Valerie Ch. 05

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Valerie's 48 hours of submission continues.
24.8k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/29/2022
Created 02/19/2007
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Chapter Five

Initiation Day Two

She woke to a voice speaking her name and a hand shaking her. It took a few seconds to recognize Sally's voice and to remember where she was. "Valerie, it's almost time for dinner. We need to get you cleaned up and properly dressed."

Groggily, she answered, "Yes, Sal…Mistress."

She tried to sit up and found that the belly band and pants made that difficult. Chuckling, Sally, totally naked, helped her out of the restraining garments. As she woke more, Val realized that she was incredibly turned on, as if she had woken from an erotic dream. "I don't suppose there's time for an orgasm before dinner?"

"No, in fact, I have specific instructions to not stimulate you and not let you reach orgasm. Into the shower, slave."

Sally seemed to be rushing things as if there was little time. Val took it for granted that Sally knew what she was doing.

"How's that shoulder?"

Val tested it gingerly, saying, "Still a little sore, but better than it was."

Once she was dried off, Valerie found herself being dressed. She hadn't noticed the boxes on the dresser, all from a store whose name she didn't recognize. As Sally opened them, she saw clothes she never expected to wear in submission. The clothes seemed to be designed to provide maximum coverage of her body.

Sally started by putting her in a full panty and bra that left nothing of her breasts or crotch visible. "Master instructed that you wear them," Sally reassured her. A long sleeve cotton shirt that could only be pulled on by going over her head was next. It was a challenge because it was tight, fitting snuggly about her arms and torso. Something akin to long johns followed, tightly encasing her legs and waist, buttoning to the shirt. The two items formed a single piece body suit when connected. Over the long johns were pulled an ordinary pair of pantyhose. Seeing as it went over two other garments, it pressed tightly against her body, giving a squeezed feeling.

"Mistress, why so many clothes?"

"No questions, slave. Master has plans."

Over her head went a long sleeve turtleneck sweater, two sizes too small, but plenty long. The left arm had been removed and a hasty seam closed the hole. This pinned that arm to her side. Now a sleeveless evening dress was slipped over her. It was just her size, but the extra things underneath made it fit too tight. It had no cleavage and extended to just above her ankles. The slit in the side had been sewn shut, giving her less ability to walk than the hobbles had.

Having her sit on the bed, Sally slipped knee high boots over her legs, sliding them under the dress. While the right size shoe, the uppers were barely able to zip closed due to the extra layers she wore. A vinyl glove went over her right hand, all the way above her elbow. This zipped up and pressed tightly against her arm. A hood, like the ones she had worn before was next, with the eyes and mouth free, at least for the moment. This one had no hole in back for her hair, making it fit even tighter than normal. In fact, she realized, it was so tight a fit that she couldn't open her mouth very wide. She would have to take very small bites.

Sally helped her back to her feet and Val noticed something else. The boots seemed to be totally rigid from the ankle to the knee. She could not bend her ankles at all. The tight dress made it nearly impossible to lift her legs more than an inch or two. She would be incapable of taking steps more than a couple of inches long. The vinyl gloves were made from a stiff vinyl, not a soft type. Her fingers were totally immobilized, as was her wrist and elbow. The dress fit so tight that she could barely bend over at the waist. It dawned on her that, except for the single glove and the hood, she had been rendered almost totally bound with normal clothes.

"Come on, slave, it's time to go to dinner."

"Are't ou oing to ess?"

"I have everything on that Master requires of me."

Sally attached the leash to Val's collar, the only thing she woke up in that was still on her body, and led her away from the stairs. She used a key in a door halfway down the hall and revealed an elevator. Val breathed a sigh of relief at not having to negotiate the stairs. Inside, she saw that it could reach the basement level as well. They left and turned towards the dining room. Her clothes were getting hot, the several layers providing far too much insulation.

In the dining room, where everyone else was naked, a steak and potato dinner was being served. When led to her seat at the head of the table opposite Charles, she found that she could bend just enough to sit on the edge of the chair. Her plate sat before her, with generous portions of steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, crescent roll and a green salad. She stared at it realizing that she'd never be able to eat it.

