Witches of Lust Ch. 06


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She's enjoying this entirely too much. I am going to fuck that goofy grin right off her face and back on again. I don't even care what Morgana says, or Irina for that matter! I took another step with the giddy Karina.Shit! What about Irina? Has her belly gone back to normal? Is she still crying? Why aren't there any messages from her on my phone?

Worrying didn't seem to affect my boner this time, and we reached the landing at the top of the stairs. That's when I saw them. Twin beauties standing by my door. Deep red hair pulled back in ponytails, smoky eyes, and breasts that even Morgana would envy. They each wore skimpy, identical schoolgirl outfits, with sheer thigh-high white stockings and high-heeled black shoes. Even their breasts were sized identically, and their nipples were standing out proud against the thin white fabric of their blouses. The only thing that differentiated the twins was the choker collars they wore: one was black lace, the other a black ribbon with a pink bow.

"It's cold, may we come in?" said the one with the pink bow. I started to feel dizzy and weak, and Karina dropped to her knees nearly bringing me with her. As I toppled, she helped me stand. I figured why stand when we could stay on the ground and fuck. Still, the ground was just obscenely cold. We stopped kissing, not that I remembered starting, and staggered toward the door to my apartment. The twins helped us with surprisingly strong hands, and we made it inside.

The twins paired off with us, and we both kissed them with abandon. Karina had the pink bow on the futon, the girl wasted no time in pulling away the muscular brunette's layers of clothing. The other twin had me leaning against the fridge, and as soon as she got my jeans down around my ankles, she started sucking my cock.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought these had to be paid professionals, as the girl wasted no time stuffing my cock into her throat. Nobody but nobody fucks a stranger like this. I looked over at the two on the bed. Karina's legs were spread wide and her schoolgirl was crouched between them, eating Kari out.

I looked back down at my girl, who was bobbing on my cock furiously, and we made eye contact. At the same time, she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off of her shoulders, revealing a gravity-defying set of knockers with large upturned nipples. I glanced over at Karina and saw her seductive schoolgirl deftly stripping as well, even while continuing to luck Karina's pussy.

After a few more seconds of bobbing, the girl kneeling before me began to smile wickedly, moaning as if I were the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. I felt her tongue coil around my girth, wrapping me in her wet warm flesh inside her mouth. Just to wrap once around, her tongue would have had to have been incredibly long, but then her tongue continued to extend, wrapping my cock in a spiral of tongue flesh that surged sensually against my shaft like warm snake. The tip of her tongue emerged from the corner of her lips and then wrapped around my balls. It was impossible, but I was barely thinking straight at that point. Had I been thinking straight, I probably would have only guessed that perhaps the schoolgirls were from a friendly coven of sex witches.

It didn't matter to me, my whole world was focused on the surging waves of pleasure mounting within my groin. My knees buckled, I slid sideways against the fridge and banged my elbow against the counter as I collapsed to the floor. Her tongue kept squeezing me, and Karina's cries of orgasm filled my ears. I started shooting my cum as well, as the girl coaxed my load from by balls and swallowed it eagerly.

She squealed with delight as she drank me, smiling around my cock. When my first orgasm was done, she retracted her tongue and pulled off of me. As she moved toward me, she pulled on the ribbon that held her hair in a ponytail. It came undone, her long wavy locks spilled all about her face and tickled my skin. She put her mouth close to mine so that I could hear her better over the din of Karina's breathless cries.

"That was one of the tastiest mouthfuls of cum a mortal has ever given me. You must be Jeanie. I'm Rah'kel, and that is my younger sister Rashiva." She brought her lips to my neck and bit down, and I felt wicked sharp fangs puncture my skin. It felt like fire as her venom flowed through my carotid artery.

My cock surged to full hardness again and she mounted me right as I began to cum again. Her hungry hole squeezed and milked me, and her pupils blazed red. Batlike wings sprouted from her back and little goat horns sprouted from the sides of her head.

"Ohh! Oh you're so fine, Jeanie! Don't stop cumming!" she panted, as she started to rise and fall on my cock.

"What-" I gasped, my mind a fog of lust.

"You must be wondering why we're here," she panted. "Well, we were sent here to show you the time of your lives," she said, her inner muscles gripping my shaft like a fist. "Do I make you feel good? Ohh!" she moaned and clenched as I shot another load of cum inside of her. "Seems like the least you could do is give me all you've got." She put her lips next to my ear, my face shrouded by her long hair. "I want all of it," she whispered. "Give me all of that hot cum."

Even in my daze of lust, I realized that I was fucking a supernatural being.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No Jeanie, I'm a succubus. I'm so much much more fun than those killjoys."

From what I could recall of lore, a succubus was a demon that sucked the life force out of men. I worried that if they were here for me, the outcome would not be much better than if she was a vampire.

