Waking Up With a Monster


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"Okay, I'll stop by on my way home," I said.

"No, Honey," she said. "That hotel or wherever you're staying isn't your home. Your home is the place you're coming to."

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but feel that Katherine was right.

The fire in Rachel's eyes when I told her stunned me. "She's setting you up," she said angrily. "She's going to lure you over there to try and get you in her bed. She thinks that by seducing you, she can get you to drop the divorce."

Rachel was so worked up that she didn't seem to realize that we were in the radiology department's office and half of the staff could hear us. There were several people smiling and other's shaking their heads.

"I'm going with you," she snapped.

"Rachel, I don't think that's a good idea," I said. I spoke softly trying to calm her down.

"We're having dinner at six," she said. "Don't be late. Don't make me come over there after you. And don't have sex with her!" She stormed out of the office leaving me shaking my head in her wake. "And I'm calling Lila," she threw over her shoulder.

"Well that didn't take long," snickered Gloria.

"What didn't take long?" I asked.

"For you to realize that you needed to marry someone who understands what hospital work is like," she said. "So now you're going to hook up with Rachel, huh?"

"Gloria, are you on crack?" I laughed. "Rachel is fifteen years younger than I am. Ha ha ha. Why the hell would she want me?" I looked around but of the five or six people in the office, not one was laughing.

I went to the locker room to change out of my scrubs. I put on my clothes and headed for the parking lot. I thought about buying a bottle of wine for us I to share while we talked and I did stop off at a liquor store and buy some. But I decided that just in case Rachel was right, taking the wine might send the wrong message.

I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. My Mustang GT was loud enough that Katherine could probably hear it from inside. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. I waved at my neighbor from across the street as I waited. After what seemed like an hour, Katherine came to the door. She looked puzzled.

"Mark, why did you ring the bell? Did you lose your key?" she asked through the screen door.

"Katherine, I don't live here anymore," I said. The shock on her face told me how much my words had affected her. She opened the door and I walked in. The house smelled wonderful. She had made my favorite meal. Katherine had a way of making everything special. Her pot roast had carrots and celery in it. I had always loved it.

I went up the stairs and into the bedroom. I took a few more outfits and underwear from my closet and dresser. She came in, then. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, Mark," she said.

"Katherine, I don't think it's a good idea for us to have dinner together," I said.

"Why not?" she asked. "I made it the way you like it. I made it for you. Whether you know it or not everything in this house is still yours. Isn't that why you want a divorce? You're angry because I shared something that's yours with other men?"

"I already told you I was sorry," she said. She leaned back against the bed watching me as I gathered my things. She had one hand on the hem of her skirt and was slowly lifting it. I kept expecting to see her panties but I saw hair and I realized that she wasn't wearing any.

Every bone in my body lurched towards the bed. I wanted her and she knew it. She smiled and pulled the skirt even higher. She rubbed her slit. It glistened with wetness and seemed to be calling to me. "Now I understand why you didn't want dinner," she leered. "You wanted to get straight to the dessert."

But in the background I heard a voice guiding me when my strength was gone. Two statements turned me away. "Don't make me come over there," she'd said. And as if she'd been psychic, "Don't have sex with her," she'd told me.

Suddenly my big head regained control of my body. "I'll just take the clothes that I have so far," I said. Both disappointment and anger flared on her face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Katherine, it was you having sex with other men that ruined our marriage so I don't know why you think you can fuck your way back into it," I said. "Doing this would only complicate things."

"Things are already complicated," she said angrily. "It seems like you're punishing me for things that happened in the past. I haven't had sex with anyone except you for the past two years. And you certainly seemed to like having sex with me just last week. As I recall it you were almost fucking me raw up until the night you left me and..." She stopped abruptly after looking at my face. "What's wrong, Mark?"

"So, you only stopped cheating in me two years ago?" I yelled. "This is far worse than I thought. What's wrong with you?"

"I was sick," she whined. "I had post partum depression!"

"For sixteen years?" I asked. "Katherine you started this shit only two years after we got married. You quit two years ago. That means that 80 percent of the time that we've been married you've been unfaithful."

"But I did stop," she whined. "We were happy."

