'57' Ch. 04


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57 closed her eyes and sighed softly. She could tell that this wasn't the first time Fina had played with nipples. Finally she managed to say, "I'd love to see your playroom and have you explain or even demonstrate the things you have in there. But first... Fina... can I kiss you? Please? Lindsey's voice in my head is arguing at me, but I want it nevertheless."

A spark of intense lust bloomed in Serafina, hardening her nipples, dilating her pupils. Her nostrils flared a bit as her breathing picked up in pace and, while she was accustomed to others wanting her, the naked desire in the slave's eyes nearly undid her. Wanting to see what the girl would do on her own, she merely nodded her assent and watched.

At Fina's nod, 57 leaned down and tentatively brushed her lips against hers. That light touch was electric. Fina's were so soft, not like a man's at all and kissing them seemed to awaken something deep inside her. Surrendering herself to the feeling, she pressed harder, lust igniting like a fire within her. Her hand came up to cradle Fina's face and she moaned into her mouth.

Fina moved her lips in response to 57's tender assault, letting her lead at her own pace. She moved her hands to cradle the woman's small hips and urge her closer, wanting to feel the heat coming from 57's naked body against her own. She had an almost desperate and crazy urge to take over the kiss, to guide it where she wanted it go, but she knew that letting 57 have control in this situation was what she needed right now.

Only in her deepest, secret fantasies had 57 (or Lindsey actually) ever imagined doing what she was doing now. It was as if a door had opened to a whole new side of her that she never knew existed. She opened her mouth and prodded Fina's lips with her tongue and she responded by opening hers too. Slipping her tongue inside, she shivered at the sensation. She'd never done this before with anyone, male or female. Lindsey had been taught it was something only "sluts" did, but she found that she liked it – a lot. Her free hand traveled down and she brushed her fingertips across Fina's breast, the skin feeling smooth and warm under her touch, and the woman responded by pressing herself forward, seeking more.

"57," Fina murmured between kisses before finally pulling back to take a breather, "I know you have not really had any experience with a woman's body. I want you to use me to learn. I'm going to lie back and let you do as you like. You may touch me anywhere and in any way you desire. You can even be a bit rough," Fina smiled as she continued, "You know I am no delicate flower. Right now, I am yours to do with as you please. There is no hurry. We have the whole night." With that, she laid back on the cushions, closed her eyes, spread her arms to her sides, and parted her legs, giving 57 free access to her body.

57 gazed at the beautiful, naked body of her friend, but hesitated for a moment, undecided how to proceed. She'd always been one to do as she was told, both in this current incarnation and as Lindsey. Taking the initiative like this was foreign to her.

Sensing 57's indecision, Fina said calmingly, "Mia amore, just relax and do what comes naturally. There is no right or wrong in this room. There is simply you..." she paused to reach out and gently take the nervous woman's hand, "and me," she continued as she placed it softly on the smooth, olive skin of her breast.

Feeling Fina's breast in her hand, 57 felt many thoughts whirl in her head... most that Lindsay would not have approved of.She is mine tonight...was foremost among them. She'd never had someone just lay back and let her explore them. Where should she begin? Taking a deep breath, she began to massage the breast as her other hand reached out so she could hold both. As her palms rubbed against each nipple, she could feel them harden. Knowing FIna was aroused helped 57 slowly gain confidence.

"Mmmmm," Serafina cooed, "Your hands feel delicious on my skin. See how my nipples respond? See the gooseflesh? That is what it means to turn someone on, 57. Learn these signals well, for that is knowledge will be critical in your future endeavors. I can tell you are starting to relax. Just know that I'm loving what you're doing to me and I hope you're enjoying this as much as I."

As 57's fingers began to rub Fina's skin with more authority, she began to realize how truly turned on she was, but this arousal felt different than what she'd experienced before. It was as though her body yearned for Fina's touch but, in a way, she didn't want it yet. 57 wanted to make sure Fina got her pleasure first. She leaned down slowly, her mouth approaching her friend's hardened nipples. Parting her lips slightly, she wrapped them around a stiff bud. Unsure how to exactly to pleasure a woman this way, as she'd never done it before, she let her instincts take over. She began to suckle on the hardening nipple, while intermittently letting her tongue snake out to bat the erect bit of flesh back and forth.

