

I'm a writer who lives in the English Midlands. I'm happily married with two grown-up children, and enjoy writing erotica for my own and for others' pleasure.

As you can see, I have a particular fondness for stories about consensual incest, especially between grown-up siblings.

There is an inherent unfairness and cruelty about the way societies treat this special kind of love, even when it hurts no one.

Is it because the Bible forbids it? Biblical and social taboos are being amended or ignored all over the world. For millennia, old men have routinely married and had sex with very young girls without bible-based questions being raised. Now, men can marry other men and women can marry other women too, even though the bible expressly forbids it. Why should only incest remain banned?

Is it just the 'Yuk Factor'? Mere revulsion is highly individual and a very unsound basis on which to make laws. Many people find same sex relationships distasteful, yet these are now legally acceptable and rightly celebrated. I personally find old men marrying much younger women to be very questionable, but I don't try to get it banned.

How about the risk of abuse? Abuse is unacceptable in any relationship, but sadly happens in every kind. Husbands abuse wives, and vice versa, boyfriends and girlfriends abuse each other but we don't ban all marriage as a result. Some parents abuse their children too, but we don't ban all reproduction just because some individuals behave wickedly. Fully consensual incest is no more abusive than any other kind of relationship, so why is this used as an excuse to prevent it?

And of course, the risk of birth defects is raised time and again. There are many ways of passing on genetic problems from generation to generation. All over the world, people with known hereditary conditions can marry and have children even if they are 100% certain to pass that condition on, so why pretend this is a valid reason to prevent close relatives having babies together? And besides, even if the risk is greater for related couples, how big is it really, especially for first generation consanguineous couples?

With consensual incest featuring more and more on our TV screens, it's time to bring some sense of proportion into the argument, rather than simply repeat the same old biased, misleading prejudices to reinforce an outdated, narrow minded view of the world.

Why can't two healthy, confident, consenting adults not be in a loving relationship just because they share one or both parents? Why have they been persecuted for millennia, simply for being in love?

As well as being erotic, I hope my work will help open a few minds to the reality of romantic family love.

The Tangled Web is just such a story. It tells the tale of the complicated lives of a loving brother and sister who choose to be together, and of those around them. It is told in the form of 'snapshot stories' taken at important events in their lives, and spans several years - from the beginning of their affair to the present date.

Rachel's Research presents examples of long term, loving relationships between consanguineous couples. I hope they help dispel some of the myths propagated by many of the unbelievable incest stories which are so prevalent online.

Other stories appear as the inspiration came to me or was told to me. Many are based on actual people and events.

I really hope you enjoy them, and that they help bring a little more understanding and tolerance into the world.






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