
Stories by jeanne_d_artois

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She finds herself a victim of the bed.

4.05 157.3k 30 7 45

King Edward and Queen Phillippa outside Calais.

3.79 17.2k 1

I don't believe in fairies. Meeting one - changes me.

4.43 4.9k 3 2 6

My boyfriend has left but a friendly ghost comforts me.

H 4.64 4.9k 5 1 7

Our friend refuses dates. Why?

4.47 21.4k 13 6 20

Can a partially-paralyzed lady learn make love again?

H 4.62 31.2k 5 6 7

Nimue is Merlin's Nemesis; can he avoid his fate?

3.33 23.2k 4 6

We revisit a naturist campsite after 25 years.

3.97 17.4k 5 3 7

Coed & friends convince man she's no boy.

4.4 40.1k 7 2 8

John rescues me when I am drunk. I want him.

3.88 6k 4 7

I want to open a parcel.

by jeanne_d_artois
Fetish 05/23/2013
3.85 15k 3 1 3

Why is a one-breasted woman saying nonsense?

4.45 18.1k 8

Monica gets an anonymous Valentine.

4.33 33.9k 1 11 3