
5 11, blond and blue eyes, 180 lbs.
Passionate explorer of sensuality. Intimacy is my guiding star. Each encounter is a canvas, A tapestry of desire and connection. With a heart open to new experiences, I'm here to meet kindred spirits who share my enthusiasm for the profound world of passion and pleasure. Let's embark on a journey where boundaries fade, and the allure of desire and lust intertwine. Together we will paint a portrait of intimacy that resonates with the colors of our deepest desires. Welcome to my world where simplicity means elegance. Enthusiastic about all things sensual, erotic and visual. i believe in the beauty of genuine connections and the allure of shared desires. Conversations are an art form- a dance of words that explores the depths of sensuality . Engage in a dialogue where every nuance is appreciated, and the visual aesthetics of desire come to life through the power of words.
I am not new on lit, been here before , lost my old id . I adore women older than me , always have. Love conversations , fun chats passionate role plays and sharing porn and erotic visual images. Very open to most things and love to explore. Also love group fun too and use gmail hangouts and chatzy too i feel its a great way to stay connected .
Exploring the edge of a partner’s pleasure, watching their entire body respond to the erotic tension, and looking into their eyes as their control slips away. I think compatibility, connection and chemistry are the three things that matter most here.

I love long and slow foreplay and soft and tender aftercare.

I love gentle orgasms and rough sex, and rough orgasms and gentle sex.
Sex is easy, emotion is harder and sex is like cooking too --- everyone can do it , but only some make it delicious .



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