
31 Dec 2023:

Hello, friendly readers, Henry Hawkmoor here! It's been a busy year at the ancestral Hawkmoor estate, and due to myriad real-life activities, I haven't had nearly as much time to write lately as I would have liked. Please accept my apologies -- sometimes, life gets in the way!
I do, however, have some projects in development. It's simply talen me much longer than I would have liked to bring them to fruition. This is partly due to real life taking priority, and partly due to me not being satisfied with the direction of certain projects and deciding to do major rewrites.

Many kind readers have asked for more stories featuring Jane, Azalok, and Alahna, and I'm happy to report that a new story concerning those characters is in development. At this time, I cannot make predictions about when it will be completed. I know this may be frustrating for those who have been waiting a long time already. Please continue to look forward to it.

Recently, several very thoughtful individuals sent me some very kind messages of support, either through email or through this website, and I want all of you to know that I very sincerely appreciate those! I read every message readers send me, and I will usually reply to a direct question.

Please continue to enjoy all of my previous stories, and please also feel free to leave me a comment or a suggestion. All feedback is warmly and gratefully received.

For more updates, you can follow me on twitter @HenryHawkmoor. You can also email me directly at henryhawkmoor@gmail.com.


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