1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 10


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"Mom, Lilly and I fell in love. She wanted some things Rose couldn't give her." I kneeled in front of her. "Security, kids, a normal life, something she never had with a famous mother and sister."

"You mean Lilly ......Rose." My mother's eyes pleaded with me to understand.

"Will always be together. That's why Rose made me come to California." I explained. "She didn't want me to take Lilly away from her."

"So she made her mother seduce you?" Joyce suggested.

I looked at my grandmother again.

"No baby, that had to be Lilly's decision." My grandmother took her daughters hand.

"So you seduced Emily?" My mother now accused me.

"Well, not exactly. When we met she tried to kick me out, send me back home." I explained. "But I saw in her what I see in both of her daughters. I fell in love with Emily too."

"Stop!" My mother blurted out. "Parker this is incest, and more incest! What does this have to do with me?"

I looked at my grandmother one last time.

"Joyce, Parker was chosen because of how he was brought up. Loving, honest, and if I'm right, loyal." Caroline confided. "He's a good man. Think about Rose and Emily as celebrities. What he knows about that family. The secrets he could tell."

"Parker you wouldn't?" My mother jumped up and stood over me.

"When I told you I'm in love with them...." I stood up in front of my mother. "...I meant it. I would give my life for any of them."

Mom sat back down and looked at her mother. I could see how much this weighed on her mind. She looked at me and then the back yard.

"You mustn't tell your father what you've told me." Mom looked up.

"I won't. But I won't lie either." I replied.

My grandmother squeezed her daughters hand and nodded in agreement.

"Ok." Mom replied with a sigh.

I picked up the luggage and the bag and headed out of the kitchen.

"Parker?" My mom called out.


"I'll leave clean sheets on the dresser for in the morning." Mom whispered. "If he finds out, please don't rub his nose in it."


I headed down the hallway conflicted. Mom's offer to supply clean sheets, if not an outright approval, suggested at least, a small amount of acceptance.

Taking my mother's suggestion to heart, I changed clothes in my father's office, while Emily dressed in the spare room. Walking down the hall I stopped at the spare room. The door was open and Emily was looking at herself in the mirror.

I leaned against the opening and just watched her primp. Emily looked at me in the reflection of the mirror.

"Can you zip me up?" She asked batting her eyes.

I approached from behind slipping my hand inside the back of the dress and around to the sides.

"I'd only change one thing." I teased.

"What's that?" Emily cooed.

"With this dress you're wearing a bra? It wouldn't do if you were uncomfortable all night." I winked at her in the mirror.

I reached back and undid the clasp. With the bra now free I moved my hands inside Emily's dress and cupped her tits.

"But what about your parents?" Emily stepped forward. Freeing herself, she turned and looked at me.

"As long as you don't flash them, I think they'll be fine." I joked.

Emily blushed then slid the dress off each shoulder. Next she quickly removed the bra and handed it to me. I tossed the hated bra on the bed as I ogled her tits. Now covering her chest I leaned in for a kiss. Breaking free Emily turned her back so I could zip up her dress.

Facing the mirror at a different angle than me I noticed her eyes wander to the door. I turned and looked.

"Mom?" I blurted out accusatorily. "How long have you been standing there?

She didn't answer, when her eyes went to the bra on the bed, mine followed. When she looked back at me I followed her eyes again. When she looked at Emily I stayed focused on her.

There was this pause I knew all so well. My mother had this down pat. This could be good, or bad, you never knew which. Looking for clues which way it would be, my eyes never left my mothers.

"I'm sorry Emily...it's not like me to eavesdrop...but..." Mom whispered. "...I think I have a better understanding now." Mom then looked back at me squarely in the eyes. "I see now how difficult this may be for you, but hopefully you can keep your hands off of Emily in public?"

After that my mother turned to leave.

"Mom?" I spoke up. Just hearing my voice seemed to startle her.

"Yes?" She said with her back to me.

"Is there something you wanted?" I asked.

Mom turned to us with watery eyes. "We're ready when you are."

"I'll be ready in a minute." Emily replied reaching for the bra.

"Don't be absurd." My mother smiled. "You look perfect just the way you are."

"Are you sure?" Emily wavered.

Mom stepped in the room and gently took Emily's hand. Leaning in, my mom gave Emily a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I insist." She then led Emily from the room.

With the women all in dresses and my dad in a blazer I felt a bit under dressed. I borrowed a sports coat and off we went. I let my dad drive the old sedan so I could sit in the back with Emily and my grandmother.

