4 Seasons of a Life Ch. 04


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“So what is life about now?’ I asked.

“Looking.” Said Mary Ann.

“For?” I wasn’t sure what she meant.

“I’m not sure,” she said, echoing my thoughts, “but when I find it I’ll know.”

“So now…” I started.

“We talk about Mum,” Mary Ann interjected, “I have made you wait too long already.”

I smiled and said nothing.

“There's no easy way to say this so I will just say it. Mum has been working for a government agency as a sort of free lance, um… spy.” Mary Ann said.

“A spy?” I said, shocked.

“Sort of,” Mary Ann repeated, “you will have to ask her what it really involves, I don’t know.”

“Shit.” I was stunned.

“But now,” Mary Ann continued as if I had not said anything, “the whole deal is coming to a head. You know about the Major?”

“Wendy’s Dad,” I said, “yes I met him once, is he still around?” I sort of hoped not, he was a pretty scary character, you know the sort of person you would use to threaten disobedient children with.

“She didn’t tell you anything?” Mary Ann was a bit taken back. “She said you didn’t know and it was for your own good.”

“I didn’t know what?” My patience can be a bit short, particularly when people are talking about what I don’t know without telling me what it actually is.

“Oh, sorry David,” Mary Ann focused again, “the Major was murdered in Peru in 1948, just after he was sent there on a diplomatic mission, Mum decided to go after the people who killed him and has spent forty odd years trying to bring down what is now one of the biggest drug cartels in the area, in between raising a daughter on her own.”

“My, God,” I was stunned, “she said it was bad but I never imagined this.”

“It is pretty awful.” Mary Ann continued her story. “The man who murdered the Major had two brothers and between the three of them they eventually had eight sons, all who joined the family business. Mum has tracked most of them down and passed the information on and there are now just two of the sons left at large and they are running a multi million dollar a year empire based on just about anything criminal, but mostly hard drugs.”

“The other members of the family are…” This whole story was starting to worry me.

“In jail or dead.” Mary Ann answered, not making me feel any better at all. “Mostly dead.”

“But she…” I was struggling with the concept.

“Mum finds them,” Mary Ann interrupted, “she then passes the information on and people are sent to deal with them.”


“She almost never kills them herself.”

“Almost never…” My future wife, the killer spy?

“Settle down David, I’m only joking.” Mary Ann smiled. “Mum is under cover and only ever passes on information. She is the nurse for one of the few doctors who will work in the area and they are taken wherever a cartel member needs help. They are now trusted so she would not risk that by using any direct action.”

“Wendy in the nurse uniform, my god…” I was thinking aloud.

“She doesn’t wear a nurse uniform.” Said Mary Ann.

She did for me I thought; maybe I should get the photo…? No.

“All right,” I said, “I know the history, now why are you here?”

“Mum has decided to get the last two and get out.” Mary Ann said, “but this time she thinks they may be on to her. She isn't a real operative so there is no back up and if she gets in trouble the department will deny she ever worked for them. She needs an emergency exit.”

“What can I do?” If the American government can’t help, I thought, what good would I be?

“Let’s go on a trip to South America.” Mary Ann said.

“Why, how?” I was confused.

“We take your boat.” Mary Ann said, “We stay near where she will be and get her out if she is in danger.”

Two weeks later I was at the helm somewhere in the Pacific heading for Peru wondering how in hell I got into this situation. It had not taken Mary Ann much to convince me to go even though I was not sure we could be of any help, but one thing I had found out was that Wendy must have been much regarded on a personal level within the mysterious department. The boat had been fitted out for the trip with no expense spared and no questions asked. We had been given navigation and communication gear that was definitely not commercially available, provisions were provided and paperwork and permits were produced without delay. I had recruited Jeff, an ex employee who had stayed a friend, to be the captain for the voyage as I had no idea how to tackle a voyage like this. Jeff was an ex commando who had served in Vietnam and was very familiar with long voyages having used his service money and an inheritance to buy a seaworthy two master which he put to good use. He knew the area as well as anyone.

