911, What is Your Emergency?


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The prosecuting attorney said, "Mr. Anderson, please tell us who you are and why you're here today."

"I'm Reece Anderson. I'm an EMT for the city of Seattle and I'm here as a witness for the defendant."

Abby's heart fluttered when he glanced over at her. She saw the faintest of smiles and the slightest of nods as their eyes met. Abby was wearing a dark blue dress with a single strand of pearls and very little makeup. Her hair was worn up giving her a look of elegance without being pretentious.

"So tell us how you know the defendant, Mr. Anderson," the assistant DA said.

"Well, I wasn't sure I even knew her until her attorney came to see me. When he told me she'd been a nurse at Seattle Memorial when I was 12 years old, I remembered her."

"What it is it you remember about her, Mr. Anderson?"

"I was sick. Really sick. My kidneys had both failed and I'd been the transplant list for two years when I got so bad I had to be hospitalized. That woman..." he pointed to Abby, "was my angel."

"Angel? That's a bit hyperbolic, isn't it, Mr. Anderson? What exactly to you mean by 'angel.'"

"I was so sick and always so tired. I felt helpless and hopeless. My dad had died when I was young and my mom worked two jobs to support us. Our insurance had paid all it could pay and the bills were mounting up. My mom was there as often as she could but Nurse Kennedy...er, Wilson I believe it is now...was always there for me. I can't remember a time when she wasn't. She held my hand, she read to me, she encouraged me. She did all the things a nurse does but she was well...more than just a nurse. She was like a kind of substitute mom or something."

He cast a glance back over at Abby and noticed a tear falling from her eye. He offered another faint smile then looked back at the prosecutor.

"So she's a nice person. Is that your testimony, Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes. No. I mean, she's not just a nice person. Or at least when I knew her. She was so much more than that. She was caring, compassionate, and...loving. I can't say whether or not her care helped me physically, but I know for sure it made a huge difference in my attitude. I've wanted to thank her a thousand times, but for a thousand different reasons I never took the time. This is my way of doing that." Reece turned to Abby and said out loud, "Thank you. You saved my life."

Abby smiled through the tears welling up in her eyes and nodded as she mouthed the words, "You're welcome."

Saul had very little to ask as Reece's testimony had spoken for itself. In his closing arguments he emphasized how all of the people who had testified spoke to what a wonderful, caring, helpful person Abby Kennedy-Wilson was. He reminded the court this was her first and only offense and pleaded with the judge to consider probation only.

The prosecution countered with the facts. "First offense? I'm sure the victim's family would disagree. This woman killed a man's wife, two children's mother, a daughter, a sister and all because she willingly CHOSE to drive while under the influence. Your honor, the state requests three years in a woman's correctional facility as this woman's character and past performance are irrelevant to the crime."

The judge said he would return with this verdict. Two hours later, the court reconvened.

"Ms. Kennedy-Wilson?"

Abby stood. "Yes, your honor?"

"My understanding is your husband is in prison and that you have no family and no home. Is that correct?"

"Yes, your honor. I planned to file for divorce but now, without a job..."

The judge stopped her. "That's not my primary concern. The issue is you have no place to live and no one to care for you should I impose probation only."

Abby didn't speak. She continued to stand knowing she was about to be convicted and led out in handcuffs.

"Therefore, probation is not an option in your case. I'm afraid..."

"Your honor? May I speak?" a male voice from the back of the courtroom asked.

"Mr...Anderson, is it?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Young man, I'm about to impose sentence. The time for testimony is closed. Please be seated."

Reece fidgeted nervously then said, "Your honor. Please forgive me but if it will make a difference, Ms. Kennedy-Wilson can stay with me. I'll be responsible for her." He paused then remembered something he'd heard on Law and Order before adding, "If it please the court."

"Mr. Anderson," he began. "I should hold you in contempt of court. I told you to sit down. Please do so...now." Reece sat. "That said, I admire courage and it took courage to speak up. So let me ask you, do you understand what this means? If you agree to this, your home is subject to unannounced inspection which means a search of the premises. No probable cause is required so anything found may therefore be used against you in a criminal proceeding. Do you understand this?"

Reece wasn't sure if he should stand or sit. He rose slightly and said, "Yes, your honor. I don't have anything to hide."