"Miss Valerie, would you like dressing on your salad?" the server asked. She recognized the young lady that had woken her up this morning.

Through her squeezed mouth, she managed to get out, "ousan ilan."

Thousand Island dressing was added to her salad and the girl stepped away. Everyone was served and Charles announced, "You may start eating."

Valerie sat there, hungry, yet unable to satisfy her hunger. She realized that Charles was playing a game, but she had no idea what. After ten minutes of watching everyone else eat, Charles spoke up, "Valerie, dear, aren't you hungry?"

"es, aser."

"Then eat up."

"I an't, aser. I an't ove nuf."

"Would you like some help in eating?"

"es, aser."

Turning to the serving girl, Charles said, "Lilly, would you fix Valerie's dinner so that she can consume it?"

"Yes, sir, right away."

Lilly came over and picked up Valerie's plate, bowl and glass of milk, handling them with the skill of a seasoned waitress. Catching Val's eye, she mouthed, "sorry," and went into the kitchen. Over the conversation, Val thought she heard a whirring sound, but couldn't place it. A few minutes later, Lilly came back out carrying a large milkshake glass, filled with a thick brownish liquid. Valerie's stomach threatened to revolt as she realized that her entire dinner had been pureed into a steak and potato shake. A straw was placed in it.

Valerie saw Lilly had tears in her eyes, not having wanted to be the one to inflict this on her. This time, Val caught her eye, looked right at her and said, "ank ou. I ery ungy." Then she deliberately turned toward the shake, and took a big sip through the straw. Forcing her stomach to quiet by force of will, she made a, "mmmmmm," sound and smacked her lips in enjoyment. Then she drank the rest of her dinner, feeling a little defiance and anger at her Master. When she was done, she shocked the room by calling out, "iy, an I ave ore ease?"

Lilly stood spellbound for a moment, then smiled, filled another plate with food and took it into the kitchen. Shortly, the girl returned and set the second shake in front of Valerie, curtsied and went back to serving the rest of the table. Valerie made a point to finish her second steak shake, realizing that, once she'd gotten over what was in it, it did not taste so bad, just very different. She imagined it must taste very much the way her dad enjoyed food. He had always put something from every course on his fork for each bite.

Finished with her dinner, she looked up and saw a smile on Charles' face. She couldn't tell what kind of smile it was, but Master was happy about something. Once dinner was finished, they all retired to the basement, Sally leading Valerie via the elevator while the rest took the stairs. Once there, they proceeded to the dungeon.

Charles announced how the proceeding would start. "Before we can enjoy the main festivities, we need to get this extremely over-dressed slave in a more proper state. We'll all take turns using whips to remove all the clothes from her body. They're to be whipped to shreds. Valerie, go to the whipping post and stand next to it. Everyone else, go get your whips."

Valerie moved to the post as quickly as possible, but still arrived last. Each of the seven had retrieved a whip. All had cats with very thin lashes except Charles, who had a bull whip. The long heavy lash looked like it could cut through steel, let alone clothes. She was able to keep her panic in check by noticing that each had retrieved a second whip, something less intimidating and by remembering Charles' accuracy last night in never hitting Sally and her with the bull whip.

"Valerie, you are to stay as still as possible. It might help if you lean against the post with your hand. This order is for your safety. If you move too much, our accuracy will go down. Do you understand?"

"es, aser."

Crack! Valerie felt a tug at her side as the bull whip made its deafening sound. She could see a tear in the dress, exposing the undamaged clothes below. Blows from the many cats poured down on her, noticeable but not painful. The soft fabric of the dress split with every stroke of a cat. At a brief lull there was another crack as the bull whip struck again catching a piece of fabric and ripping it down her body. She could not help but jump, causing one of the cat strokes that followed to catch part of her neck with a sharp sting. There was a pause as someone came up behind her, their breath on her neck. "No damage," Surmi, the oriental sub said.

The blows from the cats continued, ripping more of the clothing off of her. Valerie figured out that each lull in the cats signaled a bull strike, allowing her to tense and avoid jumping. The fourth strike of the bull whip tore the sweatshirt from neck to waist, leaving it hanging. The successive strokes from the six cats ripped the remains of the dress and sweatshirt. Once those were removed, they concentrated on the pantyhose on her legs. It seemed to take an inordinate length of time to remove that one item. It had to be ripped in several places by the bull whip before it succumbed to the actions of the cats.

