1726: Beauty and the (Caged) Beast

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A Male Chastity Device Helps Her to Tame Manor's feral Owner.
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1726: Beauty and the (Caged) Beast

Description: A Male Chastity Device Helps Her to Tame Manor's feral Owner

### Copyright © 2023 by Norway_1705. This is a copyrighted work. Unauthorized use is prohibited. All rights reserved by the author.

My contribution to Literotica "2023 Winter Holiday Contest".

A tale as old as time, but with magic Spells and forced (yet consensual) Male Chastity Cage in 18th Century France (without any Stockholm Syndrome).

If fairytales, chastity devices, or the 18th century is not your cup of tea, stop reading and devote your time to better stories. My text belongs more in the FETISH than the Non-Human Category.

I'm aware my pacing may seem too slow. If you are looking for fast-triggering steaming hot sex, there are many more steamy-erotic tales on the Lit site.

As a fairytale, it is pure fiction without any reference to real people. Yet toxic relationships exist as a fact and anyone should discern wisely (from actions rather than mere words).

In the chapters, some things can seem absurd, especially in the use of TIME: in a few minutes she reads many books, in a few hours she achieves many orgasms, etc. This is just a silly fairy tale: Magic defeats Physics. Do not try to imitate the characters! All performers on stage are professionals and in the most dangerous actions, they are replaced by skilled stuntmen.

Each character is 21 years old or older.

English is not my mother tongue, please forgive my mistakes. ###


Chapter 1: "Lick my nipples, Beast!"


Belle was lying slackly on the bed in the fancy bedroom he had assigned her: a silk sheet covered her legs and tummy, offering Beast only bare tits and nipples.

"This is my order for tonight, Beast: lick my nipples until I succumb to la petite morte, the orgasm."

With her hands, she stroked her nipples, making them proudly erect.

Instead, the penis was NOT erect.

The penis of the huge Beast had been imprisoned in a metal chastity cage locked with a brass padlock for what seemed to him a very long time. Not even with all his energy could Beast break it - he had already tried, but the metal was too strong.

He climbed onto the high mattresses of the bed. His hands and feet were still human-shaped, but his arms and legs were covered in brown fur like that of a bear. He had human lips but with two boar's tusks upwards, a lion's nose, a giraffe's tongue, and buffalo horns. The eyes are like a cat's, with the pupil widening or narrowing depending on the light and excitement! Now the pupils were dilated, both from the dimness of the bedroom and from his arousal.

With his hands, he gently caressed the slender girl's shoulders and neck. Her tits were small and firm: the perfect shape, filling a crystal pink champagne glass. He kissed them devotedly, then stimulated the areolas with quick lashes of his muscular tongue.

He was in no hurry, he, unlike so many other males Belle had met before: only thought about disgorging quickly.

Instead, the Beast was blocked by the cage, whose key only Belle knew where she had hidden it. Beastly instincts would have caused him to react angrily: if he had seen the key dangling from her neck, amidst those gentle hills of pink flesh, perhaps his hands would have snatched the necklace from her before his brain could stop them. But the key was hidden and violence would achieve nothing.

Beast took a large piece from the ice bucket and calmly brought it close to her areolae. Belle was shaken by a long shiver down her spine. The cold sensation would draw a strong rush of blood to her nipples, making them more sensitive and more aroused.

He breathed calmly and then sucked on a nipple, taking care not to injure it with the sharp boar fangs that rose to his nose from his lower lip. Fortunately, his jaw was wide and he was able to lick without giving her pain.

His tongue was warm and cozy. His tongue was long and muscular like a giraffe's, but raspy like a cat's. Belle's tits reacted with rapidly flowing blood, which made the left nipple swollen and very dark. The right nipple was still contracted from the cold. With soft licks alternating with hard lashes of his long tongue, Beast began to attend to the twin as well, while her moans made his cock jerk inside the cage.

Her moans were caused by pleasure but also by the overwhelming emotion of being in charge. Every time her lips uttered words like "My order" or "I command you this", Belle felt her pussy get soaked.

With an effort, Belle resisted the temptation to stroke her clit. She did not want to facilitate his effort. Even if it had taken much longer... that, too, was an ingredient of her orgasm: the knowledge that Beast was not like all those hurried boys who only think about cumming instinctively without caring about the girl's pleasure.

