2 Broke Girls In Love Ch. 04


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Not that Caroline was any closer to understanding why that was, but she really didn't understand falling so hard for another woman when she had considered herself straight for so long, so her latent obsession with Max's tits was more of a symptom of a problem than an actual problem. Not that Caroline truly thought of this as a problem anymore, it was just.. a little bit awkward.

It was awkward to fall in love with your roommate/best friend regardless of gender, and it was awkward to have that best friend/roommate now jumping up and down on her in a very non-platonic way, but Caroline was too mesmerised by Max's boobs too really care at first.

Then Max's big ass came to rest against Caroline's thighs, making the former heiress's eyes go wide as she realised now every single inch of that monster dildo was inside her best friend's cunt.

Finally looking away from Max's big boobs Caroline watched as her friend grinded herself on that toy cock, making the strap-on churn her insides, and then she began bouncing up and down again, slowly at first but with the seemingly never ending increasing speed until Max was hammering herself up and down on the toy while screaming in pleasure.

It was then, when Max was wildly riding the dick strapped around Caroline's waist, that the former rich girl didn't know where to look anymore.

There was of course Max's big boobs which were jiggling more than ever, although it was almost so much Caroline couldn't really get a good look at them. Then there was Max's love hole stretching for that strap-on dildo, Caroline knowing she would have found the sight obscene only a few weeks ago, and she still kind of did, but she also found it incredibly hot.

At the same time the only thing that Caroline felt she could get a proper look at was Max's face which was a beautiful mask of pleasure, and even then Max had a tendency to tilt her head backwards so she could let out an extra loud cry of pleasure, but then just how lost her friend was in this was at least half of the fun.

Max wasn't sure how long she stayed like that, bouncing on her friend's lap like some kind of insane Jack in the box, only way hotter. Because Max had many, many faults, but she never doubted her own hotness and despite what she may have said over the past few years Caroline was gorgeous.

She wasn't doing a great job at showing it now, but then again even while staring like a moron Caroline Channing was stunning, so much so that they could charge admission to watch this little show and pay their rent for a year. Which, despite her jokes, Max probably wouldn't resort too, but it was kind of hot.

In her mind Max could picture it so vividly it was like it was actually happening. A large crowd of men and women watching as she had lesbian sex with former rich girl Caroline Channing, the two friends not only charging admission but forcing their audience to cough up more cash to see them break out sex toys like this.

In Max's fevered mind the audience was only too happy to do so, men and women alike handing over big wads of cash so they could watch Max riding a dildo strapped around Caroline's waist just like this with an audience cheering them on while gleefully masturbating, for an additional charge of course.

The fantasy actually drove Max to ride the dildo harder and faster until she found herself on the edge of orgasm, Max just about to go over that edge when she was rudely interrupted by Caroline flipping them over so that the thin blonde was resting all her weight on top of the busty brunette.

Initially this caused burning rage to flood Max's body and she opened her mouth to give her roommate a piece of her mind, but before she could get the words out Caroline gave her this indescribable look.

For some ungodly reason it made her actually want to cum, and about a minute later she actually did cum when Caroline began fucking her. It was awkward and unfocused at first, and it still remained kind of awkward, but Caroline quickly established a rhythm and then kept building it up until Max's pussy was clenching on the dick and her whole body was being racked with pleasure.

And instead of the hard object inside her suddenly going limp, often without a rubber to catch the goo spurting from it, Caroline only fucked her harder, Max once again cumming multiple times because of it which sent her to cloud nine.

Caroline had no idea what had come over her, and honestly it kind of scared her, but she was too preoccupied with the words 'fucking Max, fucking Max, oh my God I can't believe I'm fucking Max' repeating over and over again in her head.

When she finally gained a bit of sense she realised how ridiculous the thought was considering she'd fucked Max before and had gone to great lengths to be able to fuck her again. Still, to do it like this was pretty overwhelming. Fun though. Really, really fun.