"Do you have a firearm or weapon of any kind in your home?"

"No, your honor."

"And you're willing to accept responsibility for her room and board for the duration of the probationary period?"

Abby turned to look at her potential savior. He looked back at her before addressing the court again, "Yes I am, your honor."

"Counsel? Is this acceptable to both of you?"

Both stood and told the court they had no objections.

"Very well. Then I hereby sentence Ms. Kennedy-Wilson to time served and one year probation. Defendant is to wear an ankle monitoring device at all times and is confined to the premises, place of work, place of worship, and a one-mile radius from the residence. You are to meet with your probation officer within 48 hours and then according the schedule he or she sets. Court is dismissed."

Abby turned to Saul and hugged him. "Thank you, Saul! Thank you. Thank you so much!"

Saul released her and tilted his head toward the young man in the EMT uniform who was now standing beside them. "I believe he's the one you should be thanking."

Saul left to take care of paperwork and Abby was now standing alone in front of Reece. She was almost afraid to look him in the eyes but managed to do so. "Thank you, Mr. Anderson. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I will forever be grateful."

"You may not remember me, Nurse Kennedy, but I've never forgotten you and what you did for me eight years ago is what you did to deserve this. It's my honor to repay the favor. Shall we?" he said as he pointed toward the back of the courtroom.

"I just want you to know I don't have a car so..."

"I have one."

"Okay. But I also no longer have a job and..."

"I have one."

"Well, okay. But just so know, I'm also still legally married even though..."

"Nurse Kennedy? Are you trying to talk me out of this?" Reece smiled and said.

"No, of course not. I'm thankful beyond words. It's just that I want you to know what you're getting yourself into before you..."

"I'm not 12 years old anymore, Ms. Kennedy. So unless you have other objections you'd like to raise." He waited until Abby shook her head. "So again...shall we?" Abby had to be formally booked then immediately released after signing for her meager possessions. The last item of business was being fitted for an ankle bracelet which was attached and activated. Reece's address was entered as the center of the circle in which she was allowed free movement.

When they arrived at Reece's small apartment, he told her she could use his bedroom and that he would stay on the fold-out couch. "Oh, no. I couldn't do that. That's your bedroom Mr. Anderson. I'll be fine out here."

Reece took the small bag Abby was holding and said, "Ms. Kennedy? Or do you prefer Wilson?"

"Kennedy is fine. As soon as I have the money, I'm going to file for divorce. But I'd prefer if you called me Abby."

"Okay, I will, as long as you'll call me Reece."

"Of course. What's the second thing?"

He took her bag and asked her to come with him. "The second thing is I insist you stay in here. A woman needs her privacy and besides, I'm coming in and out at all times of the day and night. There's no reason you have to be woken up when I come in from work at some ungodly hour of the night."

He sat her bag on his bed and said, "I just need to move this little two-drawer nightstand out here so I can keep my underwear and socks and we'll be all set."

Abby felt more tears coming. Reece couldn't help but notice and said, "I'm really sorry. This is the best I can do. I know it's not much but someday I'm hoping to buy a..."

Abby's tears turned into crying. Her face screwed up horribly as she tried to talk. "I'm just so...I'm just..." She couldn't get the words out. She held her arms open which cause Reece to instinctively comfort her.

He put his arms around her and said, "Shhh. Everything's gonna be okay, Abby. We'll get through this just like we got through my troubles. I'm here for you, okay?" Reece let go of her but kept his hands on her shoulders. He was a good five inches taller than her. As he looked down at her swollen, puffy eyes, he said, "Listen. I have to go to work soon. Why don't you take a nice, long, hot shower, change into something comfortable, and get some sleep? I can't imagine you've gotten a lot of rest the last three months."

Abby was trying to stop her sniffles. Reece wiped away her tears and said, "Okay? Will you do that for me?"

Abby nodded. "It's just that, well, these are the only clothes I have other than the ones in the bag I was wearing the day of the accident."

"That's okay," Reece told her. "Give me your old address and I'll swing by and pick up a few of your things."

Abby sat down on the bed before saying, "I was evicted last month. I was given two weeks to claim them or they'd be tossed out or given away. I'm so sorry, Reece. I've made such a mess out of everything." She began to cry again as she looked away from him.