My dad was on his third beer, I stopped after the first. Mom ordered a small cake for desert as a celebration for my dad's award. As the band started their first set mom and dad hit the dance floor. After the second song I took my dad's jacket off, stood up and offered Emily my hand.

"Care to dance?" I asked.

"I'm not sure I know how." Emily blushed.

"Perfect, he doesn't know either." My grandmother quipped.

"I only stepped on your foot once." I replied.

Laughing, Emily took my hand and we joined my parents on the dance floor. After years of marriage and dancing, they were actually quite good. Emily and I basically just wiggled in place.

When the first slow song started playing I took Emily in my arms. Pressed against me she rested her face against my chest. With my hands on Emily's waist I was tempted to let them slide over her ass.

"Parker why have me take off the bra?" Emily whispered. "With this dress no one will know."

Emily was right. With short sleeves, a modest neckline, and the dark material, it would be difficult to tell.

"I'll know." I leaned in and kissed her hair.

"You're incorrigible." Emily smiled looking up. "I wasn't sure your mom would approve of me."

"My grandmother approves, let's just say mom is working on it." I explained.

"She handles it well." Emily looked over at my parents dancing. "That must be hard for her."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I didn't. Emily pressed firmly against me as we continued to shuffle in place.

By the end of our stay I danced not only with my mother but my grandmother as well. Getting ready to leave my dad handed me the keys to the car. Putting the sports coat back on I dropped the keys in the pocket.

Mom walked my father to the car as Emily and I followed behind with my grandmother.

"I think he's had one too many." My grandmother snickered.

I deposited the women in the back seat with my mother. Walking around behind the car I reached in my pocket for the keys. My hand came upon something that was slightly bigger and longer than the fob.

From the distinct contours I knew exactly what it was. Laughing to myself I reach in the other pocket. I pulled the keys out but with them came something else. Emily's lace panties. I stopped in my tracks and quickly stuffed the panties back in the pocket.

Taking my seat behind the wheel I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. My cock was starting to get hard just thinking of what may lie ahead.

"You ok?" Mom asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think dad must have moved the seat forward a bit." I lied.

I looked over to see if he was going to set me straight but his eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. I drove us back to my parents' house the whole time wondering what Emily had in mind.

With the butt plug in one pocket, and her panties in the other, all I could think of is the game we play in dressing her. My guess is Emily was offering me one or another. The butt plug was clear, what was the other? My cock continued to strain in my pants as I thought of Emily sitting between my mother and grandmother with no panties on.

"Parker, you better help me with your father." Mom tapped me on the shoulder.

"Sure." I replied hoping my erection didn't show when I got out.

Emily walked with my grandmother as I helped steady my dad through the house to their bedroom. Leaving mom to deal with my dad, I found Emily and my grandmother talking in the living room. When my eyes found Emily's she stopped talking. There was this unmistakable sexual tension that instantly filled the room.

"Yes, well...." My grandmother stood. "...I'll get ready for bed so the bathroom will be free for the two of you."

Emily looked at my grandmother and let out a bit of a chuckle.

"She didn't mean it like that." I said.

"Of course I did Parker, I told you before, I was young once too."

"Goodnight grandma." I said giving her a hug.

"Goodnight Caroline." Emily stood and hugged her too.

Emily moved in front of me and wrapped her arms inside my jacket.

"Thank you for such a wonderful time." Emily stretched up to kiss me.

Her lips were warm and wet, I could feel the anticipation it the kiss.

"So did you decide?" Emily asked excitedly.

Pulling the butt plug and the panties from my father's jacket I held them in opposite hands.

"Here? In my parents' house?" I taunted her.

"It's what you want isn't it?" Emily snuggled tighter.

"Why would you say that?" I replied perplexed.

"You told your mother you're fucking me didn't you?" Emily provoked me.

"She suspected, I only confirmed it." I admitted.

"Thank you Parker." Emily stretched up and kissed me again. "Joyce is not thrilled about it, but she was happy you didn't lie to her."

"So you've talked?" I asked warily.

"In tactful way." Emily kissed me again. "Besides the fact that I'm your mother-in-law, she thinks I'm too old for you."

"And you're ok with that?" I dared to ask.

"Do you still love me Parker?"

"I do."

"Then unzip this dress and choose." Emily turned around.

"Bend over." I whispered.

