48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 45

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A Pleasure with Business; The Business of Pleasure.
12.4k words

Part 45 of the 51 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/21/2014
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48 Hours on Blue Bayou, Part 45, Pleasure with Business; The Business of Pleasure

Author's Note: This Part combines the narratives of both Julie and Niamh. In the first section, J Spe returns to Julie's story. In Part 42, Chapter 109, after the phone call from the Empress and Martin "crowning" Julie as his First Lady, Martin asked Julie to stay for a moment. Benign comment? This Part recounts that conversation, and then goes forward.

For developments in Niamh's narrative, Taliesin1 introduces a complication for Niamh's Owner and Master.

J Spe and Taliesin1


Chapter131: A Conversation about a Question

"Stay for a moment."

Still floating from the Empress' comments and her Owner's designation as First Lady, Julie relaxed into Position One as Martin swiveled his chair to face her.

"There are some times when it is easy to be an Owner, and some times when it is not so easy," he said. "Of course, being a slave means all of you belongs to me, but there are some times when lines get blurred."

Julie's "floating" feeling deserted her; she didn't know what her Owner and Master was talking about and, given all the some times he'd described, she was confused about what was going on. And confusion, for a slave, is a dangerous status! She took refuge in the idea that no question had been asked, so no response was needed at this moment. She knew that a question would eventually come, but she had learned that "eventually" might be a long time off. Still, she recognized the danger and a small tremor went through her position.

Martin noted the tremor and his years of owning slaves made him understand his slave's emotions. "Look," he picked up the pace, "Igor mentioned that he has been calling for you most nights. I also saw that Fifteen delivers you to him handcuffed, in Transport Mode. Now, you've been working for some time without needing the handcuffs, and we trust you to get around on your own. So, there seems to be some disconnect here. Can you clear this up for me?"

So, it's finally out in the open, Julie thought. "Please, Master, it goes back to our return from Macau. Master Igor requested me, brought by Fifteen in Transport Mode. I was a bit upset until Master Igor explained that everyone was pleased that I was becoming a Good Slave, but that it was thought that this simple reminder of my status would be helpful. Master Igor took the time to be comforting, and I appreciated his efforts. Then, he told me that he felt I was more exciting than other slaves. Of course, I was tremendously affected by this, but then he asked another question: would I come to him without the scheduling, without Fifteen, and without Transport Mode?

"Master, I was shocked! I didn't know what to say. Master Igor was asking about what his slave thought, or wanted, or would do without the trappings of slavery. I gave him some answer — I don't remember what — and he said he'd continue to schedule me, just so it didn't look different. But, he's asked me each time, and I've come to him because I wanted to. He's fun to be with; we talk about lots of things, here and what's going on back in the States, and sometimes he has a snack for us to share."

Martin was impressed with the flow of Julie's thoughts and the picture of his Training Executive and his First Lady together. "And, when he uses you? How does that make you feel?"

Julie picked up the phrase her Owner used and knew this was getting into even more dangerous territory. But, the Law was that Slaves Never Lie to Their Owner, right? She took a deep breath and answered, "Please, Master, it doesn't seem like Master Igor is using me. It just seems like we're enjoying each other, Master."

Hoping to change the subject from a Master's sexual exploits, Julie tried a question. "Please, Master, your slave would still like to try, at least for a short time, without the Transport Mode?"

But Martin was not so easily distracted. "All in good time, my dear. But first, explain a bit more to me about your feelings for Master Igor."

She was trapped! She was unable to look directly at her Owner, possibly a defect warranting a correction, and her voice was thin and shaky. "Please, Master, I've wondered about it a lot, and I've never been 'in love' that I knew of, so I'm not sure if these feelings really are love or just a response to the conditioning you've all put me through."

Martin grinned. "Yes, we've been 'conditioning' slaves, as you say, for many years — and we're good at it.

"I want you to tell me as soon as you're sure about how you feel, one way or another. I will talk with Master Igor about the Transport Mode and we'll see whether a change is warranted. I'll tell the Scheduling Desk that you are no longer 'available' to other Masters aside from Enterprise projects. Meanwhile, slaves don't discuss their conversations with their Owners. Do you understand?"

