A Beautiful Wish Ch. 01


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Eventually, they both realized they had stared far longer than originally intended and they both let out nervous laughs. He felt better knowing that she was just as anxious as he was.

"I'll be right back," he said playfully. He quickly dived down to her lower body and continued to fulfill his first wish. She giggled as he left.

He started with her navel and kissed softly all the way to her pelvis. She covered her mouth as she laughed. Apparently, she was very ticklish there. He filed that tidbit away for future reference. He continued down her legs, paying special attention to her inner thighs. Her skin was delightful to George, so supple and smooth. He let his lips lightly graze every inch of her thighs, then lower to her calves and feet. Her ankles, like her wrists, were tiny and delicate. His own hands seemed grossly over-sized compared to her, but it wouldn't have mattered if he was triple her size. His strength had melted away, and all he could do was caress her lightly. He decided to just do what came naturally.

What came naturally to him then was that he had to taste her. He didn't know why. It was as if years of repressed desires were coming out all at once. He wanted to make her feel good. He needed it.

Whatever the reason, he found himself face to face with her pussy. Without further hesitation, he dived in tongue first. He started from the bottom of her labia and worked the folds with his tongue. She became wetter and wetter, and he tasted her for the first time. He had been worried that this would be gross. To his surprise, she didn't taste like anything he could put his finger on. But it was pleasant enough that it quickly became a non-issue.

He let his tongue drag up her folds until he found her clit. He licked and sucked on it like his life depended on it. She gasped and moaned more loudly than ever, "Oh Master! What are you doing, Oh... please don't stop!" He was on fire. He was filled with the sudden desire to make her cum at all costs. She continued to moan and spout out encouragements. He couldn't hear her, his focus was on the task in front of him. He ceased to be himself, and became the instrument of her pleasure.

He inserted his middle finger, and she screamed. Her tight pussy grasped him firmly, sucking him in further. He rubbed inside her gently, and continued to tongue her clit. She was almost crying with pleasure.

"Master! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" she screamed. It was music to his ears. It was a victory he had given up on winning.

Suddenly, her whole body quaked and shuddered as she cried out. Her pussy gushed. Her hands gripped his hair and pushed him towards her. George lapped up as much as he could, savoring it as a moment he didn't want to forget.

Gradually, she went limp. She lay there breathlessly, mouthing incoherent words, her fingers continued to run through his hair. When he felt like it was time, George pulled away and wiped his face on a nearby sheet.

He then moved back to where he could be face to face with her again, but he wasn't prepared for what he saw. Tears were welling up and cascading down her beautiful face. Though she was quite flushed, she didn't seem to be in any pain. Nevertheless, George was worried that he had crossed a line.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "I'm sorry, that was my first time ever doing that, I didn't mean to... "

She shushed him and said, "No Master, you did not hurt me. What you did was quite wonderful." Her voice cracked noticeably.

"Then why are you crying?" he asked nervously.

"I am crying because I am so happy." A new tear wound its way down her cheek. "You see, it is not required that a Master give his genie servant so much pleasure. You could have done anything you wanted to me: negligence, humiliation, torture. You could even destroy me if that is your wish. It has been done, and is accepted. But you chose to give me a wonderful gift, and even if you never choose to do so again, I will treasure this always. Thank you so much. Master."

George was appalled, "Destroy you? I could never do something like that, even if you say I could."

"I know Master. Your thoughts are not for yourself, they are for others. And tonight they were for me, as mine are for you. I am truly grateful it was you who knew the song."

George was floored. His certainty that this was a dream was beginning to waver. He could have never come up with a dream like this in a million years. She truly believed she was his slave. He couldn't be sure if she was real or not. He figured that in case this wasn't a dream he should be the man he always wanted to be. He had always dreamed of being the noble knight who took the high road, and never faltered. He would start then, with her.

