Contact Literotica Editor: C2H1E

@C2H1E has published 0 Stories since 01/01/1970

Your Message

The Literotica Editor Program is open to site members only.

This system uses email. An email message from with your registration email address in the "Reply-to" field is sent to the editor. Any further contact is done via email.

Please make sure the email address in your profile is up to date. That email address will be shared with the editor you contact.

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Hi, I'm a writer myself who values good grammar and a great plot. Most of my experience comes from correcting my own writing and occasionally some friends. I feel comfortable editing almost anything but really love a story with some humor. I have some knowledge of BDSM and mos...
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Parejas Eróticas
Hombre Homosexual
Sexo en Grupo
Sexo entre Lesbianas
No Consentimiento/Reluctancia
No Humano
Juguetes & Mastubación
Libros y Novelas
Humor & Sátira
No Erótico
Ciencia ficción & Fantasía
Primera Vez
Horror Erótico
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Pasted into email
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
03/07/2018Editor since
05/09/2018Last updated