A boar's fang grazed a nipple. Belle gasped: a shiver of fear. Unexpectedly, fear functioned as an adjuvant enzyme: the knowledge that he was an animal with tusks and horns, capable of bringing down a pack of wolves, made her so excited.

He was tall, but above all, he was huge and heavy: not like those village boys who only ate broth and soup. He was noble ate meat every day and had a real cook who worked for him the whole week. With all that meat in his muscles, Beast was a stallion who could fuck a mare for hours: a stud bull who could impale a heifer for hours. Belle smiled at that obscene thought, "I may be even his heifer, his mare... Oh, well, he will impale me only IF and WHEN I'll choose to open his padlock... Only IF I choose..." and an involuntary spasm contracted her pussy.

"OMG, I'm about to orgasm, I can feel it, OMG OMG OMG..."

Beast had noticed that the moans had changed pace and he licked and sucked without stopping even to breathe.

Belle blushed and wiggled. Physical pleasure and mental delight had triggered a deep orgasm even though no one had touched her clitoris.

She screamed without restraint, her fingers grasped the buffalo horns and hairy curls to keep Beast's head attached to her two perfect tits like champagne glasses. Belle continued to moan for several minutes, in post-orgasmic bliss.

Beast did not pull away but continued to gently lick those perfect tits. When she moved her hands away from his horns, he lay down beside her and gently kissed her neck. She made no sign of reciprocating: Never Reciprocate, she had read in the secret books hidden in the Manor Library. Belle merely stroked the shaggy fur on his back and involuntarily Beast began to purr, like a kitten.


Note to reader: The next chapter will be very boring: skip directly to the chapter that comes next. Yes, in the 18th century, writers used notes. No, the narrator is not omniscient. No, there are no descriptions of sex in the next chapter, you can skip it. Yes, in the 18th century, it was normal for the writer to chat with the reader: books were like a long letter one friend wrote to another friend.


Chapter 2: Free the father and cage the daughter.


Once upon a time, long ago, in a faraway land...

(Coff! Coff! Boring! Will you listen to him? He's making the story sound like some Greek tragedy.)


I will give more speed to this story, which is set in the 18th century, the century of Revolutions and rapid social changes. The century that Denis Diderot and Voltaire would have described as the century of Love and Eroticism before the demure respectable morals of Victorian England made everything forbidden and hidden from the eyes of readers.

I begin again.

The reader imagines a rap chorus over a Hip Hop beat.


1726-seventeen and twenty-six.

Near Paris, the City.

In a century when nobody wore briefs. Not gentlemen, nor peasants. Not ladies, nor shepherdesses and least of all the clever daughters of inventors.

A young hunter approached an elderly inventor.

"Pardon me, are you the Inventor, sir?"

"That depends. Who's asking?"

"Oh, sure. Sir, I'm Captain Gaston, I'm at your service, sir. I have been looking for you."

"I'm getting nervous..."

"Sir, I am the most effective hunter in this region and I am also the most handsome man, among so many pimples who bear the scars of smallpox on their faces or who have only two or three teeth in their mouths. And I have two arms and two legs, amid so many maimed, amputees, and crippled people, made so by explosions, plagues, infections, or simply accidents at work: the workers' unions talk of progress, but let me tell you, working in the factories will become hell, 1726 does not deserve such a massacre! Let's get down to business: I want to ask for your blessing to have your daughter in marriage!"

"But! I am not her OWNER! You are a beast, my son: if you want an answer, ask her directly!"

Gaston snorted, "Ah, no. It was already embarrassing to ask an old man. I certainly won't ask a girl. Girls are like hinds: I like to shoot them from behind, if monsieur understands what I mean. After I've caught them red-handed, from behind and after they're already on the ground, wriggling around with no way of escaping, I like to humiliate them, cumming on their suppliant faces."

"Those things he will do with some prostitute in the brothel but not with my daughter, I can guarantee you that."

"Rats and Damnation!" Gaston trailed off, uttering a barrage of profanities involving Norwegian Rats, Plague, Famine, and raids by pillagers on horseback.

His trusty hunting companion, LeFou, followed him leaping: "Forget that woman, Gaston, she is not worthy to be your... life partner!"