"Listen, Genie, I don't really understand what is going on. This is all happening so fast, I'm just trying to keep up with you right now. I'm not even sure I believe any of this." He took a breathe. "But, I won't destroy you. I won't do anything you don't want. You can walk away right now, or whenever. That's up to you. Alright?"

Her eyes were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Still wet from her emotions, they gazed up at him with grace and affection. It was like looking at the morning sun, hidden beneath the surface of a lake. She nodded slowly, the last of her tears falling as she blinked.

She sat up and threw her legs over his until she was entwined with him. "Now Master, I still have not finished granting you your wish. There are still a few inches left."

George laughed and said, "Why don't you show me where and I'll be happy to touch them."

She smiled wickedly and pointed to a spot on her shoulder, "There." George leaned in and lightly kissed the spot.

Then, she pointed to a spot in the middle of her forehead, "Here." Again he leaned in and kissed her, he lingered a bit longer. When it was over she brought a delicate finger to her lips.

Without saying a word, he leaned in and kissed her for the first time. He thought that he would have been afraid, or at least awkward. But as soon as their lips met, any reservations he might have had were dashed. They were a perfect fit. George closed his eyes and let himself go. In that kiss, he lived only for her.

They kissed for a long time, alternating between gentle pecks and full-on make-outs. Though George was usually careful not to let his hopeless romanticism show, he couldn't help but throw himself completely into the kiss. It dawned on him that this wasn't just their first kiss, it was also his. And if she was telling the truth, it was hers as well. This realization made him want to kiss her even more. He wanted to remember it forever, even if it was just a dream.

All the while he played with her hair. He loved the way its silky texture filled his large hands and then slipped through them again. He loved the way it was straight but then feathered away from her, like it suddenly saw something shiny to look at. In fact, he found himself unable to dislike anything about her.

As the kiss went on he was getting more and more worked up. And by the two hard nipples poking into him, he could tell that she was too. Suddenly, she began to tug on his t-shirt, indicating that she wanted him as naked as she was. George broke off the kiss and tried to push her hands away in a panic, he was very self-conscious about his body. He never took his shirt off, even when he went swimming. The fear of rejection that he had suppressed because he thought he was in a dream had returned in full force.

"Master? Are you Okay?" she asked delicately.

"I, uh... I don't think you'll like what you see. I mean... you're much prettier than I am."

She smiled in amusement, "Master, I am your genie servant. I am made to love you no matter what you look like."

"You say that now, but as soon as I take this off you're gonna go right back to wherever the hell you came from."

She laughed, "Master, do you really believe that you are hiding anything behind that baggy clothing. All this time you have been touching me, but I have been touching you too. I have been studying your every move, I qualified your physical attributes the moment I awakened."

"Really?," he asked.

"Of course, Master. You are very tall, probably about 6 feet and 6 inches. You have very broad shoulders and thick bones. I am guessing that before you were ever overweight you were made fun off because of your size, hence the hunching." She was right, he had always been very large and had only gained weight when he reached high school.

She continued, "I can feel the muscles in your arms and shoulders so you must be very strong, but you take great care to be gentle, rather than just poking at me. This leads me to believe that you acquired your strength through means other than lifting large amounts of weights. If I had to guess, I would say either swimming or martial arts, something involving much more finesse."

She had hit the mark again, swimming was about the only physical activity he really enjoyed. "Wow, you got all that from just my shoulders?" he said.

She kept going, "However, I can tell that you are over-weight even for your height, which means you probably spend much of your time indoors and sedentary. I believe the reason for this is because you have so few friends. Though I could not imagine why that would be the case. I have only known you a short time and I am quite certain that you are very easy to be friends with."

"How do you know I don't have many friends?"

"I suppose that I do not actually know. But when you first saw me tonight your initial reaction was that I was a prank by someone named Rocko. I am guessing you two are not friends or you would not have been so agitated. You then took considerable warming to the fact that I was not here to tease you." Her eyes widened at a sudden idea, "Although, I think you would like any teasing I subject you to."

"I bet I would," he mused. "So you're beautiful and smart. Do you come with a guarantee?"

