Are stories and other works published on Literotica copyrighted?

Every story, poem, audio, comic, interactive stories, or other work published on Literotica is protected by United States and international copyright laws. It is illegal to re-post a work originally published on Literotica on another website, app, or other media without the explicit authorization of the copyright owner (most often the author).

Literotica does not grant any rights to any other website, company, or organization to republish any work published by Literotica, copy any part of the Literotica website itself, or any other material related to Literotica.

Fair use laws may allow legitimate reviewers to use small excerpts from stories when writing reviews, but it is illegal to copy or republish any work published on Literotica unless you are the original copyright owner.

You are more than welcome to link to stories published on Literotica from social media, other websites, etc.

Literotica does not require exclusive publishing by authors. Authors who own the copyright to their own works are free to publish their own works on other platforms in addition to Literotica.

If you’re a Literotica author and you find another website, app, or ebook publisher that you believe is illegally publishing your work, or the work of another Literotica author, please see this thread in the Literotica Forum: How To Fight Copyright Theft.