"No, Katherine, you were happy. I was blind," I said. The doorbell rang before I could say anything else. I thought at the time that it was a good thing. We went down to the door. A man dressed in a really expensive looking suit stood there.

"Hello ma'am is there a Mark Getsetgo here?" he asked.

"I'm Mark Getsetgo," I said. He handed me a large envelope.

"You've been served," he said.

"Served what?" I asked. I had no clue. I opened the envelope and found a set of divorce papers. As I read over the petition, I was livid.

"Mental cruelty?" I screamed. "Failure to recognize or support your medical condition? What medical condition?"

"It's all down there," said Katherine flatly. "But this was my lawyer's idea, I..."

"Post partum depression and a sex addiction!" I didn't find out about the depression thing until last week and this is the first I've heard of a sex addiction!"

I looked at her angrily and she couldn't meet my gaze. "You're lying again Katherine. This is why you wanted me here isn't it?" I asked.

"Mark...I'm..." she blurted out.

"Well Katherine, your brilliant a plan has failed. I wasn't sure about the divorce until now, but you made my mind up for me. I'll have my lawyer call yours," I said. She grabbed my arm and I shook her off. I walked out of the house and got into my Mustang and drove away.

"Wow, you didn't stay long," smiled Rachel as she opened the door of her apartment for me. "I'm going to have to get you a key."

I was floored by what had just happened. It must have shown on my face because Rachel seemed to be studying me. "What did she do?" she asked. She got closer to me and looked me all over. She walked around me in a circle leaving me wondering what was going on. Then she leaned in and actually sniffed at me like a dog. I realized then that women are crazy. "You're too tall. Lean down," she said.

Then as if she changed her mind she grabbed my arm and took me over to the couch. She pushed me down on the couch and sniffed my neck. Her breasts trailed across my arms and chest. I looked across her back and saw her heart shaped ass rising from her lower back. I couldn't help it. My dick rose like a flag pole going up.

I was embarrassed. Rachel had taken me into her home. She was supporting me through this entire awful process. She deserved better. Fortunately, she didn't seem to notice.

"Rachel, Honey what are you doing?" I asked.

"You don't smell like sex," she said. "And you don't smell like you've had a shower," she smiled. "That means I don't have to go over there and beat her up."

Despite the way I felt, my anger began to slip away and I laughed. "Rachel what is that smell?" I asked.

"It's dinner," she said. "Don't change the subject."

"What subject?" I asked.

"What did she do to make you so upset?" she asked. She settled where she was, lying on top of me. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I just wrapped them around her waist as I spoke to her.

"You were right," I said. "I shouldn't have gone. First she tried to...well I saw parts of her body that I shouldn't be seeing anymore since we're not together and..."

"You saw what?" she asked angrily. In a heartbeat, her expression changed from caring and concerned, to pissed off. "I'm going over there," she hissed. "That bitch is crazy!" I was shocked. Rachel didn't usually use words like that.

I grabbed her around her waist to keep her from getting up and she seemed to like that. "Rachel, it's like you said, the whole thing was a setup. She got me over there and tried to seduce me, but she also sandbagged me. While I was there, she had me served with divorce papers," I told her.

"Ooh, that was a good thing," Rachel crooned. I couldn't figure out why that made her so happy, but she smiled even as she said it. I also noticed that she was moving her hips in a very subtle way. I was sure that it was involuntary, but it was driving me crazy. She had to feel my dick between us. And it was positively throbbing.

"I really don't want to move," she said. There was something very un-Rachel-like about her voice.

"So what is that smell, anyway?" I asked. She reluctantly got off of me and dragged me to the kitchen.

She took the top off of a pot simmering on the stove. Rachel had made a pot roast. It was exactly like the one Katherine had tried to lure me in with. But she had gone one step further. There were tons of carrots and celery in it, but no potatoes. It smelled like heaven.

"How did you...?" I gushed.

"Jeezus Mark," she gushed. "We've worked together for ten years. Before that, when I was twenty-five, you helped me through x-ray school. In the shape that I was in after my quickie divorce, I don't think I'd have made it without you. And I've been...ah skip it. Let's eat."

