1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 04


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Lilly was right, there was something about Emily, she and Rose were so much alike. Just like Rose at the gym, Emily acted like she didn't care if I was around, but I knew she was keeping a close eye on me just the same. The only problem was she had me digging holes and transplanting flowers.

She herself was digging and pruning. She brought me cool water and more than once sprayed me down with the hose. Now I too was bare chested and shoeless, wearing only my briefs and running shorts. When she wasn't barking orders she was talking to herself, cursing someone, or something.

It was just before noon when she muttered something I didn't quite understand.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"That stump needs to go but it's too big for me." Emily said clearly. "Maybe we can do it later?"

"No time like the present!" I suggested.

Emily had run me ragged but in doing so she herself was exhausted. She looked at me as if to ask if she heard me right.

"Do you have any rope?" I inquired.

"In the shed." Emily looked up from under the rim of her hat.

I went inside found some light rope and a hatchet. I dug the roots out around the old stump. With the hatchet I cut though the roots I could find. I tied the rope to the stump and had her pull on it firmly.

With the tension on the stump I worked around and dug and cut each root as it clung to the earth. We almost had it out, just two or three smaller roots to find. I looked up and Emily was pulling hard on the rope.

Bent over, her thin arms strained, her tits dangled, her teeth gritted. Her tanned skin glistened with perspiration making her look even more desirable. Emily's shorts rode up tight presenting a perfect camel toe, her slender legs strained accentuating each muscle. Emily looked at me through straggled hair just like she had all morning.

There was a determination about Emily, I saw it in my grandmother when grandpa died. This was more intense, more focused. I had seen the worst side and wondered if this was her best side. Looking at Emily I refused to believe it.

It was there, she tried to bury it where no one could see it, but I had seen flashes this morning. There was no giving up with this woman, she was a fighter. I realized she wasn't fighting fair but maybe that was the only way she could win.

I raised the hatchet and struck a solid root. Her arms vibrated, her tits danced. I chopped down again, there was a slight cracking sound and again Emily shook. I looked at her and nodded, my arm came down I felt the hatchet slice through the fibers of the plant and separated them in two.

The stump jumped from the ground doubling over, I heard Emily moan and the rope went slack.

"Emily!" I cried out. She was on her back lying in the dirt and mud. "Are you ok?" I asked

She reached under her ass and rubbed her left cheek.

"That will leave a bruise. Emily moaned.

"Seriously you ok?"

"Don't be such a pussy. I'm fine." Emily snapped at me. "Now help me up Paul Bunyan!?"

I moved beside her and held out my hand, Emily offered me a muddy one in return. I tugged her up she was covered in mud head to toe on her back side. Emily tried scraping it off but all she accomplished was smearing it around.

"Stand still." I said.

Removing her hat, I set it aside, then began rinsing her off. In the cold water her nipples shriveled and became hard as rocks. Without warning Emily slipped off her shorts. As I suspected, Emily wasn't wearing panties.

Her fur covered snatch came into full view as did her petite ass when she turned. Emily started to shiver as the cold water did little to wash away the grime.

"Come with me." I scooped her up and headed to the house.

"Put me down you bastard!" Emily wiggled in my arms. I wiped off my feet at the door and carried her inside.

"You're coming with me!" I repeated holding her firmly.

Taking her in the shower I dialed up the hot water and set her in.

"Oh no! You made this mess now you can clean it up!" Emily gripped my wrist firmly.

For a moment I thought she was kidding, or really crazy, but that wicked smile crossed her face. With no hesitation I stepped in and closed the door. Emily was shocked at my brazen move.

"I think I can handle this." I laughed, Emily nervously pushed me.

She had tried to bluff and I called her on it, there was no way I was folding now.

"So this is how you people out here conserve water? I mean there must be a drought somewhere in California!" I teased Emily standing in the shower with her.

Emily was naked and cornered, besides I was bigger and still partially dressed. She handed me the shampoo.

"You can do my hair, I will do the rest!" Emily spat.

I started in the back but she soon turned to face me. Emily let me watch as she washed her breasts and then moved lower. She closed her eyes as I rinsed the shampoo from her hair. She looked up at me her eyes filled with fear and desire.

"Let me do your back, you missed some spots." I whispered.

Emily let me turn her and looked over her shoulder as I soaped her shoulders down to just above her waist. After I rinsed that part off she handed me the soap again.

