8 Days: Day 8+ - FTDS


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An hour later, Jenna was gone, and Lacey was on her hands and knees. Damn, there was no two ways about it. She had the perfect ass. All I could do was sit there, caressing it, fondling, kissing. I nibbled her cheeks, took them in my hands, squeezing, feeling the firm resistance.

Bad thoughts flitted through my mind, momentarily. Why all the drama for such a simple, loving act? Instead of trying to make a deal, trading her ass for a week of freedom, why couldn't she have been honest? Come to me, told me her fears, her issues. We were still single, if she wanted to try someone new, one last time, we could have talked it out, maybe come to an agreement.

I shook my head, banishing the distracting, and focused on those twin perfect globes. I could sense she was upset, I'm sure many of the same thoughts were bouncing through her mind. What if we had done this, the night of her bachelorette party, instead of playing stupid games.

"Shhh," I soothed her, running my hands across her pristine flesh. "I love you Lacey."

She was shaking, and I could see she was on the verge of losing it. "It should have been yours, Damon. You should have been first. I'm sorry."

Lacey was in no shape to continue, as badly as I wanted to. I gave one last peek at her glistening pucker, where she'd prepared herself for me. I pulled her down to her side, cuddling, spooning. I dragged the covers over us, and showered her neck and shoulders with little kisses.

"What happens now, Damon?" she whispered.

"Me move forward. Rebuild our friendship, take a step back from all the drama. We see what we can do about our friends. We take it a day at a time for a while. Life goes on, Lacey. I don't want it to be without you in my life."

~ * ~ * ~

I woke with a hardon, the smell of Lacey filling my head. Her rear was pressed against me, my hand on her perfect breast. The dawn light was streaming in the window, when I reached down and started rubbing my cock between her legs. She purred sweetly, lifting a leg, and I eased the head into her warm pussy. We both adjusted a little, until we had the fit all worked out, and I pumped her easily.

"G'morning," she sighed.

"Morning, beautiful."

She sighed, pushing back against me, and I closed my eyes, enjoyed being inside of her. I was half out of it, when she reached between her legs, pulled me out of her pussy, and directed the head of my cock backward just a little. I didn't say anything, accepting her gift. It took a couple of tries, but I felt myself entering her ass, slowly, feeling a lot of resistance. She moaned softly, as I entered her a fraction at a time. Lacey curled her legs forward, tightening around my cock. I leaned away from her, holding her hip, and kept the forward momentum going, pushing a bit firmer, feeling her opening up, stroking into her, until my hips met her firm ass cheeks.

It wasn't smooth going, and I felt her skin catch a couple of times, and she'd jerk away from me a bit, before forcing herself to relax, and press back against me.

I didn't want it to be uncomfortable for her. I drew back out, kissing her hip, then climbed over her to get the lube. I lathered up my cock, kneeling behind her, loving the lines of her body, her hips laying sideways, her shoulders turned slightly downward, her legs bent, the top one slightly over the bottom. I eased my lubed up fingers into her, stretching her out a bit, playfully teasing her backdoor. My cock was achingly hard, and I pressed the head against her opening, sighing as it slid in easily.

"Mmm. Much better," she assured me, grunting softly as I drove myself into her deeper and deeper. I pulled her bottom leg down, straddled it, and started fucking her. Long, slow, deep thrusts, my hands on her hip, holding her, controlling her. I saw her hand reach between her legs, and felt her fingertips brush against my shaft. I concentrated on the moment, the feeling, fighting against any distractions, any thoughts about what had happened the week before. I stared down at her breathtaking beauty, completely mine for the moment.

I was surprised at how excited I was becoming. My motion quickened, my thrusts firmer. She was moaning throatily, completely relaxed, letting me use her to my heart's content.

"Soon," I groaned, long-stroking her, filling her completely, over and over again.

"Come for me, lover. Fill my ass," she urged me.

