A BBW Cures Her Depression

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She'd given up hope but went for a walk and not her Doctor.
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Her depression had increased again and she'd thought about visiting her doctor but kept putting it off. She was in her early thirties and had only ever had two boyfriends and less than a handful of dates total. Each of the boyfriends had taken her and during the heat as each wanted she'd yielded thinking it would tie him closer to her but it hadn't. They'd only used her.

She thought of herself as fat and ugly but it wasn't true. If she could've read the minds of guys around her and guys she passed walking or driving she'd have had a far better picture of herself. It was true that she was probably fifty or more pounds over what insurance or government might have suggested but every pound was exactly where it made her most desirable. Her breasts were full with large firm nipples; her skin tone was good and her skin fair. She had a round full butt to which a huge group of guys over the years had wanted and dreamed of gaining access. Her hair, makeup and mode of dress were usually impeccable. Her primary problem was massive insecurity and shyness that kept the guys away and when coupled with her far greater ability and intelligence in everything else kept them scared away.

It was her first day off in weeks and she'd wanted something different so she walked slowly to a city park a few blocks away. It was only nine in the morning and there was nearly nobody in the park yet as she strolled. She was looking for privacy.

It was coincidence that she passed a break in the hedge and trees and explored it. There was a park bench literally hidden back and away from the rest of the park. The bench looked clean and when she looked around it seemed perfect for her mood, she walked to it and sat down.

She was in a funk and nearly ready to cry as she sat but suddenly there was a sound and she glanced around but saw nothing. Another sound but this time with no reason she searched and then glanced up. For a moment she thought about hurrying away but then she didn't.

There was a two-story apartment building behind the bench and on the second floor above her and perhaps twenty feet away was a balcony occupied by a tall dark haired guy doing something. After several minutes the guy stood and leaned his back against the railing of the balcony. He was wearing a brief pair of white boxer shorts but was otherwise naked and physically in good shape. He looked strong with tight buttocks, broad back and arms that looked quite strong. She could even see his bare feet.

She brought one leg up and laid it on the bench as she turned part way and then turned her head the remainder to watch him. She felt an urgent hunger growing and her depression receded in her mind.

The guy stood there for perhaps twenty minutes as she concentrated on his dark tan and the building sweat on his back. The sun kept him well illuminated and finally she realized he was doing a sort of sunbathing while standing. It appeared that because she was in the midst of trees and bushes and on a bench seldom found or used she was invisible to him.

Perhaps fifteen or maybe twenty minutes later the guy turned around and faced outward into the morning sun. His head was up and although he didn't have the looks of a movie star or male model he was still mildly handsome in a rough sort of manner.

She studied him now from the front unworried that he might see her because his eyes remained closed and the bright sun would make it more difficult.

As the sweat continued to build the guy reached down and rubbed himself and that was when she thought she saw it. Hanging more than an inch below his boxers was what appeared to be part of his male endowment. She'd only seen a few men naked and never anyone like this and she was about to discard the thought thinking it was just a shadow playing a trick on her personal Libido.

Suddenly his hand moved further downward and his hand surrounded then rubbed it with his thumb. It really was exactly what she'd thought it was and now she began to grow wet at the thought of experiencing him.

When his time was up he turned and strolled back through the sliding glass door into his place then the door slid partly closed before he stepped away inside. She wondered how incredible it would be to be taken by him.

She remained sitting and studying his place and immediately she seemed to know how to find the guy's apartment. Her mind jumped to a quick fantasy of her moving in next door to him but when she realized it she put it from her mind. She glanced around the small area and saw nobody before she stood and walked slowly back into the main area of the park.

She glanced back one last moment as she cleared the area but he was still nowhere to be seen, yet in her mind the size of his manhood would linger for hours.

During the walk back to her apartment her mind was still thinking of what she'd seen. She was still wondering what it would be like to be taken by a man with a body so large and strong. The thought remained with her through the walk and into her place. As she entered her bedroom on the way to the bathroom it grew too much and she paused at the side of her nightstand and removed a favorite toy from the bottom drawer.

In the bathroom it was only another moment, and she climaxed repeatedly until she felt drained. It didn't calm her mind though even as she cleaned up and returned to her kitchen. Over a cup of coffee her tongue reminded her of what she'd wondered about the taste of him.

The guy was on her mind the rest of the day and through the week until that weekend.

She again visited the small cul-de-sac in the park in the late afternoon Friday but didn't catch another glance of the guy.

Saturday morning she was at the park before seven thirty and again on the bench hoping for another view.

Just before eight she saw his glass door slide open and he tried to shield his eyes from the bright morning sun. He was dressed in the same way she'd seen him the first time but this time she could see nothing below the edge of his boxers. She was a bit disheartened as the guy got down on the floor of the balcony and began a morning exercise workout.

The floor of the balcony was only partially solid but the outer edge was ornate wrought iron such that she could get a partial glimpse of him during the workout.

He did simple but continuous calisthenics and again she could detect the power his body held as he worked.

