48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 37: Julie

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Shanghai'd in Hong Kong.
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Part 37 of the 51 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/21/2014
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48 Hours on Blue Bayou, Part 37, Julie, Scene 26

Author's Note: The Circus in Macau is over and The Enterprises' team is heading home! Our Heroine will have some further discussions about slavery and discover some changes her Master has developed. And then?

— J Spe

Chapter Eighty-Three: The Center of Our Universes/Home!

Our team flows out of the hotel and finds a familiar troop of SUVs for transport to the ferry. We all board and find The Enterprises has, again, reserved the entire JetFOIL Super cabin for our team. Again, the meal is good, and I see my sister slaves enjoying selecting their dishes and feeding themselves once again — another reminder of what slavery entails.

While relaxing over coffee or tea (at last!), Pat reports that, this morning, her Russian had told her a bit about his work in the London Metal Exchange. "He sounded a bit enthusiastic about aluminum, saying that his exchange trades the most of this commodity anywhere in the world. He made a point of telling me that the days of $1600 per ton were over, and that clean uses for the stuff meant even more of it would be sold. I was busy packing his suitcase, so I didn't get too involved, but I wondered if he was trying to leave a message."

I wave my cup and get Pat's attention. I tell her that Dmitry had some sort of diamond business going to happen in Amsterdam in the next few weeks. "He said he was a master cutter by day, but a pretty good mover of diamonds by night. He didn't go into any details, but it sounded as if some of the 'moving' might be out of regular business channels, I think."

One and Five look startled by our talk. When Pat raises an eyebrow, One says that her Russian had been talking about his work that morning, but she'd been so sleepy that none of it made any sense. Five waves a hand and we all turn to her. Almost as expected, she also reports her Russian had talked about some office building deal he was involved in, but he had been playing with her so long that she could barely hear him. By the time she finishes her tale, she is blushing furiously, which allows the rest of us to laugh.

Sally completes the round of slaves with her report of some stock market moves her Russian was working on. "It was a bit complicated and he rushed through it, so I didn't get all the details. It involved problems with steel companies in China, I think, leading to problems with steel supplies around the world. I remember him saying that 'spot prices' would blossom — that's the word he used. What are 'spot prices?' Does anybody know?"

I know this one! "They are the local prices of a commodity, like coal or steel or corn, for delivery right now, just like going into a store and buying a container of milk. If your Russian was telling you that these prices were going to 'blossom,' he probably meant they were going up fairly quickly and fairly soon."

"We'll have to tell Master Martin about these conversations," Pat announces. "It's not likely a coincidence that each Russian starts spouting business tips at the same time. I think they were planning on giving us these tips as a way of thanking us for the Circus. Let's try to remember as many details as possible for our report to our Master."

I have to give Pat credit for this. She has just refocussed each of us on keeping our Master and his needs at the center of our universes. If, in fact, the Russians were tipping us off to some business deals coming up soon, there would have to be fortunes to be made!

It is evening when we arrive at The Enterprises' headquarters. Pat leads the "ring of slaves" up to the large salon where Martin, Charles, Edward, Igor, and Anne are waiting. Our welcome is a study in informality, with lots of handshakes, embraces, and kisses. One and Five, not quite used to this, look a bit frightened until Pat reassures them.

My Master, Martin, waves a hand and the crowd calms down. "Welcome home! I've been keeping up with the Circus by long distance, and I want all of you to know how proud I am of the way you managed each ring. There were some surprises on the first day, but each of you responded with class and dedication. You represented the high standards we're always talking about. Thank you."

Surprises? The entire Plan went out the window! But, I remember Pat's signal during our first PE session: saying "My Lord" on her phone call with our Master. I mark this for some "discussion" as soon as possible!

Pat responds for all of us, thanking our Owner and his lieutenants for their care and protection. I catch on that, after all, at least some of the Russian "surprises" had been foreseen. She tells of the business tips each slave had been given and each of us gets to deliver as much as we remember of the details. Edward and Charles are grinning widely by the time Five completes our reporting.