Julie was relieved to hear the Standard Slave Question. It meant that this ordeal was over, and that she hadn't crossed any slave boundary. Her answer was strong: "Please, Master, I understand: no discussion. Thank you, Master."

Martin smiled and dismissed his First Lady to return to her office.

When Julie left the office, Martin fell to musing about their conversation. Martin chuckled to himself. He had to hand it to Igor. He'd had any number of opportunities to find a slave he wanted for himself, and he'd gone for the First Lady.

Naturally, a Master could have any slave he wanted, for sexual pleasure, but, for Martin's Training Executive, it wasn't quite as simple as that. Having a more complex relationship was something quite different. Especially with The First Lady.

All of the slaves belonged to The Enterprises. The First Lady was the key to the slave culture of The Enterprises. She set the standard for the other slaves. She had to be open yet intriguing, lofty but accessible, totally dedicated to, if not actually "in love" with her Owner, so as to enhance his glory in Hong Kong society.

For the First Lady to form an emotional attachment to any other Master was unthinkable. Martin regretfully realised that Julie might have to be replaced. A pity, because not only had he invested so much time and resource into moulding her into the kind of slave required, but he had personally picked her out, sensing that she had the right qualities.

So, what about Niamh? Could she be a suitable First Lady?

From the time of her official collaring, he realised that Niamh had a strong emotional reaction to him, but he had wondered if it was anything more than the trepidation engendered by the fact of his ownership. He himself had been attracted by her distinctive hair and elfin, almost girlish, figure. She had performed well as he had used her last virginity, something he knew was often traumatic for new slaves.

He had decided to place her in a position where he could keep a close eye on her progress, without seeming to notice her at all.

When Charles reported that the new slave's documentation was in error, that she was both older than recorded and had a degree in Marketing, Martin saw at once that Hari's need for Marketing input provided the perfect placing for her, a position where she could prove her talents and be carefully observed at the same time. He had been pleased to find that she was both decorative and useful. Jane, the Marketing Director. was also enthusiastic about her talents.

When he learned that she was an experienced small boat sailor, a passion Martin shared, he had twice taken her out on Hong Kong harbour. It was an experience he had thoroughly enjoyed, both the sailing and later using her. Yes, that was when he allowed her to resume her name! She had been so playful, forthright and participated so enthusiastically in their lovemaking, that he had been almost completely disarmed.

Yes, Niamh could certainly fulfil the public role of First Lady. But, there was another side to that position, not publicly acknowledged but well known to some, and essential to the workings of The Enterprises. Slaves were useful for catering more than dinners for clients.

Wryly, Martin admitted to himself, for the first time, that he did not want Niamh to play that role. And if Igor could have a more intimate relationship with Julie, he could have one with Niamh. Why not?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter132: A New Alliance?

Becoming First Lady did not change Julie's office duties much. She still served visitors to Martin's office, worked on Martin's projects, and passed office rumors up and down the grapevine. Her paralegal background was used, for instance, as The Enterprises worked up an agreement with a major Chinese company. Finally, the deal seemed complete and Julie set up a meeting for final signatures and celebration. It would be at the Chinese company headquarters in the Lippo Centre in the Admiralty section of Hong Kong's Central District. Because the Centre's architect, Paul Rudolph, seems to have seen koala bears climbing tree trunks when he designed the façade, locals refer to the two towers as "The Koala Trees."

Martin complimented Julie on the progress of this project, adding, "There are a few things we need to add to the meeting. I know the CEO of the company a bit and he has an interesting idea for this kind of meeting. He likes to celebrate by having sex with the other company's women. He says it promotes the deal, what he calls Dalliance promotes alliance. We should plan to bring about a half-dozen trained slaves for his top lieutenants after all the signatures are done. And, I'm sure he will want you for himself; he's talked with you on the phone and he's seen the documents you've produced. I don't do business like that, but this is a matter where I'm going to rely on your service."

