'57' Ch. 01


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She let her hand trail slowly down her abdomen. The skin felt warm and smooth as it slipped under her palm. She continued the sweep out to the side and along the curve of her hip, enjoying the feel of the gentle caress. She exhaled slowly, closed her eyes and concentrated on the tactile sensations. Her sense of touch seemed so sensitive now. She corrected herself, not just sensitive, sensual. Just touching her bare skin brought a frisson of erotic pleasure. It was as if her whole body had become an erogenous zone.

With a relaxed sigh, she opened her eyes. Steering her caressing hand toward the front of her pelvis, she used the tip of her index finger to rub along her newly discovered tattoo. It felt no different from the surrounding skin. She wasn't sure if she should be disappointed in that. Everything else had been so strange and out of her experience, shouldn't her new mark have some mysterious property too?

She shifted her attention and focused on what was visible of her genitals. She was unsure if she'd been modified there or not since she'd never seen them in a shorn state -- at least not since entering puberty. In addition, her upbringing had stressed that those parts of her were "dirty" and she wasn't to inspect them too closely. That could lead to "sin". She was intimately familiar with how her parts felt though -- her fingers had furtively explored there many times. She was hesitant to do that now, though. If simply playing with her nipples had produced such a strong reaction, she could hardly imagine what would happen if she touched herself "down there". Putting that inspection off for now would probably be best, she decided.

She glanced down at the hospital gown on the floor about her feet. She was reluctant to put it back on. It made her feel too much like a patient and less like a person... and she desperately wanted to feel like a real person at this moment. Stepping out of it, she wandered over to the shelves, her naked feet padding silently across the cool tile floor. As she had observed before, white towels and other linen were stacked there.

There was a splash of color on one of the lower shelves however, something that was deep blue and shimmered. She tentatively reached out to run her fingers over the fabric. It felt as smooth and sensual as it looked. She pulled it from the shelf and let it unfurl in a silent cascade to reveal a short silk robe. The breath caught in her throat at the thought of wearing such a beautiful and decadent garment. She slipped it over her shoulders and slid her arms down the wide sleeves. She'd never felt such a sensual piece of clothing. It gently caressed her in its silky embrace. She pulled the lapels closed, feeling the slick fabric glide over her nipples, and cinched the waist closed with a black silk belt.

She turned to examine her reflection once more. The fabric of the robe shimmered in a lovely way. The wide sleeves came about to her elbows and the hemline stopped at mid-thigh. All in all, it was quite a sexy outfit she thought to herself, and she felt a tingle in her nether regions as she contemplated her image.

She felt restless however and slipped out of the bathroom and into the main room once more. Prowling around the perimeter of the room, she searched for any anomalies. Finding nothing of significance, she sat on the edge of the bed to think. There was one avenue of information that she hadn't explored yet.

"Hello?" she said out loud. "Diana, are you there?"

"Yes I am," Diana's voice answered. "How may I assist you, 57?"

"I'm not sure," 57 replied. "This is all so foreign to me that I don't really know where to start."

"Then just ask the first thing that you think of and I'll answer it if I'm permitted."

"OK. Where am I and who are you people?"

"The location of this facility is one of the things I'm not permitted to tell you. Those of us in the employ of the group that runs this place simply refer to it as 'The Corporation' or 'The Corp'. It actually is comprised of several entities with various names but are all under the supervision of The Corp."

Diana continued, "The Corp has access to several advanced technologies such as those that created you and me. Its principals prefer to keep the existence of those technologies a secret."

"You and me?" asked 57. "You mean you're a clone like me?"

"No," Diana replied, "not like you. I'm an AI or artificial intelligence. My name, Diana, stands for Digital Intelligence and Neurobiologic Amalgam. I'm part computer and part biological. Think of it as a brain wired to a computer... although that's only a very loose description of what I actually am."

"Why am I here?"

"You're here because it was determined that Lindsey possesses aptitudes, traits, and talents that the Corp finds valuable. Of course, those talents that you inherited from her haven't been fully realized yet and you will require instruction to reach your full potential."