"What do you want?" I gasped. "Are you here to kill us?"

Rah'kel nodded as she kept riding me. "That is our mission."

"Mission?" I half sat up as I pumped another massive load into Rah'kel's hungry cunt. "Who sent you?"

"Why, Mistress Medina of course."

I reached up to push her away, and she grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the floor. She was strong and also had gravity on her side, and all of my struggling was futile. In fact, I quickly lost the will to fight. The way her silky pussy was milking me just felt too good.

"What about Karina? She's not part of this."

"Who, that girl? She is just a bonus, keeping my sister well fed." Then she looked up. "How is Karina coming along?" Rah'kel asked.

"Almost done!" Rashiva replied. "This one was quite the meal, so strong!"

"You don't know what you're missing, this one is full of spirit energy!"

"Whaaat?!" Rashiva scurried across the floor on all fours. "No fair, we need to split it evenly, big sister!" I recall wondering dimly what it meant for demons to be sisters. Apparently it meant they fight over stuff.

"Finish yours first," Rah'kel shot back, her huge tits bouncing as she rode me faster and harder.

"Don't worry, she's not going anywhere in her condition," Rashiva replied. I craned my neck to look over at the futon, and saw two shriveled and emaciated legs hanging over the side. Fear and anger seemed to bubble up for a second before washing away. They say the spicy scent of succubi is enough to blot out any train of thought before long, and I believe it. I was useless.

"How come it's taking you so long?" Rashiva asked.

"This one is powerful," her sister replied. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn."

"Please," she said. I watched the sisters kiss for a moment, then Rashiva straddled my face. She smothered me with her dripping, hairless sex, which smelled strongly of a combination of cinnamon and blast furnace.

"Come on, lick me," I heard. Unable to breathe, I simply did as I was told. I licked her reflexively, tasting her syrupy juices. She rose up just a bit, allowing me to breathe.

"Now, keep at it, if I have to wait for my sister to take all night, you better keep me entertained." They both laughed merrily, but I didn't find it at all humorous. It must have been an inside joke.

I lay there helpless as the two succubi rode me. I heard my phone ring, I could not answer it.

"Hurry up Rak'hel, it's my turn."

The two demonesses started to switch positions. First, Rashiva engulfed my cock with her mouth. She cupped my balls and pushed them halfway into her mouth as well. I felt a muted pain as she sank one fang into one of my nuts and the other into the underside of my throbbing shaft, and more venom flooded my system.

"I already injected my venom, sis."

"You should have been done by now then. Maybe your venom is no good anymore."

"Fuck you."

I groaned, my balls boiling and burning. The wounds must have instantly sealed themselves because there was no blood, but there was no doubt that I had been dosed with her demonic aphrodisiac. As Rashiva prepared to mount me, my cock stirred and stiffened until it was almost painfully hard, and inch by inch it started to grow longer before my very eyes.

"Ooh!" they both giggled in unison. "Much bigger, I like!"

"Sis if your venom is so powerful, how come it didn't do that?" Rashiva asked.

"I'll show you. Get out of the way." Rak'hel put her hands under my knees and pulled me up to her face, and then she bared her elongated fangs before biting down on my muff. Once more she injected me with her potent venom. Her tongue snaked out and darted into my pussy at the same time. It felt so good, and my pussy came so hard I was seeing stars.

"It works, it works, stop!" I pleaded, squirming but afraid to move too much lest her wicked fangs cut any deeper.

My futa cock throbbed angrily, growing rapidly, the tip was a deep read and dripping cum. All I could think about was fucking both of these succubi. Simultaneously, no less. I would need a second cock to do that. It might be a tight squeeze to have them both riding in my lap, but they needed to be fucked by my giant cocks.

I let out a scream of pleasure as a second cock burst forth from my body, right above the first, and both spurted fountains of thick cum up into the air. To their credit, the succubi were only surprised for half a second before they reacted, each quickly taking one cock for themselves and sucking down my cum with grateful moans.

"She's so delicious" Rashiva exclaimed after she had swallowed her first mouthful.

"Now we can share!" Rak'hel replied.

My cocks were now each well over a foot long, and quite girthy, but the succubi seemed to have no problem fitting them down their throats. They turned to me, crouched on their knees while they sucked and bobbed and gulped down my steady flow of cum. Their eyes glowed red and they were naked but for their chokers and their white stockings. Rak'hel didn't bother with her long tongue yet, preferring to simply take me deep down her throat. Rashiva seemed to follow her lead.

Both of my cocks getting sucked individually by sex demons was just too much for me. My body began to convulse and buck with the force of my orgasm. My balls churned as I lay a thick stream of cum down their throats, enough to choke a demon, or so I hoped. They wrapped their lips tight around my shaft and didn't let go, and I didn't stop pumping cum into them. In fact I grabbed each of them by the hair and forced them deeper down on my cocks.

