Ho Ho Ho! It's the Literotica Holiday Story Contest!


Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
Hi writers!

With the holiday season quickly approaching, we figured it's time to start up a Holiday story contest. We will accept entries starting on the 1st of December, and we will stop accepting new contest entries on December 15. On the 20th, we will announce the 3 winners. This contest will coexist with the usual monthly contest. Stories may only win one or the other, not both contests simultaneously.

All rules for the monthly contests are in place. The only exception to the rules is that we will allow authors who have won in our monthly contests within the last 6 months to win in the Holiday contest. However, if you have won a prize in another theme contest within the last 6 months, you are not eligible to win in this one.

The following guidelines also apply:

- All contest stories must be submitted via our online form. If you are a WebTV user or have difficulty with the form, follow the instructions here.

- Author must put the phrase "HOLIDAY STORY CONTEST 2001" in the "Notes" field of the submission.

- Story must have a holiday theme (i.e. Christmas trees, New Years, menoras, presents, snowy holidays, etc.). Please don't just submit a normal story and use the word "Christmas" or "Hanukkah" in it twice. That would not be in the spirit of the contest, and readers & voters would probably punish you for your trickiness. ;) Make the stories Holiday-ish!!

Any story that meets the above criteria will be automatically entered into the contest by Laurel, and winners will be decided by reader input. The prizes for the top 3 stories will be the same as those award in the monthly contests.

Good luck, and hope to read some lovely holiday erotica in the next few weeks! ;)
Holiday story in Chyoo

I have a multi-threaded holiday based story developing over in the Chyoo section, if enough body accumulates I'll gladly submit it to the posted contest. In the meantime, an invitation is extended to all to participate over at Chyoo in general with stories there.
I wrote a Holiday story, already...

...and I was wondering if it will count towards the contest. I think I included words something "close" to what you said, Laurel, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, the story is called, "Annie" and I was pretty happy with how the story went!

Here's the link, in case you've forgotten:


Thanks, Laurel!!!
: )

xoxox, -BB
Re: I wrote a Holiday story, already...

bbkradwell said:
...and I was wondering if it will count towards the contest. I think I included words something "close" to what you said, Laurel, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, the story is called, "Annie" and I was pretty happy with how the story went!

Hi BB!

That's a great story. Unfortunately, only stories submitted within the timeframe of the contest are eligible.

I've added a page devoted to the holiday contest. As the submissions are approved, I'll be adding them to the page located here:


Thanks for all the fun stories, and let me know if you have any questions! :)
What about this...?

Okay, I have an idea for a story I think would be pretty good, but I'm lost on how exactly the plot has to integrate Christmas. If the setting is Christmasy, and the plot involves some sort of giving of presents and family togetherness type theme, is that included--I realize that the communication of idea here without the story at hand is largely subject to human error, so I'd don't expect an answer carved in stone...but a basic answer, given the information, to be finally decided when (if, the deadline's creeping up) the story is submitted.
I just like the fact that you put the word "sticky" and the word "ho" right next to each other.
I had to do a small comical double take when I first saw that.
Sticky ho? Where?

Laurel I wrote a story for the contest and it was posted today in the new stories but not the contest page. any particular reason why? Thanks Carrie
Hey Laurel!

Just wanted to let you know...my PC's been down due to the loss of my DSL through @home.

Just submitted my Christmas Contest Story.......so please look for it. Thank you!

I remain........
Late entries?

I saw this morning that a few more stories were added, which surprised me. I had thought the contest was closed. Perhaps these entries were submitted before the deadline and were only now just being posted? I hope so, because I busted my butt to get my entry submitted before I left to go out of town. I HAD to submit my story before I left because the deadline would have passed by the time I got back home to my computer. I dearly would have loved an extra day to polish it up.
Hey, WS, mine was one of the few late entries that got posted. I submitted it at 2145ish 15 Dec 01 my time, which put it at 2245ish EST. The deadline for submission was 2300 15 Dec 01 EST. It took three days to get posted, basically, and went for a whole day on the lists before it hit the Christmas list. I know of two people who posted stories before me that didn't get onto the Christmas List until I did.
KM, thanks for the reassurance. I wouldn't really care that much, except, as I said, I really could have used the extra time for polishing.

Say, are plans for the Literotica Awards going forward? Is HS Writer running them again? I haven't heard a whisper about them this year.
I can't wait

I am so looking forward to the announcement of the winners. This is my first submission, so please excuse my childishness. I can't wait. Pleeeze!
I just wish that my story'd been eligible

I thought that my story was good and Christmassy!

Oh, well... There's always next year.

So, you'd better watch out---

Better not cry---

Better not pout---

I think you know why!

Uh huh, he's comin' ta town!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Late entries?

Whispersecret said:
I saw this morning that a few more stories were added, which surprised me. I had thought the contest was closed. Perhaps these entries were submitted before the deadline and were only now just being posted?

Correct. :)

If I you submitted a story to the contest, and you submitted the story prior to December 15th at 11:59 p.m., and it's still not up on the board, PM me with the title and I'll see what's up.

If you submitted a story on December 16th or later, it is ineligible per the rules of the contest, posted at the top of this thread.

Voting has been closed. We will be announcing the winners of the contest on Monday. Thanks to everyone who participated, readers & writers alike! :)
Whispersecret said:
Say, are plans for the Literotica Awards going forward? Is HS Writer running them again? I haven't heard a whisper about them this year.

The Lit awards are in the planning stages. Nominations for most categories will not take place as they have in previous years. HSWriter will be involved, so long as he has the time. More details to come later.
I'm assuming that most of the stories up for awards will be those that won the monthly contests. You only said "MOST" of the categories will not have nominations. Which categories, then, WILL have nominations?
All categories WILL have nominations - some will just take place differently than before. For example, 4 of the the nominations for best story in a category - i.e. Best Erotic Couplings Story - will be culled from the monthly nominees. Every month, the top-rated story by votes in each site category is nominated, leaving us with 12 nominees for each category at the end of the year. The top 4 stories of these 12 in each category at the end of the year will automatically become nominees for the end of the year contest.

A 5th nominee in each story category - along with categories such as "Sexiest Female Author", etc. - will be chosen via nominations by members on the Awards forum, as we have in the past.

The December nominees aren't decided until January 15th, so I anticipate the year-end awards taking place sometime in February.

Hope that makes sense. If not, feel free to let me know! ;)
Oh, goody...

...Does this mean, then, that my story, "Henry..." will be up for an award in the "Humor" category? I sure hope so, as it would be nice to finally be recognized for my efforts!

Merry Christmas to you all!


Hello! I have never been in this section before. I am curious about the contests. I only write what happens, so I suppose what i write might be eligible. I just don't know how to write fantasies, but I would like to learn...thanks, MH