
Second try:As of December 5, 2020, this girl is Aki Gypsy, very happy collared pet of Candace McFae Gypsy and Sara McFae Gypsy.
After eons of wandering, a very lucky slut has found a Home and Family. I love them and will stand between them and any harm.  I even have a magnificent dragon to carry me into battle.

I would be honored if you choose to learn more about me by reading following bioblog:

The ancient worlds know me as Aki no Hoshi no Kyūbiko. I am  in this particular part of this particular world because after listening to the currentlymost recent of my innumerable stories about Fear and Loathing beyond the Mists of Time, my ever-so-helpful-and-expensive therapist finally threw  up her hands and advised me to find a way to put down my responsibilities for awhile; go somewhere  i do not have duties; and for the  sake of all the goddesses, have some freaking fun. Almost three years ago, I phased into the Mermaid  Bar in Nightingale Hollow and fell in love with the wonderful people there. I loved this place so much that I  did everything too fast, made questionable decisions,  caused some hurt that I very much wish I had not and ended up spending over two years in the local outpost of Faerie. There I wore the Alpha's collar for a year and her wedding ring for a second year, became a vampire, stood Sentinel for their Lodge and was even their Beta for a very short time. But the Lodge began to change and I became less and less suited to life there. So when the Fae decided to leave Dewhurst, I stayed behind to be with my friends in Nightingale and Gypsy where I now live with and happily serve my Blood Sisters Sara and Candy McFae Gypsy and their wonderful family. *** *** *** ***This article from the Encyclopedia Mythologica may help you understand me. Aki no Kyūbiko (秋の九尾狐)  aka Aki no HoshiThe Kyūbiko is also known as the Autumn Maiden and the Pink Princess of Paths and Doorways.It is difficult to confirm details about Aki no kyūbiko (秋の九尾狐  Aki Nine-tailed)  aka Aki no Hoshi (Autumn Star), perhaps because she is of Chaos, specifically of Illusion, Confusion and Trickery, and may very well wish to keep it that way Some believe that Aki began life as a kitsune or huli jin (fox or fox spirit), with time evolving  into a kyūbiko or jiuweihu (nine-tailed fox),  accumulating new powers over centuries. While most often depicted and described as foxlike or at least partially vulpine in features, the Lady Aki is still considered beautiful beyond mortal standards. Indeed it is said that any mortal man who saw her in her true form lost his heart forever that day. Then again she is known for Illusion; so some doubt exists whether what those men saw was really her true form. The Autumn Maiden spent millennia wandering the planes, learning the secrets of the Doors and Paths, of the  Umbra and Reflections; the Mysteries and Truths of  the Markets, Bazaars, Fabricators, Designers and Creators. In doing so she grasped the wisdom of hiding her true form and nature behind layers of smoke, mirrors and misdirection; of disguising her Aura in the winds and tides of time.Unsubstantiated reports associate her with Vishkanyas, Ninjas, Hashashin , even the Left Hand of the Jhereg (if one believes they really exist). Perhaps the most unusual characteristic of the Pink Princess is her ability to simultaneously exist in up to 9 bodies. Some tales hint that each body has a separate personality and is imbued with a different part of her powers. Other tales suggest that each body shares the same personality and powers. It is said that Autumn Star is extremely mercurial and unpredictable. She can be childlike and playful at one moment; but  burst into burning rage if harm is offered unjustly to those she chooses to protect. She sometimes struggles to make personal connections; has genuine feelings of loneliness and an urgent desire for company;  is often stricken by wanderlust. Aki no kyūbiko wields powerful, yet chaotic, magic and shows a deep love for animals, especially kitsune. Scholars say has a dark side. There are whispers of relentless pursuit; of trails of blood, tears and essence; of singleminded viciousness; of visits no Godling or Demigod wishes to witness, much less receive. But those who know her best say her passion is like the crashing tide; her friendship endures as if the mountains themselves; her love is ever returning like the flowers of spring. Known associates include the Kirin Masahiro;  too many Jhereg to name individually; even more nieces and nephews including the Spirit Tiger, Ja; the Spirit Elephant Fuji; the students of The School for Wayward Supernatural Youth; and the various teams of the Interdimensional Mythological Polo League.

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