back. She played you, bro, and all that.

He returned to his lonely clearing with a mix of emotions. He wasn't sure what to believe, or expect. He tried to tell himself that what he had experienced with Gina had been on the order of mind-boggling, and he should just be glad for that.

Yeah . . . be glad for that.

He tended the fire, foraged for more wood, fixed himself a bacon sandwich. He listened to some music on his phone as he lay back in the tent and drifted off. Despite any cynical misgivings, Ethan could not help but fantasize about his delectable lover and what he might enjoy with her if and when they may next meet.

If . . . .

* * * *

As the night fell, Ethan felt even more dejected than he had when he and Gina had parted. Consigning himself to the apparent fact that he had, yet again, been played for a fool, he busied himself with the mundanities of camping. He gathered more wood, took a nap, watched a movie he had saved to his tablet. By the time the shadows became more prevalent than the light, Ethan anticipated another night alone with his fantasies and memories.

Then came the flutter of wings, and the raven appeared once again, settling itself upon life-scarred talons on one of the three ancient rocks framing the clearing. It cawed a few times, as if it was just as perturbed as Ethan.

"Yeah, I know," he grumbled, sitting before the fire, stirring the contents of a stripped metal can that sat upon a metal grill placed over the licking flames. "I don't think she's coming back."

The raven cawed again, head twitching back and forth.

Ethan shrugged with a heavy sigh. "I wish I knew what I did wrong," he said as if in answer to the bird's cry. "Looked like everything was going hunky-dory. Then, all of a sudden, she was gone."

The bird fidgeted, fanning its wings, shifting back and forth. One of its eyes trained on Ethan.

He gave a mirthless smile. "Guess it's just you and me again," he said. He took the wooden spoon from the tin can, tasted its contents, then looked back to the raven. "Want some chili?"

The bird shook its head rapidly.

He shrugged. "All the more for me, then."

"Is there enough for me?"

Ethan snapped his head around, finding the source of the soft, feminine voice. She stood at the edge of the clearing, upon the narrow little path that led down to the ravine. She wore the same top, but had changed her shorts, Ethan noticed.

A slow smile stretched his lips. He was guarded. "It's just chili from a can," he said. He lifted up a small box. "And crackers."

Gina stepped closer. Her body glowed with a pale radiance beneath the moon above. Her eyes were fixated upon Ethan. "Sounds good to me," she said softly, venturing closer.

He reached for the can, taking it up by the edge with the tips of his thumb and forefinger. "How'd you find me?"

She smirked. "Actually, I found you last night," Gina revealed. "Came up here and saw you all laid out and naked and . . . ." she trailed off with a wistful sigh.

He shot her a look. "Last night?"

She nodded. "Yeah," she said, venturing even closer, until she was but a few paces away. Her eyes grew heavy with lust as she gazed up and down Ethan's body. "You were sleeping. You looked so . . . perfect."

He managed a smile. "Funny. That's what I think when I look at you."

Gina stopped, brow furrowing. "Are we crazy?"

Ethan frowned in response. "What do you mean?"

"I mean . . . here I am, just about friggin' desperate to throw myself at you, and I don't really even know you!"

He smiled ruefully. "Good point," he said. "So, what do you want to know about me?"

Gina looked even more confused and perturbed. "That's just it," she said. "I don't wanna know more about you. I mean, not right now. I just wanna fuck you!"

Ethan laughed, rolling back from the fire. He felt flippant. "Well, I wanna fuck you, too," he shot back. "So where's that leave us?"

Gina's features smoldered. Her bottom lip pouted. She stepped closer to Ethan, stopping but a few steps away before dropping to her knees. "I've been tasting you all day," she said, her voice a hoarse, breathy whisper. "When I got back, they had a grill going. Making hot dogs. I had one. But all I could taste was you."

Ethan met her eyes. "I keep thinking about the way you looked when I made you . . . you know," he said.

Gina's cheeks colored and she smiled with remembrance. "That was . . . oh my God, it was incredible."

Ethan stared. "I want you."

She swooned. "I want you, too."

He pushed himself up and approached her, reaching out to take Gina's face in his hands. He stared intently into her eyes. "No matter what?"

She swallowed thickly, but nodded. "No matter what," she whispered.

They kissed, tenderly at first, then with more and more heat. Hands fumbled as Gina's clothes were removed. The young woman blushed and sighed as her naked body was revealed to the humid night air, then again as Ethan's lips danced across her skin.

He made his way down her body as she trembled against him, holding onto his head for support. She raised one of her legs readily, giving him access to the succulent pink petals of her sex. She gasped in passion when his tongue passed across them.