When next the bull whip struck at her back, she felt pain for the first time since they had started to gang up on her clothes. So unexpected a feeling drew a long wail out of her. There was a pause and someone was again looking at her back. She felt a finger touch her skin at the point of impact. The whip had gone all the way through the shirt to her skin. Then four more cracks in quick succession, each producing sharp pains in her legs, belly and right arm. Looking down, she saw four more tears in her clothes and, thankfully, no blood.

A rustling noise was followed by a rapid series of cat strikes, these actually causing pain as they caught the tears in the clothes and pulled at them. Soon the shirt and pants were shredded, hanging on by the boots and glove. Down to her panties and bra, she braced herself for the next series of blows. When they came, it was like being whipped normally, the under garments providing no protection. Her breathing increased in pace tremendously at the intensity of seven whips falling on her in rapid succession. Paradoxically, this had the effect of lessening the pain as her nerves had little time to recover from one blow before the next blow struck. Instead of feeling each blow separately, her body felt like it was a solid mass of pain, but well within her tolerances. She rode the pain out with wails and screams, waiting for the eventual stop.

The end came and she almost stumbled in shock. Clothes lay around her in rags. All she had on now were the boots, the glove and the hood. Her left hand, free for some time, hung loosely at her side. Her body was covered in a sheen of perspiration and her pussy soaked and begging for attention. Her tits were sore, throbbing at the repeated blows it had taken to get the bra taken off of her. Red marks covered her entire body, but only a few qualified as welts. "Long sleeve shirts Monday, I guess," was the out of place thought that passed through her mind.

Two of the ladies came over and assisted her in getting out of the boots and glove, taking the hood off last. Freed, she went over to Charles, bent to her knees and kissed his feet. "Master, thank you for that amazing whipping. May I have permission to speak freely about something? It's very important."

"You're welcome, Valerie. You may speak freely."

Valerie stood up, took a couple of breaths and began what she feared would be the end of her time with Charles. "Master, tonight you forced BDSM play on someone without their consent. This was wrong and you must apologize and make sure it never happens again."

"If you did not…wait, you're not referring to yourself are you?"

"No, Master. I'm referring to Lilly, the young lady who served me dinner tonight. It's clear that she hated pureeing my food and she shouldn't have been made to do so."

"Lilly entered my employ with the understanding that she would witness things many considered perverted. She was free to choose to look for employment elsewhere."

"Begging your pardon, Master. She did not witness anything! She was made to participate. Anyone who actually paid attention to her would have seen that she was mortified. Given a choice, she would have refused! Everything I have learned about this lifestyle says that consent is paramount. Without it, it's abuse, not play." Valerie was livid now. How dare he make her an accomplice in this travesty! Is this the man she thought she could trust? Was he really this insensitive?

"Valerie, if she felt that way, she could've refused, walked out."

"And lose her job! Are you really that blind? People stay in jobs because they feel they have no choice. Tell me, is this the first real job she's had since high school?"

"Yes. What does that…"

"You idiot! Of course she won't leave. If she does, she's let go and the only job she has ever had she will be unable to list on a resume for fear of a bad reference. Francine explained that dominants consent as much as submissives do. It seems only fair that those outside of the lifestyle should be given the chance to consent before they are dragged in. Did you really get her consent? Did you? Tell me Charles, does she have a safe word?"

The combination of hearing his name from a submissive and the question she'd asked struck Charles like a blow to the face. Horror filled his face as he realized just what she was seeing. He'd promised himself many years ago that he would never treat an employee like an asset, but like a person. But he'd done worse than his father. He'd treated an employee like a tool to be used. Stepping back a pace, he looked at the others, silent and waiting. "Friends, you have free use of Valerie for the rest of the night. I won't be joining you until morning. Please be at breakfast at 9:00. That includes you, Valerie." He left them and headed upstairs.

After he had left their sight, Valerie collapsed to the floor and began to sob uncontrollably. Sally joined her on the floor, hugging her and letting her cry. As the sobs lessened a few minutes later, Sally asked, "What's wrong, honey? Why the tears?"