We had a nice dinner with Rachel giggling the whole time about how much I was eating. I couldn't help it. The food was great. Rachel did suggest that I call my lawyer and tell him what had happened. Neither of us could figure out Katherine's motivation for filing, but after thinking about it, we both thought it was a good thing. Anything that got the divorce over with sooner was good.

After dinner, Rachel showered and got ready for bed. I found out that she had Infinity Cable so I found a couple of episodes of Game of Thrones that I hadn't seen. Rachel came out a little while later, wearing one of those giant T-shirts. The way it draped over her in the front told me that she didn't sleep in a bra. I scolded myself for perving on her, but I couldn't help it.

"You started without me?" she asked. She sat down on the sofa beside me. Her hair smelled like apples and her lack of make-up made her look even younger. Between the first episode and the second, I took a shower and threw on a t-shirt and some sweat pants. Rachel had paused the TV show to wait for me. She had gotten a blanket from somewhere, presumably for me to sleep, with but had it wrapped around her legs. It had to be a girl thing because I wasn't cold at all.

Rachel started yawning a short time later. She laid her head down on my shoulder and pulled the blanket around herself. A short time later her head was in my lap. "Rachel, are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"Of course not," she said sleepily. "I'm just getting comfortable." She waited for a lull in the action and then pulled my legs up onto the sofa and stretched herself out in front of me.

Again I found myself wondering what the hell I was supposed to do with my hands. Luckily one arm was between us and resting on her back. I let the top arm just rest on my side. After a few moments I think we both drifted off to sleep. I think I woke up when the episode ended and the on demand menu came back up. There was a woman hawking different shows and packages that you needed to subscribe to in order to get them.

Rachel was snuggled against me and purring lightly. My top arm had fallen and was on her hip. The blanket covered both of us.

"Rachel," I called out softly.

"M'm sleep," she muttered.

"Don't you want to get in your bed?" I asked.

"N' a few minutes," she mumbled. I just lay there. My next conscious thought was that the sun was up. It was a Saturday and Rachel and I were working the 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. shift. I raised my arm to see my watch and Rachel mumbled in her sleep. It was only 7:30 so there was no need to jump up. I noticed that during the night Rachel had rolled over and we were lying belly to belly. My free hand was cupping her ass and her boobs were flattened against my stomach. As soon as I noticed the position, my dick shot up between us.

I attempted to get up then I noticed that both of Rachel's arms were around me. "Where're you going?" she mumbled. "You're warm."

"Rachel, do you uhm, know where we are?" I asked, hoping that she'd take the hint and check out our positions.

"Mm Hm, warm," she mumbled.

"Rachel, we have to go to work today," I said.

"Not yet...sleep," she murmured. Her arms wrapped themselves even more tightly around me. She had to feel my dick against her tummy. She was probably so deeply asleep that she didn't realize what was going on.

I decided to just roll with it. Almost like a big blond cat, Rachel wrapped herself around me and was lightly purring again in moments. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it. The problem though, was that there was no fulfillment. It was like the world's worst tease. I felt like I was going to paint the walls of Rachel's shower with sperm when she finally let me up.

Her boobs were so soft and her ass was amazing. It was as tight as a drum, but as smooth as silk at the same time. I was becoming more and more excited as we lay there wrapped together like a burrito with two different kinds of meat in the same blanket.

At about 8:30 an alarm went off and Rachel's eyes popped open. She had the biggest smile on her face that I had ever seen. "Hi," she gushed. She looked into my eyes and I noticed something.

I had awakened with Katherine almost every morning of the past twenty years. I realized then that I had never really known her. When I looked into Katherine's eyes she looked away as if she was covering up or hiding something. Rachel looked straight back at me and I saw no secrets, no hidden lies. All I saw was...love.

"Hi back," I said.

"Mark, I like having your arms around me, but why are your hands on my butt?" she asked.

"But I..." I began. "You put them there." I lifted my hands.

"I didn't say you had to move them," she said.

"We must've unintentionally fallen asleep watching TV last night," I said.

"Yeah, sure," she said sarcastically. "Come on Mark we've only got about ninety minutes before our shift starts. We both showered last night so let's get out of here."