Igor picks up the welcomes. He has a particular compliment or two for each slave, relayed from the Russians. To hear him tell it, each Russian was a Prince of Propriety. Well, I remember them taking care to feed us. Still, I got pretty well used, mouth and cunt, as well as flogged and caned and tied into pretty severe bondage. And, the experiment with our nipples?

"One will return to her assignment with the Culinary staff. Five will return to her cell in the Intake Unit for a few days. She will be getting a new assignment in the next day or so and new accommodations as well. Sally, Julie, and Pat will return to their usual accommodations and assignments.

"Now, you are all still wearing the Russians' collars. I'm going to remove them, label them, and file them in our informal museum. They'll be there if you ever want to relive this Circus experience."

My trainer is gentle with the locks on each collar. I'm grateful for The Enterprises' thoughtfulness; I'm sure I'm going to want to hold this bit of my slavery every so often.

Guards come for One and Five and, again in Transport Mode, they head for the elevator. Sally is trusted to find her way unescorted. Anne asks Pat and me whether a "soak" would be nice? Pat and I head for the small pool that greeted me on my first day here, so long ago. Now, it really seems like "Home."

Anne fills us in on what has been happening with the various Projects that The Enterprises is running around the world. For Pat, I'm sure, these are familiar, and I can tell from her questions and comments that she has been working on these all along. It comes as a bit of a shock when my Inner Goddess observes that Pat was running The First Lady's job while I was "on assignment," the term I'm finding various staffers using about my long "detour" through the Intake Unit.

I get another shock when Anne mentions that I'll be expected at the Opera the day after tomorrow. It seems that Butterfly has been running the place, but the Empress wants her back. There is no word about Harry Brown, and I'm a bit scared to ask. Perhaps the lady Ping will have something to tell me?

I'm just about relaxed when Fifteen knocks and enters. "Please, Ma'am, the Master is asking for Julie. He says it's for an extended discussion."

I have no idea what that means, but Anne and Pat do. Both are smiling and Anne says, "Brush your teeth and go to his apartment naked. You'll be staying the night."

Clearly, I'm keeping my Owner and Master at the center of my universe.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter Eighty-Four: Spy Training and a New Room

I make it to my Master's door in about five minutes, hoping that isn't too long. It's not: Master welcomes me with an embrace and a nice kiss. He extends an arm, twirling me about and a short distance away.

"Julie," he starts, "Pat phoned me from the ferry with the business news you all had picked up. Together with the material from the debriefing, I've started some gentle inquiries and we should have some responses in a day or so. Now, to continue with your business spy training, I'd like you to take a turn around the room and tell me what's changed, if anything, from your last visit here."

Damn! Now, my body is confused. I've just had several days of sex, so I should be a bit sore and not interested, right? But, this is my Master, the one I've been trained for, the one I've been focussing on, the one I got out of the small pool for — and marched, naked, through corridors to get to!

My Inner Goddess laughs a bit and, slyly, asks if this is what I'm keeping at the center of my universe: a tryst with my Master?

Well, that puts me back on course, naturally. If my Master thinks some spy training is in order, then spy training is in order. I wander around the Living Room, checking that the leather furniture is the same as before. The pieces seem to be.

Another few steps and the problem is solved. "Master, you've got a new baseball photo, right? You had the Ty Cobb photo last time. This one's the Steve Bartman Play, right? Moises Alou is going up for the ball but the kid deflects it. Florida scores eight runs, wins Game 6 and then Game 7 of the National League Championship, and goes to the World Series."

My Master laughs, the full, rich sound I like. "Right the first time! I got this enlargement from a fan after the Cubs won the 2016 World Series. He said he didn't need it anymore, now that the 'Curse of the Billy Goat' is broken."

I look at a photo I've seen dozens of times, from an event that I never knew about until coming to Chicago. So many people's lives, however, had been changed by that play.

Master comes alongside me and points at Alou. "You really can't tell if he would have made the catch," he says. "Later, there was some controversy about whether he ever said he didn't think he'd catch it. I like the photo because it's another example of how baseball is a reflection of life. Things happen, sometimes for no good reason, and it's up to us to pick up and continue our lives."

Of course, Master is right, about baseball and about life. He's also right about my becoming a slave. I hope I'm doing OK in the "picking yourself up" game.