Julie, shocked at this news, was unable to find words for a few moments. Martin came to her and took her hands in his. She was heartened by this show of support, but still heard her Master's last words: rely on your service.

Of course he would; she was still a slave, even if decorated by the First Lady title. Her months of slavery flitted through her mind.

She had been trained for this kind of mission: to serve, to be of service, to be used. She had been used by other clients and partners of The Enterprises; she had survived them and she would survive this one. Along with the words she knew he had to say, she could feel the strength flowing from his hands to hers. Her Owner, her Master, would still support and protect her, just as he had promised when he described his responsibilities as her Owner.

Her answer came readily. "Please, Master, your slave will serve. Thank you, Master."

She asked Pat and Anne, as usual, for their experience. "Julie," Pat said, "you have as much experience dealing with Master's business as we have. You've done it well before, so you should probably be confident you can do this guy just as well."

As she thought about it for the next few days, that seemed the best preparation she could make. Pat and Anne helped select the six slavegirls from among the current crop of trainees who would be used by the CEO's lieutenants. Each had completed the Basic Sexual Arts class with outstanding marks and was well into the Advanced Class. They presented a variety of sizes and shapes, hair colors and smiles. And, as Igor remarked, "They all have the basic equipment, but they know much more than the basic uses for their equipment."

Julie spent some time with each one, impressing on them the importance of their service to their Owner and Master. Each seemed to understand their mission. Also, each accepted the mission, a testament to the training for slavery Igor and the other trainers had done.

The usual fleet of limousines brought Martin's party to the Chinese business headquarters. While the entryway was austere, the executive suite was elegantly furnished, with tapestries showing many of China's classic stories or important locales. The usual coterie of functionaries arranged the documents for signing and these details flowed with appropriate pleasantries.

Finally, all the signatures were engraved where they were needed and the documents were shuffled off to whatever filing furniture would be their tomb. As Martin was wont to observe, If you're going to have a controversy, for sure it won't be foreseen in the contracts. The CEO and six lieutenants were arranged on one side of the massive table, with Martin, Edward, Charles, and Julie facing them.

"I believe your team understands the final act for today's festivities," the CEO announced.

Martin chuckled. "Yes, indeed, my good friend," he answered. "And, I'm sure the six young lovelies we brought, and which your staff seems to have spirited away, are looking forward to developing our alliance."

The CEO and his lieutenants joined in the laughter. One by one, the lieutenants stepped forward to bow, to shake Martin's hand, and to retire to their own suites. Martin suspected that the slavegirls he had brought had been screened by the lieutenants' staffers and a reasonable distribution had been made. Hopefully, each slave would suit her assigned lieutenant.

"I would like to offer you the service of my First Slave," the CEO continued, "and I will accept the service of your First Lady."

There, thought Julie. It's right out there. Martin has only to nod or say anything and the exchange is done.

Martin answered smoothly, "I'm honored to accept."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter133: Behind Every Alpha Male . . .

A wave of the CEO's hand directed Julie to a small door and into a luxurious apartment. Waiting was a tall Chinese woman dressed in black: a midriff-baring top, slimleg jeans, and thigh-high boots. Julie also noticed a riding crop clipped to her belt at the right hip. The woman was not smiling as she examined Julie.

The CEO made the introductions. "Madame, this slave is Julie, our partner's First Lady. She is here to do your service, if you will accept her.

"Julie, Madame is my First Lady, and Mistress of me and my business. You will obey her as you would your Owner. Do you understand?"

The crop was the clue that told Julie what was happening. The CEO was the alpha male in the business world, but he was merely a submissive before his First Lady in this apartment, out of public view. Julie probably would have little to do with the man; her mission would succeed or fail depending on how she satisfied this dominant woman.

Her answer was addressed to the Domme. "Please, Mistress, your slave understands and will serve. Thank you, Mistress."

The short speech brought a faint smile to the Domme's face, but it did not last long. She gave her first command: "Strip, slave!"

Julie did not use any of the arousing maneuvers of a striptease. She thought the command more functional than erotic. The Domme wanted to see her slave's body and plan how it might be used. Julie made herself naked as quickly as possible.