"Talents? Traits?" 57 paused, "I'm thinking you may have me confused with someone else. I'm a mediocre person...I don't think I have one thing that I'm super talented at. I do a reasonable job at work, an alright job at home, but I'm nothing special."

"I can attest that you actually do have talents. I've been intimately involved in your selection and preparation up to this point, so I know this. You may not be aware of them, or if you are, may not think of them as something valuable, but rest assured that our research has been very thorough."

"Well...what are they? What were you looking for when you chose me? If I'm not who I think I am. If I'm not Lindsey James, then why do I feel as if I am her? For example, why do I remember falling and injuring my knee when I was a kid and the resulting scar...yet I can see that scar is NOT on my knee where it should be?"

Her last question had came out as a high pitched squeak. 57 knew she was on the edge of a panic attack. This was all so surreal! She desperately fought the urge to curl up on the bed in a fetal position and scream for it all to go away. She took a deep, shuddering breath, her need for answers finally overcoming her fear enough to listen to what Diana was saying.

After waiting patiently for 57 to regain her equilibrium, Diana continued as if nothing had happened, "To put it in the simplest terms, you have an aptitude for submission. Not just an aptitude, but a deep need and desire to submit. The situation that Lindsey is in, however, would never have allowed her to develop to her full potential. She feels trapped and stifled. There's no way she can see out of her current situation. In fact, she, and you through her, feel that those desires are wrong and "sinful". The Corp, however, finds those possessing these qualities to be extremely valuable to our clients. With training, you will come to see their worth too."

"As you just demonstrated by mastering your fear," Diana stated, "you also have a very strong mind and will. You're able to assess situations an adjust accordingly. This flexibility is desirable in anyone, but is especially valuable in someone in your situation. In other words, you're intelligent and adaptable. This is also something that's been stifled in your past. We plan to push you to expand those abilities too. The common belief among the "vanilla" population is that submissives are weak-willed and easily controlled. Those who actually participate in that lifestyle know that is almost never the case. It takes a strong will to hold onto your personality as a sub."

"As to why you feel you're Lindsey -- your memories and personality are hers. We recorded them and downloaded them into this new body. This body is Lindsey's too in a way, at least it's based on her DNA. It's been tweaked and enhanced however. You've already seen and experienced some of those enhancements."

"So one of these enhancements is how sensitive my body is now?", 57 asked.

"Yes," Diana answered, "That is one enhancement. We also re-wired things slightly to route some those sensations to the sexual part of your brain. Thus, when you're touched, you get turned on. This response is normal in most people, but we've boosted the effect it has on you."

"How is that even possible? Technology like you've described would be earth shattering news..."

"As I stated before, the Corp prefers to keep its technology a secret," Diana answered matter-of-factually.

"So, what other enhancements have been done to me?"

"Those will be revealed to you when your instructors deem the time to be appropriate," Diana replied.

57 paused a moment to digest what she'd been told, then decided to move on to another subject. "Why am I only a number?" she asked as she fingered the collar around her neck. "It makes me feel a bit... dehumanized to not have a name, and, truthfully, a bit angry. What I mean is that you already went through all this trouble to make me and yet you leave me unfinished?"

"Yes, you are unfinished. As I said before, you have potential. It hasn't yet been realized. The next stage is training and refinement. What you are now is a starting point-- raw clay to be molded, not a finished product. You have to earn the right to be considered more. Being allowed to have a name is recognition that you've achieved some of that goal. I suggest you channel your anger into helping you along that path and not allowing it to, instead, hinder your progress."

"I was merely being honest...not antagonistic," 57 replied, "This training -- it will happen with or without my consent?"

"Yes it will," said Diana, "Sir was telling you the truth before when he said you were property. The Corp created you and it owns you. This is not a democracy. You don't get a vote. That is your first lesson and I suggest you learn it quickly. It will make your life much less... difficult.

57's mind registered shock at this revelation. She truly was property; a piece of meat to these people. Alongside this shock though, she was surprised to find that she was also excited... sexually excited. What kind of sick, twisted person am I? she wondered to herself.

"OK, when does this training begin, and what does it involve?"