In between her remaining sobs, she answered, "I've ruined it. He'll send me away. I'll never get to come back and submit to you or him or any of you again. But…But…"

"But he was wrong and someone had to say something," Sally finished. The others had gathered around as well and were nodding their heads.

Robert added, "I don't think he'll send you away. You've shown him a blind spot. It's likely he's meeting with her and finding out if your perceptions were correct. If you're right, and I think it likely you are, he'll make things right."

Surmi picked up, "Master isn't an evil man. But like all men, he has faults and doesn't see them clearly himself. Truth be told, we saw none of what you perceived either. We're at fault as well for not stopping it earlier."

Sally held her at arm's length and looked her in the eyes, "Valerie. What you did took courage. Not that we had any doubt about your courage. Never be afraid to stand up for those who're too weak or afraid to stand up for themselves. Now dry those tears. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm horny and want to play with our little slave some more and force her to satisfy me."

There was a chorus of agreeing voices as she was helped to her feet. Debbie asked, "Do we have a green light, Valerie?"

Smiling, she said, "Green light! Green light!"

Sally looked around. "I understand that you strained your shoulder, so bondage that pulls on it is out. I think this calls for the saran wrap, what do you think?"

"Ooo, splendid." "Excellent idea!" "We haven't done a wrap in months."

"Uh, what's a wrap?" Val asked.

"You'll see." Attaching the leash, Sally led Val down the hallway into another new room, this one with a short table, only three feet long and two feet wide, about three feet high. There were several cabinets around the wall. A blindfold was produced and put on her.

"I guess I won't see," Val muttered.

"Oh, the insolence. I guess she'll have to be punished for that."

"Oh, oh, can I, can I?" asked Surmi.

"Sure, maybe we all can."

Val heard cabinets opened and a strange ripping sound. Then something plastic like was pressed against her chest and she could feel it being wrapped around her. Her arms were pinned to her side as the plastic sheeting was wrapped around he over and over again. As it went around, it was lowered little by little to cover her entire torso from shoulder to hip, stopping just above her pussy and clit. She'd lost track of how many times around it had gone, but she knew that they had run out and had to start a new package more than once.

Valerie felt something being shoved into her pussy, a dildo or vibrator by the feel of it. This was followed by a finger poking a significant amount of lube up her ass. Once the finger was able to slide in with no resistance, it was replaced by another phallic device. Then something metallic and plastic was pressed directly against her clit. While it was being held there, more plastic was wrapped around her waist area, firmly enough to hold the intruders in place. Even if she had felt so inclined, there was no way she'd be able to force the objects from her.

After this they started a new wrap around her legs. From just below her pussy and ass down to her ankles, plastic was wrapped round and round, encasing her legs in a smooth cocoon. Every once in a while, someone would poke at her knees, unlocking them when she tried to lock them to stand easier. While they were wrapping her legs, Valerie noticed that the wrap around her torso was getting tighter, as if the wrap was shrinking. In fact, it was. The plastic being used was shrink-wrap that contracts when warmed. With her body heat trapped in, she was shrink-wrapping herself. Her legs fully bound, they started shrinking their plastic as well. Soon, she was totally immobile except for her head.

She felt herself being lifted up onto the table, her head hanging just off the edge. Robert's voice was next to her head. "We have decided that your punishment is to be simultaneously whipped and stimulated by all three vibrators. To make it interesting, you'll be servicing each of us orally, repeatedly, until all of us are satiated. We've also decided that anyone being serviced by you must also be whipped, so satiation may be sexual or via our pain limits. But as long as one of us wants more, you must serve us and be whipped. We've all noticed how high your pain tolerance is, and we want to see just how much you can take. Of course, you always have your safe word. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Constant whipping until none of you can handle any more whipping or pleasure, or until I safe word. This is kind of scary. Can I ask what you'll be using?"

Surmi was heard at the other side of her head, "Dear, we'll be using cats, crops, and floggers. Now, the wrap will not stop any of the pain. One of the things that make it so delicious. But it will protect from marking to a certain degree. Do you feel up to this?"