
Hello there! I am a 42 yrs old, sapiosexual (attracted to intelligence) Asian American female who loves learning and reflecting of different aspects of my life. I have a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Financial Advisor on the side.

Owns the Bi Penthouse
It is my office with my many loves holding the keys. If you have been given a key then you are truly special to me.

The Penthouse is plexiglass and the windows are all mirrors and glass. You can either get lost with a partner or play in our conference and board room in front of me. Will I join in? I may be the one to start.
My desk is mahogany cherry wood and L Shaped in case you would like a second person involved.

My desk drawers: BDSM toys please use respectfully. This is a safe space.

Lounge area: this is for people to chat with a full circle of beds and couches of every size and kind to fit your imagination.

Please enjoy yourselves everyone. If you want to earn a key to dm me catch my eye in some way.

There are different types of keys.

There is Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Bronze keys. You were told why and what you have when your were given your keys. Good writer, best friend, a show of kindness, wonderful addition to the room.
This room is for the people who love the per chance to play in public without being judged, to those who enjoy chatting and playing in private.
Everyone is welcome.
I may even pull you into my office or play with you in the Lounge should you be here to have some fun.

The Bi Penthouse: All glass office penthouse with black satin sheets, red velvet pillows and red silk sheets four post beds all around. Duvets and sofas in the lounge area. Dark cherry mahogany desks per chance you need one. For now the bar needs a bartender, please help yourself.

We have red silk or black satin robes for when you come in and relax.

Open positions: bartender
For each bed: I am looking for subs of all kinds.
For the lounge: I am looking for playful public writers who are willing to start playful activities in the room on occasion.

If you are interested please dm me to apply.

If you want to belong to me I do have to be impressed. I do my collars privately in my office.
Office Collars with Gold keys:





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Lesbians, Trans, Futa, Bisexual, Roleplay

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