Emily looked over her shoulder and into my eyes. I placed the panties back in the coat pocket and spit on the butt plug. Emily turned and bent over. Pulling the back of her dress up I placed the slender end of the dildo against her brown star.

With a firm but gentle push I inserted the butt plug fully in her ass. Emily wiggled her butt then stood up.

"Now the zipper." She murmured.

I pulled the zipper down the middle of her back. Emily pulled the dress from her shoulders then let the material fall to the floor.

"What are you doing?" I gasped in astonishment.

"Going to take a shower..." Emily looked back over her shoulder. "... are you coming?"

Now naked Emily stepped out of the dress and started to the hallway. I picked up the dress and followed her. Just as we got to the spare room my grandmother came out of the bathroom in her housecoat.

I instantly stopped but Emily continued. Grandma looked at Emily then back to me. With a wink she turned and headed to her bedroom without a word. I took off my dad's jacket, and along with the dress placed them in the closet on hangers.

I undressed then slipped on my sleeping shorts just in case. When I entered the bathroom Emily was waiting for me. Before I could respond she pulled my shorts down and grabbed my cock.

"Where's your phone?" Emily cocked her head to one side.

"What?" I asked momentarily confused.

"Rose and Lilly are waiting." Emily chuckled. "Now hurry and go get it."

Stepping out of my shorts I moved quickly down the hall and back with a raging hard on. Obviously Lilly confided with Emily to our plan. Hitting a few prompts we were soon looking at not only Rose and Lilly, but Daisy as well.

Dressed in night wear they were lounging in bed with Rose in the middle. I propped the phone up so the girls could see Emily and myself.

"Hi mom, hi Parker." Lilly leaned forward as they all waved. "We're ready when you are."

Emily giggled. "Oh, ok, well II guess we'll get right to it? Now don't interrupt, or I'll turn this off."

"We understand." Rose laughed.

"What did he choose?" Daisy asked.

"You keep watching and you'll find out." Emily turned and gripped my hard cock.

Hearing those words, the sober reality suddenly hit me. From hundreds of miles away, the girls would be watching us. Before I could start to dwell on it Emily quickly took charge.

Dropping a towel on the floor Emily moved to her knees and took my cock in her mouth.

"Mom!" Rose squealed. "I can't believe you're doing that."

"Rose be quiet." Lilly hissed.

Emily looked up at me with her eyes wide open and a smile wrapped around my cock. It was then I realized Emily's dream was coming true. The closet exhibitionist has an audience.

I rested my hand beside Emily's face and caressed her cheek. With a steady rhythm I watched as my cock disappeared deep in Emily's mouth. I looked further down and saw Emily's tits wiggle on her chest, the pert nipples begging for attention.

With an uncontrollable surge I felt my cock swell bigger in Emily's mouth.

"Cum for me Parker." Her hand stroked my tense balls. "I want to taste your love."

Emily devoured my cock once again. The sounds of her slurping echoed off the walls. My hand slipped down under her chin. As my cock went deep in her mouth I felt it start down her throat.

"I'm going to cum Em." I barely moaned.

"Do it!" I heard Daisy shout.

"On her tits." Rose added.

Just then Emily pulled my cock out and smeared her face with saliva and pre-cum.

"On my face Parker. Do it now."

Almost against my will, it happened before I knew it. With her mouth open, my cock spouted a long thick rope of cum from Emily's hair down across the bridge of her nose. Still looking at me with desire, Emily tilted her head resting my cock on the tip of her tongue.

I wanted to warn her but my legs stiffened and my cock swelled sending the next volley straight down her throat. Emily was caught off guard by the volume and coughed a bit. Closing her mouth the next splurge hit her chin, dangled momentarily, then dripped down her chest.

"All of it." Emily hissed as she pointed my cock at her chest. "Cover those titties."

I leaned my head back and let Emily stroke the remaining cum from my balls. Weak and drained I started to take a step back.

"Where are you going?" Emily snarled still gripping my half hard cock. "You have an ass to fuck."

"Really!" Rose squealed.

"But mom..." Lilly spoke up. ".....he might need a minute."

"I bet he won't." Emily stood up to face me.

She was covered in my cum and looked happy to be that way. For her whole adult life I bet she's waited for this moment. With a gentle grip on my cock Emily stoked it.

"Do you want this as bad as I do?" Emily whispered.

Her eyes focused on mine as she continued to jack me off. "Yes." I replied truthfully.

