
I'm here to reconnect and find company, whether that's a relationship or friendship I haven't yet decided. I'm no spring chicken and I enjoy the simple things in life such as good food and fishing. I'm not looking for 'naughty chat' and I prefer the company of those experienced within the BDSM lifestyles and dynamics.


Dominant looking for information, support and advice?

Submissive looking for information, support and advice?

Help with online submission?


The most important rule in BDSM (Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) is that all things we do with each other must be SSC: Safe, Sane, and Consensual. It can be implied that what is considered "safe" and "sane" is based on common views of the community and society, because this it can be open to interpretation.

Another perspective is RACK: Risk Aware Consensual Kink. RACK acknowledges the differences between individuals views of what is "safe" and encourages the individual players to choose for themselves what level of risk they wish to take. It allows more flexibility for those who wish to engage in play while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or certain types of play that have a significantly higher level of risk.

Both terms adequately put across the most fundamental idea: that play should be engaged in by consenting parties who are knowledgeable and taking all safety precautions they deem necessary for the type of activity.

No Matter What Stance You Take... The above can be the difference between Kink and Abuse.


It's very easy to become isolated within the lifestyle when your Dom has protocol that restricts communication with others, more often than not other Doms or subs. If they restrict all contact with Dom's or subs.. Its a red flag for abuse..Discuss or Run!

If they start of by telling you a submissive has no rights or opinions and their way is the only way... Run!

If they don"t believe in discussing boundaries and limits, because their way is the only way ... Run!

If they do not respect limits you have specifically stated. Find out why, if it was a genuine accident, discuss. If they felt it was their right ... Run!

If they refuse to use a safe word ... Run!

If they ignore your safe word. Find out why, if it was a genuine accident, discuss. If they felt it was their right ... Run!

If they refuse to use contraception or disclose their health/STD status .. Run!

If they refuse to go to any educational workshops or allow you to obtain any educational information about BDSM practices ... Run!

If they isolate you from your friends and family, saying that their dom-ship is the only thing you need now .. They are manipulating you, it"s abuse

If you involve "play-punishment" in your BDSM practices (i.e. spanking): If your partner hits you in anger, it is not a play punishment, it"s abuse

If you say you are not comfortable doing something, and they try to force you to do it anyway/mock you for being "Weak" Be wary, this is a big red flag

If they want you to sign over your possessions and/or money to them, because you are now theirs...RUN SO DAMN FAST IT HURTS



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