1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 02


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'SMACK' I spanked her cheek hard enough the palm of my hand stung.

"OW...that hurt!" Lilly twisted and looked back at me stunned.

"Have you learned your lesson?" I chided her.

"Yes!" Lilly squirmed to get free.

"Will you be a good girl now?" I grinned taunting her.

Lilly's eyes opened wide, she smiled.

"Yes Parker."

I pulled her up she spread her legs and straddled my cock facing me. Together she lowered her pussy over my cock and sighed as it moved deeper in her velvet cunt. I lay back on the bed and pulled her above me.

"Please Parker I need you on top!" Lilly hissed.

I rolled us at an angle moving on top. Lilly spread her legs inviting me back in her pussy. She cooed as I picked up the pace. I moved my hands under her and gripped her ass cheeks.

"Please Parker don't spank me again!" Lilly moaned.

Lilly arched her back lifting her pussy up as I pulled out. I slammed back in as she offered me her cunt. Lilly's arms wrapped around me holding on like a little chimp. Each thrust elicited a whimper, each whimper was followed by her pussy contracting tighter around my cock.

"I'm such a bad girl Parker!" Lilly grunted. "Such a bad girl!"

"Cum for me. Be a good girl!" I whispered. "Please be a good girl and cum!"

Gripping her ass harder our bodies smacked together. Lilly raked my back as her desires grew. She was right on the edge, I felt her body tighten, Lilly held her breath.

"Just like a good wife!" I whispered.

"YES! YES! ... Oh Parker ..." Lilly yelled.

Her orgasm was so encompassing I don't even think she knew I had one too. Lilly clutched me, wrapping her legs around behind mine. Holding herself pressed against me with super human strength she shuddered through the last waves of pleasure.

I pulled my hands from her ass and allowed the weight of my body to settle in over her. I said it for a reason. There was no going back now. Daisy was right, it confirmed both of our suspicions. Lilly was ready to settle down. No doubt one day with kids.

I lay on top of her for a few moments allowing us both to take in what just took place. Lifting up Lilly was clearly happy. I moved down and suckled her nipple causing her to squeal in delight.

"Let's get you cleaned up you dirty little girl." I reached up to wipe some grime from her forehead.

I scooped her up and carried Lilly to the shower. We took turns washing each other and eventually drying off. I put on fresh clothes while Lilly dressed in what she wore earlier in the day.

She once again prepared a marvelous meal and even let me help clean up. Around eight Lilly said she was going to the gym. Since I have been back going in the morning I sent her on her way.

"I will see you later." Lilly kissed me goodbye.

I finished laundry and curled up with my investment book on the couch waiting for her return. I felt her warm lips kiss my forehead.

"Parker." Daisy caressed my cheek. "Time to go to bed."

The first thoughts were happy to be woken but when I realized it was Daisy not Lilly I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"Where's Lilly" I sat up quickly.

"She's ok." Daisy put her hand on my chest holding me in place. "She's with Rose."

"How do you know?" I blurted out still not fully awake.

Daisy hesitated, I must have looked pathetic. Her hand caressed the side of my face.

"I just left them." Daisy giggled.

"What?" I started to sit up. "I don't believe you."

Daisy pushed me down as she leaned in and kissed me.

In a completely unintended reaction I wrapped Daisy up and pulled her on top of me extending the kiss.

Daisy pulled back gasping for a fresh breath.

"Parker it's me, Daisy." She reminded me.

The odd thing is she didn't try to get free, it was like she was checking to make sure I knew who I was kissing.

"I'm sorry." I replied embarrassed.

"Don't be." Daisy answered.

The odder thing is I made no move to release her. We sat there just inches from each other neither one making a move to release the other.

"I thought maybe you and Lilly..."

"Are friends." Daisy explained letting me know she was not my competition. "Only when Rose is there, and then I mostly just watch."

"I don't understand." I replied baffled.

"Rose says they share everything." Daisy giggled. "Even you Parker."

"That hasn't happened, well not together." I clarified blushing.

"I know." Daisy kissed me lightly letting me know she approved. "Parker it might never happen that way. Rose would never do anything to come between you and Lilly."

"But Lilly let Rose, I mean Rose... how could ..." I stuttered.

"Shhhh...it's how they are, don't try and understand it." Daisy kissed me passionately again. It lasted several seconds, much longer than just a reassuring kiss.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed." Daisy finally made it clear she was leaving now. "I'll join you when I'm done."