Fina's breath caught as 57's lips encircled her sensitive flesh.A woman is so different from a man,she thought to herself.So gentle, so smooth.Thinking about that smoothness, her hand wandered to 57's back and stroked the warm skin there, tracing circles with her fingertips.

Feeling Fina's hand against her body made 57 shiver. She didn't want to remove Fina's hand, but she wanted to get into a better position. Reaching behind her, she took Fina's hand in hers and brought it to her lips, showing her appreciation before setting it back down on the bed. Then on her knees, she positioned herself between the beautiful woman's legs. Once situated, the first thing she did was go back to suckling on her breasts, letting her own hard nipples rub against Fina's stomach. She wanted to make sure every part of this woman was equally pleasured. Hearing the soft sighs coming from Fina motivated 57 to do even more and she reached down to place her hands on the soft skin of FIna's inner thighs.

Fina purred softly to herself at the attention she was receiving. As a submissive, she was used to serving others, not being served herself. She was enjoying this opportunity immensely. 57's lips and tongue were doing marvelous things to her breasts and as she felt the woman's hands move lower, she couldn't help but spread her legs wider in response, inviting her to do more.

Noticing the invitation Fina gave her, 57 looked up at her. Her eyes were almost closed but opened just enough for 57 to see her dark pupils shine through. She could smell Fina's heady scent as her legs were spread. Though there was still an aroma of sex and sweat from their session with Master Evan, there was also the scent of fresher arousal. 57 nostrils dilated from the deliciously musky odor and she breathed deep. As though her hands had a mind of their own, they inched their way closer and closer to the woman's sex. One hand crept up and combed through the neatly trimmed hair of Fina's landing strip before moving lower again. As her fingers inched closer to the slit, 57 stopped sucking Fina's breasts and she slid her body lower, finally looking down to see the dampness of the pussy inches from her face. Without thinking, she licked her lips. Then, her submissive side kicked back in, and she looked up to Fina to ask for permission.

Feeling 57 pause, Fina opened her eyes and said, "Do what you want, my love. As I said before, I am yours to explore however you wish. You do not need to ask my permission. Simply do."

Shyly, 57 said, "I'm sorry. It's taking some getting used to... Being in control is... different. It's like I want to do everything possible to you and I want to pleasure you, but..." It was obvious that 57 was struggling to find the words to describe her thoughts... Just as Master Evan had pointed out to her many times. She began again, "But pleasure you in a way that will pleasure me... I'm sorry. I'm not making any sense. I'll just shut up and do my job."

Taking 57's chin in her hands, Fina made her look up at her. Meeting her blue eyes with her own brown ones, Fina could see the struggle 57 was having. Being submissive herself, Fina had a good idea of what she was feeling. 57 wanted to take control, but the submissive personality took over the moment she did...The need to ask permission, to make sure this was exactly what the other person wanted, to do everything perfectly and make her Master proud. Fina smiled at the innocent woman before her, "Turn it off."

"Turn what off...?"

"The need to submit... I understand what is going through your head. I have been there myself. The thing you need to do, at this moment, is realize that we are simply two woman making love. We are not a Dom and a sub. There is no Master or Mistress. This is not ajobfor you to do. We are two women of equal status pleasuring each other and, right now, you are pleasing me first."

"Thank you. That helps," 57 said and smiled up at her.

"Good, because my body is aching for your touch."

Looking back down at the pussy in front of her, 57 still wasn't quite sure where to begin. With both hands, she gently parted the outer lips. Never having really seen a woman's sex before up close, she took the time to examine it.

"Would you like me to give you an anatomy lesson, 57?" Fina asked her.

Embarrassed, she nodded. "I know the basic layout... The opening is the vagina... " her thumb then reached to the hard nub that stood out straight between the lips, "and this is the.... clit, right? It's the part that feels good when you rub it .... but yes, I'd like to know more. Please."

"OK, we will start with the basics. There are two sets of lips as you can see. They are called the labia majora, the outer ones, and the labia minora. Those are the inner ones. They are actually quite sensitive in their own right but many people ignore them and rush on to other things. This can be a mistake as there is much pleasure to be given through them if you take the time. Go ahead and run your fingers along them."

