Witches of Lust Ch. 10


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I looked ahead just in time to see a gully beyond a fallen tree. I decided rather than leap over the tree, to leap onto it and from it, leap again. Unfortunately I made this decision too late to pull it off. My shoe slipped off the mossy bark of the tree and I began to fall. I was about to go head first into the gully but instead I seemed to float for a ways. I did a somersault and landed on my feet at the far side of the ditch.

I stopped for a moment, stunned in amazement. Then I took off after Cresania again.

I was not sure if Cresania had cast a spell to arrest my fall, or if it had been some special enchantment of the forest, or if it had been me. When I had slipped, I had a burst of adrenaline and willed myself not to fall - it was the only natural response. I was headed straight for the trunk of that tree and even if I scraped past that, I still would have fallen at least eight or ten feet onto rocks and leaves and such.

Did I fly?

I wasn't sure, but I decided to will myself to float and fly, which did not work at first. By imitating Cresania's way of running, I did start to catch up to her, and I did start to make incredibly long bounds, leaping distances of three and four times my own height. Finally I kicked off the ground and told myself I was definitely going to fly.

Please goddess, let me fly!

Amazingly, I started to resist gravity. I floated for about fifty feet before I realized I was heading for a tree! I pinwheeled my arms, trying to avoid the solid mass, but that did nothing. I was flying headlong into the tree, but somehow I managed to drop to the ground, landing on my feet and stopping just in time. I scampered across the roots and took off after Cresania again.

"Cresania!" I shouted. "Look! Look at me!" With that, I took to the air again. This time, I willed myself to steer in mid-air, and to my unspeakable elation, I really began to fly. My elven escort stopped and turned, watching as I rose through the tree canopy. I expected her jaw to drop in surprise but instead, she smiled and began to levitate up to me.

"How? You too?" I asked. Losing focus, I began to drop like a rock, but I caught myself in mid-air.

"Of course. I'm an ancient elf, and magic has always been one of my gifts. I was only running to ensure you could keep up with me."

I thought about what she said. Then, on a hunch I said "You were pushing my limits, pushing me to see if I could do more."

"Perceptive, or are you reading my mind again?" she said in a sweet, gentle voice.

"No, I'm not," I said, drawing closer to her. I was getting very hard and so was she, but I was still a novice at levitation and if I didn't concentrate, I started losing altitude rapidly. Not so with Cresania, who hovered effortlessly. Once I had her in my arms I clung to her for dear life and she met my lips with a deep tongue-kiss.

Our cocks were hard underneath the gossamer silk white robes, and we were raring to go. I was flying, under my own power! It was such a rush, and I wanted to fuck her badly right there in the treetops, and I pulled her thighs apart and moved in between.

"Let's save it for when we get there," she said, but I was eager for hot wet pussy. I tried to line up my cock but she swung her leg over and twisted so that I was behind her, and she clamped her thighs together and held her body straight as a pencil.

I hotdogged my massive cock between her ass cheeks, and she bent forward at the hips somewhat, giving me more room to play. "We'll be there in just a few minutes! Patience love!"

I growled with lust and impatience, and willed a second cock to spring forth. I tried to line them up with Cresania's ass and pussy, but she covered her holes with her hands.

"No! I mean it, Jeanie!"

I knew what 'no' meant, but she was giving off unmistakable signals of arousal. Still holding her squirming body against mine, I met her gaze. She looked so eager, so willing. Her hands encircled my waist, and I sensed that she was ready for me. I decided to try to ask once more.

"We're in a time warp. A few minutes here is nothing to them. What's the rush?" I reasoned.

"No rush," she said with a mischievous smile. "Just checking to see if you were reading my mind."

"No, of course not! You made me promise not to be so nosy."

"Good, Jeanie."

"Was this a test?"

Her eyes twinkled and she gave me a barely perceptible nod.

"I passed, but you teased the heck out of me. Can we fuck now?"

"You teased yourself," she grinned. She turned away, which had the effect of putting her luscious globes against my rampant cocks. I pulled her slender waist against mine. She looked back at me over her shoulder, and coyly shook her head no.

What a tease! I groaned with frustration and let go, and Cresania chuckled.

"What? What was that chuckle for?"

