Vision of the Spirit Ch. 14


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Penny's eyes obediently followed. "Uh… yes I did. It's called the linea nigra. Hormones cause it. Some people say if the line is really dark it means you'll have a boy."

"I hope that's true. I want a little boy." Annie languidly stroked up and down the line. "Did yours go away?" The hypnotic fingers drifted into Annie's pink zone and stopped. The index finger twirled the swollen clitoris.

Penny's clit magically twitched in response. "Uh… yes, mine went away."

A red fingernail slipped further down and then gradually disappeared between the pliant lips. It pumped in and out several times, before Annie said, "Mmm, let me see."

The request didn't sink in, until Annie sat up and took control of Penny's belt buckle. Quickly, she had Penny's pants unbuttoned.

Penny didn't move. Adrenalin coursed through her body and her gaze remained fixed on the wet index finger, now unzipping her fly.

"Stand up."

She obeyed. Room air washed over her legs.

"Step out."

Just that easily, Penny stood naked from the waist down in front of another woman. Her shirttail hid some of the view. Annie placed her hands on Penny's abdomen and spread apart the thin fabric for a better look. She brought the wet finger over and tickled down Penny's stomach, until it stopped at the edge of the curly patch of hair.

"A natural blonde! No line. You're right." Annie leaned forward and kissed the curve of Penny's tummy. "You are in great shape, very sexy," she said, and then raked her fingers up through the matted tuft, fluffing it out.

Penny's knees weakened. She closed her eyes. Annie's palms push outward against her inner thighs and she responded by widening her stance. Warm breath and a nose tickled her hair, so Penny had to look.

Annie smiled up and said, "Mmm, you smell good." She reached between Penny's legs and slowly drew her fingernails down her bottom and back through. They traced the around her labia, then fanned out in the hair and massaged her skin. "Penny, I haven't thought about sex with a woman since college. But lately, I'm crazy for it. I don't know why. I think part of it's emotional, part of it's hormonal." She stood up and hugged her.

The softness of the naked woman sent tingles everywhere. Cautiously, Penny wrapped her arms around Annie's lower back, and said, "I've never done this before."

Annie stroked her cheek. "I kind of guessed that. It turns me on to be your first. I think it makes it more exciting, don't you?" She leaned close to nuzzle Penny's throat.

It was true. The taboo novelty was thrilling. Tremors washed through her with ever-increasing pleasure. Like the walls of Jericho, Penny's innate barriers started to crumble under the onslaught of Annie's caress. "Yes, but what about Willie?"

"Willie?" Annie kissed lightly along the jaw line, until her lips teased Penny's ear. "Willie lets me have whatever I want. I wanted Hannah, but Hannah wasn't really interested. She just went along, and I'm sorry things went too far. When she finally said 'No', it was over." Annie pushed the blouse off Penny's shoulders. "If you want to stop, tell me now. But I think you want me. I think you're as hungry for affection as I am. Aren't you?"

Penny didn't say 'yes'. Instead, she dropped her arms and let the shirt slip off. She reached behind and unhooked her bra. The only thing keeping it up was Annie pressed against her chest.

Annie pushed the bra straps off Penny's shoulders and down her arms to expose her completely. Throwing the garment aside, she said, "That's a yes," and pulled Penny back into a tight embrace.

The feel of the naked woman, breast to breast, was very different -- smooth and round. Her heart pounded so hard, she knew Annie must have felt it too.

Their eyes locked.

Hesitantly, Annie moved in for a tender kiss.

Once again, the uniqueness of another woman's skin pleased Penny. She savored the slick texture, as Annie's mouth opened to apply a little tongue, searching for a companion. Penny responded with a sigh and added a little tongue of her own.

Immediately, Annie became aggressive. The small spark ignited a bonfire. Her lips pounced, skimmed and nipped, around Penny's face and neck, creating new tingles. She felt the hands on her back slip down to fondle her ass. They pulled tight and Annie began to writhe against her.

Penny responded in kind, inflamed by the passion. She caressed Annie instinctively, as a woman. What she liked, Annie would like. She tangled her fingers in Annie's hair and kissed back, hard.

The redhead groaned and slipped a hand between Penney's legs.

The suddenness of fingers rubbing her clitoris made Penny gasp and thrust her hips spontaneously. Breathless, she pushed Annie away by the wrists, and whispered, "Time out."

