2: Beneath Orion, Worlds Apart 02


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Audrey smiled, "We all did. He might not be making six figures a year, but he definitely chose a much more noble path."

"Yeah, sounds like it. Well anyway, we have to grab our food and go. Oh, and we're having a party this Saturday night. If you girls are interested in going, here's my number. We'd love to see you there," Mick smiled, looking at Kaylee and handing her his business card from the automotive shop. "Obviously the main office line is on there, but call my cell. I hope to see you girls this weekend. It was great catching up with you!"

Kaylee and Audrey waved as the two men left.

Audrey raised her eyebrow. "Thinking of going," she asked.

Kaylee shrugged, "Not really interested."

"Well," Audrey pondered, "I thought Steve was kind of cute. Would you mind going with me and being my wingman?"

She didn't even try to hide her sigh. Kaylee stammered, clearly far from interested in the party, trying to think of an excuse not to go but coming up with nothing. "Girls don't have 'wingmen'," was the best Kaylee could come up with.

Seeing her friend floundering with a weak attempt at changing the subject, Audrey offered, "Don't worry; I'll make sure everyone knows you're with Luke so you don't get hit on. We don't have to drink much and we can leave early. Just think of it as you and I, two good friends, having a chance to wind down. When's the last time we've had a break from our agonizing college classes, anyway?"

"Alright, fine. Heaven help you if I get hit on, though. I'm doing this for you. Oh, and before I forget, me and Faith are hanging out at the mall on Saturday, so I can't go until after we get back. Do you want to come with us?"

Audrey smiled, "Sure, why not? I should probably get to know your future sister-in-law."

It was impossible for Kaylee to resist blushing, and Audrey knew it. Kaylee told her sternly, "No more in-law jokes, or I won't let you come with us!"

"We'll see," Audrey winked.


It was already in the Squadron mailbox waiting for pickup when Luke and his crew arrived for mission planning. Getting a letter or a care package from Kaylee was always the highlight of his day. He was genuinely excited but did his best to contain it and keep it to himself. He grabbed the letter before he stepped out to the helicopter, adoring her familiar penmanship and feminine designs of flowers on the envelope before quickly tucking it inside his uniform. Mustering every ounce of patience he had, he'd wait to read it until he made it back to his tent after a long day of flying.

After the mission and debriefing ended, Luke headed back to the tent as quickly as he could with great anticipation for Kaylee's letter.

Luke sat on the cot and carefully opened the envelope, slowly taking in the sweet fragrance of her perfume before he unfolded the letter.


Your letter arrived at the perfect time; I was having the worst day. Now I feel ten times better! It feels like I've gotten stupider since you haven't been around to tutor me for my college classes. You don't suppose they would allow you to come home for a while so you can help me with my homework? Just for a couple of months? I suppose the military doesn't exactly work like that.

Luke smiled while reading the letter, enjoying every word but also knowing that he was making her day just a little brighter. It was unfortunate that he was no longer able to help her with her homework like he did in high school, but given the distance between the two he had no choice other than letting her sink or swim.

I'm trying to stay sane. Believe it or not I've been hanging out with Faith and your parents a lot lately. For me, it keeps me in your world, the one you temporarily left behind. I think it's the same for them, too. Your mom and I have become a lot closer; I think we both have come to an understanding over you. She loves you to death like a mother bear loves her cub. I try as hard as possible to not get on her bad side.

Oh, did you know Faith finally brought a boy home that your mom and dad didn't like? I didn't like him either; she's since dumped him, thankfully. He was a punk, and I told her that.

I don't think she liked what I said, but I could tell she considered my words. It was funny, though. I was at the house helping Faith getting ready for her date. Before they left the house, I was also getting ready to leave but I heard your dad pull the boy aside and tell him, "Don't do anything you wouldn't do if I was there, or I'll do something to you I wouldn't do in front of a witness." I thought the boy was going to shit himself. Your dad was FRIGHTENING! I guess when it comes to Faith, your dad is the 'Enforcer', just like your mom is with you. For Faith's sake, be thankful he can smell out a boy up to no good.

Luke smiled. That sounded just like his dad. He could count on one hand the number of times he saw his father truly angry while growing up, but those few moments of anger were explosive. He was grateful that not only were his parents there, guiding his sister through one of her rare questionable decisions, but Kaylee was also present to positively influence her.

Despite being a gorgeous yet self-absorbed brat in high school, Luke knew Kaylee had done a lot of growing up and turned into an amazing role model for his little sister. Even though Faith was seventeen years old she still looked up to Kaylee, always listening intently to whatever her 'adopted' big sister had to say. Just like she did from day one.

Luke continued reading.

Still, despite being far away, I can't help but feel so close to you, even if it is only through writing letters and the occasional phone call. Part of me thinks that things would be so much better if we could just Skype or Facetime or whatever. But I know they tightened up on that stuff since you moved to a classified location; I suppose I should just be grateful we can still talk on the phone or email, or even send you mail. It's been amazing reconnecting with you; I really don't deserve your forgiveness or a second chance. Or third chance, or whatever I'm on.

