'57' Ch. 02


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Evan smiled inwardly. 57's infraction was turning into an excellent teaching opportunity and way to get her to participate actively in her training. He stepped in front of her, looked her in the eyes and said, "I'm glad to see that you're starting to understand the need for rules and discipline, 57. Since you mentioned it, do you have a suggestion as to what punishment would fit this crime? As I previously stated, I want your active participation in the training process."

57 lowered her head, stared at her shoes, and addressed the floor, "I wouldn't presume to know what punishment best suits the situation I have found myself in, Trainer. I can't help but agree with you that I lack the knowledge to give you an informed answer. Therefore, I must leave it up to you."

"In that case, I'll give you a choice. You may pick the type of punishment you will receive. The choice is simple..." Master Evan held out a hand, palm up and said, "pain or..." He raised his other hand palm up as if he were holding two objects for her to inspect, "pleasure." After taking a moment to let that sink in, he added, "Realize, however, that your punishment will take place in public, no matter which you choose."

Color rose in her cheeks and it suddenly felt all too hot in the room for her tastes. Her pulse quickened as fear caused adrenaline to surge through her system. In an attempt to calm herself down, she took slow, deep breaths. The thought of either of those options in a public setting was mortifying to her. She debated internally for a few moments, trying her hardest not to take too long before answering. A quietly uttered "Pleasure" was all she could get out before she clamped down on the inside of her cheek with her teeth.

Evan looked her up and down, nodded, and said, "Alright. Follow me." Then, without another glance, walked down the hall toward the interior of the house.

Willing herself to move, 57 followed. She could feel her heart rate increasing with each step, but this time she couldn't do anything about it. Her thoughts were too jumbled to allow her to exercise any real control of her emotional state. Part of her was curious, though. Her experience with punishment had always involved either pain, humiliation, or both. Punishment through pleasure seemed to be a contradiction in terms and curiosity was the main reason she had chosen that option. Thinking about pleasure, she once more became keenly aware of her shirt brushing across her nipples and her pants rubbing against her crotch. She could feel her excitement rising in spite of her fear of punishment in general.

57's instructor led her through the house toward the back. At last he pushed open a wide swinging door and she followed him into what appeared to be a kitchen. Four people we there in the midst of preparing a meal. Even though she was nervous, the smells made 57's stomach growl as she realized she hadn't eaten in a while.

Evan stopped, cleared his throat, and addressed the cooking staff, "Good afternoon, everyone. As you can see, we have a new trainee. Sadly, she has already found it difficult to follow directions and needs to be set straight. Since I've decided she requires a public punishment, feel free to take a break and observe, if your duties allow it." He then turned his attention to 57 as she stood meekly at his side and said sternly, "Slave, remove your clothing."

57 hadn't thought she could blush any brighter, but at those words, she felt a flash of heat over her whole body. For a moment, she couldn't move as her thought processes all but shut down from panic. Finally, she closed her eyes and, with trembling fingers, grasped the hem of her t-shirt and hesitantly pulled it up and over her head, slowly revealing her smooth, alabaster skin and firm breasts to those watching.

Fighting against the nearly irresistible urge to cover herself, she lowered her hands to the waistband of her jeans, undid the button, and grabbed the tab of the zipper. The soft scritch as she pulled it down seemed almost deafening to her in the silence. She could feel the onlooker's eyes being drawn in anticipation to the site of the noise as they waited for her to finish revealing her nakedness. 57's hands were shaking visibly as, with an almost inaudible moan of mortification, she slowly pushed the material of her jeans past her hips and down her thighs, finally stepping out of them once she had them around her ankles.

Evan looked with disdain at the clothes spread about 57's feet. "Pick those up, fold them neatly, and place them on the chair, Slave. Surely you don't expect others to pick up after you."

Temper flaring yet again, she bit down hard enough on the inside of her cheek to draw a bit of blood. Tasting iron, she said nothing. She crouched down to pick up the garments instead of bending forward, in order to conceal her nakedness as much as possible. Picking up the clothes from the floor, she held them against her chest as she walked to the chair. Once there, she reluctantly relinquished her covering again and folded them neatly as instructed.

