
I am a European woman 60, years old (Yes I know almost pre-historic).
First things first; It is not in my profile picture, obviously. It is just a piece of art I found really beautiful.
Another reason I choose it is because (other than the art being beautiful) I intend to be anonymous. I have no intention of dating or finding a lover; atleast not on this platform.

I am a widow. I don't ever think I will find love again and find the openess me and my late husband shared for over 30 years together.

That openess extended above normal things in life; humor and interests. We found the same sexual things interesting. We could share anything in our adventures without jelousy or judgment.
Nothing was of limits atleast for discussion.

Nothing weird, taboo or unnatural in our world. Over the years we talked about everything; and did things most have not been able to experience with a lover.
It sometimes make me sad to remember. Because it is lost. But I am also so proud and happy to have experienced so much.

So why am I here? Maybe to scratch that itch; to be able to on a level touch that secret world again. Maybe find a way to express and find a way to reconnect with those sexy, beautiful and taboo subjects again.

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Fam, Age, Young, Kinky Sex

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