"Come here," he said abruptly, getting to his feet and tugging on her hands. Gina followed him numbly to the bedroll on the other side of the fire, watching his face. She had never been so enamored of a man before, so desperate to feel his touch. What she felt for Ethan was something new, something overpowering. Passion gave her no choice but to give in to him.

Amid more kisses and caresses, they wound up with Gina settled atop Ethan's body, her thighs spread over his face, her hands and lips and tongue pleasuring his stiff and eager cock. She murmured around his shaft as it filled her mouth, squirming at the feel of his tongue slipping between her sleek pussy lips as far as it could reach.

But even as Ethan worked her toward orgasm, Gina couldn't put off the incessant longing within her. Sucking her mouth from his cock, she suddenly crawled forward, lifting herself in a squat over his body. Ethan knew instantly what she wanted, and supported her with his hands upon her firm round cheeks. Gina reached down between her splayed-open thighs to position his stiff, slick cock against the opening of her pussy, and slowly, languidly, pushed down.

"Oh-h-h, fuck that feels good . . . ."

Ethan could only grunt something similar as he pushed up with his hips. The liquid heat of her body soaked through his cock to light up every nerve he had. Her pussy sucked him like a mouth, pulling and massaging, but with vastly more sensation. Ethan could have stayed within her all day.

She finally began moving, leaning back with hands upon Ethan's chest, gliding up and down his cock. She panted in bliss, grinning to the dark night sky overhead. A slight breeze inexplicably poured over them, cooling their skin if only just a little.

God, this feels incredible. I can't believe how perfect this is . . . Her face contorted as a rush began to spike through her. I can't believe I'm gonna come already!

Ethan was amazed as Gina suddenly trembled and whimpered in orgasm, her pussy clenching and squeezing tight the cock inside her. She fell back against him, heaving and giggling. Ethan wrapped his arms around her, still inside her, and rolled them over until he was atop her. He could barely hear her voice.

". . . don't stop . . . ."

Ethan kissed the back of her sweaty neck, bracing his hands upon the ground beside Gina's shoulders. Her straddled her thighs, keeping her legs locked together. She eagerly pushed her hips up, giving him better access. In the light of the fire, he could just make out the fleshy lips of her pussy wrapped around his cock, the tight pink anus above.

Inspired by the sight, he thrust into her again and again, reveling in their animalistic coupling. Gina huffed and groaned with each deep thrust he made, and pushed back as if that would somehow give her even more of him. At times, he went so deep as to mash his cock against her cervix, but even that pain was pleasurable. She had never felt anything so deep.

They tumbled from the bedroll and across the dirty, leaf-covered ground. Gina propped herself upon her hands and knees, ignoring the pain of sharp twigs and small rocks that bit into her skin.

She came and came again, each orgasm stronger than the one which preceded it, each one empowering her even more. They both seemed fueled as their lovemaking continued.

At last, with Gina astride him, Ethan laying upon the dirty ground, hands groping her breasts as they shared deep, intimate looks, he felt the stirring of a powerful orgasm.

He did not have to tell her; she could see it in his face, feel it in his movements. She rode him harder and harder, coaxing out his climax. When finally he arched his back and growled in release, cock burning and flooding her womb, Gina shared his ecstasy as well.

With a great sigh, she collapsed atop him. Ethan barely had the strength to hold her close. The world around them was blurry and dark; their senses were as dulled as their muscles.

After many long minutes, in which what little strength they had left was devoted to soft kisses and shared grins of satisfaction, Ethan found enough energy to speak.

"I'm glad you came back," he said.

Gina smiled, strands of sweaty hair framing her face. Her features glowed in the light of the campfire. "Can I stay?"

He smiled. "As long as you want," he said earnestly, then kissed her once more.

Several feet away, the black raven stood upon its stone, watching them. Had it features to read, and had Ethan and Gina bothered to look, they may have seen a smile.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please buy a dictionary

Amelioration and admonishment don’t mean what you think they do. That’s just in the first few paragraphs. A good story spoiled by a writer attempting to appear sophisticated by using big words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

What an incredibly erotic story, told wonderfully!

LateNightReader121LateNightReader121almost 10 years ago
Great Erotica 5 Stars!

Anonymous is right, this was a great story to masturbate to. This was a fabulous read, I'd also be interested in reading future chapters; no pressure. It's just that superb!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
it's nice to have a real STORY instead of just hardcore sextales.

Thoroughly enjoyed this story...hoping there will be a continuance to this with the significance of the stones and bird in it. ::fingers crossed:: Keep it up sugar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
good work

a nice story, but could have cut out the 1st page altogether.......

be a bit more descriptive about the emotions.....and positions.....

perfect story to masturbate on!

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