"The shoes too, Slave," Evan told her as he pointed at her feet.

57 kicked off her shoes, knelt down, picked them up, and placed them neatly on top of the stack of clothes. Now totally naked, she turned and faced the onlookers.

"Stand at attention, 57. Let everyone have a good look," Evan said to her. Addressing the others in the room he continued, "Feel free to come up and inspect our newest acquisition, everyone."

The cooking staff crowded around her and 57 felt their hands explore her body. An older woman placed her hand over 57's heart and said, "Her heart's beating like a little captured bird!" Another brushed fingers across her nipple and commented, "Mmmm, look at how hard these are." A male slipped his hand between her thighs and said, "She may act scared but this cunt is awfully wet. I think she's enjoying this."

Instinct was hard to deny. Her inner thighs trembled with the overpowering need to close her legs to the invading touches, but somehow she kept them open and her eyes trained on an imaginary spot she found on the wall. The touches were arousing to her, she couldn't deny that...and along with this arousal she felt great shame that strangers were able touch her so intimately and make her body respond against her will. The worst part though, was the fact that they knew it and talked about her as if she wasn't even there! Nearly overwhelmed by the humiliation, she felt a tear leak from her eye and trace a solitary path down her cheek. Everything was happening so fast and she simply wished she could have some time to adjust, but it seemed that these people either didn't understand that need or, more likely, didn't care.

"Okay, step back everyone," Evan said after letting the fondling proceed for a bit. "57, I want you on your back on that table over there. It's time for the pleasure part of your punishment. I assume you've masturbated before... give us all a demonstration."

57's eyes went wide and she stared open-mouthed at her instructor. "What?!" was all she managed to squeak out.

"You heard me, Slave. I know you're not deaf," Evan answered. "Get your ass up on that table, spread your legs, and get your hand between them. Show us how you get yourself off. I'll warn you though, you're not allowed to cum unless I give you permission and you have done little to convince me that you deserve it."

Her body went cold, then back to hot at the ruthless edge to Master Evan's voice. For a few more seconds she remained rooted to the spot, but she finally made her way to the table and slipped her ass up onto the edge. Trembling, she made herself lie back, the coldness of the table making her gasp and her nipples harden even further. She adjusted herself on the table and tried not to think about the strangers watching her every move. Additionally, she tried not to think about the fact she was about to do something she'd never done in front of anyone before.

"Are you beginning to understand how pleasure can be a punishment, 57?" Master Evan asked.

"Yes, Trainer," Her lips moved, but the words were barely audible. She doubted her face had ceased its constant reddening. She couldn't seem to get her mind to move past the fact that people were staring at her exposed flesh and had touched her so intimately.

Seeing that she still wasn't fully complying with his order, Evan told her, "You'd best get started before I change my mind and give you something more unpleasant to do. Believe me, I'll have no trouble doing so."

Slowly and reluctantly, 57's hand traveled down her abdomen. Biting her lip, she spread her legs just enough to allow her hand to slip between them. Her cunt felt hot and wet and her clit gave a throb as her fingers slid along her outer lips. She now regretted her decision not to explore her new body's most intimate areas, since she wasn't quite sure how it would respond. Doing that first exploration in public added another whole layer of stress to her punishment.

The bare skin of her nether regions was a bit disconcerting. She was used to tangling her fingers in her pubic hair when she masturbated. Caressing herself gently, she let the smooth, wet skin glide under her fingers. The feeling was different, but not unpleasant, she decided. When an exploring digit dipped between her slick inner labia, it drew an involuntary moan from her lips. Her pussy felt exquisitely sensitive and she shivered as she delved deeper. Letting her eyes drift shut, she momentarily lost herself in the sensation -- so much more sensually intense than she remembered.

