12 Labors of Hercules, Caged Pt. 11

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Lesbians show pegging to tease caged cock; Velma & Daphne.
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Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/14/2023
Created 06/06/2022
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Part 11. Lesbians show pegging to tease caged cock; Velma & Daphne

Tag: pegging, lesbian strapon, caged cock, gentle femdom, tease and denial, strapon, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, dream.

##### Episode of a series. A wife, Cathy, convinces her husband (Professor Richard Van Middenstorm) to wear a chastity cage for a month-long archaeological study, which he will lead along with a team of four 25-year-old female scholars on an uninhabited island in Greece. Barbara and Teresa (a couple), the red Skye, and the black Emily.

The main objective is to increase concentration for the completion of a Mythology History Book. Secondary goals, increase the husband's frustration, increase the wife's arousal over the phone, and ensure girls' fun without the risk of harassment.

Simple rules: during working hours, no tease. After hours, freedom to tease without mercy. Each girl may phone his wife and ask if she wants him to be released: if so, she will send a digital code to open a number padlock.

The wife and husband love each other and have an agreement. There is no hatred or resentment and no one wants to divorce. If in the mood, the girls enjoy teasing that harmless man. If these premises do not satisfy your taste, you can find many other better stories than this one on the site. #####

§ Chapter 37 -- Set up a Teasing.

Throughout the day on Wednesday, Cathy kept sending provocative little messages to her husband while he struggled to concentrate on finishing his Book.

Cathy played like the cat with the mouse. Sometimes the little messages were very short: single captioned images that she had found on some site for keyholders or caged hubbies. Other times they were simple logos: a chicken locked inside an aviary (a caged... cock!), a broken and unserviceable key (oh, too bad!), a silhouette of a dominant woman, and a caged man.

Other times the messages were more challenging.

One audio message was a recording of Cathy moaning as she masturbated while watching Richard under Emily. He was forced to listen to it all as carefully as he could, because there were follow-up questions at the end, like in an Accounting Department refresher course (the devil lives in the details).

Other messages required him to stop work and run to the bathroom to photograph the caged cock. But those were rarer because Cathy minded distracting him so long from work.

Meanwhile, Cathy exchanged messages with the girls. She took great care to reassure Emily, confirming that she had done nothing wrong and that they had explicit permission to use her husband's mouth to keep him tense.

She also wrote and phoned the other girls. She also received important briefings on how well the search was going. Therefore, Cathy began to think that it would be appropriate to limit teasing opportunities, at least until Sunday.

Part of Cathy's mind was not convinced. Sure, many sites suggested predetermining a specific day for the release and advised keyholders to invent specious reasons for extending the sentence: if you don't do this, we'll add another two weeks, if you don't accept that, we'll add another month, and so on.

But Cathy was not convinced at all.

The other element she didn't like was the idea of pre-establishing a timetable in advance with predetermined releases. For example, Sunday, or the day of her husband's birthday. In that way, it seemed to Cathy that Richard would remain resigned and inert for weeks at a time, knowing that whatever effort he tried to make, he would still be denied by the calendar.

"And then what if something unforeseen happened on that appointed day?" thought Cathy. "One time to celebrate his birthday, his sister and the kids came over, think if we were having a BDSM session with him chained to a St. Andrew's Cross-no. No scheduled appointments."

Based on those reasons, Cathy spoke very frankly to the girls.

Barbara observed that Sunday could have been a nice opportunity to relax into a big brunch, relegating Richard to the role of Butler to serve the girls. It would have been fun, relaxing (for the ladies!), and very teasing (for him!). But he agreed with Cathy that it was not appropriate to forewarn him that it would be released.

Teresa added that the Greek weather forecast gave possible thunderstorms on Sunday morning. No big deal: the Brunch could be set up in the Meeting Room if the terrace was impassable due to rain.

Emily, as soon as the call began, immediately asked Miss Cathy if she could have the code to release the poor man's cage. The girl felt so guilty, for enjoying so much without even hinting at reciprocating... Skye, who was her roommate, intervened, snorting aloud, "that's just it, the amazing element of keeping a male with a caged cock! Don't you grasp that, Emily? He is forced to focus on your pleasure and is aware that you don't have to do anything to make him cum!"