"I can guarantee that if you take off those clothes you will not regret it. Like I told you, it is part of my purpose to love you unconditionally. That means that not only do I not mind that you are overweight, it turns me on very much."

"Really?" he asked surprised.

She kissed him sweetly and gazed at him once more. "I can tell that you have not had much luck with women in the past, such is their loss, so I will not play any games with you. I believe with every piece of my heart that you are the sweetest, strongest, and most beautiful man in the universe. I want to take your clothes off, not to make fun of you, but to gaze upon the object of my affection. I want to make love to you. This is my desire."

She looked away from him suddenly in shame. "I am sorry Master; it is not my place to speak so candidly about my needs. I hope that I have not offended you in any way."

George's mind reeled. With her plain language, and the fact that she was naked on his lap begging to get him naked too, he suddenly felt stupid for ever having doubted her. Now he was worried that he might have pushed her away. He decided that a wish was in order, a wish that he had wanted to make since the moment he saw her.

"Genie?" said George.

"Yes, Master?"

"If you'll have me, I wish to make love to you. I want my first time to be with you. And I don't want to stop until dawn."

Her eye's flashed with a golden light and he felt the tingling in his mind once more. When it was over she gazed at him with so much love and affection he thought he might cry. But she beat him to it. A single tear escaped her beautiful glistening eyes and rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away gently with the back of his large hand.

"Master, I am a very lucky Genie," she whispered.

They kissed. George was falling very hard for this woman. He wasn't sure if it was love, but he knew that when this dream ended he would be very sad. He told himself he had to write it down as soon as he woke up before the memory faded. She felt too real to let go, even if only in his dreams.

She tugged on his shirt. He didn't fight her this time. It slid off of him easily and though he was still self-conscious, he knew it was worth it. She was worth any embarrassment. Like she had promised she was not appalled. In fact, she seemed pleased.

"Stand up please, Master."

George climbed off the bed and stood up. She knelt before him. Without hesitation, she reached for the laces of his shorts and pulled them free. She dragged them down inch by inch until the tip of his cock was free. It sprung forward, almost hitting her on the chin. She let out a little yelp and giggled.

"Master, you are big all over," she quipped. She looked at it like it was her new favorite toy. George's cock was large, about 8 inches, but he had always thought it looked small on his body.

She moved forward and lightly kissed his inner thighs. She kissed up to the base of his shaft and traced its length with her soft lips, all without using her hands. He could feel her hot breath on his cock. She traced the length back down slowly and kept her beautiful eyes fixed to his. The corners of her mouth turned up in a playful smile as she stroked him up and down lazily with her lips and face. She cooed and purred at him in appreciation.

Finally, she brought her tongue out to play. She licked his cock from base to tip, making it wet and slick. When she reached the tip, she parted her lips more and took the head in her mouth. She held there for a moment while her tongue swirled around the head, lapping up his precum. All the while she kept her hands behind her like they were bound and refused to use them.

George strained for all he was worth to keep himself from going over the edge. He tried desperately to think of anything but the sexy young thing working wonders on his big cock. But of course it was impossible. He couldn't break eye contact with her. Her eyes spoke to him. They said that she loved what she was doing to him. She was his to do whatever he wanted. Nothing was out of bounds, no fantasy too obscure. In her eyes was the promise that every wish would come true.

He was quickly approaching the point of no return when she let go of him with her mouth. Her delicate hands rose to the base of his cock and wrapped around him, her fingertips barely touched. Suddenly, she squeezed him sharply. A large dollop of precum formed at the tip. Its weight made it drip down and land on her glorious tits.

She winked at him and brought her lips back to his cock. This time, she didn't stop at the head. She continued slowly while her tongue swirled around him. As the head reached the back of her throat he felt it slide even further down. He had never received a blow job before, but he was sure that what she was doing was not easy. Yet she showed no signs of strain. She kept going deeper and deeper, until he was buried to the hilt in her mouth.