When her exploring finger made contact with her clit, her eyes snapped open as she was jolted with an electrifying bolt of pleasure. A grunt was forced from her lips as her abdominal muscles tightened spasmodically. Part of her felt almost in awe of this new body. Her old one had had full blown orgasms that were less intense than that simple brush across her clit. Her awareness of her surroundings receded as her all her attention became focused on the area of contact between her hand and pussy. Breathing slowly and deeply, she increased the pressure of her exploring fingers bringing a commensurate increase in erotic sensation. Without conscious thought, her legs spread wider and her hips began to rock her cunt against her hand. 57 felt she was catching fire, about to be consumed by the growing, burning need emanating from her sex.

Her fingers eagerly sought her clit again and the sensations when she touched the hardening nub of flesh were like fireworks going off behind her eyelids. Circling it slowly with two fingertips, she shuddered as each circuit pushed her lust to never before experienced levels. She pulled her knees up and arched her back. Her muscles felt drawn tight like a bow pulled back to full extension. Like the bow, she knew that sooner or later there would be an explosive release.

Her free hand sought her breast, grabbed it roughly, and squeezed hard, building the fire of lust even higher. She was moaning unashamedly now, everything forgotten but the sensation of what she was doing to herself. She could feel her orgasm approaching and it was almost scary in intensity -- like a tsunami out at the limits of vision but rushing inexorably toward her, ready to crash over her and sweep her away. A small corner of her brain was functioning enough to remember her trainer's admonition though. She must not cum without his permission.

"May I cum, Trainer?" she moaned.

Evan simply watched her, in no rush to answer.

"Please!" she begged, "Please let me cum!"

"No you may not, 57. You will not cum until I give you permission. Do not disappoint me. Understood?"

"Yes Trainer," she whimpered through gritted teeth. The thought of her trainer's disappointment gave her the resolve she needed. While part of her still wondered why this need for his approval affected her so deeply, she was determined to do as she was told no matter how difficult it was. Whether it was to prove herself to him or simply out of stubbornness, she wasn't sure. All her lust-fogged mind knew was it gave her the anchor point she needed to keep from getting swept away.

She slowed her fingers and did her best to walk the ragged edge of orgasm, holding it back by force of will. Her breath came in ragged gasps and sweat beaded her brow from the effort. This battle was something she had no experience with. Masturbation for her had always been about bringing release as quickly as possible; something to do and get over with. Lindsey had almost considered it a chore; simply a way to relieve her sexual frustration when it became too much to bear.

She wasn't sure when the change occurred -- when the torture of holding herself on the edge of orgasm became something she began to relish, but her mind shifted gears. She found herself concentrating on the subtle cues her body was giving and using them to keep her arousal at the edge of the precipice without going over. She marveled at the control she had over what she had always considered a simple mechanical process. She now realized it was so much more, that she'd only scratched the surface of what arousal could be. Riding the edge of her orgasm, she began to see that the journey could be just as enjoyable, perhaps more so, than reaching the destination.

Evan could see the transformation come over her as she mastered her arousal. He had to admit to himself that he was impressed. Most subs required training to reach even a modicum of control. He'd fully expected her to fail. Curious as to how much control she actually had, he motioned silently to two of the cooking staff and pointed toward 57.

57 was shocked out of her deep concentration when she felt hands on her once more. Opening her eyes she saw a cook on each side of the table, one male and one female. Their hands slid over her sweat-slicked body. The woman began massaged her breasts and the man ran his hand along her inner thigh. The surprise made her stop masturbating and her embarrassment returned full force as she suddenly remembered she wasn't alone.

"I don't remember telling you to stop," Evan admonished her sternly.

57 gave a start and, before she even realized it, her hand was back between her legs, such was the effect of Evan's voice. Initially, the embarrassment from the strangers' touch her made it hard to get turned on again, but soon their attentions began to affect her. She felt gooseflesh rising on her skin as the traveling hands left trails of erotic electricity in their wake. The woman massaged her breasts and pulled on her hard nipples. Meanwhile, the man dragged his fingernails along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. The intense sensations threatened to overwhelm the tenuous control she'd achieved previously. Once more she began to moan; no longer caring about how she appeared to the onlookers. Her hand worked feverishly between her thighs. She was nearing her peak in a headlong rush and didn't think she'd be able to stop this time. Controlling her own sensations was one thing, but she had no control over the feelings these strangers were producing in her.