Disappointment briefly registered on the redhead's face, then she smiled and relaxed. "I'm coming on too strong. Sorry."

"It's okay. I'm a little overwhelmed. That's all." Penny flopped down on the couch.

Annie sat close beside Penny and waved her fingers under her freckled nose. "You smell delicious," she said, and then sucked them into her mouth. "Mmm, you are." While Penny watched, Annie dragged the wet fingers down her chest and teased her own nipples until they were fully erect, and then continued down over her stomach. She leaned back so that Penny could see, and slipped two fingers into her vagina. Glistening with fresh lubrication, Annie pulled them out to tease her clit, while studying Penny's reaction.

Penny smiled at Annie and tried to be satisfied just to watch. The erotic spectacle transferred familiar sensation to Penny. So familiar, she could feel every touch. Truthfully, she wanted to participate but dared not interrupt.

Annie must have sensed her want. "Would you play with my nipples? They're so sensitive."

It was a simple request. Penny thought, 'I can do that.' So, she edged closer and leaned over Annie. The scent of the other woman's arousal smelled invitingly familiar. To the best of her ability, Penny toyed with Annie's nipples. Taunting her with near touches and diminutive massage. The nipples reached out for a connection. It was fun to see Annie's face silently plead for the crowning stroke. When she did finally twirl one nipple, Annie shuddered and groaned. The power over someone else's pleasure began to consume Penny. She'd felt this thrill with men, but with a woman it was different, she could empathize, experience it vicariously. Familiarity bred excitement. "How am I doing?" she whispered, and then gently kissed Annie's lips.

"I'm lovin' it. You know what I like." Annie's fingers left her pussy and painted her left nipple. "Taste?"

A lump developed in Penny's throat. She swallowed hard and smiled. The request was inevitable. It was time to suck it up or zip it up. Not wanting to disappoint, she kissed her way down Annie's neck, along the inside swell of her breast to the shiny target and licked. "Mmm," she purred, and thought, 'Tastes like me.' A new determination energized Penny. The passiveness was pushed aside as excitement grew. The mysterious thrill of making another woman climax took hold. She fondled both breasts and reveled in Annie's twitches and groans. The final barrier had to be breached. Penny held Annie's gaze, and traced her fingertips down, until they rested on her smooth labia. She felt Annie spread her legs in acquiescence. Penny touched the warm moisture of another woman for the first time. She smiled, and said, "It's like touching myself without feeling it."

"It feels wonderful," said Annie, and leaned forward for a kiss.

While they exchanged tongues, Penny slipped an index finger inside. Annie's back stiffened, as she groaned. Penny's thumb found Annie's clitoris and flicked it. The sudden jerk of the redhead's hips prompted more caresses to elicit more reactions.

Annie broke the kiss and leaned back to float within a cloud of ecstasy.

Penny put one arm around her back and bent to taste a nipple, while inserting her middle finger. She began to thrust into the clutching warmth, still thumbing her clit, and sucking the nipple.

Annie's fingers tangled in Penny's hair, holding her in place. "Oh yeah, mmm, mmm…" Her hips made small, involuntary thrusts in response.

Penny's thighs slid together, wet from her own flow. Her pussy ached to be touched. First things first, give and then receive. The giving thrilled her beyond her wildest dreams.

Annie slid down onto her back, and put her foot up on the back of the couch.

The sight of her own fingers plunging in and out of Annie inflamed Penny's lust. She couldn't resist the desire to taste the juice stirred by her hand and to find out what a woman's pussy felt like against her lips. Slowly, she bent down, while keeping eye contact with the sexy redhead.

Annie's eyes were mere slits, but her smile grew large. Guessing Penny's intention, she groaned in a husky voice, "Yes, please do."

A new rush of excitement flooded Penny's senses as she neared the shiny pink lips. There were no freckles here. The labia were swollen and glistening with a natural readiness for a cock. But all she had to offer were hands and a mouth. She thought, 'I'll do my best to compensate,' and kept a slow thrust with her fingers, as her tongue tip licked a clitoris for the first time. The tangy flavor exploded on her taste buds, as Annie's hips jerked in response to the sensation. Penny puckered her lips and sucked on the erect morsel, while quickening her fingers.

For several minutes, Penny teased Annie just as she would want to be teased, with slow and deliberate intensification.