When finished he stood again and for a moment faced into the sun and she was rewarded with an even better view of what she'd first checked. On his sweating body the boxers were clinging part way up his thigh and she had a much greater view of her desire as the sweat made the boxers almost transparent. He'd been busy until almost the same time that he'd stood on her first visit. He must have a rather fixed schedule she thought as he turned and repeated the same sunbathing ritual she'd seen before. Again she marveled at the condition of his body and without realizing it her depression hadn't returned the rest of the week.

His boxers still clung high up his thigh as he turned again to face the sun and begin his next twenty minutes. She had a good but slightly distant view of most everything he had although the covered parts still fascinated and aroused her. Several times she wished the sun would shift and let him see her studying him. Perhaps if he knew then he might approach her.

She'd always been shy especially when it came to guys and yet here she was in a city park and felt almost as if she was stalking the guy. He certainly held nearly all of her interest and yet she didn't know what to do about it. The guy didn't even know she existed. Her thoughts cycled between intense interest and intense desire. She fought the need to fondle herself in the park as she studied him and grew wetter but she had to delay until she was home.

At night she was usually home or someplace with her Mother. She'd made several lone afternoon trips to the park but he was never anywhere to be seen so she changed and devoted her visits to the mornings she wasn't working. After several weeks she'd tried waving at him to get his attention but the sun kept him blind of her. Days when she had to be at work in the mornings she ran her tongue over her lips and drank coffee hoping the caffeine might soothe and calm her interest. It didn't work.

She was back in the park on a Saturday morning again and had arrived early so that she didn't miss any of her time with him. He came out again just before eight and still in white boxers. He did his calisthenics and then stood, she thought, for the sun before she realized the morning was overcast and there was no sun. But she noticed it too late because he'd turned around facing into the park and looking around. She was afraid to move in case the movement drew his attention.

However his eyes dropped and he did see her. She wasn't certain for minutes until he smiled and waved at her. At first she thought perhaps he was waving to someone else but when she looked around there was nobody else there.

He laughed and she could almost hear it when suddenly he pointed directly at her and waved again. She caught herself with hand raised waving back at him as he returned inside.

She'd had no idea the sun wouldn't be out and so she'd worn a sleeveless sundress with spaghetti shoulder straps that showed a lot of cleavage. She'd also worn nothing beneath the dress then as she realized it she blushed and stood ready to leave the park.

On the way out she saw his apartment building and after another moment of thought she walked toward it. She glanced at the mailbox names but couldn't tell which was his because she'd never seen the second floor.

As she turned to leave she had the thought of walking upstairs to see if she could pinpoint his apartment. She was nearly certain she knew where his apartment was even if she didn't know how it was numbered.

She slowly climbed upstairs and then even more slowly she began constructing and reviewing a map in her head to find him. Somehow when she approached another door it seemed certain she was at his apartment.

And yet, she couldn't be certain until she saw him. She wanted to run before he came out the door or something and saw her. And yet she also wanted to knock, find him and somehow develop the courage to make an introduction and meet him. She also knew where her interest would be focused as soon as she saw him and it wasn't on his eyes. The fear and interest were making her wetter with every passing moment and then her hand began to move.

The knock didn't seem to be loud enough to be heard and she was about to walk quietly away when the door opened. She stood quietly looking down and aware that he was still in boxers. It looked even larger up close.

She heard him say "Yes?" and then attempted to introduce herself but before she was finished he said "Please come in. I remember you from the park and I know you've been watching me for weeks."

She didn't know what to say now and was more than amazed that he not only knew where she'd come from but also that she'd watched him so long. She'd have sworn he couldn't be aware of her.

She was blushing and still looking down but not at the floor when she heard him say "Would you like to see more and touch it?"

How had he known? Was he merely teasing? Did he want her to touch him? But just then her feet began to move and she stepped closer.

His hands were suddenly at the elastic waistband and he was sliding his boxers down.

She was mesmerized and unable to speak as the boxers fell to the floor and all of his manhood was exposed to her view. It was fully aroused and huge. Did she dare reach out? Touch it?

Instead he reached out, took her hand then led her toward the sofa where he sat down. "You may sit on the rug in front of me." he said while suddenly shifting his eyes upward to look into her face but she couldn't move her eyes to focus on his.

His hand now pulled her's downward until she had to lean over and then slowly lower herself to the floor.

"Take it in your hand." he commanded and her hand reached upward and touched it.

His hand surrounded hers and he squeezed it around him before slowly beginning to move it up and down. It was huge and warm in her hand and she silently climaxed from the touch.

"Is it what you thought it would be?" he asked and watched as she remained silent but shook her head up and down.

"You may do more." he said. "It would love to feel your kiss."

She hastily glanced up and into his eyes before she realized exactly what he'd said and what he meant and then her gaze returned to what she was holding.

It was like a powerful magnet and she felt it drawing her down and in a moment she was kissing it and then when it responded she moaned and extended her tongue.

"That's right little one." he added "Satisfy your pleasure and mine then let me feel the warmth of your mouth."

She decided he was reading her mind and yet she wasn't ashamed but instantly involved as she began to try and get her mouth around its size. It was still salty from his exercise routine on the balcony but she thought it tasted just as it should and began to work even harder as she moaned her approval.