Reece sat next to her and took her hands in his. "Hey. Don't cry. I'm off tomorrow. We'll go find your things, meet with your parole officer, and start putting your life back together. When I said I'm here for you, I meant it, Abby. Just like you were there for me eight years ago."

Abby blinked away the new tears and said, "You are such an angel. You're still a bit too young to be married, but there has to be someone in your life. You're too good a person not have several girls your age chasing after you." She sat quietly for a moment then said, "Especially since you've grown up to such a handsome young man." Abby tried to smile but it was weak and small.

Reece didn't want to talk about his recent breakup with Paige Melton, his high school sweetheart. They'd dated since his senior year, but he'd had a crush on her as long as he could remember. When he found out she'd cheated on him with his best friend Pete Miller, he'd been devastated. He lost both his best friend and the love of his life at the same time. Between that and the death of his mother, Reece threw himself completely into his work which was usually just enough to keep him focused. Work allowed him to push all the hurt and pain into the background where it stayed until he came home alone to his small, quiet apartment. Having Abby here—just having someone else here—was a kind of godsend. The fact that she was such a kind and caring person made it that much better. And even though he hadn't seen her in eight years, he couldn't help but notice that underneath the tears and mess of mascara, was a woman who was still as pretty as the beautiful young nurse who'd help get him through the second worse thing in his life. Helping her was a pleasure because by doing so, he was also helping himself.

"I don't have a lot of time for dating, Abby. Work keeps me pretty busy. And just so you know, I want you here. Please don't ever think you're imposing and I want you to ask me for help whenever you need it." She was looking down into her lap as he spoke. Reece raised his hand and touched her cheek then gently lifted her chin until she looked at him. "I want to help you, Abby, and I need to know you believe me. Do you?"

Abby felt more tears well up in her eyes. Rather than speak she just nodded her head. She swallowed hard then managed to say, "I do believe you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you." She looked directly into his eyes then put her arms around him again as she began to sob uncontrollably.

Reece didn't speak or try and console her. He understood she just needed to cry. The pain and the frustration had to get out and this was the best way for that to happen. Some two full minutes passed before Abby was able to stop crying and try and control her breathing.

"Sorry," she said sincerely. "You need to get to work rather than sit here with some old woman who can't control her emotions."

Reece stood up but as her arms fell from around his shoulders he took her hands in his. "I'm just glad you feel safe enough to cry in front of me," he told her. "And for the record, you don't look like any old woman I've ever seen." He brushed away her tears one more time and Abby reached up and took his hand in hers. She kissed it and thanked him again for being so kind and understanding.

"I'm just paying it forward," Reece said. "Or perhaps the better phrase would be 'paying it back.' Either way, I'll be here for you no matter what you might need. All you have to do is ask, okay?"

Abby didn't answer and Reece knelt down next to her. "Okay?" he asked again as he squeezed her tiny hand.

"Yes. Okay," Abby said trying her best again to smile.

"That's my girl," Reece said as he returned her smile. He hesitated then said, "I'm sorry. That didn't sound right. I didn't mean you're..."

Abby managed a smile that was almost real. "I know what you meant, Reece, and I wasn't offended. I was actually flattered. Believe it or not, that's the kindest thing any man has said to me in a very, very long time."

Reece stood up then said jokingly, "Wow. Then you definitely need to get out more."

Abby stuck out her leg and showed him her ankle bracelet. "I don't think that's going to possible any time soon, but I can't argue with what you said." Reece laughed and when he did, Abby laughed as well.

He let go of her hand and said, "Okay. Time to get going. Just remember, we can see a whole lot of Seattle within a mile of this place." He winked and was happy when Abby smiled back at him. "See you tonight. Well, no, you probably won't. I get off at 2am so with any luck, you'll be sound asleep. Sweet dreams," he said.

"Bye, Reece. Be careful, okay?" He flashed a thumbs-up sign at her along with another big smile. Reece was out the door in seconds leaving Abby alone on the full-sized bed.

