27 Blowjobs


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"I'm a good second place prize." I said, trying to joke. I didn't want this reveal to change too much for mum, even if I may never be able to shake the idea of her in a wet white dress making love to her dad's cock. "I can live with that."

She chuckled softly. She was tracing the palm of her left hand with the nails of her right. "This is why it is so difficult and why I needed to tell you the truth."

"Why?" I asked, young and dumb I suppose.

"Because if my father was the first person I truly loved then the second person is you. You are the only person I have ever loved like I loved him. And now I feel guilty like he did and I understand everything he told me."

The penny had dropped, and my stomach followed it. I didn't know if she was asking me for something similar to the relationship she had with her dad, but she was at least thinking about it and she wanted to be honest with me about that. "What are you saying?" I asked, still dumb. I didn't have the bottle to offer much more than that.

"It's very weird for me to have come back to this. I never expected it. It would be very sick to raise a child to one day love them like this and I never did. I loved you like my son. Like I was supposed to love you. But when things got hard for me and your father you stepped up and I saw you become a man and it reminded me of what happened between my father and I back in the late nineties. It was so long ago and the circumstances were different but my heart started to swell in the same way."

I couldn't quite believe it. I was still like a statue with goosebumps running up and down my forearms. My heart was thumping and my mouth was dry. The sun had gone behind the top of the villa and it was a little cooler and darker as she continued her second declaration of love. The first about her father was surprising. The second about me was somehow inconceivable.

"A couple of years ago I told my dad how I felt about you. He understood but he warned me off it. Not because I couldn't handle it or even you couldn't handle it but because of what it did to us. We still loved each other but our lives were very different after our relationship. We had to go our separate ways to fall out of love and we could never really go back to what we had before. In some ways I lost a dad and he lost a daughter and I couldn't continue helping him heal from losing mum so he never truly recovered."

It hurt me that she felt she failed her dad when it was clear she had given him every piece of her heart to try and heal him. Not to mention what sounded like an earth shattering blowjob, and whatever came afterwards. "I think I get what you're saying." I replied, but it was still not enough.

"He made a lot of sense. Our affair had a massive impact on the relationship we had and he didn't want that for us. So I took a step back and lived with the feelings. The one thing me and my dad had that really brought us together for was grief. After he passed away I felt the same grief and it reminded me of my feelings towards you. I still feel the guilt he once felt but I had to make a decision and I decided to tell you. And I wouldn't have told you if I didn't think we-" she hesitated for the first time in a while. She had been so sure of herself, until the moment she finally laid it all out for me. "I wouldn't have told you to lead you on. I know what I'm asking for. You need to decide if you are capable of feeling the same way but there's no rush and I don't expect an answer. If you say no I will still be your mother, if you can look over what has happened tonight."

She pushed herself up off the deckchair. Despite the temperature dropping I realised I had become glued to my own through sheer stress sweating. Her knees clicked as she got to her feet after a while sat still talking her heart out. "We can talk about this whenever you want. If you have questions, ask them. But for now I am going to relax for a while. It's been a long few days."

With that she left me behind to peel myself from my chair. I stood only for a moment, my knees a little like jelly, before sitting myself back down. I was completely stunned by the conversation I had just had. It may not have been difficult for mum to hide her past relationship with her dad, but she did an incredible job hiding her feelings for me from me. I never saw a single change in her behaviour or anything. Abuelo had clearly set her straight. Don't risk what you already have on a brief affair that can't last forever and might lead me to building a life for myself elsewhere, away from the desires and regret and guilt. Even if that affair sounded incredible.

I can't fathom the feeling of incest. Wanting it and acting on it. The taboo and the terror of doing what you shouldn't do with the person you really shouldn't do it with. But I understood it when mum explained it. She told me it from the start with a blunt honesty that I couldn't ignore. And she made it sound so incredibly erotic. Whether that was to convince me to give it as go myself or because she got lost in the moment, I was absorbed from the first detail to the last. I could have sat there all night and listened to her go into even more detail. It was completely insane but so tantalizing. How had I gone from a funeral of my grandfather to hearing about how my mother made love to his cock for the first time? I wanted so much more. She was right. I had a mountain of questions.