My fingers dug into her flesh, as I slammed my cock home, exploding inside of her, feeling it throughout my body, from the base of my neck, down my spine, and through my spasming cock. Completely buried, it didn't stop me from trying to reach ever deeper, pushing forward with each new spurt, striving to connect just a hair more, before I was done, spent, satisfied. I leaned over her, twitching in the aftershocks, wrapping her up in my arms, kissing her shoulders, her neck.

I would have loved to have stayed inside her forever, but the flesh was weak, and I popped out of her. I drew her into my body, hugging her, quiet. Neither of us spoke, while I held her, letting my breath slow, my hands moving slightly, content to caress her irresistible flesh.

It should have been like this all along. If not for that stupid deal.

~ * ~ * ~

We had finished dinner and dancing, and I was chasing her into our cabin, listening to her delightful laughter, proud to be with her. Our steward had already turned down the bed, the nightly chocolate on the pillow. Her teddy had been taken from the closet and was displayed on the end of the bed. We both chuckled. It was obvious which outfit John, our cabin steward preferred. It was the third time he'd laid that one out.

Turning back to the bed, I saw her ass lifted in invitation, her dress pulled up around her waist, her hips swaying, beckoning. The inside of her thighs were wet, a combination of my teasing all night, and her choice to go out sans panties.

"Fuck me, Daddy. Punish your naughty girl," she pleaded.

I laughed, opening my pants enough to fish out my erection. "Someone's been a bad, baby girl," I teased, and thrust my cock into her hot pussy, slamming it home, making her squeal. "Bad girl. Teasing everyone, shaking those big tits, wiggling that sexy ass. Where's your panties, baby girl?"

"No panties. I have to be available to my man."

"Am I your man, Nikki?"

"As long as you'll have me, Damon. Now stop teasing me, and fuck me."

Hell, the honeymoon cruise had been paid for. I'd be a fool not to use it right? The choice was obvious.

It came down to a matter of trust. And when it was all said and done, I didn't trust any of them. Nobody except Nikki. She had been honest, on my side from the start, totally open to me, and the way she wanted me was frightening in its intensity. I knew without a doubt, she was mine, and mine alone.

Was she as beautiful as Lacey? No, to be honest she wasn't as pretty as any of them. Lacey and her crowd were all gorgeous. They were also tricky, conniving, self-centered, and used sex as a weapon. Yes, I'd forgiven Lacey, but I couldn't forget, as much as I tried.

No, Nikki wasn't in their league, beauty wise. To use Stacy's analogy, where Lacey was a 10, physically, and a 6 as a person, Nikki's body was a 7, maybe an 8, housing a 10 personality.

And in bed? Off the charts.

The week long Caribbean cruise was our chance to see how we connected outside of the bed. I'd always liked her, and the more time I spent with her, the more amazed I was. She was still a year away from finishing her degree, but she had goals, dreams, ambitions. Unlike Lacey, whose primary ambition seemed to be find the right man to settle down with and enjoy life.

Did I love Nikki? It was too soon to tell. I loved being with her, and the sex was absolutely mind-blowing. I don't know if I loved her, but I was damned sure willing to give it a try.

I know everyone else was surprised when I took her with me on the cruise. That included Jenna, who had started hinting it would be shame to waste it, since it was paid for. I'm certain I would have had a great time with Jenna. Equally certain it would have been incredible to take Lacey with me and explore some more fantasies. Neither of which was going to happen. Too much, too soon, after the disaster of the week before.

I fucked Nikki in a frenzy, pounding a quick one into her. She came for me quickly, as she always seemed to. I kissed her bottom, and tugged her dress into place. "They're going to be looking for us."

She giggled, wiggling her dress into place, and checking her hair in the mirror. "Happier now?"


"Mmm. That was just an appetizer. We don't have to meet them, you know."

"An hour. Free champagne and caviar? Don't you want to give it a try?"

"As long as you're with me, I'll give anything a try. Even stinky fish eggs."

"Keep the teasing to a minimum. You had those men tenting their pants every time they came back off the dance floor."

"Like those women weren't all over you? 'Oh, Damon!' she purred, rubbing against me, like our new friends had.


"Always. I know it's just for fun. And I get to reap the rewards, you nasty horndog."

I pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply. "Sexiest girl on the ship," I told her.

She blushed. "I'm glad you think so. I love you, Damon."

I imagined she was eagerly waiting a statement in kind. It was too early yet. I loved being with her, and loved the sex. In time, I believed it was likely I'd feel comfortable, echoing her sentiments. But for now, it was time to explore our compatibility. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was currently running around 11. I felt good about our chances.

I was moving on.


I was laying in bed, exhausted. Completely and utterly wiped out. I kissed the top of Nikki's head where it rested on my chest. "One week to go. I hope you don't have any special 'deals' you plan to spring on me," I teased.

The hand slapping my chest landed with a sharp crack. "Don't be an asshole, fuckwad. You know you never had it so good."

"Leave him alone, Jenna," Nikki giggled. "As a matter of fact I do have a deal for him."

"No fucking way, Nikki!" my BFF snapped. "Don't even start!"

I hugged Jenna close, my hand settling over her naked ass, giving it a squeeze. "Hush, trouble." I turned to Nikki. "What kind of deal?"

"I know I said this would be our last time playing with Jenna. We've talked about fidelity, and what it means to us. You know I'd never cheat on you, don't you?"

"As surely as I know anything."

"You would never cheat on me, right?"

"Of course not. Why would I? I love you, Nikki. Everything about you. Not to mention, making love to you is the best there ever was."

She giggled. "I know. I never, ever expected it to be like it is with you." She kissed my chest, her hand gliding down my body. "I want us to keep Jenna."

"We talked about this," I reminded her.

"I know. But she's different. Nobody else, ever. Just Jenna." She crawled up and kissed me. "We both love her to death. Best friend to both of us. She's been with us from the very first."

Jenna had gotten quiet. "No, Nikki. We had our fun. It's incredible, and I love being with you guys, but now you're going to be married. It's time for me to bow out. We'll always be best friends. Just no more fuck-buddies."

Nikki pouted. "I know we're all trying to do what's right. But I think it's silly. We love being together. All three of us. Damon and I both know how you feel about us. You'd never steal him from me, or me from him. I don't want you to live with us, or make any kind of weird poly household. But anytime we feel like extending an evening of fun into the bedroom, I don't want to feel weird about it. Let's not count it out. That's all."

I hugged Jenna closer. It had taken several months before she and I were back to ourselves, the rift between us healed. She was still my Jenna, my best friend, outside of Nikki. We spent more time than ever together, and at least one night a week, she'd spend the night. I noticed that her dating had curtailed off a lot in the last year.

"What do you think, honestly, Jenna-bear? In your heart, what do you want?"

She was quiet. "I don't want to mess things up for you," she whispered. "I love you both too much."

"What part of best-friends forever don't you understand?" I teased. I pulled her close, and laughed at her squealing, as I rolled with her, placing her between Nikki and I. "She's yours, Nikki. As long as you want to include her. Nobody else, you understand?"

She giggled. "Of course not, silly." She had her arms wrapped around Jenna, hugging her, kissing her. "There would be no us, if not for her, remember?"

I kissed my fiancée, our mouths only inches away from our best-friend's. It became a three way kiss, and I felt Nikki's hand next to mine, between Jenna's legs.

"Remember Valentine's day?" Nikki whispered. I felt Jenna tremble, and a little whimper escaped her lips, as Nikki's finger joined mine inside of our friend. "I want to do it again."

"Get the handcuffs." I guess I wasn't as exhausted as I thought.

~ * ~ * ~

It was her wedding day. She'd struggled to lose the 20 lbs to fit into her dress. We'd worked outt together, and I was feeling better about myself as well, having lost two belt notches of my own.

I saw her walking down the aisle. It was her day, and she was gorgeous. The prettiest girl in the building, with a lot of competition. I looked across the way, and saw Jenna, Nikki's maid of honor, smiling at me. She gave me a wink. Lacey was standing just beyond her, as gorgeous as ever, even in that ridiculous bridesmaid dress.