"Bah! Now that her father's consent is no longer an issue, I will seduce her with my charm. I'm so handsome! Look: there we are! Hey Belle! Would you like to be my wife and give me a blowjob to celebrate each and all my Morning Woods, before I go hunting into the woods? I promise that every night I'll dump the whole load of my rifle into your womb, so we'll have lots of little hunters to send out for prey!"

Without even looking up from the book she was reading, Belle lifted two fingers of her hand obscenely. In 1726 that gesture in France meant "Fuck You" but also "rather than be married to you I would gouge out both my eyes and give them to the geese."



Dear reader, I will go straight to the important facts.

Year 1726. Near Paris, there was a small rural village, where everyone was an adult, more than 21 years old. Indeed, there had been three successive epidemics: plague, smallpox, and chickenpox, as well as war and famine, and the mayor had forbidden marriages. So, now that the diseases were over, the village was teeming with 21-year-old girls who were still unmarried. Among them was Belle, the daughter of a wacky inventor.

Everyone knows the plot. Everyone in the village considers her strange because she READS so many books (like you, dear Reader!). One day, two war veterans arrive, two real warmongers, who during a truce between the armies employed themselves as hunters: Captain Gaston and Lieutenant LeFou, who is in love with his friend but does not dare admit it even to himself.

Gaston was the classic Alpha leader: in front of everyone, he proposed marriage to Belle, but she refused, arousing in him anger and resentment at the refusal.

Belle's father went in the direction of the Paris market to sell some inventions. But a snowstorm led him through the Enchanted Forest. Chased by wolves, he entered the Cursed Manor, where he was imprisoned.

The daughter went to look for him and begged the Beast to take her in place of her old and sick father.

The Beast agreed (we later learned why) and let the old inventor go.

The girl cried in her room, but the Animated Furniture comforted her and explained that the Manor was under a curse. The furniture offered her elegant clothes and a hairdo for dinner.

At dinner, Beast behaved... beastly. He was nervous, aggressive, roaring, and threatening. After a few minutes he walked out of the dining room, slamming the door. She sighed relieved, because until then she had feared being raped: many girls risk rape after a dinner in a Manor with servants singing as if in a hallucination and you never know what they put in your drink.

The only detail that was different was that neither Beast nor the Manor servants knew how to break the Spell: Riddle's first half was that he had to make a girl at least 21 years old fall in love with him; the second half was unknown.

However, Lumiere and the others insist on fulfilling at least the first half of the Quest, since we have a Guest, our Guest.

This is where the differences between this erotic tale and the fairytale the reader already knows, begin.


The woman who cast the curse on the Manor was not stupid. It would have been disgusting to hit even children, small dogs, and other innocent people who were not at fault.

The woman asked the servants which of them she felt had played a negative role in the bad upbringing of the young orphan.

"Those of you who confess guilt will remain here in the Manor together with the Beast until the curse is broken. And you will not remain human as you are now: I will turn you into FURNITURE. But no furniphilia: you will be furniture with no sexual desire and no organs, I will leave you just the eyes to look at and the mouth to kiss, nothing else."

Lumiere and Fifi, Butler and Hot Chamber Frenchmaid respectively, knew they had been a bad example for the 18-year-old. They were two hedonists devoted to many sexual perversions and felt guilty. That's why they took a step forward. In an instant, they were transformed into a Candelabra and a Feather Duster: if he got too close to her, he could burn her!

The Italian pianist who played the keyboards, Maestro Cadenza, and the opera singer his wife, stepped forward. They transformed into Arpsichords and Wardrobe with a soprano voice.

The organist and flutist into Pipe Organ and Flute. But they stood in the background composing music and we hardly ever see them.

The concierge and the carpenter, the Doorman (nicknamed Chapeau), and the axe (nicknamed... Axe).

The elderly head maid, Miss Potts. And the Cook transformed into a wood-fired kitchen.

In all, only ten people had become animated furniture. All adults, all aware, all willing and consenting. Each of them, in one way or another, felt responsible for the young boy's bad upbringing. He had been turned into a Beast and each of them had agreed to stay in the Manor with him.

