Yellow Submarine


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"Oh, no! I'm going to sue whoever took those videos," Angie promised. "That's an invasion of privacy. They had no right to place any electronic device in my room. That was not meant to ever be seen by anyone."

"Good luck with that, Mother. Cynics might suggest that married women shouldn't engage in that sort of activity, at least not with men who are not their husbands," Monica pointed out. "That would avoid any kind of embarrassment, don't you think?"

"I'm not going to discuss this subject with you anymore," Angie stated. "I have to find out what my friends know and see if we can stop those videos from being leaked all over the internet."

Over the next few hours, Angie learned just how the videos were taken and who gave permission to place the recording devices in the staterooms. Four friends blamed Josie for not recognizing Julie, who she had not seen since the woman was a young teen.

Angie literally begged Dan to forgive her. She thought that he should have some consideration for her twenty years of being a faithful loving wife before she slipped just one time.

Dan was unable to get over the planned disrespect. Angie didn't have sex with those men because she was drunk or high. It was planned well in advance and she had been a willing and eager participant. He apologized to Angie's aged parents that he simply could not trust Angie. Without trust, they had nothing upon which to build.

Monica rarely came home from college and when she did, she was very cool toward her mother. In an act of desperation, Angie decided to seek help. She had come to realize that her behavior was self destructive and totally inappropriate.

"I'm glad to hear you getting some counseling, Angie. What you did was totally wrong. You need to find out what triggered your behavior and learn to control it," Dan told her. "You'll never have a strong relationship with anyone, including your daughter and your parents until you gain control of your life. You've got to rebuild respect and trust and that takes time.

Three weeks before the divorce was scheduled to be official, Angie was in a car accident. She was sobbing over her situation when she ran a red light. A pickup truck smashed into the driver's side door, pinning her in her car. Paramedics and firemen worked almost an hour to free her.

Dan was at work when he received a call from Angie's father telling him of the accident and the hospital where Angie was being treated.

Dan was surprised at how upsetting the thought of Angie dying or being severely injured was. He had convinced himself that he had put that part of his life behind him as he struggled to regain his equilibrium.

Dan met Angie's parents at the hospital. "Her injuries aren't life threatening, but she's going to be laid up for a few weeks," Angie's father explained.

"We'll try to get a nurse to come in every day when Angie's allowed to go home. As you know, her mother is suffering from the early stages of dementia and I have my hands full caring for her. I wouldn't be able to give Angie the kind of help she's going to require."

"I think I could spend a few weeks helping her get back on her feet," replied Dan without thinking it through. :I can do most of my work remotely, so she'd have someone around most of the time."

"Why would you do that, Dan?" Angie's father asked. "You've made it quite clear that you didn't trust Angie. Your divorce will be final in a few weeks. Why muddy the waters?"

"She's still the mother of my daughter and we were married for twenty years. I think I owe her that consideration. It certainly doesn't mean I want to get back with her," Dan added. "That ship has sailed."

Angie was both surprised and pleased to learn that Dan was going to care for her while she recovered. She felt confident that she could wear down his stubborn resistance with her ample feminine charms. She decided that the accident may have been a blessing in disguise.

Two days later, Angie was released from the hospital. Dan helped her into his car and drove her home. Angie really was sore and her left knee was swollen and stiff. The first night home, she fell asleep in the early evening and didn't wake up until the sun was rising. Dan was very attentive. He made a breakfast for her and helped her into the bathroom.

Once she was back in her bed, he explained that he had to go into work for a few hours. He needed to talk to his superior about working remotely. His boss was very understanding. He quickly agreed to Dan's request.

Dan and Angie only spoke to each other when necessary for the first two days. After twenty years, Angie was able to read Dan's moods and she sensed the time wasn't right to pursue her plan.

It was her third day home when Angie asked Dan, "Could you help me take a shower? I've only had sponge baths since my accident and I'm feeling pretty grungy."

"I suppose I could help you to the bathroom and get the water started. Will you be able to stand and wash yourself?" Dan questioned.

"I really doubt it. You've seen all of me for the last twenty years, so why don't you take a shower with me? I won't attack you. Hell, I can hardly walk."

Dan wound up naked in the shower as he steadied Angie to be sure she didn't slip and further injure herself.

"Could you wash my back, Dan? I can't move my left arm very well."

Before he realized what he was doing, Dan was gently washing Angie's magnificent breasts. Before long, Dan was soaping the golden triangle he had so thoroughly enjoyed for so many years. To his surprise, Angie shuddered and came within minutes.

"Thanks, Dan! I feel so much better now. Would you like me to return the favor?" asked Angie with a huge smile.

Dan knew he was losing his resolve so he dressed quickly and left the bedroom. He decided that it was normal for him to find a woman he had been married to and had loved for over twenty years to be attractive. It wasn't normal to accept her vacation fuck fest while she was married to him. He increased his resolve to carry through with the divorce and rid himself of a cheating wife.

Dan tried hard to be cold and remote toward Angie, but she didn't seem to notice. She was always smiling and complimenting him on the simplest of things.

A week after he had begun helping Angie, she straight out asked, "Dan, why do we have to get divorced? I know I made a mistake, but I'd never do t again. I had a wonderful, devoted loving husband. I'd never risk losing him that again. I love you far too much."

"I gave you plenty of chances to come clean about that so-called vacation of yours, but you kept lying to me. You insisted you were a faithful wife while I had seen videos of you performing sex acts we never even thought to try. The lying was the final nail in the coffin."

"I had to lie, Dan. I didn't know how much you had seen or heard, so I had to do my best to not hurt you. If you only suspected what I had done, I thought I could eventually convince you nothing had happened," Angie reasoned.