I smiled as my eyes swept over my ex-fiancée's swollen belly. Cale had been relentless, going after her once given the chance. When she'd found out his response to the asshole stripper's treatment of her, she'd given him an opportunity, and within the year, I was at the altar with him, watching Lacey walk down the aisle, standing one position over from where I'd thought I'd have been, when she made that walk.

The ninth day of our deal, had been the last time I'd been with her. Our wedding day. I still cared for her, maybe even loved her a little. We'd had our chance, and muffed it. I wasn't complaining. I landed on both feet.

Nikki's father escorted her the last few feet, lifted her veil, and kissed her on the cheek. Nikki and I locked eyes, and I smiled. It had been slow getting here, I'd been nervous, cautious, burnt once. But there's something about the love of a good woman.

It had been 8 days of heaven and hell. Eight days that destroyed a relationship, and brought my soul-mate into my life. The only person I'd ever felt as close to as my friend Jenna, someone I could trust with my life. The woman I loved with all my heart, and would gladly spend the rest of my life with. The girl that made me deliriously happy.

I wouldn't recommend my path to happiness to anyone else, but it worked for me. And I guess it worked for Lacey, although at the time she seemed like she'd never get over it. It's a strange thing, we're all friends now, Lacey and Jenna nearly as close as Jenna and Nikki. Almost, but she doesn't get to play with us, and I don't regret it. Not for a moment. I have great memories, and that's enough for me.

"I do," Nikki said, gazing lovingly into my eyes. That look she reserved only for me.

"And do you..." I didn't hear the words. All I was aware of was the promise in her eyes. A promise of a lifetime of happiness. She gave my hand a squeeze, and mouthed 'I do'.

"I do!" I said, realizing they were waiting for me.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

I pulled my love into my arms, and kissed her deeply, ignoring the clapping and whistles. I hugged her. "I'm not wearing panties," she whispered in my ear.

Any question why I love this girl?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I couldn't do it. I wanted to burn Lacey, when I first read the story, but I just couldn't do it, once the characters played themselves out. I went with the 'everyone lives happily ever after'. Sue me.

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

I was expecting A LOT more from the surveillance tapes than just the dud that Jenna paid the stripper, because it literally changed nothing. It didn't change anything about Lacey's behavior pre or post the bachelor party, or the comments she made in the heat of the moment, or afterwards and it didn't even really change anything about Jenna because it was already known that they were not going to end up together because they talked about it. In fact, it was a complete dud and even the confrontation with the stripper (Brad?) was an empty balloon - it revealed no new information. In fact, it was such a let down that I just threw my hands up in the air and went, "What?! This is it?!"


I stick by my original comment, this story was about 6 chapters too long.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader4 months ago

for someone who puts a disclaimer about no wimpy simp shit.. after reading 5 different stories.. I find that disclaimer hileriously wrong.. most of these male characters are emotional wimps.. if not simps with all their talk of love.. despite being wronged.. they all have low self worth, and put their woman above themselves.. sure they find a back bone.. but its treated as a special effect.. cgi.. with out much substance.. at the end of the day, a man who relys on his feelings, will find that they make him blind, deaf and dumb.. to reality. and that what male characters portray.. repetitively.

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos10 months ago

Other than Jenny saying he wasn't worthy on page 2...and telling him she wouldn't tell him anything the rest of the night...like uncalled for, and the insults. But that aside, I rather liked her towards the end after getting everything out there.

I am rat her ecstatic that he ended up with Nikki. She was easily the most likable character and she was so damn sweet <3 Jenna didn't deserve the olive branch at the end, but Nikki is just too good to be true and so everyone ended up happy :3

Darkshooter213Darkshooter21312 months ago

GREAT JOB! I like the way that you made all the characters 3 dimensional. Every character had a flaw that closely mirrors real life. PEOPLE ARE MESSY! and how you protracted they was real and engaging. By the time you got to the end of act two, I was guessing how the story would end. And to have a B character marry the protagonist. JEFF'S KISS! Very good story telling.

Thank you!

SunnyU2SunnyU2about 1 year ago

terrible ending. Nikki was barely in the story.

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