After a variety of kisses and fondling, Annie began to writhe uncontrollably. "I'm coming," squeaked from her panting lips, as her back suddenly arched and her thighs clamped tight around Penny's hand. Groans and squeals burst out with lusty fervor.

Penny felt the woman's internal tremors pulse around her imbedded fingers. Her pulse quickened and she felt hot all over, just from watching Annie's body wiggle in the frenzied release. When the sensations receded, Annie sagged into the couch.

Penny continued to stroke gently, until satisfied every last delightful twinge was gleaned from the redhead's body. Then, she sat back and watched Annie recover, happy with her success. When Annie opened her eyes, Penny made a show of licking her fingers. The sexy look on Annie's face made Penny shiver with anticipation.

Annie said, "Thank you. That felt incredible."

"I did okay?"

"You did great!" Annie sat up and pushed Penny onto her back. Her round belly slid up Penny's body, until she could reach over the arm of the couch and retrieve the television remote control from the side table. Annie's boob dangled suggestively over Penny's face. Annie took advantage of the opportunity, and said, "Well?"

Penny smiled and pulled Annie's torso down, until she could tease the nipple with the tip of her tongue. She heard Annie sigh and then she heard the TV click on, but there was no sound. Curious, Penny turned away from the puffy morsel to glance at the television. What she saw on the screen didn't sink at first. But when Annie sat up, and the woman on television sat up, she recognized the pregnant body. Stunned, Penny quickly sat up and saw her naked TV twin sit up, as well. "What's going on?"

"Security cameras," said Annie. "Willie has a network of closed circuit cameras in every room. Can't be too careful, these days." She pushed a button and the camera zoomed in, until just the couch filled the screen. "Sometimes it's fun to watch. I thought you might like to see how sexy you look while I make love to you."

The pregnant woman on TV leaned over and kissed the other woman on the cheek. Penny felt it. She thought, 'Another first, now I'm a porn actress.' A hand on the screen rose up and cradled a breast. She felt it all the way to her toes. When she looked down, there it was. Penny decided she liked this new, out-of-body experience.

"Here," Annie handed the control to Penny, "Let me show you how it works. Push the plus button to zoom in and the minus button to zoom out. If you want to pan the camera from side to side, press the left and right buttons."

"This is so cool." Penny played with the buttons and zoomed in for a close-up of the fingers pinching her nipple. Seeing it from a third person perspective seemed incredibly exciting. It was like watching a live sex show, something she'd fantasized about a few times. She panned the camera left, to focus on Annie's breast. She reached over, brushed it with her hand and saw it jiggle seductively on TV. Then she squeezed it and Annie moaned next to her. "Surround sound."

"Lie back," said Annie, gently pushing her.

Penny did what she was told, while switching her gaze from the TV to Annie.

"Just enjoy." Annie knelt on the floor and began massaging Penny's breasts and kissing her stomach.

The sensations momentarily took Penny's breath away. As Annie kissed lower, Penny turned her eyes to the TV. She zoomed out to see the whole couch, and then zoomed in to watch Annie's kisses from the side view. The extraordinary sensory input tickled every nerve ending to precipitous heights. She watched on TV as Annie buried her nose in her pubic hair.

"Mmm, you smell so good."

Penny smiled down at Annie.

Annie pushed her legs apart. Penny placed her right foot on the floor, opening herself up for Annie and the camera. The TV picture showed a close-up of Annie's fingers spreading the blonde haired lips apart and her pointed tongue inching toward a swollen clitoris.

When it touched, Penny jumped from the sudden pleasure. The tongue wiggled all over the nub, dispatching neuron shooters that curled her toes. Next, Annie's lips move forward and gently sucked the glistening bump. The squirming woman on TV seemed so far removed from Penny, and yet physically connected.

"Oh, Annie. That feels wonderful," she said, and tried to zoom out for a broader view. Distracted by the flood of tingles everywhere, she made a mistake and pushed the wrong button. A picture of the kitchen popped up on the screen. Quickly, she began channel surfing, trying to get back to the living room camera. Suddenly, the master bedroom appeared on the screen and the sight took her breath away. The camera was in a corner, about eye level. The panoramic shot captured the bed and the television. Willie appeared to be wide-awake and watching TV. On the twenty-inch bedroom screen Penny saw what she felt, Annie eating her pussy. Willie was riveted to their lesbian tryst, slowly pumping his huge cock. The first cock she'd ever touched.

