
I've truly admired a lot of the writings here at Literotica. And came to make a decision to join in(not necessarily compete). My intentions are to write about the art of romance, passion, and desire, alongside more heightened levels of sexual fulfillment, along with a tiny bit of kink! As well as poetic material written specifically towards soothing any adoring Ladies who care to read it.
So it's obvious at this point that my work will be developed mainly for the feminine enjoyment, aiming to soothe, and calm her delicate emotions, as well as ignite the hidden passion within her. Yet, all are welcome to browse my stories/poems. So once read, by all means, hesitate not, in contacting me with your opinion(s).
My writings are mostly imaginative, yet, a tiny bit of personal experiences might find a way into the stories(if i choose).
If you'd like to contact me with a desire, of which, would, or could lay the groundwork for me to create a story, don't hesitate to do so once again.
I chose to submit writings here as a hobby, along with bringing forth the art of true romance, and deep passion, where love conquers all.
Happy Reading! (wink)


Anywhere I happen To Be



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Romancing Adorable Ladies, Interracial Romancing


Leg Lover, Breast Lover

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