"The problem is I did see you with those men, doing all kinds of things we never tried, mostly because you told me you weren't comfortable doing them and I believed you," Dan replied. "Those videos were damning. I still haven't been able to sleep through the night without nightmares about you and those bastards on that ship."

"I'd gladly do all of those things and so much more for you if you'd let me," Angie promised.

"Why did I have to catch you sleeping with the five amigos before you were willing to do that stuff with me?" Dan demanded.

"Because I wanted you to respect me as your wife and the mother of your child. I have thought about doing them with you, especially on my way home from that trip," Angie explained. "For some reason I thought sucking you to completion or allowing you anal would lessen your respect and love for me."

"The problem now is that I never know when to believe you, Angie. You've shown me that you're a liar, a slut and a rather poor driver."

Dan felt pretty good about how he had handled the situation, but he had badly underestimated Angie's determination. One evening as they watched television, Angie convinced him that she could have a small amount of wine since she had greatly reduced her medications.

Dan caved and brought her a small glass of wine and a whiskey for himself. During a commercial, Angie got to her feet and hobbled into the other room. Dan realized that Angie would not need him much longer. She returned with the whiskey bottle and poured a generous amount into his glass.

Dan decided not to protest and sipped the whiskey while enjoying an action flick. Angie insisted on a romance movie next and Dan found himself nodding off. Angie knew he couldn't stay awake for sappy romances.

Dan slowly became aware of a very pleasant sensation. He forced his eyes open to see Angie on her knees, sore as her left knee still was. She had his cock in her mouth and he had to admit he was enjoying it. Angie knew men seldom had the ability to refuse a slow, wet blowjob, so she increased her pace slightly. She was pleasantly surprised at how soon Dan came. She looked into his eyes and swallowed everything before licking her lips and smiling at him.

"Even if we get divorced, I want to do that for you every night until you go back to your apartment," Angie told him. "I'm trying to repay you for taking such good care of me, especially after I disappointed you so badly."

Ben helped Angie to her bed and went to the guestroom. He had trouble falling to sleep as he thought about Angie and all she had meant to him over the years. Would he be better off without her? He began to wonder.

Angie met with her shrink every two weeks. She had missed a session because of her accident, but insisted she attend her next one. She wanted Dan to know how serious she was about becoming a more stable, honest person.

"I have some great news, Dr. Beckwith," Angie began. "Dan has been taking care of me since my accident. I think he's beginning to soften his attitude toward me."

"That's great news!" praised the doctor. "Do you feel you understand how much you hurt your husband with your infidelity? Will you be able to avoid situations like that in the future?"

"I'll make sure of it, at least until I gain Dan's complete trust again," stated Angie.

"I'm picking up something from what you just said," replied the doctor. "Are you saying you won't stray again, at least until Dan trusts you fully? Would you have an affair after that trust is gained?"

"It worked a few times over the past twenty years," admitted Angie. "He trusted me completely so it wasn't difficult to have an occasional fling. He's such a nice guy. He never suspected. I found out last night that I just need to suck him off and he'll be eating out of my hand. I'm feeling pretty good about things today."

"Angie, I'm not here to tell you how to conduct your life, but let me say this. If your husband takes you back and you cheat on him again, he will find it out and it will quite possibly destroy him. Do you have any love for him at all?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love him! It's just that I like a little variety. Dan's a great guy and a selfless lover, but he doesn't give me that special excitement I get when I'm with a strange man, especially a dominant one. I do love Dan."

"Again, I'm not here to judge, but I would suggest that you don't really love your husband. He's simply convenient and safe. If you loved him, you'd either be faithful or set him free. Can't you see that?" asked Beckwith.

Two days later Dan had to go into the office for a meeting. It didn't last as long as he expected so he found himself pulling into Angie's driveway at 3 PM. He noticed a Lexus parked in the street and briefly wondered who owned it.

Angie was in her bedroom with a tall muscular younger man pounding her into the mattress. He was relentless as he drove into her soaked center. She was lying on her stomach and he was fully mounted inside her. He's smack her ass hard every few strokes as he pulled her head back by her hair.

Angie didn't look, but she heard the bedroom door open slowly. Less than a minute later, she heard the front door slam. Tears trickled down her cheeks. She knew that Dan had come home and seen her. He had always slammed the front door when he was angry.

She had proven her love and set Dan free. It greatly saddened her. At that very moment, her young lover gave her ass an especially hard smack and drove as hard as he could into her. Angie suddenly experienced one of the most intense orgasms of her life.

As the petite mort washed over her, all she could think about was how something was definitely wrong with her, and how fascinated Dr. Beckwith would be in hearing about her orgasm under those conditions.

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SorchakSorchakabout 1 hour ago

"Because I wanted you to respect me as your wife and the mother of your child." This is the stupidest reason to avoid doing certain things in the bedroom, with your spouse. And it's not the first time HDK has used it. Unless those things are totally disgusting/heinous, asking your partner if they will do them for/to/with you shouldn't make them respect you less.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

OK. Where is the BTB?

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

4 Stars from GW . I am sure that the Martian Slut Ray hit all of the women .

green117green1178 days ago
I thought I had commented on this before...

perhaps in Some Other Little site...

Anyway, a Martian Slut Ray story, with the slide in to craziness hidden by a set of straight faced writing on the part of the author and lies on the part of the characters.

Shrugs - at the end of it I was feeling a bit of sympathy for the primary character/antagonist. It's tough being an author - sometimes your characters come to bad ends.


(on the other comment I suggested reciting the chorus to the song - "We all live in a Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine,..." - to get the hint about what the story was about... but a large part of the readership I suspect still doesn't get it. Did this help, Amy?)

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA8 days ago

My first thought about the cruise sex was not the first time for any of them. Good story about a great husband who was gullible and just chooses the wrong partner.

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