Cathy asked Skye if she could continue the phone call with Emily only, promising that she would call her next, separately.

Cathy took some time to comfort Emily. She already knew that this generosity on the part of the African American girl was not a danger to herself (Cathy already knew that Emily was in love with a young man to whom she had not yet confessed her falling in love) but she felt a little bit like the mother of all the girls involved, and she understood that Emily was the weakest and most inexperienced.

Immediately afterward she called Skye. She was on the terrace, wearing a large straw hat and wide sunglasses. "Skye, my dear, you were too hard on Emily..."

"Forgive me, Miss Cathy, but I've been listening to Emily complain for so many years that she only dates losers, selfish and hurried, that if for once she finds a man who will eat her up until she enjoys it, it seems to me!"

"Sure, you're right, but sometimes I'm afraid the way is too rough."

"May I ask something, honestly?"

Cathy had been dreading that question for a long time, but after all, she had started the phone calls on purpose. And she had saved Skye for last because by now she understood that she was the most experienced of the whole team.

"I'm a little scared, but I promise I'll answer truthfully."

"You are very sweet, Cathy. Yet you agreed with your husband to a month of teasing with a caged cock. And you entrusted this task to us. Right?"


"I would like to ask you whether you are angry with him, or whether you love him. If you love him, in my opinion, you should abandon gentleness (at least sometimes) and give vent to your instinctive animal aggressiveness."

Cathy's eyes filled with tears, but she tried not to let Skye know. "I love him, but I'm afraid of hurting him."

"Hallo? Earth to Cathy: he is a Man. Nothing can hurt him. Or rather, none of the soft toys we have here on the island. Oh, sure, there are extreme BDSM tools that could hurt him, but not here."

"I'm afraid of hurting him morally, spiritually, too."

"Cathy: Believe me. We are four scholars of ancient Greek culture. We know what Morality is. But on some occasions, a male needs to be taken impetuously, forcefully. You always show your sweet side, but what Mythology teaches us is that every goddess even the sweetest (Juno, Venus, Athena, Diana) can rage and unleash earthquakes, cloudbursts, and famines. You are his goddess, but you are not a saint. You are hiding emotions that, in my opinion, and I speak as your friend but also as his collaborator, you would do well to express."

"But what do you recommend?"

"No rush. Baby steps. I know that many men like to be whipped. A soft leather whip doesn't even leave bruises. But no hurry."

"Noted. And what else?"

"I saw with what eyes Richard admired the mosaic, in which the Queen of the Amazons pegged Hercules. And I know that Barbara is the queen of pegging--she's always butt-fucking Teresa, using a strapon, and she's very experienced in pelvic movements (I, on the other hand, wouldn't even know how to start). You can ask the two newlyweds to show how they do pegging, and then afterward, quietly ask Richard if he would like to try it. Penetrated by a dear friend like Barbara, it wouldn't be a gay thing, right?"

"Right. I don't know if he would accept but it's an idea."

Skye looked up at the sun high in the sky, then sighed. "I wouldn't grant him any release for so many days. But I am Skye, the Dreadful Witch of Greek tragedy. You, on the other hand, called me to ask if, in my opinion, it is time to release him at least for an orgasm. My answer is yes. You have only recently started, we have been ruthless, and he is lonely without you. As soon as you find a situation where it seems appropriate to give him an orgasm, do it."

"Oh, thank you, Skye, in the websites I've consulted they often say to keep them fasting from pussy, for very long times!"

"I don't know anything about websites. My experiences all come from life.

But you, Cathy, in your voice betray the desire to make him enjoy it, and so, for you, that kind of advice is not good. You have to do what your heart tells you.

And I'm aware that, in the rules that you set, it almost seems as if we also decide whether or not to release him. And I am undoubtedly the most ruthless of all the girls here.

But every decision is yours alone because you love him. I admire his intelligence as a scholar and his talent as a pussy-eater, but I am not in love with him. Only you love him, only you can decide whether to grant him a release, and when, and even how."

"How? What do you mean: how?" asked Cathy, astonished.

"My dear. The newlyweds are lesbians. You don't want to ask one of them to fuck your husband just to make him enjoy it a little!? Besides, they are not on the pill. Emily and I are on the pill: but Emily is in love with someone else: fucking, for her, would be like cheating (on the other hand, masturbating or getting licked is legitimate).