Emily turned to the phone and bent down. "Ok Lilly, you start."

I looked at my phone as Emily bent down and picked up the towel. On the small screen I watched as Lilly started to undress. From the corner of my eye Emily was cleaning the cum from her body.

When I looked back Rose was now starting to undress. Suddenly a greasy hand coated in lube stroke my quickly hardening cock.

"Ok Daisy, your turn." Emily chuckled.

Daisy stood on the bed and started to remove her pajamas. Emily greased my cock again liberally.

"Look how beautiful she is." Emily pointed to the phone.

"Daisy...but why?" I asked.

Daisy leaned forward, her massive tits hung down heavily.

"To see this. I wanted to be with my sisters to watch." Daisy reached over and squeezed Rose's tit. "Now fuck your dirty little girl in the ass."

"Ready mom?" Lilly giggled.

Laying a towel on the counter, Emily picked up the phone and motioned to me. I lifted her up and she spread her legs. Leaning back against the mirror she rolled her hips exposing the butt plug.

"Ready!" She squealed much too loudly.

I reached in and grabbed the dildo and took a firm grip. Holding the phone so the girls could see Emily nodded she was ready. With a practiced tug I pulled the ribbed toy slowly but steadily from its warm hiding place.

"Hurry my love." Emily gasped as it finally pulled free.

I tossed the toy in the sink and moved between Emily's legs. Gripping my greasy cock I pressed it to the opening for her desires.

"Slowly Parker, I want them to see how big you are." Emily grunted from the pressure.

"Mom that will never fit." Rose gasped.

"Sure it will, they've been doing for years." Lilly laughed.

"That is so fucking hot!" Daisy mewed.

With the phone pointed at our sexes Emily and I focused on each other. 'I love you.' Emily mouthed. 'Me too.' I replied the same way.

"Now Parker, show them how you fuck your dirty little girl." Emily moaned.

With one last push I forced my cock past her relaxed muscle.

"Holy shit." Rose gasped again.

"Really Rose? That's gross." Lilly laughed. "Think you could take that?"

"No fucking way." Rose cursed. "He's too big for my pussy."

"Look at her, Emily is loving it." Daisy spoke up.

She was right, Emily was loving it. Getting her ass fucked was a treat but having people watching was always a fantasy of hers.

"Mom hold the phone steady." Lilly said.

"Good bye girls, I'm going to set the phone down." Emily handed it to me.

I propped it up the best I could then grabbed Emily's hips.

"Fuck me deep Parker." Emily begged.

I pushed her legs up in front of my chest as Emily now laid on her back. I stabbed my cock in and out of her tight opening, watching her tits jiggle on her chest. Before long the moaning in the bathroom was joined by moaning from the phone.

"Hurry mom." Rose whimpered.

"What?" Emily looked up at me with half closed eyes.

I picked up the phone and handed it to Emily.

"Hurry mom, cum with me." Rose squeaked.

"Just a minute baby." Emily looked up at me. "Faster."

Handing me the phone I looked at the screen and saw Lilly working a strap on dildo in Rose's pussy as Daisy was fucking herself with another one.

"Tell mom to hurry." Rose said to me.

I looked down to see Emily rubbing her clit and squeezing her nipple.

"She won't be long now." I turned the phone to Emily showing Rose what her mother was doing.

True to my word it didn't take long for Emily to cum. Rose and Daisy joined her with their own wonderful climax.

Having cum earlier I was still hard and thought of pulling out of Emily's ass.

"Where do you think you're going?" Emily anticipated my move.

"I thought you may want a break?" I suggested.

"We're not done until you fill my ass with cum." Emily barked. "On my knees or in the shower?"

"The shower?" I guessed.

"Smart man." Emily grinned. "Tell the girls goodnight."

I looked at the phone but they were already under the covers snuggling together. I said goodnight mostly to Lilly and turned off the phone. Emily was now waiting for me in the shower with the water running.

"Are you up to this?" Emily stretched up for a kiss.

"No screaming now, the walls in this house have ears." I warned her.

"You sure she's not watching?" Emily now teased me.

"Let's find out." I took the bait.

With her back to me Emily bent over. I guided my slick cock back to her waiting ass. I pressed firmly into the puffy skin and pressed forward.

"God I love that feeling." Emily sighed as I pushed past her sphincter.

Embedded in her ass I pushed my wrists behind her knees and lifted Emily up. The weight of her torso forced my cock deep in her body as her legs dangled in front.