For all her anxiety at trying this Caroline could have never imagined how awesome it would be to fuck Max like this. Or how natural it would feel. Sure, it was kind of weird, and she really had no idea what she was doing, well sort of but not really, oh who cares this was great.

She was fucking her best friend Max Black, pounding the pussy of the closest female friend she'd ever had, and it made her feel awesome. And powerful. And... dominant? Maybe she shouldn't be feeling that, but she totally did, and while Caroline was sure a therapist would have a field day on that line of thinking, focusing on it was causing her to slow down the force of her thrusts, which deeply displeased Max from the sound of her groans.

So Caroline ignored the worrying thoughts in her head in favour of fucking her best friend... her girlfriend as hard as she could. Yes, she was fucking her girlfriend.

Using a strap-on dildo to pound the pussy of her girlfriend like a total lesbian stud, Caroline proving she could be a good girlfriend by making Max cum over and over again. And she knew for a fact that was exactly what she was doing because she remembered every little detail of their past times together, and if anything she was making Max cum harder than ever.

Her reward was an orgasm or two of her own thanks to the constant rubbing her clit with every thrust, but while they were satisfying enough they couldn't compare to what she experienced from Max's tongue, mouth and fingers. That was ok with Caroline though, because this wasn't about her. This was about Max.

Specifically it was about her showing Max she could give her just as much pleasure as a man, if not more. That she could sexually please the other girl. That she could give her girlfriend, the gorgeous loudmouth Max Black, all the orgasms she could handle and more, Caroline feeling very proud of herself as it seemed like she did just that.

She didn't. Caroline gave Max more orgasms than she'd ever received during sex with a dude, but the skinny blonde could only fuck the curvy brunette like a dude for so long until she collapsed with exhaustion down on top of her.

As Max was perhaps on the greatest high she had ever known, and she'd sampled some pretty awesome highs, she rolled Caroline onto her back without allowing the dildo to fall out of her pussy and then started to bounce on that cock again. Unfortunately Max was tired to, and the interruption totally ruined her high. Luckily she had a planned to get it back.

"Hey Caroline." Max gasped, a little surprised by just how exhausted she sounded, "Remind me, you ever done anal?"

Caroline grimaced, "Ewww, no. I told you Max, I've never done anal."

"Well..." Max grinned, grabbing a tight hold of the dildo as she pulled herself off of it, readjusted herself and then pushed downwards, "Now you have."

Technically Max hadn't got the dildo through her ass hole yet, but she was making a point. A point it took Caroline a couple of seconds to get, and then when she did the look on her face was totally worth what came next.

In fact Max wished she'd thought to reach over and grab her phone so she could take a picture of Caroline's face and save it as her background because it really was priceless. Oh well, she'd just have to remember this, which wouldn't be too difficult as Max didn't think she would ever forget impaling her ass hole on a dildo strapped around the waist of her female roommate/first ever girlfriend.

It was just so thrilling Max barely noticed the pain of her back hole stretching to accommodate that dildo, at least until that hole stretched wide enough to allow the head of the cock to pass through it, and even then the pain was totally worth the scandalised look on Caroline's face.

It was also worth the pain that followed, although that pain was mixed with a lot of pleasure. Most of it was mental, like the fact that the rest of the toy cock slipped in easier despite being bigger than any real cock she had ever taken because it was so thoroughly coated in her cum, which turned out to be much better lubricant than her saliva or whatever her boyfriend at the time could find.

Once the strap-on dick was buried completely inside her fat ass and Max started bouncing up and down sort of, but not quite, as before the physical pleasure intensified and that combined with the sheer nastiness of what she was doing had her approaching her high in no time.

This was normally about the time the guy she was with would blow his load and she would finish herself off while pushing his cum out into a toilet, only this time that was impossible so instead the pain faded away completely and Max was overwhelmed by some truly intense stimulation coming from deep within her butt, Max feeling like a dirty little whore and loving it.

Caroline felt like she was definitely brain-dead for however long it took Max to shove that dildo up her butt and start anally riding her like some kind of porn star. She was just so overwhelmed that Max was actually doing this.