That leaves only me-and I don't want to.

But more generally, I am convinced that you don't want him to fuck another woman. So, again, how do you want him to enjoy it?

Consider, that there is also the possibility of "ruining" his orgasm: I could masturbate him with my hands, or with my feet, until he comes almost on the verge of cumming, then leave him in the air to give strokes in the vacuum: the sperm would still come out, but without emotion, without endorphin, without satisfaction. Is this a feeling your heart wants to inflict on him, or not?"

"I don't know... I've read about this practice, but it seems too cruel..."

"It's not particularly cruel, in my experience, however, it would be better if you were the one to do it because you know him better than we do, you can read his signals, and he trusts you blindly. Let's say you could jot down this idea for later."


"Another torture is to release him and then ignore him. We release him from the cage (while he is handcuffed), then each of us goes off to read a book or watch a movie. He goes crazy with desire but no one moves a finger to satisfy him."

"Oh! That just sounds like a bad joke to me."

"I agree. Indifference is the cruelest behavior of all. Then that leaves the simplest assumptions: with the mouth, with the tits, with the hand or with the feet."

"You're forgetting that he might cum while Barbara is butt-fucking him with the strapon."

"Ah! Bravo, Miss Cathy! I see that idea has taken deep root! Hehe... maybe you should buy a strapon and try wearing it, it's a very exciting feeling for a woman in love.

Yes, sure, he might cum, because of the stimulation of the prostate combined with the emotions of that particular moment (and centuplicated by identification with Hercules and Hippolyta).

But it will take days before everything is set up, first Barbara has to agree, then if Teresa wanted they could do a demonstration, in time we could try to get Richard to digest the idea...

I know that in porn movies you always see an unknown woman giving a "surprise" to an unknown man, but in real life, it pays to move in baby steps."

Cathy was thoughtful. "What do you propose, Skye?"

"You can't let Richard choose: it would be like the Judgment of Paris, and a girl discarded by him might take offense like an Olympian goddess. Emily and Barbara seem particularly susceptible to me. I think the best solution is for you to decide on a way that you think is suitable for each of us, and depending on which of us will ask you for the cage code, you arrange which way you want that person to enjoy Richard."

"I would have an idea, but it would require effort and I cannot give you orders."

Skye laughed. "Oh, we all know what Richard likes: he likes to cum in the face of a naked, handcuffed girl. It's so obvious! But I believe that each of us girls would agree to allow ourselves to be handcuffed if it were to relieve our poor prisoner." Giggle, giggle.


§ Chapter 38 -- A Theoretical Lecture on Pegging

Cathy continued to call the girls throughout the day and occasionally sent sexy little texts to Richard to keep him on edge.

On Wednesday night, all that preparatory work paid off.

As soon as business hours were over, Emily walked into Richard's study. Without saying a word, she squatted under his desk and began kissing the cage and licking his balls. He tried to distract himself, but Emily was merciless and would not stop. For a moment he prayed that Emily had come to get his release-but she did not.

While Emily was below sucking, Barbara came, staggering in. She was wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. She sat down on her desk, spreading her thighs apart and showing him her pussy all wet.

"Does it turn you on, seeing how Teresa licked me? Just now she gave me a very intense orgasm and I'm all wet...you don't mind, if I wet the wood of your desk? Would you like to see how Teresa is tied up right now? Come and see, I want to watch if it's a sight that would make you hard...


Emily removed the cage from her mouth and allowed Richard to stand up.

Barbara grabbed him by the cock and led him toward her room.

They found Teresa on all fours, tied to the four corners of the bed.

She was not "naked" because a black lace garter belt encircled her abs, and she was blindfolded with a silk scarf. This was a real relief to Richard because he would not have sustained a disapproving look from the muscular Latina girl.

Barbara spoke very naturally-she sounded like Calvin in a "Show and Tell" in front of the whole schoolchildren.

"See how my little bride is positioned, Teresa? A few minutes ago she enjoyed an intense orgasm, because we always do that, before pegging. Oh, I know in porn movies you see everything acted up quickly and by surprise, but in reality, it pays to be very calm, and very relaxed: and there's nothing that relaxes Teresa more than a good orgasm... right, Trish?"