She sighed as she tried to process everything that had just happened. She'd avoided prison but was now on parole. She'd been saved by this handsome young prince but was essentially trapped here by the monitoring device. She had no job, no home, no money, and only the clothes on her back plus those in a very small paper bag. And yet for the first time since the accident she felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time. She felt...hope.

Abby desperately needed to wash clothes as everything she owned—both sets of clothes—were now dirty. But first, she knew Reece was right. She needed a real shower more than anything else except for maybe some real sleep. He'd been right on that accord, as well. Abby had slept with one eye open the entire time she was incarcerated. She never trusted anyone and she did her best to keep to herself and stay out of everyone's way. Especially those two big women who scared the living hell out of her. "It's over," she said to herself. "You're safe here."

With that thought, she took off her necklace, shoes, and dress, and turned on the hot water. Nothing had ever felt so good to her before! She lost track of time when she noticed the water was now only warm. She quickly shut off the valves as she wondered how long she'd been in the shower. Reece had left at about 3:45 and it was almost 5 o'clock. She must have been in there nearly an hour. The good feeling she had was immediately replaced by one of horror. "Oh, my goodness. How much water and electricity did I just waste on one shower?" She was more concerned with the impact on Reece and his budget than she was on the therapeutic effects the shower had had on her. She promised herself to be in and out in less than ten minutes each time from now on.

From now on. What did that mean? Would that be for a week? A month? The entire year? She couldn't imagine living here and sponging off of someone as nice as Reece Anderson for that long. She knew she HAD to find a job or she'd been sent to jail for violating her parole. Employment was a prerequisite to remaining free. Or at least relatively so.

The parole office was still open for another five minutes. She decided to call and make an appointment for the following day. She grabbed her cell phone and clicked the on button before she realized it no longer worked. It not only hadn't been charged in over three months, it had been disconnected for non-payment. "Great," she thought to herself. "Looks like I'll be walking there tomorrow." Then she had to ask herself how far it was from the apartment which caused her to wonder what she'd have to do if it was more than a mile away. Abby rarely ever swore but the frustration welled up inside her again. "Fuck it!" she said out loud to no one. "Fuck it all to hell."

Exhausted, she lay down on the bed just to rest her eyes. When woke up, she wasn't sure where she was and the strange noises she heard caused her to scream.

"It's okay, Abby. It's me." Reece was standing next to her.

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me. What time is it?"

"It's about 2:30am. I'm sorry to startle you but when I came in you were well, laying on the bed so I..."

Abby realized there was a blanket over her and that she'd fallen asleep completely naked. "Oh, my gosh. Reece. I'm so sorry. I took a shower and I only meant to lay down for a few minutes. I never meant for you to come in and see me like..."

"It's okay, Abby. I'm sorry if you felt embarrassed being seen like that, but I wasn't, you know, looking or anything. I just thought you'd be cold. It's the middle of winter and it's freezing outside so I tried to slip in and just cover you up. I didn't mean to scare you."

Abby was wide awake now. "No, it's my fault. I haven't slept like that since...since before the accident. This is the first time I've felt safe enough to fall soundly asleep in months." She sat up being careful to pull the blanket up around her neck. "Thank you for taking care of me. You really are my angel, Reece."

It was dark in the bedroom but there was enough light from the living room to make out the outline of each other's face. "Takes one to know one, Abby."

"I'm glad you can't see me right now," she said quietly.

"Why is that?" Reece asked.

"Because I feel like I'm going to start crying again."

Reece sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Why? Are you okay? Are you upset at me?"

Abby shook her head. "No. Of course not. I just can't get over how good you've been to me. I feel so undeserving and so..."

Reece reached up and found her face. He ran the back of his hand up and down her cheek. "In my mind, you're deserving of not only this but of so much more. I'm the one who feels so inadequate. I want to have a nicer place and better things to make you feel more at home but this little bachelor pad is all I have—for now. To me, this is home. I'm just glad you're here with me, Abby."

Abby let go of one side of the comforter and reached for Reece's hand. "Reece? Do you believe in God?"

Reece hesitated then told her, "No. Not since the death of my mom. I prayed and prayed for her to get better but she just kept getting worse until breast cancer killed her. I never really did believe but that just confirmed what I already knew: there's no one 'up there' listening. Why? Do you? It's fine with me if you do."