
Chapter 8 of In a Bottle... is dedicated to Dave, you've proven to me that you never know where you'll find new friends in life. I appreciate your time and outgoing attitude.
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There isn't a whole lot to say about myself. I enjoy reading good books in the fantasy genre and haven't ever decided to write for anything more than pleasure. When one of my friends suggested I write a sex story during one of my complaints of writer's block, I decided it was something I hadn't ever tried before and wanted to. Being a frequenter of this site I decided to submit the finished story after getting good feedback from my friends.

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3-29-17: Chapter 8 is finally done and ready to be submitted. It ended up being 18,225 words which I'm reasonably sure is the longest chapter yet. I probably should have broken it up into two, but I just didn't get to a good stopping spot and was apprehensive about breaking the flow. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll start working on Chapter 9 the first chance I get. I already have a good starting idea.

3-3-17: Chapter 8 is getting to a place that I am finally happy with. Chapter 7 ended up right around 12,200 words. 8 is coming in at 14,070 right now so there should be plenty of content. A few minor additions and some editorial tweaks and it should be ready for the site. I look forward to your opinions just as much as you look forward to my future releases.

1-26-17: The new year started off with me getting a second job, so not much writing lately. I'm enjoying Chapter 8 so far and I'm pretty sure that I've found a good direction to take things in. I like to keep it interesting. Lots of twisty dramatic things and more fight scenes in store. Hopefully I'll surprise you (I know I surprised Alan) and you'll enjoy reading it as much as I am writing it. Again, I appreciate everyone who has stuck around to watch me finish this--and all of you new readers too! I'm not the fastest or most dedicated writer, so my pace is a bit slow.

12-13-16: Chapter 7 is submitted and on its way for you guys. Bit of a slow start with 8. I know how I want to begin, but not sure which direction I want to end it in. Regardless, I'm still here. Thanks again to those who never gave up on this little project of mine :)

11-18-16: I have submitted Chapter 6 after my long break from writing and am now working on Chapter 7. I recently went through a divorce and finished college so I have much more free time now and am looking forward to finishing this story.

Thanks for the comments and votes guys, it's great seeing if people like my writing or not! Please leave me a comment about what you disliked if you don't 5 star one of my pieces. Feedback makes me a better writer.

I hope you all enjoy reading the stories on this site as much as I do!


Originally posted 4-9-11: I have gotten a few concerned responses in regards to the similarities between my recent series "In a Bottle..." and the Genie Chronicles series by Joe Brolly. I thought that people might realize by the fact the he is one of my favorite authors that he inspired my series, but it seems people think I am trying to outdo him. My intention was never to re-write Genie Chronicles. Neither are they a part of the same universe as was the case with 800IbGorrila. I mainly started the story because after reading Genie Chronicles, for the longest time I'd wished he had incorporated a harem. This is sort of what you could call my take on what I saw happening when I finished the first chapter of that series. I apologize to those who were confused.


Washington, USA



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Lesbians, Eating Out, And Incest.

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