"You know Jeanie, the next time you have an elf in your arms but she keeps saying 'no,' you just trust your instincts. Tell her I said it was alright. Come on, let's get moving."

"Grr!" I was so turned on that my balls ached with desire. I flew after Cresania, barely able to keep up.


We flew for less than a minute, the wind whipping through our hair as we rocketed across the landscape, high above the treetops. Suddenly, the sun shot up into the sky and we were in full daylight.

"What the hell?" I asked, stopping and shielding my eyes from the bright light.

"We have left Faroldhomme," Cresania said. "We're outside of the ensorcelled wood."

At the time, I thought little of the fact that my coven sisters were still in the time warp, and would soon catch up with me.

We approached the Belfry, and I could see in person the graceful white and gold elven structure that jutted out over the precipice. We slowed as we flew over its broad white roof, and carefully moved under the canopy of the forested plateau. We landed on a path of moss and blue-grey granite stones that led to the Belfry's front door.

I followed Cresania to the entrance, a white door with a gilded frame that was fitted within a pointed arch, although the rest of the architecture was far from gothic, the pointed arch and vault seemed to be the running theme for the structure. Cresania opened the double doors and they swung out freely and silently. Inside, the rooms were round and vaulted with high ceilings.

"Hello, I've brought a visitor I'd like you to meet!" Cresania said as she led me through the foyer into a sparsely furnished lobby. I looked up and saw the bell, and I realized I was in the central chamber. From there, the building led off into a dozen or so spacious rooms. Through the doorways directly in front of me, I could see the balcony and the fantastic cliff-top view beyond.

First from my left, and then from all sides came the clinking and dragging sound of slender metallic chains sliding along the polished wooden floor. One by one, lovely elves came into view in their respective doorways and looking at me with curiosity. None said a word, but each gazed directly into my eyes.

It was such an erotic sight, I don't know how I didn't lunge towards the nearest elf with a flying fuck. Each ravishing elf had their hair done up and wore black leather and lace, outrageously high heels, and no panties. It was a stark contrast from the lacy white robes of Faroldhomme. Each elf was bound by a mithril chain. For some, they wore it on a mithril choker collar around their neck, others had it connected to a shackle around their ankle.

They didn't just look at me either. They posed, showing off their asses, or cleavage, or attempting to show both. They were all looking right at me too, giving me that look that saidGive me that enormous meat, and I'll make sure you were glad you picked me first!

Naturally, my two enormous cocks were hard in no time. Cresania was also excited, her hefty foot long cock throbbing and ready.

Despite her arousal, Cresania stopped to explain to the Unredeemed how I was able to impregnate elves, seemingly restoring fertility even to her, and eliminating or at least alleviating the temptation. She encouraged them to be hopeful that they would soon return to Faroldhomme and start a new life and a new family.

I had heard the story before, and often when I was already fucking elves. I didn't feel the need to wait for her to finish. Since the elves were all equally magnificent, I simply paired off with the nearest one. She led me with a smile and a beckoning finger back to the bed where her mithril chain was attached.

She was wearing eight-inch spiked platform stilettos, a ruffled lace "skirt" that was about as long as my finger, a combo that made her look playful and dangerous at the same time. She also wore some manner of sleek black pushup bra. Her mithril chain was attached to a collar around her neck. She jumped on the bed on all fours and wiggled her ass at me with a smile, displaying all her juicy bits. I could vaguely hear Cresania's voice still saying something about me.

"What are you waiting for, Jeanie?" the elf asked, looking back over her shoulder at me.

I quickly moved behind her luscious ass, taking care to avoid the feet and her stiletto heels which jutted from the edge. The routine of fucking elves had taken over, and I remembered my habit of always repeating elves their names to myself as I met them. I didn't know her name though.

"Um, hey," I said. "What's your name?"

She just laughed at me mockingly.

"Come on, you're the great healer of the elves. You don't need to bother with names. Just fuck me!"

This annoyed me, and I wondered if all of the Unredeemed were this spiteful. I reached out to caress her ass, hoping to get her to warm to me.

"Don't bother with foreplay, just fuck me," she said. "We shall see what you can do."

The encounter took on several surreal aspects due to her odd behavior, and I was almost at a loss.

"Are you sure? I could come back to you when you're ready."