Slowly, 57 traced her fingers along the outer lips. She ran them up and down their length and then parted them as she had before, but this time, she used her fingers to rub and gently pull on the inner lips too. She was amazed at the intricate details of a woman's pussy. She began to realize that, while both she and Fina had the same basic parts, the details were different. While her own pussy was fairly tidy with the inner lips normally hidden, Fina's inner lips protruded a bit from hers and their edges were tinged with a darker brown than the normal warm olive of her skin. 57 found she liked that. It made her think of layers that she could peel away to find the treasure buried beneath.

"Yes 57, that feels very nice. You will notice that as you stroke them that they turn darker and enlarge, just as a penis does. This is a sign to look for in a woman to know she is becoming aroused. Now if you slide your finger upward between the inner lips you will see they attach to that little nub we were talking about before. That is called the clitoris and it is the main point of arousal for most women. Think of it as a small cock, because that's basically what it is, except it is more sensitive than any man's. Women are lucky in this. Stroke it and see how it reacts."

57 used her left hand's middle and index finger to hold apart the lips in a V shape to reveal Fina's clit and examined it closely. It was a hard and throbbing ruddy pink. She noticed it did have a little head on it just like a cock. With her free hand, she gently placed her index finger on it, and felt it twitch in response. She let her finger rest there, and felt it throb with each beat of Fina's heart. Feeling proud that she was getting such reactions, she wanted more. Remembering how much Fina had enjoyed it when she'd sucked on her clitoris with Master Evan, 57 inched her face closer. As she did, a rush of delicious smells entered her noise. It was sweet, musky... and it made her mouth water. Sticking her tongue out, she gave the hard nub a flick. Feeling Fina jerk and then moan softly in response, she did it again.

"Ohhh!" Fina purred, "You are a very quick learner, 57. Something else you should know about the clitoris, or 'clit' for short, is that there is more there than meets the eye." Fina reached down and spread her lips with both hands and pulled back the hood so 57 could see her clit better. There's also a shaft just like a cock but it's buried behind the head, but you can still manipulate it for extra stimulation. Go ahead and give it a try. Pinch the tissue just behind the head and rub it up and down like you were rubbing the shaft of a tiny cock. You will be able to feel it in with your fingers."

Doing as Fina described, 57 began to rub the tissue that was exposed when Fina pulled back the hood. It was soft, just like the rest of Fina. Taking it to the next level, 57 used two fingers to pinch it behind the head. Enjoying the response she was getting from Fina, she began to tighten her grip. Having Fina pull the hood back for her allowed 57 to get a look at the marvel in front of her.It's so... beautiful. Why couldn't Lindsey's husband have taken the time to do something like this... I could get lost in here for days...Her mouth began to water the longer she looked at Fina's sex. Keeping her hold on the buried part of her clit, she leaned in slowly and flicked her tongue across the head once again.

"Mmmm, that is quite nicemia amore," Fina said softly, "You may want to be gentler with your fingers on some women, though what you're doing is fine for me. If you keep doing that, though, I may get distracted from your lesson. So, for now, let us move on. You can see the opening of my vagina lower down between my lips, yes?"

"Yes," 57 said as she looked at the opening, "but what is this smaller hole above it?"

"That is the opening of my urethra, where my pee comes from, my dear. There are techniques that can be used to stimulate this area either pleasurably or painfully, things such assounding, for example, but that is a more advanced lesson for another day. We will bypass that for the moment if that is OK with you."

"Yes," 57 said as she reminded herself to ask Trainer about "sounding" when she had the chance. She released Fina's clit and moved her fingers lower to bracket her vaginal opening. With Fina's lips spread, it gaped open just enough for 57 to get a peek inside, although all she could see was darkness and the hint of wet reflections.

"Go ahead and slip a finger inside. Go slow and tell me what you feel."

Extending her index finger, 57 slid it inside of Fina. Given the amount of wetness Fina produced, her finger slipped in with ease. "It is very wet in there... and warm. Much more than I would have expected."

"The wetness is because you have excited me, 57," Fina said as she squeezed her muscles and trapped 57's finger inside of her.