I threw my head back and howled with ecstasy. I would like to say that instinctively I knew that I was able to fuck them into submission, but the truth is I had no such conceit. They were sex demons, I was a wanna-be sex witch too young to legally buy liquor. I was completely under their spell of lust and since they asked for my cum, I was trying my best simply to oblige them.

After about a minute of cumming non-stop, I felt them stop bobbing. I looked down to an incredible sight. Their eyes were rolling into the back of their heads, and excess cum was pouring out of their noses and the corners of their mouths. It was such a welcome sight, I came again, and watched more cum squirt out of their noses and overflow from their lips. They appeared to be knocked unconscious, and the next thing that caught my attention was their distended, cum filled bellies. They had swollen to the size of giant watermelons.

When I realized that they were really out, I jumped up, pulling my cocks out of their throats as I tried to spring to my feet. I slipped in the puddle of cum that covered the linoleum, and fell back on my ass, while their chins banged against the cheap linoleum. Fear took over and I scrambled away, accidentally kicking Rashiva head in my haste to escape. She didn't seem to notice. Both of them were totally unconscious, but seemed to be breathing.

My phone rang again. I snatched it off the floor as I hurried over to the futon.

"Karina, oh my god!" I was shocked by the sight of her. Her hair was gray and thinning, her body emaciated, except for her wet, swollen vagina and her inner thighs. She looked like a corpse, but then she looked up at me, her eyes still contained a spark of life.

"Jeanie, I'm sorry," she rasped. She said something else but I couldn't hear it over my phone's damned ring tone.

"I'll help you Kari, I promise! Stay with me!" I knelt next to her and took her hands in mine. Hands that used to grip hundred pound weights now felt limp and impossibly frail. The shock was too much for me, and I started to cry. My phone was still ringing, and I looked at who was calling.

"Iri?" I sobbed. "Iri is that you?"

"Babe, is something wrong? Where have you been?"

"It was Medina, she tried to kill me and Karina and Karina's almost dead!"


"She needs to go to a hospital, and I don't know what I'm going to do!" I looked down at my two monstrously large cocks. How was I going to walk into a hospital with those tucked into my clothes?

After a moment, I heard another voice on the phone. "Jeanie? Jeanie this is Morgana. Honey, are you alright? Can you wait for us? We're on our way."

I looked over at the twin succubi, fearing that they could awake at any moment. "No, I can't stay here!"

"Well, don't go to a hospital if you can avoid it! What happened?"

"Succubi, two of them! They said Medina sent her. They're lying passed out on the kitchen floor!"

"WHAT?!" Morgana cried. "Look, we can help her, I promise. Don't call an ambulance, just try to get her into your car. Jeanie, I know you can do it. Bring her here as fast as you can."

"Alright, I'm on my way." I stuffed my things into my purse hurriedly, then realized I had better get dressed.

"Shit fuck shit fuck," I swore as I saw the slumbering slumbering succubi still lying prone in my kitchenette.

I didn't even try to put jeans on in my current condition, I knew I would never be able to zip them up in the front. I grabbed Karina's sweats instead, threw on a shirt and a jacket, and wrapped Karina in my blanket.

I threw my phone and valuables into my purse, slung it over my shoulder, and lifted Karina. It was sickening to me how light she had become. I swore I would get my revenge someday, but tonight would not be that night. I kicked open the door and I made it down the stairs, then over to my Toyota. I reclined the passenger seat and gently lay Karina down there. Then I hopped around to the other side, cranked the ignition, and headed to Morgana's as fast as my little car would take us.


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wet_specialwet_specialabout 7 years agoAuthor
More to come!

I have not posted in a while, but I just wanted to thank the commenters. More is coming Frankuwo, I've finished a draft of chapter 7 and now I'm proofing it. I chose a point at which to cut it and so the first bit of chapter 8 has been written.

Quazzi, glad you are digging the side stories, I plan to tie things in as you will start to see but there will also be bunnies I won't chase, for various reasons. They're just there to keep things interesting and you never know where this story will go. Heck even I was surprised by the way chapter 7 ended!

FrankwuoFrankwuoabout 7 years ago
More please

More please

QuazziQuazziover 7 years ago
Love where it's going!

This is not only hot but I love the side story you're setting up with this. looks like there is a war to be fought, and Jeanine had two futa cocks! ;-3

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very well done

Unfortunately, I don't have the password to my account, but...anyway.

This is a prime example of what I enjoy in a good story: not just loaded with sex, but also laced with some juicy plot twists. Looking forward to what happens next!


jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago
Yes please

The warning on the first page is welcome. And builds anticipation.

Thank you, wet_special

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