Emily locked on my eyes as I hesitated taking it from her. Emily offered it again, this was clearly a request. I moved the bar over her waist and lower over her ass. She shifted placing it between her cheeks.

Emily was daring me to do it now, maybe she is crazy? I dropped the bar on the floor and using my fingers spread the soap over her waist and over each ass cheek. Emily whimpered as I avoided the crack of her ass.

She reached back and gripped my wrist and pulled it to the place of her desire. Emily's eyes begged me not to deny her this pleasure. My fingers pushed the creamy soap between her cheeks and over her tight asshole.

"Mmmmmmmm" She cooed.

"Did you enjoy watching us last night?" I asked softly.

Emily closed her eyes and pushed back firmly, her hand still gripping my wrist. I noticed her other hand went for her pussy.

"Rose's ass is very sensitive too." I whispered in her ear.

Emily bucked against the hand in her pussy.

"I know... we're so much alike." Emily whimpered.

The crack of her ass was well greased with soap, her hand guided me back over her brown star. I let my finger grazed over it and Emily moaned in returned. I pressed at the entrance to her ass.

"I've never...!" Emily hissed. "You wouldn't..."

"I would." I whispered as I nibbled her ear lobe.

Her eyes closed tight she pulled at my wrist. I wiggled my finger centering it among the tight muscles holding it out.

"YES, Oh YES!" Emily squealed as my finger eased just inside. "Please don't stop there!"

At the first knuckle she spread her legs as I watched her frigging her pussy ever faster. Refusing to offer her any more of my finger Emily groaned in response.

I reached up with my free hand and gripped one tit and squeezed.

"Such a tight little ass you dirty little girl." I taunted her.

I rolled her nipple firmly and Emily thrust back on the finger in her ass. Her other hand was a blur on her pussy. I felt a jerk, then a second, followed by successive ones faster and faster but weaker and weaker.

I pulled my finger from her ass to support her. Emily turned and planted her lips on mine muffling the last of her sexual release. With Emily's hand still clamped between her legs, Emily's body was drained physically and now sexually. Through half closed eyes she looked to see my reaction.

"Who are you?" Emily asked uncertain what to do now.

I looked in her eyes and saw Lilly and Rose looking back. There was this brief moment I thought I fucked up being here with Emily, then the longer I looked in those eyes I knew this was where Lilly wanted me to be. Emily was searching for answers too as she studied me.

"How about I take you out to lunch? I could eat." I replied calmly.

Emily seemed amused by my reply. Surely I could have objected to her taboo desires or at the very least teased her. Instead I let her decide how to handle it. Just like Rose she quickly regained her composure.

"Do you need help?" She rubbed her hand over my stiff cock hiding in my shorts.

"I think we have played long enough don't you?" I suggested.

"A kiss before I go?" She teased.

"Just one." I bent over to kiss Emily holding her shoulders.

Emily started kissing me then slipped a hand in my shorts. She grabbed my cock and tried to stroke it before I grabbed her wrist and pulled her free.

"Now go get ready before I need to punish you too!" I laughed.

I turned Emily, opened the door to the shower, and I spanked her ass as she left. I finished my shower and dressed in khaki shorts and pullover shirt. I headed to the living room, Emily was waiting for me in what I can only describe as a burlap bag dress and a different floppy hat.

"That's a look." I said disapprovingly.

"It's comfortable!" She argued.

"So are sweats, but I wouldn't let you leave the house in them either. Go change." I demanded pointing to her room.

Emily stood defiantly. I expected her to protest verbally instead she pulled the dress off and dropped it on the floor. Standing in just her sandals and panties she stormed past me.

"And put on a bra!" I yelled after her.

I didn't need to wait long, Emily returned in cut off jean shorts that barely covered the cheeks of her ass and a tube top with no bra.

"Oh that looks comfy?" I teased her. "Where is the bra?"

"I don't wear them. Just another way for men to objectify us." Emily complained.

"Suit yourself." I chuckled.

I thought she may have me drive the short distance to town but she took the keys and got behind the wheel. It didn't take long to see why she had been sued so many times. Emily was easily the worst driver I have ever been with.

Her total disregard for stop signs was nothing compared to her lack of attention to other drivers. By the time we reached the restaurant I felt I was in a chase scene of an action movie.

Completely unfazed she left me still catching my breath. Emily headed to the front door without me. I caught up and feeling chipper slipped my arm around her bare waist from the back.