It was clear from her tone it was not up for discussion. Daisy did join me, wearing just panties and a tee shirt.

"Parker." Daisy woke me.

"What?" I replied.

"Lilly's here." She whispered.

"Where?" I sat up looking around the room afraid what she would think of Daisy in my bed.

"She's in the kitchen."

"How did she get in?" I asked shocked.

"I may have given her a key?" Daisy laughed.

"You did what?" Why?" I asked still not thinking straight.

Daisy sat up her tee shirt doing little to contain her charms.

"Parker do you love her?" Daisy asked.

"Daisy I do but I barely know her?" I argued.

"Parker the way you kissed me last night when you wanted me to be Lilly." Daisy caressed my face. "I know you don't want to get hurt, but what if she doesn't want to get hurt either?"

"I just can't run down and tell her I love her!"

"You called her wife last night Parker! Shit or get off the pot!" Daisy stood up. "Find a way."

That was another of my dad's sayings. I thought long and hard when I was in the bathroom getting ready to go down stairs. Daisy was still in my room as I got dressed. Somehow I wasn't even embarrassed being naked in front of her.

"Parker, in your way." Daisy winked.

I entered the kitchen Lilly looked up to see how I would react to find her there, then cast her eyes down.

"Is breakfast ready?" I asked evenly.

"Just give me a minute dear." Lilly looked up to see how I would react to the word. "I brought you the paper."

I walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you." I said sitting down and picking up the paper.

There was a giddiness as she went about finishing the meal. Serving it to me she stood waiting to see if there was anything else. I pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit with me.

Lilly nervously made a plate for herself and sat next to me. I folded the paper and looked over.

"How was your work out?" I asked.

"Fine. I missed you being there."

"I work out in the morning, it helps wake me up for the day." I explained.

"I see." Lilly replied.

"Would you consider doing it in the morning?" I looked over.

"I work in the morning." Lilly informed me.

I didn't even know that.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked not hesitating.

"I'm a production assistant for Rose." Lilly answered.

"I, see. Well I'll see about changing my schedule then."

"Really?" Lilly beamed.

Daisy was leaning against the opening to the kitchen. I looked at my sister and Lilly turned to see her as well.

"Sunday is the day we go shopping. Sometimes it's the only day I only get to see Daisy." I explained.

"I understand." Lilly replied her eyes falling dejected.

"Come sit on my lap." I instructed Lilly.

She looked at Daisy and then slowly got up and sat on my lap. I brushed her long hair over her shoulder. I could see Lilly was anxious.

"I missed you last night. When you didn't call..."

"I'm sorry." Lilly started to tear up.

"It occurred to me, and I was reminded by someone..." I looked to Daisy and smiled. "There is something I have neglected to tell you."

Lilly looked over at Daisy, my sister smiled broadly and nodded back to me. Lilly looked at me.

"Lilly I love you." I said seriously.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her whole body shook. I grabbed her to hold her in place. She threw her arms around me and pulled so tight I could hardly breathe.

"I love you Parker." She whispered. "I love you, I love you." Lilly was crying now.

I looked up at Daisy, there was a happy smile for just a moment but then it dissolved. Looking sad she turned and left.

Lilly and I kissed when she finally settled down. She hugged me and kissed me at least three times.

"I'm sorry about last night." Lilly sniffled. "Are you going to punish me?"

"You need to go get Daisy, its Sunday, and we are going shopping."

"So I can go?" Lilly asked thrilled. She started to stand up.

"What husband would leave his wife at home to go shopping with his sister?" I teased Lilly slapping her ass as she stood.

Lilly ran to the door of the kitchen and stopped. "A husband that's in love with his sister." Lilly said. The wicked smile crossed her face just before she turned to leave.

The three of us spent a marvelous day together, Lilly and I held hands through most of it. She even helped Daisy learn how to buy fruits and vegetables. We ate lunch out but she insisted on cooking dinner. I offered to help but she shooed me away.

Daisy was studying for a test in the morning, Lily and I snuggled up on the couch watching TV. When the show ended Lilly started to get up.

"You're leaving." I stated more than asked.

"She's already in bed, I have to go." Lilly stood nervously.

It would have been easy to make a scene but somehow I knew it wouldn't matter.

