Valentine's Day Surprise


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She could just make out the silhouette of her friend's slim body as she straddled her husband's hips. She could see that Mike was fucking her, and imagined his cock as it slid in and out of her friend's hot, soaking wet pussy. She could hear the sloshing as he lifted her body up just a bit and began to fuck her faster and faster. Soon he groaned deeply and she saw Natalie collapse against his chest. She felt her own juice sluice down her leg as she headed for the stairs and the kitchen below.

Des returned with one extra champagne glass and plates of Buffalo Wings, Spicy Chicken Tenders, cheese chunks, grapes, and dipping bowls of Ranch dressing. She made sure to rattle the tray as she approached the door.

"Ok, you two... chow's here. Sit up. Mike... will you open the champagne?" Des set the tray in the middle of the bed and placed the napkins nearby. Mike had gotten up at the sound of her voice and had reached for the bottle and was in the process of popping the cork as Des placed the tray down.

"Damn, honey," Mike said with a small laugh, "You've got enough here almost for a small army! Anyone would think you hadn't eaten all day." The shared laughter of the trio echoed in the room.

"Well honey," Des started, "If you must know... Nat and I didn't. I was so busy with this new case, and the motions involved, that I forgot. Nat got cornered into taking a last minute meeting, so she didn't eat lunch either." One friend looked at the other, grinned and started laughing.

"We're famished!" They said in unison.

Mike finally popped the cork and poured three glasses of the chilled golden liquid. It was shaping up to be one of the best Valentine's Days he and Des had ever spent. But he had one more surprise for her... but he wanted to wait until Natalie had gone for the night.

About forty-five minutes later, it was just Mike and Des... as they had bid a warm good night to Natalie, who had made the excuse she had some case law to peruse before the morning, and had used the increased amount of snow on the ground as her reason to head on home. Mike returned to the bedroom after seeing Natalie to the door and waiting for her to start her car as he watched the headlights back out of their drive.

He turned and began shutting down the lower portion of the house... making certain that the screen door on the porch was secured and the door into the kitchen was locked and bolted. He then turned out the lights and headed for the stairs. As he reached the landing, he opened the door into the bathroom he shared with Des and set about lighting candles and starting the Jacuzzi. The water churned and bubbled as he added vanilla scented bath crystals and then sprinkled rose petals on top of the bubbles. He made sure he set out the biggest bath towels they had.

When all was in readiness, he secured the door to the hall, and headed for the bedroom where Des was cleaning up the remains of their late snacks and Champagne glasses and setting them on the table by the window. She turned as Mike entered the room. Mike took in her dishevelled appearance as his wife approached him. Her lips were fuller than usual from the passion behind his kisses; her nude breasts were full and heavy, their nipples more round and more erect. He was aware he was becoming aroused again, just from watching this sexy little number in red satin, walk toward him.

This sexy little number in red... his wife. His soul mate... His esposa... His mi amore.

"Why don't I help you turn the bed down now honey?" He asked, as she was just about to reach where he stood. Mike put his arm around his slender wife as they turned and walked toward their king-sized bed. It was then that Mike saw the Hell's Red satin sheets. All he did was raise a brow and smile as they turned down the covers and plumped up the pillows.

Mike motioned this petite woman to him and she came round the end of the bed and stood next to her husband. He towered over her by a full foot... his chest was muscular and wide, and he had the hottest six-pack in town... not that she looked at other men... she didn't. With this handsome devil as her husband, she didn't care to look; didn't need to look, didn't want to look.

"Yes, my dear? What is it?" She asked, softly... almost cooing the words.

Without preamble, and without words, Mike scooped his wife into his arms and strode, with very purposeful steps, toward the bathroom door... telling his wife to close her eyes he had a surprise for her. He stopped walking and waited while she did as she was told. He carried her into the bathroom and then gently set her down on the soft rose-colored carpet.

"Okay honey... you may open your eyes now." Mike stood back so he could watch his wife's expression as she took in the steaming Jacuzzi, the rose petals, and the candles and soft fluffy towels.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Baby. Yo Te Amo. I love you, and I wanted to surprise you. I wasn't going to have you think I'd forgotten what today was... or how disappointed you were to come home and find me gone, yet again, to work. What can I say, mi querida? Lo Ciento... es verdad. I'm so sorry honey... it's the truth.

"Come stand before me, let me take from you what little you're wearing, which I love by the way; and let me bathe you. Let me pamper you."

Desiree opened her mouth to speak, but all Mike did was raise one slim, graceful finger and wave it in front of her face.

"No, my lovely. Say nada... nothing. I am going to do this. I will hear no argument."