"OK, my dear," Master says. "You're doing well as a business spy. Now, let's get back to why I bought you in the first place."

Romantic, right? Well, enough that I have to giggle a bit. I turn just a bit away from him, striking a pose that promises, but does not show, delights. Pat and Anne have taught me so many of these "little things" that I never knew existed "before."

Master chuckles softly and says, "Very nice, Julie."

I get some of that warm feeling that I like so much.

Master takes my hand and ushers me into his bedroom. As a "just in case," I glance around, looking for the Babe Ruth photo I remember; it's still there! Master catches on to what I've done and I get to hear his laughter again.

He stands near his bed and holds out his arms, signaling me to undress him. Adding a few strokes and pinches to my hand maneuvers, I get Master nude and I am rewarded by a nice erection to play with. I do not fall into the error of comparing the packages of the Russians with my Master. My trainers have taught me that any man can be taught (or any woman can get the man) to move so as to provoke his and her arousals to great climaxes.

A gentle hand on my shoulder is enough to signal me to kneel and kiss Master's cock and balls. I add a few licks along his shaft and then take just his helmet into my mouth. I could go deeper, or I could release him — Master doesn't quite know, and this is usually a turn-on for the man.

Master's hand strokes my head, and I get the signal that Master would like me to take him deeper. My Inner Goddess giggles and observes that Master may not have known what his slave was going to do, but he certainly knew what he was going to order her to do!

I do it well, I think, because I'm monitoring how Master's balls are rising in his sac. Then, Master taps my shoulder and says, "Julie, let's move to the bed, now."

With a small kiss, I break off the oral sex and we move together to the bed. Master rolls over, prone, and I don't have to be told that some massage is in order. I get the oil from the bedside table and work on Master's trapezius, latissimus, and lower back muscles for a nice interlude. Especially at his upper neck and spine, I can feel the muscles relax as I work on them.

Master is being quiet, so I kind of wonder if he's been relaxed into sleep?

No. Master rolls onto his side, grinning as he reaches for a breast. I lean into his hand and follow it as it leads my nipple to his mouth. You know how I've gotten this "Magic Tongue" label? Master is just as good with his tongue on my nips! I move a bit to make it easy for him to feast on one and then the other tit. He brings his hands into play and my arousal rises as he strokes the sensitive mounds.

I am a bit unhappy when Master moves away from my "girls," but it is only to move down, kissing and licking his way to my mons. Master's fingers outline each of my labia and my arousal begins to soar. I begin to lubricate and Master brings a thoroughly wet finger up for me to lick. I like my taste!

But, I'm getting pretty high on the rainbow, so I whisper my request for permission to climax. Master is silent for a moment, and I think, maybe this is the time he'll deny permission? He solves my dilemma by whispering back, "Julie, you will cum when I do, right?"

I have a moment to respond, "Yes, Master," before he enters me, with just a bit of force, but smoothly. I rock my pelvis to help him fill me completely. He starts the penetrate and withdraw movements I've grown to need, not rushing at all. As he increases his tempo and vigor, I try to match him, but soon I'm just hanging on his every thrust. My mind is concentrating on staying in control of my climax, not cumming before my Master.

At last, with a cry, Master's climax is upon him and I feel his warmth filling my channel. I let go my own control and my orgasm hits with the force of a typhoon. Waves of feeling rush over me and I hear myself moan or cry out with each one. It is a while before I realize I'm gripping the sheets so very tightly and Master is smiling at me, stroking my head and back just as he's taught me to desire it. I smile back, of course, and cuddle into my Master's embrace. I'll get to cleaning him in good time, I know.

Probably about an hour later, Master taps my shoulder and I awake to see his grin.

"How about a bit of a trip through my Red Room of Pain?" he asks.

I'm stunned for a moment, but my Inner Goddess gets me to slide into Position One on the floor, bend my head in submission, and provide the standard answer: "Thank you, Master." I'm frantically trying to remember if I've been to this "Room" before, but I can't recall even a mention of it since my arrival. My Inner Goddess has advice for this situation also.