"When will I see you again?" I asked.

"I bought lamb for supper tomorrow." Lilly replied.

"Supper it is." I kissed her goodnight and walked her to the Land Rover.

Daisy must really be studying as I slept alone that night. I was on stair climber when Josh arrived. He laughed since I beat him in again. He came over and I stopped midway through my workout.

"I can't thank you enough." Josh said shaking my hand.

"I know!" I teased him.

"So you and Lilly?" Josh wasted no time. "I assume you met her sister Rose?"

"I have." I answered giving no indication I had more than met her.

"And she approves?" Josh asked tilting his head.

"So far." I laughed.

"Well that's good." He laughed back.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"You do know who she is don't you?"

Josh asked me the same damn question everyone else asked. You would think by now I would have found out. But you see I have a flaw in my character. It's what makes me so good in my job. I don't listen to outside noise, I get my facts from the source.

I like to do my own research, my way. Sure I could put her name in some search engine and come up with what the internet knows. In fact I already did that, but only just last week. But I want to know who she is not what other people think she is.

"Not really." I replied, knowing he had no idea what I meant by that.

Josh went over to the desk and aimed the remote at one of the TV's in the room. He changed the channel and there was Rose setting on a sound stage with her co-hosts doing a morning show on the local channel.

"She's famous!" Josh replied excitedly.

"So I gather. At least locally." I panned his enthusiasm.

"Parker she's gorgeous! And you're dating her twin sister!"

"Josh, your wife is every bit as beautiful as Lilly." I replied.

"I know, but this is me, we're talking about you!" He pushed my shoulder teasing me.

"You really didn't know?" Josh shook his head.

"First time I've seen her show." I replied honestly.

He let it run but I went back to working out. I'll have to admit she looks even better on television, but only with clothes on! Lilly was finishing up dinner when I arrived home.

She asked about my day and I hers as we ate alone. After dinner she gave me a kiss and left without explanation. Around nine the Land Rover pulled back in the drive. When I opened the door it was Rose.

"Come in." I greeted her happily.

"Can we go to your room?" She asked not waiting for an answer. She took her coat off and placed it on a chair.

"Be my guest." I answered bowing and swinging my arm. She carried her bag with her and entered my room. I was greeted with her bending over removing her workout clothes.

"Please get undressed I'll be back in a few minutes." She looked at me in an obvious hurry.

True to her word Rose joined me in bed before I finished one page.

"Warm me up!" Rose squealed dropping her towel.

I pulled her on top, Rose nestled in her head on my chest. My cock started to grow hard as she squirmed to get comfortable.

"Parker is it ok if we don't do that tonight?" Rose looked up.

"Would you like me to put some shorts on?" I asked answering her question.

"No, I like the feel of it." Rose reached down and gently stroked my semi hard shaft.

"Just don't get carried away, that thing is loaded and could go off." I teased.

"That's ok, just not in me, not tonight ok?" She whispered.


"Parker, you told Lilly you love her?" Rose asked her head resting on my chest.

"Is that ok?" I asked. "I do you know."

"I do, and yes it's ok, but this is sooner than I expected." She sighed.

"Is that a problem?" I asked confused.

"We won't know for sure right now." Rose replied. "I'll let you know if it is."

She snuggled in closer her hand still just slowly stroking me. I was not seriously hard just enjoying the softness of her hand. Still I was confused in several ways. Last time she made it clear we should not be together and insisted I tell her if I loved Lilly. Now there is an issue with me telling Lilly, and Rose is naked in bed with me. Go figure?

"Why don't you want people at the gym to know you work out there? Why are you Lilly there?" I asked a question that had been bothering me since the beginning. "They see you on TV!"

Rose looked at me cautiously, it was the first time I had ever admitted knowing what she did for a living. It was an innocent question but it seemed to elicit a response I had not expected.

"Not everybody likes Rose." She answered in the third person.

Deciding it was a subject that hit a nerve I backed off a bit.

"I saw your show this morning." I whispered.

She looked up at me nervously. "And?"

"Josh thinks you're a knock out." I laughed.

"And you?" Rose looked up again to gauge my reaction."

"I think you look better on TV..." I teased. "...except when you're naked of course!"

"Parker!" Rose yelled.

She sat up quickly and hit my chest. I grabbed her and rolled over on top of her pinning her arms down.