Desiree stood still as Mike removed what little she was wearing, removed his own silk boxers, and then led her to the bath. He stepped in first, then turned and took her slim hands in his large ones and helped to steady her as she stepped in. He then sat down at the back and aided Des as she moved to sit in front of him. The warmth of the water, and the scent of the Vanilla sank in almost immediately and Des let a long sigh, filled with all the frustrations of the day, slip from between her lips as she leaned her head back against Mike's knee.

Mike picked up the pink body scrub and dipped it into the water and let the water sluice down across Desiree's full breasts. He could feel his erection, full and heavy, against his belly as he bent and began to pour the warm water over his wife's upper body.

Damn, he thought. Does she have any idea what she does to me? The thought ran round and round in his head as he lovingly, slowly and tenderly washed his wife's back. He didn't usually cum on her back like he did tonight; but what he'd witnessed happening between his wife and her best friend, as he'd stood at the door, was just too much. While he had enjoyed himself, and the ladies... he was secretly glad Natalie had had the foresight to head for home. He wanted the remainder of the night to belong to his wife, and her alone.

He felt Desiree's small hands encircle his erection under the water as he slipped in behind her. Her touch was so soft yet so sure. Just the tenderness of her fingers against him, made his cock ache for the soft valley of her pussy again. Quickly he stood up, causing a small frown to crease between his wife's brows.

"Come dear, and stand up. Don't frown... I'm saving him for you for later is all." He grinned and his white teeth flashed in the soft light from the candles and he bent to kiss the pair of soft lips before him before he stood back.

"Let me rinse you off sweetheart, and then I'll step out first." Quickly he rinsed the remains of the bubbles and soap from his wife's body... paying special attention to between her legs... both front and back; and making certain all remains of his cum was off her back. This done, he quickly stepped out and grabbed one of the warm fluffy towels and held it out... wrapping his wife in it as she stepped from the tub. Then he once again picked her up and carried her back into their bedroom.

Laying her in the center of their bed... he stood and went about lighting all the candles. Soon the entire room was lit with the soft glow from little dancing flames. He looked down at his slim wife and found himself drowning in the look in her eyes. The love they shared was glowing in hers as she looked up at him, and his was shining down at her as he returned her steady gaze. He moved onto the bed until he was next to her and he gently opened the towel to expose her body to his view.

He quickly covered the distance between their lips and kissed her hard and deeply, a kiss full of passion... yet very demanding. He framed her head between his large hands as his tongue snaked out to trace lightly against her lips. It was too much for Desiree and her mouth opened to take a breath, and was promptly filled with Mike's tongue. They sighed at the combined heat of the contact, and that heat scorched them.

He pulled her body atop him as he rolled to lie down. His legs opened wide to let Des lie between them... his raging erection pinned against her soft belly. Mike quickly pinned Des' body to his with his legs and one arm and swiftly rolled over... pinning her now beneath him. He shifted her body so he could remove his arm and raised himself above her, allowing her to breathe.

Mike let his eyes devour the body of his wife, before he moved to raise up on his knees and move toward the end of the bed. He was looking for three items that he'd placed right near his side of the bed... but yet out of view of any other eyes, except his.

He bent and reached for, and found, the items he was searching for and he brought them up in his hand. Mike eyed his wife as he shifted her position again.

"Raise your hands up. I want them above your head. Do it Des... now."

Des shook her head in confusion as she realized that "no defiance" tone was back, the one from earlier with Natalie. Des did as she was told quickly, and felt the cold metal and heard the telltale clicking of Mike's handcuffs. She tried to pull her arms away, but Mike was too quick and they closed and locked around her slim wrists... anchoring her to the iron design in their headboard.

Mike shifted his position again and grabbed her right ankle, pulled her leg wide and anchored it to a thick bar with yet another set of cuffs. Before she could act, he'd grabbed her left ankle, pulled that leg wide and anchored it to the other end of the long bar with a third set of cuffs. Then Mike stood and surveyed his work.

He looked down at his wife and saw her eyes were wide as saucers, just as they had been earlier. He thought he saw a spark of fear in her eyes... but he wasn't sure. He found it sort of a turn on if she was scared. The thought of Des scared of him... made his erection jump and quiver. The sense of power was intoxicating. He loved it!

He cleared his voice and spoke, softly.

"That long bar between your feet? It's called a "spreader bar", my pet. A Dom uses it when he wants his Pet's legs spread wide for him so he can use her and access her private places easier. Such is my intent tonight, my pretty. And while I know you like to thrash your arms and strike out at me while in the throes of fucking... tonight... you will be restrained while I fuck you deep and hard. I want you spread wide beneath me tonight as my cock takes your pussy. You will take all I give you and like it.

