Literotica Editor's Profile

@Trevwhore has published 5 Works since 01/01/1970

Contact Editor
 Hi! You can call me Trevor or “Trevwhore”. By writing erotica in the form of poetry, the genre has taken a special spot in my heart. I love thinking about sex, and to help do that, I’m looking forward to reading your erotica! I would also like to gain more experience in the editing field. Although I do not have much professional experience editing, I am very considerate, creative, thoughtful, and flexible. I understand some things just have to be a certain way to make the WRITER feel good, and try my best to give constructive criticism.
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Hombre Homosexual
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Pasted into email
Text file (.txt)
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
11/03/2020Editor since
11/04/2020Last updated