I thought back to a comment she had made earlier on about how her dad tried to turn her down but she was too sexy to say no to. Whether that was a joke or not, it was a question I could ask myself right now. I know a gorgeous lady when I see one and my mother is one of them. A guy in school once said she looked like Salma Hayek before less politely talking about the size of her breasts. He was right about both to give him some credit. I never would have given it a second thought before. I suppose I would have just said she was conventionally attractive but the reality is she is absolutely stunning, with an hourglass figure and an olive skin tone. If you're going to commit a cardinal sin, it may as well be with someone of breathtaking beauty.

The reality of the situation was that my abuelo had made a good point when he turned my mother away from me. She was chasing something she once had that had limited the relationship she had with her dad for the rest of his life, and it could do the same to us. But I also trusted my mother's judgement and she waited years before telling me. If she thought we could make this work better than she had before and she loved me so as deeply as she claimed, would I be stupid for not taking a leap of faith with her?

The questions were overwhelming and my brain was a little fried and at some point I must have drifted off in my deckchair. When I woke back up it was much darker out. I took off my shirt and jumped into the pool to wake myself up, swimming a few laps back and forth in the cool evening breeze.

I felt a little refreshed after the nap and swim, and my mind and heart still raced with the possibilities. I guessed she had bought me extra time out here so I had longer to think about her proposal and though I didn't have a clear answer just yet, I wasn't ready for the night to be over. I'd been a bit of a dope during her reveal, asking silly questions on the rare occasions I actually said anything at all. I needed some time to collect myself and maybe it was rushed but I found myself approaching the master bedroom. It had been abuelo's but she was using it now. I knocked a couple a times and waited.

Mum answered in her pyjamas, a matching black pair of blouse and shorts. She had taken off her make up but still looked so beautiful. I was still wet from the pool, drops falling off the bottom off my shorts onto the floor. I didn't think she expected to see me again that night, and her mouth fell slightly open as she searched for a greeting.

"Get dressed." I said, not giving her the chance to lead the conversation this time. "Put something on. We're going out."

I hadn't even checked the time since I woke from my slumber but it was summer and there would be tourists around so there would be some places open. She nodded and I gave her a smile before retreating to the guest room I had made my own. I dropped the wet trunks and dried myself off, before stepping into a pair of black polyester running shorts and a light linen buttoned shirt. I couldn't tell if I was trying to look good for her. The clothes were basic holiday attire but should I mess with my hair which was now damp anyway? I didn't want to overthink so left it, but I did brush my teeth.

I waited in the back for mum and she took a good ten minutes more than me but I had to give her some leeway because she was probably about to jump in bed before I surprised her. I jumped up when she arrived. She looked beautiful again, and after hearing the story of her first night with her dad, I couldn't help but notice the white dress. It was shorter than the one she described earlier, running down to her knees but it looked thin and comfortable and perfect for the evening humidity. She was clearly wearing a bra as well, so she wasn't quite recreating their first night together. "Where are we going?" she asked me, forcing me to take my eyes off her for a moment.

"We're going to explore. Wear comfortable shoes." I told her, and she smiled warmly before finding some sandals and avoiding the dreaded heels. She was clutching her bag in two hands and I could tell she was a little bit nervous but as we made our way out onto the streets of Cadiz to scout the local area she loosened up and we enjoyed a few minutes of talking about just any old thing that caught our attention, like the street cats or the giant ficus trees near the beach.

"I was about to go to bed." Mum said as we walked a little deeper into the city, confirming an earlier thought of mine.

"I thought you might have been but I really wanted to get out and just hang out I suppose." I told her.