"Uh, Rachel, just because you're naturally beautiful and don't need make-up doesn't mean we're all that fortunate," I said. "I have to shave and brush my teeth and all of that stuff. What's the rush? We have over an hour."

"Because, you're taking me to breakfast," she said. "That way you can make-up for feeling all over my body while I slept. And don't think I didn't notice you pressing your thingee against me," she said.

A short time later, I was at the IHOP around the block from the hospital. I was staring over a huge stack of pancakes at Rachel, who seemed to have a permanent smile on her face.

"Uh, Rachel, are you going to eat all of those?" I asked. "Aren't you worried about getting uhm, fat?"

"Don't have to worry about it," she said. "I've got what I want now."

I had driven both of us in the Mustang and Rachel waved at every person she saw. From the moment we drove into the parking lot until we went into our separate exam rooms. When her relief, came to give her a break, she spent her break in my room, staring at me.

When it was time for my relief she shooed me out of her room, where she was doing a Tib-Fib on a three hundred pound woman. "Go call the frigging lawyer so you don't have to ruin our lunch," she said.

At lunch she was still all smiles with a few questions thrown in. "What did the lawyer say?" she asked. Before I could open my mouth, Margaret Houlihan and Morgan Tookers, two of the nurses from the Cardiac Ward came to our table.

"Hey Rachel, can I put you on the list for the Nurses Night at the bar? Who knows, you might meet a handsome young doctor who'll stop you from having to deal with all of that nasty radiation," said Morgan.

"Or you can just show up and stay with Mark and his wife like you usually do" said Margaret. Margaret was getting old. But the rumor was that she was a pretty big slut in her younger days. That was how she got her nickname "Hot Lips." And from what I heard it wasn't kissing that she was doing with those hot lips.

"We really don't care what you do once you get there," said Morgan. "A lot of the guys in the hospital will show up just because you're going to be there, Sweetie."

"So can we put you down as a yes?" continued Hot Lips.

"I'm thinking that you should put me down as a firm, "No," said Rachel.

"But why Sweetie?" asked Morgan.

"Because I've got what I wanted, now," said Rachel.

"Mark, talk to her, okay," said Hot Lips.

"And Mark, Baby, could you do us a big favor this time?" asked Morgan. "You know that I am all about domestic tranquility. But there are a lot of single women at these things. Could you manage to dance with someone other than your wife or Rachel this year?"

"He's not coming this year either," said Rachel. "He's going to be busy that night."

"But we haven't announced which night it's going to be," said Morgan. "How do you know he's going to be busy?"

"His plate is going to be kind of full from now on," said Rachel. "See ya!"

As they stepped away, I was sure I heard the two of them. "Are you sure she's a lesbian?" asked Morgan.

"Queer as a three dollar bill," said Hot Lips. "I just wanted her there because she's pretty, but she won't take any of the men away from us."

"It's the classes," said Rachel, as they stepped away. "Nurses spend so many years in school that by the time they're done they have no manners and no functioning brain cells left."

I took a sip of my Pepsi and smiled. "I hate those bitches," she said. "Now what did the lawyer say?"

"He knows Kath's lawyer. He says the guy is a snake. He's always trying to pull dramatic stunts, to get inside of people's heads. Since all I want is the divorce, it doesn't matter who files first. But since Katherine claims that she doesn't want one, it makes her look pretty stupid, filing for something she doesn't want. He thinks that they'll withdraw the petition after a few weeks. It would delay things because then we'd have to draw up papers and file ourselves which would delay us because we'd have wasted a few weeks or months and have to start all over again. He says our best move to keep things honest is to go ahead and file our petition as a counter-suit.

That way even if she withdraws hers, ours is still on the docket and we stay on schedule."

The afternoon passed quickly. Rachel finished up before I did and came to wait for me.

"Rachel, I feel like going out and doing something," I said. "You know, maybe we should go out dancing so I can show off the young hot chick, I'm staying with while I have her." Her face fell.

"What's supposed to mean?" she asked.

"I just mean that I'm very grateful for you letting me crash on your sofa. And that an old guy like me doesn't get to hang out with someone like you very often, that's all," I said.

"Mark, what was I doing when I was twenty-five?" she asked.

"Going to x-ray school," I said.