57 gave a yelp of surprise at how tightly Fina's vaginal muscles gripped her. Feeling Fina around her finger made 57 wonder what it would feel like to have this tightness around a cock. Her memory flashed to the night before when her own pussy had captured Maestro's cock in such a grip. The recollection of the man also triggered the feeling of distaste she felt for him and she shook her head to dispel those thoughts. Serafina wasnothinglike him. She wiggled her finger inside to feel the texture of the tunnel. Wanting to feel more, 57's middle finger slipped in beside the other. She felt around before bringing her fingers back toward the entrance again. As she did, 57 noticed a patch with a different, almost corrugated texture. She rubbed the spot and realized it was causing Fina to react even more. "Do you like when I do this?" 57 asked as she continued to stroke that spot.

Fina had grunted when 57 had first put pressure on that area and she enjoyed the wave of pleasure that the stimulation gave her. "You are very observant, 57. You have found my G-spot. It is an extra sensitive area that many women have inside their vaginas. If you continue to rub, it can make many women orgasm. It is even more pleasurable when combined with clitoral stimulation."

Thinking about what Fina said, 57 continued to rub against her G-spot as her thumb reached up to her clitoris. As she began to massage it in a slow circular motion, the increased stimulation caused Fina's hands spasmodically reach out and grab the sheets in a tight grip. Using her left hand, 57 replaced Fina's to keep her hood pulled back as her right continued to work on giving Fina as much pleasure as she could. Her fingers began to pump in and out of her vagina and drag across her G-spot on each outstroke. Wanting to give her even more stimulation, 57 slipped her ring finger in too. She smiled to herself has she felt the opening stretch to accommodate the extra digit. Not to wanting to neglect the clit, 57 leaned forward, wrapped her lips around it, and sucked, not simply flicking it with her tongue as she had before.

"I see... you have... found how stretchy vaginas are," Fina panted through the increasing arousal 57's actions were causing. "You may put more in if you desire. I have had quite large things put inside me in the past."

"Like what?" 57 paused and asked curiously.How much could really fit in this small opening?

"I have had very large toys inserted into me during play and also whole hands. Is that something you would like to try?"

Nodding, 57 asked, "Could I do that right now? I won't hurt you will I?"

"Yes, go ahead. I find the sensation of being stretched very pleasurable. Just go slowly at first."

Gently, 57 slipped her pinky into join her other fingers. She pushed forward and her palm slid in to the thumb. Fina shivered and moaned in response. Staring fascinated at her hand, 57 slowly rotated it clockwise and counter-clockwise, feeling the canal relax and stretch to accommodate her.

After a few minutes of this, she was ready to take it to the next level. Pulling out slightly, she folded her thumb against her palm and pushed back in. Her hand sunk farther and farther until she reached the joint where her thumb joined her hand. The opening resisted for a moment before Fina took a deep breath, blew it out and relaxed. She then reached down, grabbed 57's wrist and pushed. The edge of Fina's opening slowly slipped over the obstruction and 57's entire hand finally popped inside.

"Wow," she whispered under her breath as she saw her hand disappear entirely inside her friend's vagina. Once there, she tried wiggling it and then moving her hand in and out, slowly at first but picking up speed as she saw that she wasn't hurting Fina. On the instroke, she sunk her hand in to the wrist and, on the outstroke pulled out until just before the point where she had been stuck before.

Serafina was in heaven. She could feel an orgasm approaching and she could tell it was going to be a big one. 57 awoke in her an almost animalistic lust and she was finding it a bit hard to go slow and let her take things at her own pace, though she knew that was what the woman needed. "Dio!" she groaned, "You are going to make me cum. Do not stop!"

Hearing Fina say she was about to cum made 57 feel a warm glow. She was accomplishing something she'd never thought would happen; she was going to make a woman orgasm all on her own. Feeling energized at this revelation, she picked up the pace of her fucking. With thumb of her left hand, 57 reached out to rub Fina's clit hard and fast as she raised her eyes to watch the shuddering woman's approaching climax.

Serafina's hips came off the cushion and her mouth opened in a silent scream. Her muscles clamped down hard on 57's invading hand as she tipped over into orgasm, her body quivering and shaking as wave upon wave of pleasure crashed over her. The near-seizure lasted for nearly a minute before she collapsed back onto the cushion and sighed, "Thank you for that, my dear. You have made me a very happy, very satisfied instructor."