"Oh God!" 57 cried out, "May I please cum, Trainer? I don't think I can hold it!"

A terse, "No," was all the answer Evan gave her.

Once more 57 struggled to hold off her onrushing orgasm, and it was a near thing. She held on by her mental fingernails as waves of pleasure battered her trying to break her grip. The only clear thought in her head was her stubborn resolve to prove herself to her trainer -- only that gave her the strength to hold on. Unlike before, she couldn't simply observe her responses and adjust her pace accordingly. This was a battle of sheer will and she knew it wouldn't take much for that will to break.

As if sensing her weakness, the man grabbed her by the hair and forced her head back while the woman shoved her fingers in her open mouth. Without conscious thought, 57 found herself sucking on them. Their rough treatment of her caused a flare of lust that left her teetering precariously on the edge of climax. She knew she was losing her battle for control.

"Please!" 57 gasped around the woman's fingers. "May I cum, Trainer? I need it so bad! PLEASE!" She knew she was starting to babble but couldn't help herself. The need was too overpowering.

Master Evan paused to consider. Despite some defiance, 57 had willingly submitted to punishment. Furthermore, she'd demonstrated a level of control that was surprising in someone who was completely untrained. Evan was not impressed easily, but his new trainee had done that. He'd been able to push her much further than expected. He decided to take pity on her... just this once.

"Yes 57, you may cum," he told her.

"Thank you, Trainer!" 57 nearly screamed out, managing to surprise Evan once again with her unsolicited expression of gratitude.

57 released her control and abandoned herself to her onrushing climax. Nothing existed in her world at that moment but lust, erotic sensation and overwhelming need. For a timeless space, she clung to the precipice in fear of the intensity she knew she was about to experience. Then she let herself fall into the maelstrom. Her muscles locked and her breath was forced from her lungs as she convulsed from the waves of pleasure that washed over her. As the orgasm took her, the woman who had been massaging her breasts leaned over, took her nipple between her teeth and bit down. 57's overloaded brain was unable to process that bite as pain, only raw stimulation. That raw sensation only served to redouble the effect of her orgasm. Already the most intense of her life, this pushed it to unimaginable heights. 57 screamed and shuddered. A small, detached part of her mind thought again of a tsunami and how apt that analogy was. She felt like a floating bit of jetsam helplessly tossed about in a raging torrent. Time lost its meaning. It seemed like her orgasm would never end. What finally ended it was that she passed out -- the sensations were simply beyond the ability of her inexperienced brain to cope.


A soft sound halfway between a whimper and a moan passed 57's lips as her awareness slowly returned. As she opened her eyes and started to move her head, her stomach did flip-flops and she had to fight back nausea. With a groan, she laid her head back down and closed her eyes to keep the room from spinning.

Evan placed a cool hand on her forehead and told her gently, "Take some time and recover, 57. I know that was an intense experience for you. We can get you up when you're ready."

She jumped a bit, not having realized that someone was standing close to her. She turned her head toward the sound of Master Evan's voice and peered at him between slitted eyelids. "So...what happened exactly?" Her voice sounded scratchy and hoarse from her earlier, ragged scream.

"Remember how I told you that your new body is like a race car that you had no experience driving?" Evan asked. "You've now seen an example of what I meant. This body is capable of producing much stronger sensations than you're used to dealing with and you were overwhelmed. Don't worry, you'll adjust. It just takes time and practice."

"A race car huh..." 57 quirked her full lips in a wry grin for a moment before her eyebrows knitted in thought. "Will it always be so exhausting?" she asked. She drew her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on it a bit as she concentrated on what Evan had said. Yes, he had said it would take some time to get used to, but what had happened was totally beyond her experience with anything sexual. As Lindsey, sex had never caused her to break a sweat, never made her tremble, and most definitely had never made her make noises, let alone scream. She found that in this also, she lacked a real frame of reference. As she thought back on what had just occurred, a warm flush spread through her body once more.