Of course she had always known Max was a dirty girl, she'd even bragged about taking it up the ass like it was something to be proud of, but to actually be involved in the equation in this way? Oh it was perverted, and yet undeniably thrilling. It made Caroline disgusted with herself to even think it, but she couldn't help it, it was just so outside her comfort zone it was wild, and she didn't do wild nearly enough.

In all her strategic planning Caroline had somehow never considered that Max might want anal. After all, while Max had confessed too a sort of liking it supposedly it hadn't feel great for her and she'd never cum from it, although Caroline supposed that was because no man could have his dick in a hole this tight and not blow his load.

Hell, Caroline couldn't even feel it like a man would and yet from the effort it took for Max to bounce up and down it was clear that it was a tight squeeze, and there was a certain added pressure to her stimulator which was hard to describe. And whether it was because of Max's shameless moans of pleasure or something dark and twisted inside of her Caroline realised to her horror that she was actually getting off on this. Actually getting off on her best friend turned girlfriend abusing her butt hole in a way which was a crime against nature.

Caroline's cheeks burned with shame at this revelation, especially as she was having to grind her teeth to prevent herself from asking Max to turn around. It was unbelievably embarrassing, but Caroline really wanted to see exactly what was happening.

It was incredibly sexy just to see just how wet Max's empty pussy was, or how beautiful Max looked when her face was awash with pleasure, and the blonde thought she would never get tired of watching the brunette's big boobs bounce up and down as the other girl continued to anally ride her strap-on, but no matter how much she tried not to Caroline wanted to see Max's ass being abused in this obscene way.

Which was why no matter how much she tried Caroline couldn't stop herself from mumbling, "Turn around."

Frowning Max opened her eyes and looked down, "What?"

"Tu, turn around." Caroline stammered, blushing furiously and not meeting the other girl's eyes, "I, I wanna see."

There was a moment's pause, then Caroline risked looking back up again and blushed even more as she saw the wicked grin on Max's face. She thought for sure that the sarcastic brunette was going to make fun of her, or at least tear her a new ass hole, but instead she lifted herself up slightly, turned around and showed Caroline her ass hole.

Max showed Caroline her obscenely stretched cock filled ass hole, the brunette slowly moving so that the blonde's dildo never fully left her ass, and then once she was facing away from Caroline in the reverse cowgirl position Max slammed her ass down so hard her cheeks jiggled. She then made her cheeks jiggle even more as Max began joyfully abusing her own butt again, eventually reaching behind her and spreading those cheeks so Caroline could have the best few possible of her roommate's ass hole stretching for her cock.

"Like what you see, huh Caroline? Do you like what you see?" Max taunted with a grin on her face while trying to pull her ass cheeks wider apart, "Do you like seeing your big cock in my fat ass? Huh? Do you? Answer me! Do you like seeing my big fat ass taking your cock deep inside it, my nasty dyke butt your personal fuck hole, mmmmmmmmm, your big dick sliding in and out of the hole I shit from, ohhhhhhhhhhh, formerly rich girl Caroline Channing sticking her strap-on dick up my dirt poor pooper, oooooooooooh aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk, are you getting off on this you nasty bitch?"

"Yes." Caroline whimpered.

"Good." Max growled, taking her hands off of her cheeks and increasing her speed.

The best thing about anal sex was that it made Max feel like a total slut. Actually that had been the best part of it, when the cock in her ass had been 'real' and ready to blow at any second.

The best thing about the anal sex Max was having right now was the amazing pleasure she was feeling, and considering how good Caroline was at getting her off that was really saying something. That amazing physical pleasure combined with the mental stimulation of acting like a total slut by having anal sex, and lesbian anal sex at that meaning it was a taboo on top of a taboo, made Max become completely lost on the perverted act of anal sex.

Ever since she had accepted the fact that she had non-platonic feelings for Caroline Channing, and she actually wanted to explore these feelings, Max had made a conscious effort to be nicer to her roommate.