"You're to be transferred to the training facility tonight. As to what is involved, I'll leave it to your instructors to give you that information since it's their area of expertise."

"This may sound childish," 57 said softly with her eyes downcast. She absentmindedly smoothed the silk fabric of the robe along her thighs, "but I am really feeling the need for companionship, at least in the sense that I need someone to talk to and maybe relax and laugh with. Will I only be allowed to talk to you or will there be others like myself being trained?"

There are a few others in the facility undergoing training. Whether you get to interact with them is up to your instructors. Good behavior is key in determining how many privileges you are allowed to have. As with your name, privileges must be earned.


A few hours later, 57 once more heard the metallic clunk from the door that signaled that the locking mechanism had been activated. Nervously she sat up on the edge of the bed facing the door. The man who she knew only as as Sir entered with a bundle tucked under his arm.

Sir could feel her eyes on him as he placed the bundle on the end of her bed and sat in the chair facing her.

"I assume Diana has impressed upon you what you status is and the importance of cooperation on your part to avoid unpleasantness?", Sir said as he looked her in the eyes.

57 looked down at the floor and said, "Yes Sir. I'm the property of the Corporation and am to be trained. I have no say in the matter."

"Yes, 57, that's it in a nutshell. I knew you were an intelligent girl." His voice took on the edge of command, "Stand up."

57 responded almost without thinking. She slipped off the side of the bed and stood facing Sir with her eyes still downcast. Her emotions were a jumble. Part of her was scared, part was confused, and a part was, she had to admit, turned on. How many fantasies of submission had she had where she was in almost this same situation? While this was real, she found her mind falling into the patterns of those fantasies. There was a sense of security in simple obedience without thinking. She tried to calm her whirling thoughts and simply listen and obey.

Sir smiled to himself. He could see that she was falling into her submissive role, just as he expected. It was time to push her some more.

"Take off your robe," he ordered.

Her hands slowly went to the the belt of her robe. Shakily, she untied it. With a shrug, the slippery fabric slid off her shoulders and down her arms. She gathered it up and placed it on the bed. Reflexively, she placed one arm across her breasts and a hand in front of her crotch to cover herself.

"I didn't tell you to take off the robe just to have you cover up again," Sir said sternly. "Stand up straight. Hands behind your back. Chest out. Feet a shoulder-length apart. Pick a spot on the far wall and keep your eyes focused on it. Now."

The tone of command cut right through any embarrassment 57 had. Nervously, she did her best to comply with what Sir had told her to do. She shook her hair back so it wasn't covering her face, picked her spot on the wall to concentrate on, adjusted her feet and arms as she was instructed and then pushed out her chest. She shivered and could feel her nipples harden but it wasn't from the cool air.

Sir got up from his chair and approached the nervous submissive. She did her best to keep her gaze focused forward as instructed. He let his eyes travel over 57's naked form as he walked in a slow circle around her. Reaching out, he dragged the tips of his fingers across her pale, alabaster skin, causing her to jump involuntarily before she quickly pulled herself back into position. It felt to 57 as if those fingers left an erotic trail of fire in their wake and she could feel gooseflesh rise on her naked body. She bit her lower lip to try and keep her concentration.

Sir felt satisfaction with what he and those in his facility had produced. He was almost sorry that he had to let her go on to training elsewhere. He'd have to have Diana give him periodic updates on her progress. Reaching out, he grabbed a one of the woman's hard nipples and gave it a tug.

57's knee's buckled momentarily as sensation flooded her body. Her mouth fell open in a gasp as sexual heat exploded from her breast then traveled to her crotch. She felt her pussy get hot and wet as the blood rushed to her nether regions. Sir released her hard nub and she struggled to compose herself once more. Mostly she succeeded, except for the slight tremor in her legs and labored breathing.

"Unfortunately, 57, your time with us at this facility is at an end." Sir pointed to the bundle on the bed and said, "Put those on."

57 left her pose and walked to the end of the bed. She grabbed the bundle and unrolled it revealing a pair of denim jeans, a tee-shirt and slip-on deck shoes, all of which were black. Slipping them on, she considered what to do. She finally settled on returning to her previous pose. It seemed the correct thing to do for some reason.