Annie must've sensed a change in her lover, because she lifted her head to look at the TV. She giggled and said, "I think he likes the show," then slipped two fingers into Penny's pussy.

Penny was too flustered to enjoy it. "He knows?"

"Of course he knows. I wouldn't do anything without his consent." Annie took the control away, changed back to the living room channel and then gave it back. "I guess I should explain." She languidly stroked her fingers in and out of Penny while she organized her thoughts.

Penny's mind was a jumble of images. She tried to remember everything they'd done, everything he'd seen. If Willie watched the whole time, he witnessed them fondle each other, watched them kiss and watched her give his wife oral sex all the way to orgasm. The idea felt shamefully erotic. He could've stopped them if he wanted to. Instead, he chose to enjoy the show. The disappointment she'd felt earlier, because he wasn't involved at the beginning, transformed into a thrill that he really had been, kind of. He'd witnessed her first time with another woman. If he'd been there in person, she'd never have felt as uninhibited with Annie.

"I want you to know this isn't something we've ever done before or ever plan on doing again, Penny." Annie kissed her tummy, then ran her tongue slowly down and over her clit.

Penny watched it all on TV. Her heart pounded with increased excitement, knowing Willie was watching, too.

With her lips lightly touching Penny's skin, Annie whispered, "I think we all need this. You and Willie have some unfinished business. You've always been a ghost in my marriage. Now's the time to exorcise all our demons." Once again, her fingers began to piston in and out. The squishiness of a wet pussy and sucking lips became the only sound.

The sensations were undeniably good, and Penny felt a rising climax. The TV screen was filled with naked bodies. Penny pulled aside Annie's hair to reveal more to Willie.

Annie's free hand drifted up Penny's stomach and began to pinch and toy with her nipples.

"Oh, that feels wonderful." Penny thrust her hips to meet Annie's fingers, letting herself go with the orgasmic flow. She began to pinch her own nipple, excited that Willie would see. This was a once in a lifetime performance.

Annie's tongue worked magic. She had all the twists and turns only another woman would know. Changes in tempo and pressure made the sensations ebb and flow.

"Oh, you're toying with me," moaned Penny.

"Yes, I am." Annie kissed her way to Penny's chest.

Her thumb replaced her tongue on Penny's clit, and the tremors increased exponentially. "Oh my god!" were Penny's last words. Pleasure waves began to swell and break from the epicenter of her sex. Annie kissed her open mouth as the fireworks exploded. Her own tart flavor added a new dimension. Uncontrollably, Penny's hips thrust against the fucking fingers.

As the climax faded, Annie slowed her caress.

Penny's heart pounded in her ears for long seconds. When she finally regained control of her limbs, she pulled Annie onto the couch. "Thank you. That was marvelous," she said, and gave her a deep and heartfelt kiss.

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure."

They cuddled and fondled each other while their passions cooled.

After a few minutes, Annie gripped Penny's face between her palms and met her gaze. "Okay, now it's Willie's turn. He's waiting for you. I'll stay here, until you're done." She picked up the remote and changed to the bedroom channel. Willie's cock had gone soft. "I'll be watching you two."

"Are you sure about this?" asked Penny, secretly afraid that she would say no.

"Yes, I'm sure. You both need to get this out of your system." Annie pecked her lips, stood and took the teacups out to the kitchen.

Penny looked at the TV screen. Nervously, she waved in the direction of the living room's hidden security camera. Willie smiled and waved back, but that was it, there was no 'come here' finger curl to encourage her.

'I guess it's up to me.' This was so bizarre. Everything today was beyond belief. Here she sat, naked, and thoroughly satisfied by another woman, yet she still wanted more. Penny was right. Willie was a ghost in her life. He'd always been the 'what if'. Now she had the chance to find out. Penny knew there was no reliving the past, but she could take back that one night, stolen from her long ago.

She left the TV on the bedroom channel for Annie, stood up and slowly walked down the hall. Briefly, she peeked into the spare room. Freddie was sound asleep. As she continued down the hall, her heart began to pound with anticipation. Would this be all she'd hoped or would it be another disappointment? Whatever it turned out to be, she had to find out.

When Penny reached the bedroom door, she suddenly felt embarrassed to be naked, embarrassed by her old body. Willie had seen her at 18, young, fit and sexy. Would he be disappointed?

'Well, he's already seen me, so it won't be a surprise.' After a deep breath, she stepped into the room.

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