
I like smart, self-confident women who are verbally playful and have a sense of humor. In private they enjoy not being as serious or professional as they are in most parts of their life -- though they avoid guys who are crude, spelling-challenged, delusionally pompous, or otherwise basically a pain in the ass.

Do they call themselves submissive? Sometimes. I think more than applying an off-the-shelf label, they're often looking for an opportunity not to be as responsible or as in charge. When the stars are in alignment, they might feel like that with me.

I'm not a "serious roleplayer." I've tried; it's just not me. I don't submit scenarios for someone's consideration. I prefer conversation to backstory. I can't download the adjective-laden script some people have in their heads. If your idea of a great conversation includes sentences like: "I slowly sit back in the soft leather chair, looking around me while smiling enigmatically..." you're going to find me a vast disappointment.

(In case that's not clear enough: If you do prefer multi-sentence, multi-clause, long-form roleplay, I'm not your guy. You like what you like, and that's fine. However, if you regularly self-narrate ["I glance at the relaxed stranger three seats away and tilt my head. 'This is quieter than many bars in the city, don't you think?' I say."] , you should find somebody else for your partner. We'll both be happier.)

I think I'm wry but not bitter, easygoing but not (too) boring, and at least for some, more interesting to talk to than they expected. I'm older than you, but I type young.

For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like:.
== Results from BFDtest.zzz ===
97% Shortbread
87% Down payment
87% Left justified
86% Next window please
83% Bluetooth
81% Inclined to song parody
67% Primer coated
65% Sustainably harvested sea salt
62% Lowest grade in penmanship
52% Butter pecan
50% Visa, MasterCard, or Debit
47% No Parking 4pm - 7pm, TUE - SAT
45% VW Beetle 1300
43% Costco
31% Burnt umber
25% Coming attractions
21% Oriented strand board
9% Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
8% Square root of 64%
4% The high road to Dungarvin
3% Chance of rain tonight, clearing by morning
3% I just SAID three percent
1% Fibonacci
0% Don't divide by this


Likely elsewhere



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