"Get your hands off of me you thug!" Emily yelled twisting from my grasp.

She looked up at my apparent shock of her insulting outburst. Minutes ago I was fingering her ass and now I'm a thug?

"I'm sorry." I replied immediately "It was inappropriate on my part. I promise not to do it again."

Emily seemed to realize she may have overreacted. When I apologized she seemed unsure how to take it. Was I sincere or was I being facetious and mocking her?

"Let's eat we have more work to do." Emily turned away rudely and headed in the direction we started.

Emily picked a restaurant along the coast. We sat outside under an umbrella watching the people on the beach. Her mood had softened from the earlier event but her conversation was still guarded. Not once had she asked about me or my family, instead she talked about her passion. Flowers.

Now I am no botanist but I have picked up some things from my grandmother over the years. On the other hand Emily had written three books on the subject. This was the source of her sizable bank account. Emily talked roots and soil conditions, acidic effects on different plants, sandy soil vs too much clay. Happily I listened and nodded adding to the conversation only when I knew the facts.

She was talking about some point or another when she kept looking past me at another table. After about the fourth glance I looked over my shoulder and noticed three middle aged men who looked like locals. They were looking at us and laughing. I turned back to Emily but she was gone.

"You need to leave!" She screamed at the trio as I looked to find her heading to their table.

"Why? We were just having lunch you old whack." One of them sneered.

"Bring those Daisy Dukes over here and sit on this." Another pointed at his crotch with both index fingers. Her cut off shorts would be risqué on a teenager, on her they just yelled hussy.

"You're all disgusting!" Emily yelled drawing the attention of the staff.

"Yeah and your still crazy!" The other one chimed in.

Emily was visibly upset at that. I jumped up and moved in behind her. The three of them started to stand to confront me. I slipped my hand around Emily's bare back over to her waist on the other side.

Emily tried to twist away again but this time I was prepared. The men seeing I was no threat to them returned to their seats.

"Maybe we should leave these gentlemen enjoy their lunch." I said quietly. Emily looked up at me almost pleading for me to understand her outburst.

"Come darling we have work to do." I leaned in and kissed her quickly but firmly.

The whole patio came to a dead silence, only the waves from the ocean and the sound of children playing on the beach could be heard. Emily searched my eyes again when our lips parted. I could see in hers she was asking "who are you?"

I steadied her and we went back to our table changing seats. Emily was not prepared for the embrace or kiss but now she seemed pleased I did it. We finished our lunch without further drama.

I paid the bill and escorted Emily from the restaurant all eyes focused on us now. She reached over and took my hand gently. I gripped hers firmly.

"The first shop is just down the street if you want to walk?" Emily suggested.

Walk we did, hand in hand. Back at the car I insisted on driving. She argued but eventually gave in handing me the keys. We drove down the coast to her favorite nursery. Emily was welcomed with open arms, we walked the isles of blooming flowers and plants.

"Do you have any favorites?" Emily asked me picking up a colorful planter.

"I guess you could say violet lilies and purple roses." I replied quickly.

Emily seemed intrigued by my choices. "Why those?" She asked smugly.

"As you know the violet lily is the rarest of the lilies." I replied trying to impress her with my knowledge. "And the purple rose stands for love at first sight, which it was, for them both!"

"Who are you?" Emily asked again.

After loading the back of the Land Rover with new plants, I drove us back to the house. The twins were waiting for us when we arrived. They watched as Emily and I planted the flowers we just bought. Lilly cooked dinner again and after she cleaned up she settled in beside me on the couch.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Lilly asked as she nestled in tight.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Amazing, just amazing. This has to be one of the best stories I have ever read on this site. The writing is superb, and the characters come to life on each page I’m in till the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good Story....

But.... it just gets weirder and weirder. And I have to admit it, I’m hooked. I can’t stop with this story, I have to know how it ends up. And “Emily” just threw another curveball into the whole thing. Hell, now I’m taking (or writing) in circles. What a story this is.

Txdaddy62Txdaddy62over 4 years ago

I love the way he handled their mom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I still don't have a clue what's going on but I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This erotic story failed so badly.

I came in to read a wild crazy sex story, but what i get is a fucking love story. I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!! The story line is so amazing in so many ways. The drama, the confusions, the turmoil and the forbidden love. Please update us with the latest chapter asap!!!

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