"You have a delightful touch." he whispered and "You have the idea but no experience have you?" and she shook her head side to side.

"Take your time and I'll help you when you need it" he whispered and she did.

Minutes passed and she was much closer to her goal as she felt his huge swollen almost purple size against the entrance to her throat. She was feeling something she'd never felt before but didn't want to end. She felt the need to please him and thank him for every moment but first she had to complete this part of her assignment.

"Are you willing to do anything I want you to do?" he asked quietly.

She worked as she thought. What would he want her to do besides what she was doing? But after another thought she decided this was all better than what she'd been doing while bored at home and she didn't want it to end.

With him still in her mouth as she worked to swallow it she shook her head up and down and added "Uh-huh."

He told her now not to stop but to slide her dress off.

She kept one hand around him to focus the movements of her head and with her free hand she slipped the spaghetti straps from her shoulders and then unbuttoned the front of the sundress and began working it downward.

"Good. You're wearing nothing beneath It." he whispered and his hands began to busy themselves with both helping remove the dress and teasing her breasts. One shoulder at a time was freed as the strap slid from it

She clamored upward to place the dress beneath her and felt the cool breeze coming from the Balcony glass door. She was very careful not to lose the toy in her mouth. The cool breeze excited her further as it swept through her wetness.

He slid forward to the edge of the sofa forcing her head back a little and then he moved both hands to her head.

Perhaps she should have known what was coming but instead she thought only that he liked the feel of her hair in his hands.

Suddenly he arched his back driving it forward and used his hands to pull her head forward hard and drove into her throat.

At first it felt like something was hurt and another moment like she was going to gag but then it was over and he rested comfortably but huge in her throat. Her mind flashed to an evening as a child when she'd tried to swallow a large piece of meat from her plate without adequately chewing it. She wasn't certain she could keep it there but then she moved slightly and it seemed to become more comfortable as she closed her lips around his shaft. He too moved and eased the stretch.

He began working steadily now and praised her efforts then told her how good it was to him and what else he wanted during this session. She complied.

When finally he climaxed it was hot but eased and lubricated her throat as he filled it then pulled back and emptied once in her mouth and once over her face and naked breasts. The taste was salty to her but exactly what she'd expected and wanted. She swallowed all that she could and then he was wiping more from her face and breasts before holding his finger for her to lick it clean. They were both naked and everything was totally sensual. She leaned her cheek against his inner thigh as she recovered from the effort and just enjoyed being with him as he lay back against cushions of the sofa.

When he'd caught his breath he called to her "Come up here little one and sit on my lap."

She got to her feet, rotated to sit across his lap and then she turned her head and studied his face.

He kissed her cheek and teased her nipples gently before he spoke. "Why did you come here? Do you want it all? Do you have the time to stay with me today>?"

She wasn't quite certain how to answer because her visit seemed spontaneous but she did whisper "I want it all and I can stay."

He slid her along his leg until he could reach his manhood and pulled it up. "Is this what you want? Everyplace I can put it?"

She smiled shyly and shook her head yes again.

"You haven't experienced it where you want it yet little one. Climb up here and put it in. I'll hold off and let you work it in so that it hurts less but you let me know when you want it. Okay?" he asked.

She giggled now in happiness, climbed up and rested her one knee on his thigh. The knee didn't make him hurt at all and in only moments it was in her hands and she was beginning to work it in. It was big and stretched her yet it gave her the filling and depth she'd always wanted. A few more minutes and she begged him to give it all to her.

Even after all these weeks seeing him doing calisthenics and in his boxers with his pride huge, obvious and nearly visible she hadn't believed things like this could happen. This was bringing it real and it was all she needed except assurance later that she could return as necessary.

Riding him and it then feeling him respond and take her hips in his hands he drove upward hard before letting her drop completely around him. That first time was incredible and her mind went blank with the ecstasy before he lifted her again as if she weighed nothing. When she was high and almost free of it he was pulling her down even harder and she was worked into an almost continuous climax. Nothing could have been better she thought and opened her eyes. She leaned forward, kissed him, kept her hips moving and rotating and she hoped gave it all back.

She'd never felt anything like it and knew she could never give it up. She knew the words. He was fucking her and had a huge eager cock to do it with. His balls were large and seemed to exude interest in her. He loved her tits and loved cupping her ass in his hands. She didn't feel fat but felt smaller than she'd felt before in her life and she was being filled in the only perfect way that mattered.

Sexual intercourse is only a way of filling deep personal needs and usually socially acceptable to most people but now to her it seemed her entire life's need and he was filling that need.

After long incredible climaxes one after another she felt him respond and heard him say "It's all yours now sweetheart. Take it and then clean the mess away." He moaned loudly and released as she settled trembling against his neck.

Minutes passed and then she was scrambling down to accept and satisfy his command. It was still warm and salty as she devoted the time to begin at his tip and work steadily lower. His thighs had been held close together and she lapped like a kitten at what was trapped there until he was clean but then she moved back to his tip, swallowed him entirely and began working upward again to ensure he was clean.

He patted her head and told her she'd done well but that she had a lot to learn yet. "Enough time has passed that we may continue again. Fetch me a Coke from the refrigerator and open it for me."