With the department, who I had re-named Rupert (the last American sounding name I could think of at the time) doing everything Mary Ann asked, and offering plenty that she had not asked for, on one side, and Jeff the Captain taking command on the other side I was suddenly just a passenger on my own vessel. This was not a feeling I was familiar with but for the sake of Wendy I put up with it. Two days before we left Mary Ann was watching me as I watched the action all happening without my input and she said that I must really love her mother to allow this and that for what it was worth we had her blessing. This was not at all offensive and actually made me feel good.

Jeff interrupted my thoughts coming up with a cup of coffee to take over the helm and end my watch. We actually ran three eight hour shifts for sleeping and there were always two awake but Jeff had been doing some engine maintenance, a job we shared, which had left me alone at the helm. We exchanged small talk for a while and then I headed below, giving Mary Ann’s cabin door a knock as I went past. I put my head down as fell asleep very quickly, a habit which had developed on the trip. I slept for a couple of hours with the feint noises of refueling above. We usually refueled mid ocean, lashed to one of Rupert’s many support vessels. The support on the trip was amazing and the fleet they had just looking after us could have been used to invade a small country. At one stage we threw a piston in engine two, which had destroyed the block, and had called Rupert describing the damage. Eighteen hours later we were under way again with a new engine, rebuilt in the engineering shop of a large freighter we had never seen, purring away below. A chopper took the old engine away, and the new one was brought back the same way. These guys were efficient.

An hour or so after Rupert had left and we were away again I remembered an odd shape on the horizon while I was on deck alone earlier so I went up to tell Jeff. The door at the top of the stairs was open and the helm was tied, our version of autopilot. Jeff and Mary Ann must be forward on the deck, I thought, so I looked around for them.

They were both lying on the deck, Jeff in his Speedo’s and Mary Ann in the briefest of bikini bottoms. The discarded top was lying nearby. I could not stop myself from looking and Mary Ann’s new tits were nothing short of sensational. Large, (don’t look David), firm, (you should just go back below David), no tan lines at all (this means she has been sunbathing topless a fair bit on this trip doesn’t it David?).

I was in a dilemma. Mary Ann was going to be my stepdaughter when I married Wendy, so I should be protective of her, but Jeff was my mate and I should be encouraging him. I had had sex with Mary Ann myself a long time ago and could not help but wonder if those bigger tits felt better or worse. I have always enjoyed playing with tits, but size is not really important. Huge tits, tiny tits they all have their advantages. For those little titty lovers who call themselves “The conservationists club” (more than a handful is a waste) I have to ask why then do we have two hands and a mouth?

I knew I should stop looking but deep down I didn’t really want to.

Jeff must have been channeled into my thoughts as he reached over and squeezed both of those tits in turn. Mary Ann giggled and said something and they both looked over to where I was. They didn’t see me behind the screen. Jeff said something and Mary Ann smiled and lay back. Jeff lifted himself and sucked a nipple into his mouth. I could not see Mary Ann’s face as Jeff was in the way but I didn’t hear any complaints. Still reading my thoughts Jeff started using both hands and his mouth to tease Mary Ann, working for some time on the one tit. He eventually changed over and as he left the first one the nipple was very erect. The operation had not affected that. Jeff played with the other tit for a while and then His hand reached down slowly across her stomach (still firm and flat) and down to the bikini bottoms. More giggles as he first rubbed her through the material and then slipped his hand inside.

Mary Ann moved a hand between Jeff’s legs and soon his Speedos were struggling under the strain. I looked down at my shorts and saw that I was getting pretty turned on too. Mary Ann pulled Jeff’s cock out and started a slow rubbing up and down. Jeff had managed to slip a finger in her under the bikini bottom from what I could see and they stayed like that for a few minutes, just stimulating each other with their hands.

Eventually Mary Ann wriggled out from under Jeff and pushed him down onto the deck. She stood up, making me duck down a bit, and then wiggled out of her now very wet bikini bottoms displaying a dark hairy bush to Jeff and me at the same time. She then knelt down between Jeff’s legs and I assume started sucking his cock. All I could see was the rear view of Mary Ann on her knees and leaning down, her pouting pussy lips exposed to me.