"And just explore?" she asked.

"We could get food. We can have a walk down the beach. This city could be your home one day, you should get to know it." I posed the idea again.

"Are you pushing me away already? Did what I said scare you so much?" she said and I quickly turned to try and dispel that idea, but she was smirking at me.

"Very funny." I joined her in a laugh. "I'm sorry I was a bit of a zombie when you were telling me everything. It was a lot to take in and I needed a bit of time before I could talk about it like a normal person."

"You were a perfect listener." she said. She stopped outside one place and grabbed my attention. "Let's get a drink and some tapas and we can talk."

We found a nice table out back with some privacy. Mum ordered a glass of wine and I got myself a cerveza. One of the most important Spanish words I ever learned. We eventually filled the table with olives, patatas bravas, various skewers, jamon, galician peppers and so much more. We snacked away happily and we talked.

She was stuffing her mouth when she saw me staring, before challenging me to say my piece. "Come on then. You have questions."

"I have a lot of questions but I haven't exactly written them down. Bear with me." I said, suddenly feeling a bit of pressure to continue the spell of confidence that made me knock on her bedroom door in the first place. Then I remembered how comfortable she had been with me sharing the intimate details of her relationship and I just went for it. "Why did you never have sex?"

"If we made it home that first night we would have had sex. That I truly believe. But we didn't and after the blowjob I think he got that feeling that guys gets. I can't remember what you call it."

"Post nut clarity?" I asked, and she nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. It sounds stupid but it's a real thing. We were still in a good place after the blowjob and we still felt loved up walking home and believe me I still wanted to have sex but we were tired and we just fell asleep in bed together and when we woke up I think he was still guilty." she explained. I wasn't exactly surprised. She had been so honest with me already so it was hardly a shock that she was running with my question and giving me her honest answer. She took a sip of her drink before continuing. "If we made it home and had sex first I am sure it still would have ended but he wouldn't have been scared of it. But he ended up setting strict boundaries and he let me have my fun with him but he wasn't able to give me any more than that. I don't regret anything like I said because it led me to your dad which gave me you."

"So what exactly did you do?"

"Blowjobs." she answered. "27 of them."

"You remember the exact number?" I asked, a little surprised by the accuracy of it.

"I remember every second of every single one of them. I gave him 27 blowjobs over a few months and then he brought our relationship to an end. We knew we were in love with each other but one time I just explained it a little too strongly. I told him I wanted to be his wife and be with him forever and it must have scared him. He didn't want to stop me from having my own family and everything else he couldn't provide. He was still in mourning and I pushed it too far. I always thought he was close to sex with me and if I didn't reveal my love for him so frankly he might have given me it, but I will say it again and again. No regrets."

"27 blowjobs. That's crazy. I don't even know how to follow that." I said. "He never gave you anything back?" I never expected to follow with that, but it was seemingly a uniquely beneficial relationship for him.

"He never really laid a hand on me, except when we kissed. I was so much more obsessed with him and so much more in love that he just let me have my way with him. He had all the guilt and I had none of it so it was easy for me to just pleasure him. I wanted nothing more than to make him happy." She had been talking for a while so took a break, diving into a meat skewer and chewing on it hungrily. I doubt she had eaten much at the funeral. "He wasn't being selfish. He was just scared about crossing the next line."

My head was swimming with ideas of what I could ask, and I couldn't help but compare what she had with him to what she was proposing with me. "So is that the type of relationship we would have? 27 blowjobs and then we call it quits?"

She scrunched up her face. I don't think she expected the specific number to be so relevant but it was so intriguing to me that she remembered each one. "I think we should do something similar yes. I never thought about the finer details really but I think having rules is a good thing because it means we have a limit that we can hit and when we do we have to move on. The big challenge is trying to move on in a different way to me and papá so we don't lose what we already have but we are able to accept that the physical side of our relationship is over. I am the parent now and I feel the guilt that he used to feel and I know I can't stop you from living your life, and you may never feel the way about me that I did about him and I feel about you now."