I feel so much closer to you than I ever have and it's frightening, but in a good way. It's a scary kind of good. I love how our relationship is flourishing even though we are thousands of miles away. It reminds me how strong you and I are together.

I've turned into the biggest crybaby lately. Remember that song 'Shimmer' from Fuel? I heard it on satellite radio the other day. When they got to the "Too far away to hold" part, all I could think of was how far away you are from me, how I can't hold you, and then I just started bawling. I was inconsolable for hours; I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Audrey and Faith to help me get through this. Even your mom and dad have been incredibly supportive. Luke, you're too far away for me to hold, and it's not fair.

Right after that on, the station played that Our Lady Peace song 'Somewhere Out There'. (I was on a 90's kick that day, don't make fun). The lyrics went, "You're falling back to me, you're a star that I can see; I know you're out there, you're somewhere out there." It scares me that you're so far away, facing danger every day, and so far out of my reach.

You're 'somewhere out there', on the other side of the planet, separated by a gigantic blue ocean, and there's not a thing I can do about it. No amount of money will bring you back home to me, and I don't know what to do. I'm even tearing up as I write this.

Luke, I just want you to come back to me, safe and in one piece. I'm waiting for you, Luke Patton. Being apart is just so difficult; I don't think I can live without you.

Bowing his head, Luke sighed. He could feel Kaylee's love radiating throughout the entire letter, but it was hard to take everything in. The last sentence in particular stood out and weighed heavily on his mind, bothering him greatly.

He didn't know what he would do without her either, but what if shedidhave to live without him? What if something happened to him; what would happen to Kaylee? He couldn't imagine the pain and suffering she would face if he died out here in the middle of nowhere. Initially he was amazed at how quickly their relationship strengthened, enduring separation from opposite sides of the world, but now his feelings of hope were turning into worry. The closer she became to him, the more pain she could potentially suffer.

I'm still putting together another care package; I need to get a few more things for it but you can expect it to arrive in another few days. All I will say is it contains your favorite jerky (hopefully you aren't getting sick of it), a bunch of cookies for you and your squadron courtesy of your mom and Faith, and a big old box of Clif bars but I won't tell you what kind since I already spoiled the secret – you should at least have something to look forward too! Speaking of something to look forward to, I also have a few pictures of me that you might enjoy, for your eyes only. Let's just say one of them involves me dressed in brand new leopard attire, while another one involves a lot of lace, see through nylon, and your favorite color purple!

I love you Luke Patton, and like I said before, I always will.

Your Kaylee

Carefully folding up the letter, Luke placed it back in the envelope and placed it tenderly in his backpack, as if it was a comic book that cost thousands of dollars. "What have I done to her," he quietly asked himself. "I shouldn't have let her fall for me; I didn't think it was possible. And now look at what I've done."

All he could think about was the moment in time when everything had changed, back during their senior year in high school. How Kaylee one day approached him, asking for his help to tutor her in math and chemistry.

If he could go back in time, as painful as it would have been he would have told her no.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hmm run into 2 guys (1 they knew in highschool), college party invite, please don't go where I think it's going. Not like this. I swear if Kaylee gets raped or cheats I'm out. And I sure hope Luke grows some emotional balls and stops having all these doubts and shit, and also stays true to Kaylee. Please don't ruin this I beg of thee! I see so many dark possibilities and I hope I'm wrong on all of them.

dgfergiedgfergieover 3 years ago

To those anxious reads looking at ominous things ahead for Kaylee you should read the authors disclaimer and warning at the beginning of this second book. He warned everybody it was going be emotional and sad and tragic. I'm not sure I will continue my self but it is quite a story and you can see 'it' coming.

Horseman68Horseman68almost 8 years ago
Should Never Have Tutored Kaylee???

Please stop writing Luke as being a self-depreciating idiot. He is supposed to be a smart guy. Kaylee finally has become a more sensible girl and is with a good guy that she deserves. Life happens. Let Luke stop fearing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Kaylee and Luke

I don't think Kaylee will cheat It sounds like the love is strong and I pray it stays that way. Love chapter 2 can't wait to read chapter 3

kansasjackkansasjackover 10 years ago
Please not again ...

I wrote a comment at the end of Part 1 about the way it ended seemingly ending Kaylee and Luke without any hope of survival. It really kind of pissed me off. While this is the end of Chapter 2 of Part 2, like so many of you others that have left comments regarding the upcoming party and with Kaylee going, it has left us with a type of ominous feeling. We all know it is up to the author to write the story but it just seems so WRONG to have something inappropriate happen to her at this point. Especially with Luke down and their love for each other at an all time high. Then combine that with Luke's comments about not deserving her and if he had it all to do over he would pass on the tutoring job. So Sparton 22, now you have an idea of how some of us feel. It's one thing for them to struggle but entirely another for them to have to go through needless pain and suffering from something you write. Should things end up happening badly for Kaylee, it doesn't make you a better author nor does it make the story better.

Keep on keeping on ...

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