He then felt the muscles in the back of her throat begin to contract and release. He didn't even know that this was possible and he was sure that he was blocking her air supply. But the feeling radiating upwards into the pit of his stomach was incredible, and he couldn't concentrate on such thoughts for long. Then she moaned. The vibrations along, along with the contractions and swirling motion of her tongue were too much.

"Oh shit, Genie, I'm gonna cum," said George. But she didn't move. She kept going as he felt the tightening in his diaphragm. The gooey liquid fired up his cock. Shot after shot splashed against the back of her throat. She never moved, she just swallowed every drop from the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. She purred like a kitten and moaned sweetly until he finished.

When it was over, George almost collapsed as the adrenaline left him. The genie continued to milk him until he was dry and then pulled away. Her mouth popped as his cock sprang free, glistening with saliva.

"Oh my god," breathed George, "that was unbelievable."

She blushed before smiling a pretty smile and then produced a warm wet cloth out of thin air. She wiped him clean with it before folding it and wiping down her face and her breasts. George watched in complete fascination as the cloth wove in and out of her cleavage, giving it a damp sheen before it disappeared from whence it came.

"That's a great trick," said George, "You're full of all sorts of surprises aren't you."

She smiled wickedly, "These are just my secondary abilities Master. We have not even begun to explore what I am capable of."

"Oh really?"

"Yes Master, as long as it is sexual, I can do anything with very few limitations. You will see, I am going to make you the happiest master on Earth."

"Of that I have no doubt," he said. Though, he had trouble imagining he could be much happier. She had already given him so much. He wondered how things could possible get any better.

George noticed that his cock was still rock hard and pointing obscenely at her face. Normally he took at least ten or fifteen minutes before he could get hard again. But this time he hadn't even had a chance to get soft. He didn't think much more about it though, in fact he thought it might be a bit insulting not to be hard right away.

He reached for her hands and raised her to her feet. Without warning, she embraced him tightly. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her head in his broad chest. He hesitated before hugging her back. He had never been much of a hugger. He wasn't even completely sure what he was supposed to do. After a few false starts, he enveloped her gently. Before long it felt completely natural. He stroked her hair as he let himself become comfortable. His breathing became slow and steady, his heart thumped calmly, and his trepidation disappeared. He could have stayed that way for days.

"Are you ready, George?" she asked.

"I think so," he whispered. "Are you?"

She nodded.

George reached down and picked her up as gently as he could. She gazed up at him and smiled contently. He climbed onto the bed and laid her head down on the pillow gently. Without thinking, he leaned down to kiss her. She returned it with passion as their tongues dance together, exploring each other.

He positioned himself between her legs and lined up his cock with her pussy. Still locked in their kiss he found her opening and pushed forward. He felt a bit of resistance and she grimaced in pain. He looked down to see a trickle of blood roll away from her hymen. He hadn't even thought about it, but she must have been a virgin if she hadn't existed before he released her. He felt bad, knowing that there had to have been a more graceful way.

"Are you alright, Genie?" he asked quietly.

She lay there for a few moments collecting herself before she spoke. "Yes Master. There was some pain but it is gone now. Please keep going. I want you so badly," she pleaded.

He swallowed hard and pushed further in. Her pussy was tight and warm, but it parted easily enough as he went deeper and deeper. Soon, he was as deep inside her as he could go. She quivered and panted as her pussy got used to the hardness inside her. He backed out slowly and then pushed in again.

"That's it, Master," she cooed. "You can go faster. I can take it."

He upped his tempo. The feeling was incredible. The contrast between his hardness and her velvety smoothness was not something the guys at work talked about. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. He kissed her there, as the took her again and again. Her breathy sighs turned to moans. Her sweet voice filled his ears with almost unintelligible whispers.

"This is amazing," he said to her. "You feel so good around me. I didn't know it would be this good."

"I know what you mean," she breathed. "To me, all things are possible. And yet, this feels so unreal. I keep wondering if I am dreaming."