Don't worry about it, kid; the Laws of Slavery cover this, don't they? You'll be told what they want you to know when they want you to know it. Simple, right? Still, my breathing is a bit fast and my heart is pounding a bit too hard.

My Master throws on a short robe and, directed by a handwave, I follow him to a room two doors down from "my Minister's room." There is a keypad, where Master enters a few digits and we enter a room, larger than "my Minister's room" and decorated in pink, rose, and red.

This room is a bit larger than the Correction Room in the Intake Unit slave corridor and shows off its furniture: there are no sheets covering anything. A quick look around tells me that there are some new gadgets here. I take a deep breath and try to prepare for whatever my Master desires. It's that "center of the universe" thing — again.

Master leads me to a counter where several leather straps are laid out. I'm quick to note that they have a fleece on one side. Master wraps one around a wrist, fleece inside, and I see a belt and buckle fitting on the outside. Master's touch is gentle, but the wristlet feels firm. I notice a D-ring fitted opposite the buckle and I guess that some rope or chain is going to be used here.

My other wrist is similarly captured. I get a moment to admire the smooth finish of the leather and then Master clips a cable to the D-ring on each wristlet. As the cables rise, pulling my arms upward and a bit apart, I remember Anne's story of the Japanese suspension bondage; that had led to a long recovery.

A jumble of thoughts races through my mind. If Anne's recovery was so expensive and long, Master won't want to repeat the bondage, would he? On the other hand, everyone had been impressed by the beauty of Anne's bondage, right?

The cables continue lifting until my feet are about a half-meter off the floor. Master rolls a padded stool over and sits while he wraps more leather around my ankles. Another pair of cables lifts and spreads my legs until I am held about horizontal. I am feeling like a starfish, on display.

Master runs his hands over each extremity, murmuring about my smooth skin and the taut muscles under my skin. I think I like the almost-massage feelings, but I don't think I like the suspension. Because nothing is exactly painful, I do what my trainers have taught me is expected. I keep silent and bear the suspension.

But Master moves between my legs and starts the semi-massage on my mons and labia. Surprised, I flinch a little — just once. Master applies a small slap to my mons. I manage to hold steady, but my breathing rate is starting to climb! My arousal state is also starting to climb and I'm wondering if — or when — I should ask for permission to climax.

Not to worry! My Master knows his slave completely. As his hands work on my pussy, with dips into my cunt, he explains that this Room is new, with the equipment only installed while we were away in Macau. He is interested in how each of his slaves will respond to the new toys he has installed; I'm sure that's a tip that my "report" will be required whenever this current exploration is completed, so I start thinking about what I'm feeling.

I've had a nice climax just a little bit ago, but I'm feeling as aroused as Hell right now! This suspension allows me plenty of freedom to writhe and twist, I think, but I'm trying to keep as still and controlled as possible. Maybe this is so I don't disturb Master's ministrations on my pussy? One of Master's hands leaves, but only to pick up a small vibrator from the counter.

Its application adds a new dimension to the nice feelings my Master is giving his slave.

"Julie," Master says, "this equipment is still so new that I haven't gotten it properly calibrated yet. I'm going to shut it down now. Your report will help get the calibration right. Do you understand?"

Is he crazy? How do you calibrate a vibe? Or, fingers working on labia or a G-spot? You can't! You don't need to try! You use it until it gets the climax you want, right?

But Master has detected my increased movements against his hands and the vibe, trying for just a little more stimulus. I get another slap on my mons and get myself under control.

Another visit to the counter brings a long, thin device, which Master anoints with some lube before gently inserting it into my ass. The previous training plugs allow me to tolerate this device with no real pain, but I'm wondering what kind of "calibration" this shaft will require.

Master says, "I'll start at a low level. You haven't had this one before, so I'm curious how you'll like it."

Like it? None of the plugs in my training gave me any kind of pleasure! I was surprised by the vibrator Dmitry used in my ass — I may have mentioned that I might look forward to a repeat? — but this device seems much thinner.

I don't have to wait long to learn that this device is altogether different. It doesn't vibrate, but it seems to contain some small balls that are revolving along the shaft. I start to race up the rainbow of arousal, and my cries and squeals probably let my Master know what's happening.