"But if you were to be naked on TV we would know for sure!" I teased her again.

"You'll pay for this!" Rose yelled.

I looked down and just then her eyes met mine. I looked down further and her nipples were hard as rocks. Looking further I was between her legs and her smooth pussy glistened.

My cock was poised to take her, she looked down, I could see the desire in her eyes. I reached down gripped her ass and pulled her pussy up to my tongue.

"Oh Parker you don't need to do this." She moaned.

"Somehow I think I do." I replied.

I dipped my tongue between Rose's labia opening her up so I could sample the nectar lying within. Rose arched her back and moaned as I lapped several times. I lowered her ass moving with her she combed through my hair urging me to continue.

"Sixty nine!" She called out moments later.

I looked up that wicked smile confirmed she was serious. Rose quickly moved on top as I rolled over on my back, she ground down hard on my face desperate to continue. There was a distinct gasp when her hands grabbed my wrists and pulled them to her tits.

I gripped each orb their size just perfect for my hands. I kneaded them then tugged lightly on her nipples. I played with the piercing gently letting her know she could trust me.

Rose was stroking me now my attention momentarily diverted from her pussy. I groaned and thrusted up involuntarily. Rose lowered down and took just the head in her mouth, I groaned again even louder.

With no room for my hands on her tits I reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks. Lifting my head I licked along her perineum and rimmed her asshole. Rose pushed up, arched her back and pressed her little brown star over my tongue.

I teased her by pushing past her tight muscles just enough she knew I would do it.

"No!" Rose cried out as her whole body shuddered contradicting her words. "I need to cum you bastard!"

Rose pushed her pussy back over my mouth and franticly stroked my cock. She wrapped her lips over the end again and lavished her attention on me. My desire to hold off was quickly fading.

I slipped one finger over her greasy butthole and speared her cunt with my tongue. If I was going to cum so was she! Rose ground her clit against my chin fucking my tongue like a little penis.

Her ass bounced up and down quickly in the world's shortest fucking motion. Rose seemed undecided whether she wanted to mash her clit on my chin or gently rub it side to side, so she did both. Her whole body adjusted as she searched for the perfect combination.

I myself was ready to cum. I thrust up deeper in her mouth her hand still covering half my dick. Rose sucked me hard then to my immediate disappointment pushed up grinding her pussy hard over my mouth.

"Cum with me!" Rose screamed.

Rose ground down and lifted up, I moved to flick her clit with my tongue. I needed to cum but Rose stopped stroking me at just the wrong moment. I released her ass with one hand and quickly placed it over hers.

Everything was going wrong all at the same time. I groaned in frustration, Rose cried out as her orgasm took hold. With her hand I stroked my cock. Rose pushed down grinding her pussy over my face. I tried to catch up.

Rose shuddered violently rocking slightly side to side. Her legs clamped my head holding her pussy just out of reach. I needed to cum so badly, but it was like an itch I couldn't scratch.

Then I felt it, first one drop, then a few more. I could feel Rose's pussy contracting over me as her orgasm subsided. Her pussy was oozing cum, female cum. I felt my cock expand and then the itch got scratched.

I don't know where the first blast landed or even the second. I do know her warm lips wrapped around my cock just as the third one escaped my thankful body. Rose emptied my cock and lay on top of me cooing.

I was caressing her back and ass, I think she was happy just the way we were, I know I was.

"I have to go. Lilly will be expecting a report and I have to get up early." There was disappointment in Rose's voice.

Reluctantly I rolled her off, I grabbed the towel she dropped from earlier and handed it to Rose. There was cum from her upper chest all the way down to her small patch of pussy hair. Rose giggled as she cleaned it off.

She turned to me pushing me back to lie down. Straddling me she wiped me clean as well finding something humorous along the way.

"What's so funny?" I asked laying back being wiped down.

"When you put it in me it didn't seem like so much. But out here... Parker it's everywhere!" Rose squealed.

"You mean ...?" I stopped short.

"Yes silly." Rose blushed. "So do you know who I am now?"

I sat up with her still on my lap. Rose just let me know it was the first time she had been cum on. I reached around and caressed her back, locked on each other's eyes I hesitated.

"I will if you will." She whispered.

I pulled her in for a kiss my face covered in her excitement her mouth just swallowing the remnants of my cum. Our tongues danced briefly before she pulled away.