"What if I did feel that way?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"I just think it's better to follow the rules." she said. Even now all these years later her dad's rules of incest engagement were still so important to her. It was quite fascinating really seeing how she processed her attraction to me and how she could already set us a deadline for a relationship I hadn't yet agreed to take part in. "So my offer is 27 blowjobs. You still have time to think. They don't have to start any time soon because I know my love for you is going nowhere."

She was so brutally honest and it was almost scary, but I was completely intoxicated by her energy. The 18 year old girl who took her dad was now 45 and quite easily winning her son over too. I couldn't imagine a world in which I turned down 27 blowjobs from a woman like her.

"It kind of feels like abuelo blue balled me when you first told him about me. You're telling me I could have got my 27 blowjobs a couple of years ago?" I tried a joke, and thankfully she laughed. Fuck, I was hooked on her. I was understanding it more each passing second.

"He was right at the time but I saw you grow up more and I also trust myself to be able to say goodbye to one side of our relationship but still be a big part of your life. I made him an abuelo and I want you to have a family and make me an abuela. But in my mind we could have fun first." she said. She then asked about ordering more wine but I preferred to get the bill and head back into the city, so we did that.

It was a like first date, but that date was with someone who had already told you they would make you cum at the end of it if you wanted. The selfish part of could have rushed back home, but I wanted to explore this feeling and the new side of my mum so badly. I think part of me already knew that I brought her out tonight to try and relive that night she had with her dad. I could have just agreed and got my dick sucked in the villa but why not live a little, explore the city and learn about her and kiss her and then watch as she made love to my cock on her father's bed?

Outside the tapas bar we were quickly persuaded to jump on the back of a rickshaw bike, and the local guide took us on a tour up and down the coast while the wind ran through our hair. When the ride got bumpy mum would put her hand on my thigh to steady herself and at other times she would lean her head against my shoulder. Part of me wanted to kiss her for the first time during that ride, but I didn't decide in time before it was over.

"Let's take a walk on the beach." she suggested and so we did. We had been left a little way down the strip from the turn off to abuelo's villa so we had a bit of time to walk and chat. We each took off our shoes and walked bare foot in the golden sand. I loved the coast, especially having been raised in London. Whenever we were able to visit family and go to the beach I loved it. The sand was cool now though with the sun having been down for more than a few hours but the beach was quiet as it was early morning with only a few people dotted around.

Every so often we would get talking about something from the real world. The monotony of real life. It all seemed so boring right now my mum had announced her desire to suck my dick but it was also important to know we could still be normal when required. She asked about work and if it would be a problem that I was gone for an extended period and I told her they would manage. Then she promised to ask for more time which ended up making the discussion worthwhile. But before too long I had more questions I needed to ask.

"Did you ever think about telling dad?" I asked her out of the blue. Occasionally I would walk a couple of steps ahead of her and need to slow down. Mum's only about 5 foot 2 and I didn't want to tire her out by forcing her to keep up.

"No, never." she told me. "It was a secret between me and my father and now you because you are the two people who I had these feelings for. No one else needs to know."

"Fair enough." I said. I suppose it was a bit weird to think mum was in love with me in a way she had never loved my dad when I had really done nothing to earn it. "Okay, how about this... did you ever plan to seduce me? Because when you told me about coming onto abuelo you said your behaviour changed and you dressed differently, so when you knew you had feeling for me, did you think about going through that process all over again?"

"No." she said very straightforwardly. "I'm too old for that now. With papá I was young and inexperienced and excited so I just let my mind run wild with my fantasies. I knew I could feign innocence if it didn't work out as well. I'm still the same girl deep down and I can be sexy and have fun but the idea of acting out in front of you didn't seem right. I thought it was a much better idea to just be honest with you and let you decide for yourself. Then you can see the other side of me."