The Forest around the Manor was Enchanted: always dark and always covered in snow, as if the seasons did not affect the weather. The years passed, and the months flowed by, but for Beast and his servants, outside the window, there was only a very long Winter with no hope of ever seeing a Spring again.

All these things, the Animated Furniture explained to Belle.

She said, "I am a prisoner in this Manor, but each of you is a prisoner with me. And Beast is a prisoner too, though he is too impulsive and too aggressive to reason with. But I have glimpsed in him something of... potential. I believe that in all human beings, there is an ounce of goodness... in him, it is well hidden behind an appearance of wrath and arrogance, but I suppose there is a way to solve this Riddle. Then again, as the latest philosophers say, all girls delude themselves that they can change the male, so why shouldn't I delude myself too?"

Lumiere the butler asked, genuinely curious: "Mademoiselle, do you know philosophers? Have you heard any conferring in the village's square?"

"No, and for what reason? I am not illiterate. I read very well and I am also very fast!"

"Mais parbleau! But then what are we doing here? The way to break the Curse is certainly not to be found on the bedroom ceiling! There is a huge library in the Manor and a girl who can read might find the answer we all seek!"

So, Lumiere accompanied Belle to the west wing of the Manor, where the library was.

Outside the door, he decided not to go inside. "You see, mademoiselle, I am only a butler. And with these two Candles for hands, I could not turn the pages and unroll the parchments... Too many memories. I'd better wait outside."

Belle nodded: she lit an oil lamp with a Lumiere flame and entered alone.


Chapter 3: A library dedicated to BDSM and Forced Male Chastity devices.


The library was huge, with a huge wooden globe in the middle and wide stairs leading up to the upper floors.

She wandered with her eyes and walked for a long time among the immense shelves.

She noticed that one shelf was very worn as if the person who lived there before him frequented it a lot.

Among the shelves of the library of the Beast's manor, Belle found the strangest books.

An elegant hall, with chandeliers and dust-covered armchairs, where time seemed to stand still. And a painting that came to life with the subtlest of touches, revealing through the canvas a geography of the whole known World. A globe that could be opened and contained secret objects. Books that contained other small books under the cover.

Intrigued by these mysterious discoveries, Belle wandered into the library of the Beast's manor. Exploring further, she came upon a door hidden behind a shelf. Curiosity got the better of her and she could not resist opening it.

To her amazement, she found herself in a secret chamber adorned with ancient artifacts and strange contraptions.

On the shelves, Belle read things she had never read before.

Even the titles, engraved with golden letters, made it clear that the topics were very different.

BDSM. Handcuffs and shackles. Chains and shackles. Blindfolds. Whips. Hooks to attach a male by the wrists and then whip him. A Wooden Horse (a What?).

And above all, entire books are devoted to devices for enforced male chastity.

Most of the books on that particular set of shelves were bound with a grey leather cover (dear reader: in the 18th century, people did not put plastic-coated paper covers over books). Belle noticed that some had been exposed to sunlight the longest and were, therefore, lighter, as if they had been exposed to sunlight, while others had remained in shadow.

Belle decided to call the books in that section "The Thirty Shades of Grey", it sounded good to her.

She opened a few books at random.

It was here that Belle came across an enigmatic book: a diary! The "LOG", by an eccentric female alchemist and inventor, signed Suzanne Barbot.

Suzanne's Diary revealed to Belle that she had spent decades studying the arcane arts and unlocking the secrets of time and space within the manor's walls. she explained that each object in the library possessed unique powers, capable of transporting its user to different realms and dimensions.

A few pages impressed themselves in Belle's memory. They were taken from different books. Then there was a Diary, almost a Navigation Log, written in elegant feminine calligraphy. It was like a collection of 'letters to myself'.

The Beast's father, the Viscount, had married an alchemist, Suzanne. She had conducted experiments and kept up correspondence with the most brilliant minds of the 18th century, studying alchemy but also magic and the art of keeping her husband's cock under lock and key. The Viscount was very much in love with her and he had proposed that they experiment with that lifestyle together.

From the notes in Suzanne's Log, Belle discovered that the large wooden globe was hollow. Inside, she found all the cages made by her alchemist mother to force her husband into chastity; plus a new cage of silver metal and numerous other sex toys, each with its description.