I was still thinking I should not be watching and still could not make the move to stop. Mary Ann was bobbing up and down on Jeff’s cock, her strokes long and slow, and as I saw her head moving I noticed her pussy lips contracting as she sucked him in, then relaxing as she released him. The movement up and down was mirrored in her hips and she was rhythmically opening and closing her lips slightly too. The combined look was as erotic a sight as I have ever seen and I stood there, hypnotized by the famous hairy lasso. I have never had a threesome involving two men but at that time I could easily have been convinced. The force that kept me there staring also kept me from joining them there and then. I was almost paralyzed.

I don’t know how long they continued on like that but I noticed Mary Anne’s cunt producing droplets of moisture that glistened when she opened slightly.

Someone was rubbing my cock and when I checked I found it was me.

Finally Mary Ann lifted her head and said something to Jeff. I couldn’t hear anything as those twin Chevy’s were screaming in race mode and while we were traveling most communication was in sign language anyway, eavesdropping was not an option. She stood again, this time facing Jeff, standing over his legs, and then suddenly squatted over his very erect cock, slowing to ensure an easy entrance. With natural grace she lowered herself on his cock and buried it to the hilt using only her leg muscles. She ground herself on him, fully impaled, with no contact between them except at the groin.

With her arms extended slightly for balance Mary Ann used her leg muscles to slowly lift herself up until he was just out of her and then lowered herself onto him again. And again. And again. I was stunned. This was exactly the position and method that Wendy had used to make love to me five years ago. It was like replaying a movie in which I was a participant.

Jeff just lay back and enjoyed it, he was a very willing passenger and Mary Ann had total control. She was fucking him. She varied the speed, she varied the angle, she varied the depth but she kept the contact only at the one point, balancing and controlling with her legs that had obviously done plenty of gym time to enable this.

After a while she once again stood, and this time turned around, facing me. She again lowered herself onto his cock but this time put her hands on the deck near his feet. She resumed her fucking of Jeff, this time at a frenzied pace, her tits bouncing wildly (I had heard there was little movement in implants but there was plenty there in this situation).

Mary Ann was staring straight at me but again I could not bring myself to move. I watched her face change as orgasm approached and the frenetic pace got faster. She pounded herself on Jeff until she finally buried his cock deep inside her and started to spasm her orgasm. Her head dropped and he started jerking up and down too so I assume they reached the often written about but rare in reality mutual orgasm.

I was about to finally tear myself away when Mary Ann lifted her head, looked in my direction and winked.

I left quickly, wondering if she had known all along I was watching. Did Jeff know? Would they discuss it? How embarrassing to be the peeping Tom that got caught. I went back to my bunk but sleep was a long time coming. I still had a hard on that felt like it was big enough to split some women in two and I was too embarrassed to jerk off, not because I might get caught, but because I knew I would be picturing Mary Ann riding Jeff when I came.

Sleep eventually came, with my dick still half hard, and I entered a twilight world of dreams and reality with my mind adding me to the hot couple on the foredeck. I dreamed of Mary Ann riding me as she sucked Jeff, I dreamed of her riding Jeff as she sucked me, I dreamed of all sorts of combinations where Jeff and I kept Mary Ann hot and begging for more. I finally dreamed of me filling her mouth with my cum, blast after blast until I was drained and then I fell into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke it all came back to me and I looked to see how much mess I had created. It had been a long time since I had had a wet dream but I knew that if I dreamed of me cumming then I had cum in the bed. The sheet was off and there was not a spec to be seen. Oh no, I thought, that dream was so real what if…? My cock just lay there looking quite satisfied with itself. It knew, but it wasn’t telling.

I went up on deck and Mary Ann was there alone. It seems I had slept in and Jeff had already gone to bed.

“Good morning David.” She said. We always called it morning when someone got up, regardless of the time. “Did you sleep well?”

“Uh, yes.” I replied, not knowing what to say or how to say it.

“Do you remember David, the thing we are never to talk about?” She asked.

“Of course.” I answered. Oh how I remembered.

“Well now there’s two, ok? Please?” Mary Ann was giving me an easy way out and I seized it.

“Yes, of course, if that’s what you want.” I said.

“It is.” She answered, dismissing the subject.

Then Mary Ann licked her lips and said “Yum.”

My cock jumped. I went and found something to do on the engines for a while.