Reaching in his pocket, Sir extracted a silver chain with a leather loop at one end. He grasped the other end of the chain and touched it to the collar around her neck. With a metallic "snick" it attached itself.

"I want your arms to stay behind your back," Sir said. You're to follow 2 paces behind me staying close enough to keep some slack in your leash. Don't try to stray because, if you do, the paralysis effect will kick in. Now let's go. Diana, open the door please."

"Yes Sir", Diana answered as the door swung inward with its characteristic metallic clunk.

Without a backward glance, Sir began walking toward the doorway. 57 scrambled to get herself the correct distance behind him. The task was made a bit difficult by the way her clothing rubbed against her. The tee-shirt slid back and forth across her nipples in a way that got them instantly hard again. That was nothing compared to what the rough denim was doing to her pussy though. Each step brought a little jolt of electricity from her clit as the fabric grazed it.

57 found herself following Sir down a mostly featureless hallway. There were closed doorways at intervals and the walls appeared to be paneled a mahogany-like wood. The floors looked to be polished black marble shot through with gold veins. Sir's dress shoes clicked on the hard surface as she padded silently behind with her rubber-soled footwear. She concentrated on the leash, trying to keep the correct amount of slack.

Taking a quick glance down the hall, 57 could see that it was coming to an end. They approached the doors of what appeared to be an elevator. Sir didn't even stop as the doors opened on their own accord as he approached. As 57 followed him inside, she noticed there were no buttons, nor were there any indicators as to what floor there were on. The doors simply closed silently behind her and she felt the elevator begin to ascend.

The ride continued in silence and 57 risked a peek at the mysterious man she knew only as Sir. He simply stood unmoving not revealing anything more about himself, just waiting for the elevator to reach its destination. About 30 seconds later, she felt the car come to a stop and the doors quietly opened once more. Once again, without a word, Sir just started walking and she hurried to follow.

The elevator had opened into a room that appeared to have no exits, simply blank, white walls. Sir just kept walking toward the wall in front of him, not slowing down at all. 57's eyes went wide as he simply passed through what appeared to be a solid surface. She steeled her nerves, concentrated on the leash, and followed. A slight tingle was all she felt as she passed through.

When her vision cleared once more, she found herself in what appeared to be a garage area. Sir's footsteps echoed hollowly in the cement-floored space. 57's attention was drawn to a small RV-type vehicle. It didn't appear to be out of the ordinary in any way -- simply something a family might take on a vacation. It faced a closed, industrial garage door.

Sir led her to the side door of the vehicle and stopped. Reaching up, he grasped the door's handle and opened it. Turning to face her he said, "This is where we part ways, my dear." He reached out and wrapped his hand around where the leash attached to her collar. With a barely audible click it detached itself. Sir looped the chain around his hand and then slid it into the pocked of his jacket.

Taking 57's chin in his hand, Sir raised her eyes to his. "You stand at more than just the threshold of the door to this vehicle, you stand at the threshold of having a life that you've only imagined heretofore. I realize you're confused and scared, but you are being given an opportunity to do what few people are able to do -- to live out their fantasies. I suggest you do your best to make those fantasies a reality and to fully become what you have the potential to be." Sir motioned toward the door, "Now it's time to be on your way, 57."

57 stepped up into the RV. The interior was gently lit. There was a cushioned platform at the back that she assumed was for sleeping and a table with bench seating at one side. It was missing the other things that such a vehicle would normally have such as a stove or refrigerator. Though the outside of the vehicle had appeared to have windows, the inside was windowless. The driver's area was sealed off with a blank wall. It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic, she thought to herself.

She sat at the table and watched Sir reach up and swing the door closed, sealing her in. Taking a deep, slow breath to steady her nerves, she noticed for the first time that there was a paper bag sitting in the middle of the table. She reached out, pulled it to herself, opened the top, and looked inside. Reaching in she pulled out the contents: a small, warm cardboard box with "BIG MAC" written on it, some french fries with the familiar double arches printed on the container and paper cup that she assumed contained a carbonated beverage.