She only made fun of her when it was absolutely necessary, constantly showed appreciation for her rocking body and even sincerely complimented the other girl on a regular basis. She even cut down the swearing, something which Caroline barely approved of in real life, and the skinny blonde had confessed that she hated dirty talked during sex. Which was a shame, because Max loved it, and the closer to orgasm she got the more verbal she became.


It had been so fun to reach back and spread her cheeks to expose just how widely her ass hole was stretching for the cock pumping in and out of it, and it was even more fun to simply bounce her ass up and down in the reverse cowgirl position.

However she was close to her first anal induced orgasm that Max felt she had to do more. At first she just rubbed her clit, which was wonderful but she wanted to see if she could cum just from being fucked up the ass, officially making her the biggest whore she knew, and since Caroline's cock couldn't go soft Max decided to take a risk.

So doing something she'd seen in a porno one-time Max lifted herself into a crouching position, awkwardly pulled out her knees from underneath her and then lifted herself up, then she reached behind her and gripped the bed sheets with both hands, all with the dildo never leaving her ass.

Once she had bounced herself properly she started slamming her big booty up and down Caroline's shaft with every ounce of her strength, this new position allowing her to abuse her back door so hard and roughly it felt like only seconds later that she screamed hysterically and that her cum seem to squirt right across the room, Max becoming berserk as she shamelessly rode Caroline's strap-on dildo to the most powerful orgasms of her life.

Caroline had adjusted to being a lesbian pretty quickly. She had naïvely thought earlier today that there was no aspect of sex which could shock/scandalise her anymore, but being forced to butt fuck her roommate/girlfriend reminded Caroline just what a sheltered life she'd really lived. Because this was the most scandalous thing she'd ever seen, and she had been part of a pretty big scandal, but this was something which felt out of this world.

Oh, if they had been together back then, Max could have sold her affair to the media, told them all about how Caroline Channing was a perverted lesbian slut who liked to fuck her fat ass with a strap-on dildo. Caroline wasn't sure it could have made her feel any worse back then, and if she'd known how much she and Max would need the money she might have tried to sell that kind of story herself.

The most perverted part of this extremely sick and twisted act was that Caroline actually found herself getting off on it. Sure, she had loved watching Max's big tits bouncing with every thrust, her cunt leaking cream and her face awash with pleasure, but Caroline actually thought she was going to cum on the spot when Max pulled apart her giant ass cheeks to show off just how widely her ass hole was stretched around the strap-on sliding in and out of it, and she thought she was going to cum when Max started bouncing up and down without her hands touching her backside, meaning those meaty cheeks jiggled right in front of her face.

And yeah, Caroline had felt those that filled cheeks jiggle when Max was in cowgirl, but when her girlfriend turned around and she could actually see those cheeks jiggling, oh Caroline thought she was going to cum like Max did moments later.

It made Caroline so proud of herself when she made Max cum, and the other girl had squirted into her mouth and onto her face before, but Caroline had never seen anyone cum as hard or as often as Max came with a dick up her fat ass.

Wanting to help her cum even harder Caroline found herself grabbing onto Max's hips and slamming her own hips upwards, driving the strap-on dildo even deeper into her business partner's bowels, the 2 broke girls working together to literally ruin Max's rectum. Which of course wasn't Caroline's intention, but after this brutal butt fucking she just didn't see how Max could even walk again, let alone sit down. At least not without agonising pain.

Despite this very real concern for the woman she loved with all her heart Caroline just couldn't stop herself from pounding upwards with all her strength, and not just because she wanted to give Max pleasure.

Caroline wished she could tell herself it was all for Max's benefit, but the truth was this was making her feel more powerful than anything, that mind blowing dominance combining with whatever was inside her harness to bring her to a very satisfying climax. Sure, her cum didn't squirt out of her with the force that Max's cream did, but she also wasn't a complete wreck by the end like Max was when she collapsed down on top of her and in the next few minutes wasn't whimpering, quivering and crying as Caroline simply held her and cooed softly encouraging words into her ear.