Barbara slapped Teresa's exposed buttock, who let out a little moan only for the benefit of the audience (she had not felt any pain).

With her hands, Barbara was slipping on the black leather harness. "You see, Richard, each of us has come to fetishism through books, songs, cartoons. Words, which to others aroused no emotion, changed our lives. Images, which others saw flowing without meaning, and instead would lead our existence forever."

Richard noticed that Emily and Skye were behind him, listening interested as if it had been a university lecture. Skye had brought the comfortable leather handcuffs: she took his wrists and cuffed them behind his back.

Without stopping talking, Barbara took a thin but very powerful vibrator and screwed it into the inside of the double strapon. She checked the ignition, as a mason checks if the chuck had screwed in the drill bit. The sound was identical.

"Each of us has seen a movie where there was a prisoner bound and gagged. Wonder Woman. Batman and Robin. Penelope Pitstop. Indiana Jones.

If you concentrate, you find bound, handcuffed, and gagged characters everywhere, even in the least predictable situations.

My father used to make me watch the Peter Pan cartoon, and he didn't know that I got excited when I saw Tiger Lily and Wendy tied up. Pirates are men without morals; what could they have done to those two Damsels in Distress? They could have forced them into any sexual endeavor without moral limits, ad infinitum.

Then, as I studied, I discovered Greek poetry, homosexual writers, and especially Sappho of Lesbos. I learned that there existed an entire civilization composed only of women (not like in the movie Wonder Woman, but better).

And a few days ago I realized that I identify myself as Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons; that this breast that the surgeons removed from me made me worthy of being considered an Amazon; and that this ivory-colored dildo, which I now install in front of the strapon, is identical to the one seen in the mosaic.

The only difference is that my Hercules, today, is Teresa."

Small flashback. After the breast removal operation, Barbara had become an exhibitionist. She perceived the duty of explaining to others what she had learned as a kind of mission. Together with Teresa, she had discovered the joys of pegging, and they had realized that (at least on a personal level) it was more fun if done "after" an orgasm, in a quiet situation. Thus, with friends (lesbians or simply curious) the two future brides often manifested such performances, to show that it was easy, healthy, and safe, with Safeword and so on.

"Someday you might be curious to try pegging. Perhaps you might be intrigued to do it together with your wife Cathy, or that I would do it with Miss Cathy's approval. But I assure you that I would not put you on all fours: for beginners, it is much safer to look into each other's eyes. You understand me, don't you?"

Richard nodded without speaking.

"If Miss Cathy would put me in charge of initiating you into pegging, I would use the thinnest dildo I have (disinfected and washed, as good as new!) with a condom on it. I would fill you with lubricating gel inside, and cover the dildo with gel as well.

I would be gentle with you, and I would be slow, very slow.

With every single quarter of an inch, I would look into your eyes and ask you if you are happy or do you want me to stop. And if your wife would allow it, I would suggest you cum first, to get to pegging in the most relaxed condition possible.

On all fours, lack of eye contact would increase your fear and insecurities. I do not want it. I would look you straight in the eye every second.

It's different with Teresa because we've been doing this together for so long and she's so confident in the practice. "

Barbara had finished preparing the double strapon.

Changing her attitude, she clapped her hands. "The show is over for you! Out, all three of you! It's not like we're porn actresses being watched while we love each other. Get out of our Junior Suite!"

She pushed them out and closed the door. After a moment, the three heard Teresa's moans and Barbara's yells.

Richard was very excited. He forgot even deference and said, "Girls, seeing Barbara getting ready is hot as hell..."

Skye gave him a stern look. "At this time of day, the title to use is Miss Skye."

"I beg your pardon, Miss Skye, but... I'm really excited, both about the demonstration lesson and the cinematographic examples."

Emily tried to say something to evade Skye's wrath. "Do you want to tell us which movie character inspired your fetish, Dicky?"

"Daphne. Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo. I liked that she had a Greek name, even though the family must have been Irish: a redhead. I imagined her as an adopted Greek goddess. You are too young, but when I was a kid, there was only that on Saturday morning television...

I used to tell my parents that I watched it because the Gang was a metaphor for the Enlightenment: rejecting magical and superstitious explanations, and always looking for reasonable and concrete solutions.