"Oh you will be sore in the morning, I assure you... but you will have been well, and truly, fucked this night. And you will recall it all day tomorrow, as will I. Now, let me see how wet you are and if you are ready to be fucked."

Mike climbed between Des' wide spread legs and ran his hands up the inside of her thighs. As he approached her pussy, he could feel the heat radiating from it, and he could smell her arousal. He lightly ran two fingers across the very bottom of the lips of her pussy, finding them very wet. He knew she was ready for him.

His hand closed around his cock and he pressed the head between the wet lips of her pussy and into the opening. He took her in one swift move inward, driving into her completely. He felt her body try and arch beneath his, but she was pinned by his height and weight as he began to fuck her. The sounds of their union filled the room, as did Des' sudden ragged breathing. Mike knew this was going to be the best fuck of the night.

He pushed in all the way, and then slowly withdrew almost completely out; then filled her with his length again. He moved from side to side... stroking the walls of her vagina. He felt her first cum and began to fuck her faster. He bent his head and bit her nipple until she screamed, gasped, and came again.

He rose up on his knees and pulled her hips toward him while his cock was still inside. He supported his wife's trim ass with his hands as he watched her eyes focus and then lose it; and then regain it.

"Do you like being fucked this way, my lovely?" He asked.

Desiree could only nod as her voice had left her. She wet her lips with her tongue and tried again.

"Yes, love," was the raspy reply. "Fuck me and don't stop... for anything. Please Mike... fuck me hard."

With those words said, Mike put Des down flat on the bed, took hold of the shaft of his cock, and placed the head at the opening of his wife's pussy. He sinuously slid his cock into her pussy and the heat of her encased him, as he began moving.

They kept their eyes glued on the face of the other as Mike began to pick up speed and depth. He felt the quivers and the jumps... all the signs that told him his climax was eminent. He sped up again, driving his cock deeper and harder.

The suddenness of his climax took them both by surprise. He felt it as it left him and he continued to move within his wife's pussy. He was fucking her with swift thrusts of his cock as he emptied himself into her.

His breath caught in his throat and he issued a deep groan of satisfaction as he felt the climax begin to ebb and soon stop. He looked down at the face of his wife and the glow of contentment was written all over it. She was covered with a soft sheen of sweat... her breasts were heaving, and he felt her pussy contract around his now softening cock. Gently he pulled himself from her, and heard her deep groan of protest as she rolled her head toward him.

"Oh Mike!" She sighed softly. "That was the best honey! Mmmm!" She was almost purring she was so content.

Mike reached up and undid the cuffs that had held her hands above her head; then reached down and undid the cuffs that had anchored her feet to the bar. Then he moved to lie down beside her and bring her in against his chest.

"Yes, it was honey. I so wanted to give you the best Valentine's Day night we'd ever had... and the best fucking we'd ever enjoyed. But I hope you don't mind... I really only wanted it to be us when I took you as I did just now."

Des laughed softly as she snuggled into Mike's chest; and Mike sighed happily as they settled down under the satin covers. Soon, they were both sound asleep... memories of the evening filling their dreams.

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Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 16 years agoAuthor
To Scorpio44:

Aaah, Scorpio!<br>


I love your opening line from the Christmas tune "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow," and your paraphrase of the next line that comes after! *grin*<br>


I hadn't thought of doing a sequel, but perhaps I can contact Mike and obtain his permission first. This story was written as a special request Valentine's treat for his wife... but I <i>do</i> like your idea! And it does have me thinking! *wink*

Scorpio44Scorpio44over 16 years ago
"Oh, the weather outside was frightful..."

And inside the weather was steamy! Thank you for such a delightful example of what a Valentine's Evening could be. This story begs for a sequel... Where the friend comes and shares a weekend with them.

AzuldrgonAzuldrgonalmost 18 years ago
Very very very good.

This one was even more erotic than I was thinking it would be. I was very surprised how you seemed to weave two different types of encounters into one.

Victoria_2001_02769Victoria_2001_02769over 19 years agoAuthor
To the one who thought it was HOT!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. *grin* I am so glad you enjoyed it. This was so much fun to write and I hope it is all Mike wants for his Desiree.

Mike told me what he wanted, I followed... using my words, and in my style.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
All in the Night

What a Wonderful story! Truely captures the erotic flavor of a most special night for lovers. You paint a picture of such intense love and emotion mixed with surpises and desire. Your vision has touched my heart! Romance and lust are so expertly entwined in a story by a lady that most of us could only hope really does exist. I look forward to reading more of your is well written and HOT!!!


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