"Oh no, great healer. I want you to start with me. I know you're nothing but a double-dicked ditz, so before I allow you to inflict your charlatan hogwash on the rest of my sisters, we'll see what you can do to me."

"It does work," I said. "It's been happening like, automatically. It's not me. Err, well, it is, but-"

"Just fuck me already!"


"You have two appendages, rather large, but put them both to use," she said, holding still so that I could line my cocks up with her pussy and ass.

Once I had positioned myself, I started to penetrate her. My lower cock squeezed a few inches into her tight wet cunt, but her dry rosebud was far too tight.

"Sorry, miss, but-"

"Don't be timid about it! Spit on it, and fucking do me hard!"

She didn't have to ask twice. Her perfect ass was being offered up on a platter, I knew I had to have it, and I needed to fuck her with everything I had. I spat on her pliant rosebud and pushed again forcefully. She let out a cry of pleasure and pain as I shoved my apple-sized cock head through her sphincter, and sank both blunt tips deep inside her lithe, stretchable body. Once I had jammed half of my length inside of her and her normal limits had truly been reached, I held her hips and forced myself deeper. She groaned as I stretched her with each stroke, obscene bulges appearing above her belly button. She moaned and gurgled and made other strange noises as I forced my thick cock meat right up into her elven innards, invading her womb and stretching her more and more.

Her breathing was ragged and she was already quivering and creaming, but after a few strokes she laughed again. It was a good-natured laugh, but a laugh nonetheless, and frankly it bothered me. I didn't know why the elf had laughed at me before, and I wanted to know. Cresania had admonished me about mind reading, but there had to be exceptions. This was one of those times.

I imagined my stone fortress and looked at her through it. I was shocked and surprised by the mental image she had in her mind. She saw herself kneeling, chained and collared, among orcs. She was chained to a throne, a slave to a chieftain. She had a particular desire for that kind of life, where she would be given a name by her master and used only for pleasure. She was actually distressed about what it would mean if she became pregnant by me.

What would the orcs think if the baby came out half human instead of orc? Would they punish me?

Then I caught a glimpse of one of her memories that did not involve orcs. She was youthful elf again, in a complex relationship with an elflord who was courting several elf maidens. The young elflord was the man she had actually gone on to marry, long long ago. She had been pressured to be with an elflord, even though she had stronger feelings for female elves. She knew he would at least give her children to be raised in a conventional way. One thing she avoided was blowjobs. She had hoped to never suck dick, she had more class than that, she thought, and pussies were so much nicer. As time passed, however, her coldness to him became more obvious and readily displayed. They fell out of love and he slipped his dick into the moist and eager lips of another elf maiden.

At this point, memory blended into fantasy. If she could go back in time, she would have given him his every desire. Not when their marriage was in tatters, but at the beginning, during the courtship. She was convinced that it meant orgies with two or more elf maids attending to his cock. Elf maids she would have been able to select for him and enjoy with him. Even if they could go back to that, she would have wanted to be the one he chose to cum in or on, to give his seed to her exclusively, because that was her proper role as his wife.

"I'm ready to cum now, Duna," he would say, easing the other elfmaid off of his glistening cock. Then it would be her turn, and she would let her man have his way with her. If only she had done so in the past, she might have had children of her own.

I could not give her that fantasy, and I was really just looking for ways to push her buttons. Reading her mind had distracted me to the point where I had slowed my thrusts to almost nothing.

"Duna, is that your name?" I asked.

"It's Dunadel, yes," she said, pointing to a golden plaque above her bed. It was inscribed with elven script and mounted on a beautifully carved piece of wood, and I couldn't read it. Not knowing what else to say, I thrust into her deeply again, causing her to let out a moan of pleasure.

That felt right, so I kept on thrusting, and she moaned and cried out and then laughed again.

"Sorry, I laugh when I cum, I can't help it," she said. "I'm having little orgasms, don't stop, please!"

The laughing deeply still annoyed me. She thought I was a fraud, a joke. She thought Cresania was lying, hoping the elves would experience that glimmer of hope that changed their attitudes. She could not believe a human could break a spell wrought by creation magic.