For the rest of the trip Mary Ann and Jeff acted like lovers, cuddling and kissing and just being infatuated with each other. Good, I thought, they both deserve someone special. I never caught them at it again and I didn’t have any more dry wet dreams that were just so realistic.

One night we finally tied up next to a Rupert off the coast of South America and we got a briefing.

The chief Rupert met us in his cabin.

“Names are not important.” He said by way of an introduction.

“The I will call you Boss Rupert.” I said.

“Good enough.” He answered.

Boss Rupert was definitely military in bearing and used to command. Tall, about six three, very fit and very confident.

“You guys need to take over from here, we cannot get closer.” He told us.

“Why?” Asked Jeff.

“International politics and a trigger happy dictator.” Said Boss Rupert. He looked appraisingly at Jeff. “Military?” He asked.

“’Nam,” said Jeff, “Commandos.”

“Ah.” A light had turned on and suddenly they were exchanging unit and battle information. I watched Jeff and saw the emergence of respect for Boss Rupert and what he had done. That was good enough for me.

After a while they remembered Mary Ann, two Rupert minors and I were there.

“Oh, sorry,” said Boss Rupert, “let’s get back to the subject.”

“Wendy went in a week ago, she wouldn’t wait for you to get in position as the two brothers were only going to be together for one night. She set off the device and Ramon was killed but Carlo survived. They were apparently already on to her and she was lucky to escape.”

“She’s all right then?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes and no.” Boss Rupert answered.

“She took a planned escape route but it seems one of our links was a traitor and she is now being held in a warehouse near the docks here.” He pointed at a place on a map.

“What will happen to her?” Asked Mary Ann, the color drained from her face.

“Apparently Carlo is being treated for injuries and they are holding her until he can deal with her personally.”

“Oh, god no.” Mary Ann breathed.

“What can we do?” Asked Jeff.

“What can you do? I asked Boss Rupert.

He looked at us and seemed to make a decision.

“We,” he said to me, “can do nothing. We cannot risk being caught there due to our government connections. You,” he said to Jeff, “cannot do anything either.’

“Oh, god no,” Mary Ann said again “you are going to cut her loose.”

I was chilled. “I will not sit back and let someone “deal with” Wendy,” I said, “you tell me where to get her and I will go and get her.”

Boss Rupert looked at me and spoke as if he hadn’t heard anything. “You,” he said, “on the other hand, are the only person who can do anything. And it is at a pretty big risk.”

“Fine,” I said, “Tell me about it.”

Boss Rupert looked at me then spoke. “We got a phone call on a positive secure number,” I must have looked blank, “that is a number only known to operatives and not to be given without their belief that things are right.”

“Wendy approves.” I said.

“Yes,” Boss Rupert said, “she accepts what she has been told.”

“Which is?” I asked.

“Her night time guard is a young woman named Louisa,” Boss Rupert said, “she asked for you to go there, that’s how we got the address.” He hesitated. “If anyone else turns up she says she will kill Wendy.”

Mary Ann gasped and Jeff hugged her.

“What else?” I asked.

“A message that only you will understand she said. Wendy said to say if you do this it will be a very long winter.”

They all looked at me for clarification.

“I understand,” I said, “it’s on the level. Where do I go and when?”

“It’s very risky.” Said Boss Rupert.

“I know, I accept, now stop wasting time.”

He stopped wasting time, told us the address, the time was tonight because the latest information was that Carlo was on his way right now, so we left quickly.

The trip from international waters to the harbor was interesting. I realized the depth of my feelings toward Wendy and decided if she did not come back neither would I. Mary Ann wished me luck and held me tight. Jeff suggested I take a gun. I didn’t know there were guns on board, but refused anyway. This Louisa might not take too well to an armed man entering the prison.

In the early hours of the morning we entered the harbor quietly and I left in the dinghy before the officials paid us any attention. A slow row ashore and I hid the dinghy in a bunch of small boats tied with long lines up to the shore. Incoming tide I thought, and thought I should have asked when I had the chance. I followed a set of simple instructions through the deserted waterfront area and was soon standing in front of a door that looked like all the others in a street of warehouses. There was no light inside and I checked and re checked my directions before knocking quietly.

I heard a question in a language that I did not recognize, but assumed to be Spanish or similar.

“It is David.” I said firmly.