The Domme nodded to the CEO and he brought a wide leather belt to Julie. "Wrap this around your hips with the buckle in front." Julie saw a pair of leather cuffs hanging from slender chains as she fixed the belt in place.

"Another notch tighter, slave," ordered the Domme. It was a simple command, but designed to demonstrate where control lay.

"Buckle the cuffs on your wrists," was the next command Julie had to perform.

With another small smile, the Domme ordered, "Present position!" Julie moved her legs to shoulder-width apart and locked her hands behind her neck with her elbows widespread. The chains to her wrists were easily long enough to allow full movement to her arms, so what was their function? Of course, Julie thought, another reminder of my slave status. With the Domme's smile widening, Julie understood that this display pleased the Domme, who circled the slave slowly. Julie imagined how many uses this woman could select for each inch of her slave's body, but then realized this was a waste of her energy. Better to save the energy for when this Domme gives a command, she thought.

When the Domme was satisfied with her "inventory," she ordered Julie to turn and present her back. The Domme drew Julie to herself until Julie could feel breasts pressing into her back and a pelvis at her ass. The Domme slid her hands under Julie's upraised arms and grasped Julie's breasts. After a moment, she began soft, kneading motions, the kind that Julie loved from Igor.

But these movements had a different purpose. They became stronger and more insistent. The Domme's grip became more vise-like and pain was now Julie's main sensation. She stifled a cry, fearing to show weakness in the face of the Domme's attack on her breasts.

It was the right choice. "My dear" — the Domme's voice was low — "you took that well. In return . . . "

Now, the fingers of the Domme sought Julie's nipples, stroking, twisting, pulling, and pinching until the buds were fully engorged and Julie was beginning to be aroused. The Domme sensed this, probably from the involuntary motions of Julie's hips. The nipple-play ceased and one of the Domme's hands slid down Julie's body to her pussy.

"Ah, yes!" laughed the Domme. "You're beginning to lubricate, my dear slave. That's good. Please lubricate as much as you want; you're going to need all of it later!"

This confused Julie. The CEO was sitting in an armchair in a corner of the room. Except for one hand stroking his cock through his pants, he seemed completely out of the scene. Then, the penny dropped. If her cunt wasn't going to take the CEO's cock, it would have to be the Domme getting Julie as aroused as possible and then, wearing a strap-on dildo, fucking Julie! It's a great plan, thought Julie, especially for the Domme.

The Domme ordered Julie to undress her Mistress: "Carefully, slave, and fold everything so it's nicely ready for another wearing," she said.

Julie was glad to move her arms from the Present position; it is a tiring one. She undid the buttons of the Domme's top and slowly drew it down her arms. The Domme wore no bra and Julie estimated that the Domme's breasts had no need of one — they rose high on her chest and the nipples pointed proudly upward. Julie casually brushed her hands over those breasts, aiming to give her Mistress a bit of stimulation, but the Domme slapped her hands away.

"No, slave," she barked, "you don't get to play with me; I get to play with you! Do you understand?"

Julie hurried to answer. "Yes, Mistress, your slave understands. Thank you, Mistress."

The belt for the Domme's jeans presented a problem: the crop clipped to it. Julie knew that she was forbidden to even touch the instrument. But, if it should fall while she was undressing her Mistress . . .

With a chuckle, the Domme grabbed the crop and waved it about. "Don't worry about this, my dear slave; concentrate on your service. If this little item wants a taste of you, it will simply take it; you don't need to 'deserve' it at all."

With that reassurance, Julie concentrated on trying to unfasten the belt. It had cinched Madame's waist tightly, and Julie was afraid the Domme wouldn't appreciate further tightening to free the buckle. Still, there was no other way to free the belt. Julie worked as quickly as she could, and the belt finally came free. She coiled it loosely and, before she could place it next to the Mistress' top, the Mistress took it from her.

"And the same goes for this little dear. It had a Morning Nutrition from a new slave, but I'm sure it would like a mid-day supplement," she said softly. Julie could not miss the menace in her voice. No matter how well she performed, it seemed a beating was in the Domme's plans.