Still, I knew that my seed had a profound impact on all three hundred other elves, so I was confident that I would show her the light when I filled her with cum. If she was going to be a bitch about it, I was just going to have to hurry up and get to the climax.

I grabbed her chain and pulled on it as I fucked her from behind with deep, firm strokes. My cocks were filling both of her tight holes and then stretching her out. Feeling my pleasure build, I chased it, increasing my speed. She moaned and coughed as I stretched her and reamed her with my oversized futa cocks. Right as we neared the point of orgasm, I used fleshcraft magic to enlarge her breasts. Her bra snapped as the milky jugs burst from their confines. The pleasure of the growth pushed her completely over the edge. She cried out in ecstasy as she came, her newly enhanced jugs jiggled pleasurably and the nipples on the end of them sprayed milk wildly even as I continued to fuck her elastic body. I came too, within the next couple of thrusts. She wasn't laughing anymore.

My cocks pulsed and twitched and I held them inside her as they deposited my cum inside her womb and pumped more spooge up her guts. Soon her belly was touching the bed, but it only continued to grow. It swelled so obscenely that she could barely stay on all fours. I had really cum hard in that elf, and filled her to a level rarely seen. Afraid I might overdo it, I pulled out and let my cocks splatter her ass, back, and everywhere with ropes of pearly cum.

"Oh, wow, so much of it" she panted, enjoying the afterglow. She started rubbing the cum across her back.It's going to be so much better with the orcs. I'll have to fuck dozens and dozens of them to work my way to the top! First, I need out of this chain though. Now is the time to put on my best act. "Jeanie, that was the best! Amazing! By the goddess, you've given me new breasts, haven't you?!" She rolled on her side, showing me her large breasts and her belly, which looked like it contained twenty or thirty gallons of fluid.

She watched me out of the corner of her almond eyes to make sure I was looking at her, then made this far-off look over at the window. "I feel so, so incredibly serene now. For the first time in months, I feel content. Very very content."

Say I'm cured of the urge. Go tell Cresania. Go on.

I just let out a deep sigh.

I want out of these chains. Come on, girly, tell them to let me go.

"I'm sorry Dunadel. Honestly, I don't know how it even works but it didn't this time. Could you give me a minute?

"Actually, it did work!" she replied, juggling a complex set of emotions as she struggled to maintain her contented facade. I felt awful for her.

"Just wait here, okay?" I said. Of course, I didn't know what to do at all. I went to find Cresania.

She was laying down on a bench in the foyer while two of the sexy elves in black lingerie attended to her. One was riding Cresania's cock, the other was straddling her face, their long chains leading off into adjacent rooms. They both looked at me at the same time and asked me to come closer, licking their lips invitingly.

Thoughts of figuring out what to do about the Urge seemed to lose priority. If those elves were going to give me some head, everything else would have to wait.

I hurried over, and they began to lick my hardening cocks. One elf took me down her throat while I was still semi-flaccid and my organ was much more pliant. The other kept licking me fawningly until I was fully hard, then made a show of struggling to get my helmet to push through the back of her mouth and down her esophagus. Nevertheless, I soon had both elves bouncing on Cresania and stretching their lips around the base of my oversized cocks. They looked so good in their petite black lingerie that I almost forgot to give them bigger breasts. With a thought, their supple tits swelled to gravity-defying melons that bounced and jiggled as they writhed.

Once again, the magical growth of their breasts triggered orgasms, and I nearly came as well as I watched them cum while sucking my cocks. They moaned on my cocks and their nipples sprayed elven breastmilk. They were putty in our hands.

If I thought underwater hot tub blowjobs were the ultimate, I would have been wrong. Standing there above these two elves, holding them by their elegantly done up hair and fucking their mouths had to be a new pinnacle of pleasure, and could remain my personal best indefinitely. Even when I was really shoving their skulls against my pelvis, stretching the lips and throats of two hot little sluts, they just kept glurping and swallowing and trying to look up into my eyes. If not for Cresania distracting them, I would not have lasted two minutes.

I'm proud to say that I kept those deep throat experts stuffed to the gills for at least fifteen minutes, maybe more. The two orgasmic blondes were in no position to complain, as they rode Cresania for the entire time. They also got to enjoy drinking quite a lot of my sweet precum before I gave them each a tummy full of cum.